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World of Warcraft

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Orbitcube said:
Hmm. The biggest problem with your character that I can find is that the T9 gear has way too much ArP. Which isn't your fault at all, it's the fault of the item designers for putting such bad stats on the gear around that level. If you can, I'd be looking to replace some of your items with Expertise on them with ones who don't so you lose about 4 expertise and don't go over the cap. I'd also be targeting items with haste on them to replace ones with ArPen (http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47043 is perfect and not out of your reach).

I'd also try and get Death's Verdict off Twin Val'kyrs, but I'm sure there's still so many people wanting that so you'll hopefully get lucky and get it. It's a huge upgrade over your Pyrite Infuser.

Also, what kind of rotation are you doing? Open with Garrote (especially if there's no other classes with bleeds in the raid), then Mutilate once, Slice and Dice, Mutilate up to 4 (or 5, but don't Mutilate on 4 to get to 5) combo points, Envenom and then repeat the Mutilate/Envenoms, using a low combo point Rupture when needed to refresh HFB. Use Vanish every time it's off CD and use Cold Blood when you have an Envenom ready (5 point preferably). Your main priority should be keeping SnD up, so if it's about to run out do a low point Envenom.

Fake Edit: I've compiled a Wowhead profile of what is definitely in your reach and obtainable. It'll probably take a few weeks to get there, but that'll definitely improve your DPS drastically.

Nightmare Tear in your bracers (10 str, 10 agi, 10 sta > 20 AP, 15 sta)
Charge of the Demon Lord
Cuirass of Calamitous Fate w/ 20 exp, 40 ap gems
Flamestalker Boots from Ignis 25man w/ Icewalker enchant, this could prove hard to get but he is one of the raid weeklies so you may be able to find a group for him. The boots have great stats and despite their ilvl they're pretty awesome.
Twin Spike
Death's Verdict, lots of people want this so let's just hope you get lucky.

All of those things will bring your stats in line with the caps and hopefully improve your DPS by quite a lot.

EDIT: Yeah, Mutilate is a very boring rotation, one of the easiest in the game (second only to Arcane Mages). Combat has so much freedom it's strange since I originally went Mutilate back in 3.0 to get away from Combat's boring rotation, but now the tables have turned.

For reference, here's my now-defunct Rogue: http://www.wowhead.com/?profile=us.thaurissan.tyveri Notice how I ignored higher ilvl pieces to stack haste and better stats than ArPen. Now that it's so easy to get T9 and no one runs Naxx etc. it'd be hard to get gear similar to mine, which is a shame. I've never really been a hardcore raider so I rarely ever got BiS gear and just had to make do with what I had, which turned out quite well. I've managed to pull 9k on Koralon 25man, which is sorta why I was harsh earlier.

The only things I'm not doing are opening with Garrotte, and Vanishing every cooldown. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong to be honest. HFB is always up, SnD is always up, 4+ combo envenoms are always being applied unless for some reason SnD is about to fade (target swapping, stuns etc) then it'll be whatever it can be to refresh SnD.

It sucks when upgrades refuse to drop for me though. I don't know how many times I've done ToC 25 with only my OH dagger to show for it. Quite damn frustrating.

Did a joint ICC 25 run with my guild and another. We wiped once on Deadwhisper (which is way more exciting for tanks on 25 man) and got one of the weekly ICC quests (Frost Giant) before destroying the Gunship. We were getting Saurfang to 10% on our two tries, but people had to leave. Hopefully everyone can come back monday, I bet we can get Saurfang and Festergut


Modesty becomes a woman
CassSept said:
When I started playing WoW I got yelled at numerously and it did me good. People just need to stop whining and actually do some research instead of having an excuse of "i r just casual". Though whenever someone asked me about anything concerned with playing a rogue I would answer him, but just damn ask and not start making up stupid excuses.
And as muti rogue with that gear you should do over 4k dps on hero boss without almost any buffs, seriously :<
It would be easier Kletian if you linked your armory profile btw

srsly, people love getting brownie points as "the guy who said 'shut up' to the dick that told me how to play when i stood in fire"

Get over it, its a video game. if you're that sensitive to criticism on how you play a video game i'd hate to see you get denied in a job application.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Part of the problem here is that Orbit said 7000 dps is the norm in 10m for a 5K GS, when it really isn't. Unless you have an extremely friendly comp, that's not a normal number for single target 10s at all. We don't normally run with a rogue in our 10s, but checking WoL on some high-end guilds doesn't seem to bear out that 7K is the norm for rogues on say, Saurfang. I guess it's possible the rogues in those guilds are undergeared alts, but 6K seems a lot more common than 7.


I haven't touched WoW for a few months now and I know I'm LTTP on this, but I just read up on the whole Ensidia getting a 72-hour temp ban thing, and while I may come off as an asshole, I couldn't help but just laugh at their expense.

First and foremost because for the longest time the WoW community had always been under the impression that Nihilum and SK Gaming were were Blizzard's little pets, and that despite openly bragging about buying gold (this was a while ago) and using whatever means they could to defeat a boss, Blizzard wasn't going to do anything about it because of their stature in the raiding community. And hey, if nothing else they're a huge help in testing out encounters.

It's good to know that Blizzard actually does have a line when it comes to the bullshit these guilds pull (this isn't the first encounter they've used...questionable tactics to beat in order to get a world first).

The icing on the cake however was this guy's rant about being banned and quitting the game.

Rethink your fucking bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ICC encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Blood Queen one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix fucking arenas, or better yet, remove that shit. Fix heroic modes (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Cataclysm team over to fixing Icecrown Citadel AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix this shit, you jackassess together with the 2 month-subscribers will be the only ones playing Cataclysm.

You got 1 week.

Thank you Blizzard, for these 5 years, but also, fuck you Blizzard, for these 5 years.

I just got banned, and I liked it.

A real class-act there. So you're rage-quitting a game you've been playing for five years because you were banned for a few days? Mmkay. I guess I'd forgotten just how much fucking nerd-rage raiding causes people. I mean Jesus dude...the only way this could have been better is if it was in all caps sprinkled with some L33t Sp34k.

Now, I'm not one to say Ensidia was actually exploiting the game to beat The Lich King, but hey if Blizzard says they did, then I see no reason to doubt them.
Angry Grimace said:
Part of the problem here is that Orbit said 7000 dps is the norm in 10m for a 5K GS, when it really isn't. Unless you have an extremely friendly comp, that's not a normal number for single target 10s at all. We don't normally run with a rogue in our 10s, but checking WoL on some high-end guilds doesn't seem to bear out that 7K is the norm for rogues on say, Saurfang. I guess it's possible the rogues in those guilds are undergeared alts, but 6K seems a lot more common than 7.
True. In a 10man comp it's very unlikely (impossible, even) that you'd have every buff there. You're possibly not going to have 2 Pallies for Kings and Might, you're possibly not going to have a bleed available (which is the case for Kletian), you might not even have a Shaman for hero/lust. I was talking about 25mans in my original post, which wasn't what he was talking about in referencing his DPS.

EDIT: Loxley, apparently that part of the blog post was a parody of Tigole's (one of the WoW devs, probably now on their new MMO) rage post to SOE about EQ ages ago. Despite that, very few people even got that reference and the rest just saw it as a poorly-formed rage post directed at Blizzard.

I mean, it still doesn't mean that Ensidia are innocent and when they provided edited logs to try and prove they were, it just made them more suspect. Given that for whatever reason 7-8 minutes are missing from the logs, right around the time of the phase when the bomb exploit is useful and that the rogue that used the bombs didn't die, I'm going to say they used the exploit intentionally.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Any warriors out there who leveled up as Fury? I may be looking for a change of pace from Arms and would like to try it out.


Loxley said:
A real class-act there. So you're rage-quitting a game you've been playing for five years because you were banned for a few days? Mmkay. I guess I'd forgotten just how much fucking nerd-rage raiding causes people. I mean Jesus dude...the only way this could have been better is if it was in all caps sprinkled with some L33t Sp34k.

The dumb thing is in his trying to copy the Tigole speech, he forgot that the shit wrong with WoW doesn't even compare to what was broken with EQ when Tigole posted his rant. Literally. They're not even the same realm. They're not even in the same dimension of "broken". It just makes them come off as whiners. There hasn't been an encounter on an EQ level of broken since C'thun 1.0 and that was just one boss. Everything broken in ICC has been fixed in a matter of days, if not hours (except Rotface, hotfix excluded). It's not like the only way to kill Arthas was to exploit him; he's perfectly killable in the way intended, and aparantly not that hard either for an "uber" guild. They exploited to kill him, it was obvious that it was an exploit, and they said fuck it, do it anyways.

I dare them to quit after those 5 days and see if anyone gives a shit.


Loxley said:
A real class-act there. So you're rage-quitting a game you've been playing for five years because you were banned for a few days? Mmkay. I guess I'd forgotten just how much fucking nerd-rage raiding causes people. I mean Jesus dude...the only way this could have been better is if it was in all caps sprinkled with some L33t Sp34k.

You realize that it was a joke, right? It's just a copy/paste of one of the WoW lead designer's rants from the Everquest days.


Fix your goddamn buggy bull!!@% half-assed encounters. The amount of time we dedicated to get our keys to see this guy die and take a turn at the Emperor is just sick. To finally see Blood die only to have the ENTIRE raid DT'd from anywhere in the room was simply an insult. Blood dies, there are two earrings on the corpse, yet no matter where you are in the room, the Emperor DT's. So congrats rot on those. It's cheap enough to make a mob DT in the first place. But to have his agro radius extend to the entire room is ridiculous. So let me get this straight -- and this is how you guys envisioned this in San Diego: You spend months farming keys to get up to the room. Months farming Shissar Bane weapons (and the recipe is where?). You kill Blood while dealing with 8 other snakes in the room. And immediately after that fight you're supposed to engage the DEATHTOUCHING-FROM-ANYWHERE-IN-THE-ROOM Emperor along with the 8 snakes? Whoever came up with this sheer *fisting* of an encounter can go #!*# themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass !!@%-fest again, send me an email at tigole@legacyofsteel.net when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle B) Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the #!*#ing thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.

Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bull!!@%. Fix all the buggy mother#!*#ing ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's #!*#ed up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Orbitcube said:
True. In a 10man comp it's very unlikely (impossible, even) that you'd have every buff there. You're possibly not going to have 2 Pallies for Kings and Might, you're possibly not going to have a bleed available (which is the case for Kletian), you might not even have a Shaman for hero/lust. I was talking about 25mans in my original post, which wasn't what he was talking about in referencing his DPS.

EDIT: Loxley, apparently that part of the blog post was a parody of Tigole's (one of the WoW devs, probably now on their new MMO) rage post to SOE about EQ ages ago. Despite that, very few people even got that reference and the rest just saw it as a poorly-formed rage post directed at Blizzard.

I mean, it still doesn't mean that Ensidia are innocent and when they provided edited logs to try and prove they were, it just made them more suspect. Given that for whatever reason 7-8 minutes are missing from the logs, right around the time of the phase when the bomb exploit is useful and that the rogue that used the bombs didn't die, I'm going to say they used the exploit intentionally.
I figured you meant 10ms because you said;
Orbitcube said:
Quite frankly, 5k DPS at 5k GS is pathetic. You should be doing at least 7k on Koralon 10man.

Maybe you meant 25...it was a little confusing because the difference in dps you can put out is pretty significantly different in 10s vs. 25.

As for the Tigole's parody, you know the old adage; "if you have to explain it..."
Angry Grimace said:
I figured you meant 10ms because you said;

Maybe you meant 25...it was a little confusing because the difference in dps you can put out is pretty significantly different in 10s vs. 25.

As for the Tigole's parody, you know the old adage; "if you have to explain it..."
I probably did mean 25. 7k on Koralon isn't unreasonable on 25man, but in a 10man it's significantly harder.
Well, after being gone from World of Warcraft since May, somehow my account was hacked between then and now. I was really happy to finally being able to come back. Then I went to log into my account and resub which put me at the authenticator page for some odd reason. Tried to log in 3-5 more times and still had that page coming up. So looks like I'll have to call Blizzard Customer Service at 8:00 A.M. and get it all sorted out.

I'm still not sure how the hell it happened in the first place. I'm the most secure person and I'm just pissed off right now. Now I'm going to have to buy an authenticator which I was planning to anyway. Good thing I didn't have any time on my account or all my stuff would be gone.


Can I say how much I fucking love it when I queue up for a random Dungeon, only to be assigned Halls of Reflection? And how I love it even more when I walk into Halls of Reflection and I look around the first area and there are 10+ skeletons on the floor?

I managed to avoid that shithole for weeks, and now all of a sudden I'm getting it 2-3 times a night. My favorite part was when somebody died in Wave 7 and the healer screamed at him to run back. Of course the entrance is blocked because we are fighting, so he can't even help. We make it all the way to the second boss with a healer, a tank, me as DPS, and another player that I had to rez as a Ghoul. The boss spawns, immediately murders the guy that ran back to the front door and then despawns, resetting the entire encounter back to Wave 5. Someone triggers the encounter to restart with only 3 of us inside, and we make it to Wave 7 and wipe completely. And who is the first person to quit? The fucking healer that begged everyone to run back, thus screwing the entire group over by resetting the boss.

My second group was even better -- more skeletons on the floor as I walk in, and after we wipe on the fourth Wave the tank is demanding that the healer BloodLust on Wave 4 of trash. If you can't make it through the fourth wave without a BloodLust, how the fuck do you expect to make it through Wave 9? We got to the first boss thanks to the Bloodlust, and we wipe on the first boss. My dungeon cooldown only has 3 minutes left so I insta-quit.

I'll grant it's not a very hard instance with a geared group and a good tank, but jesus is it ever crap with random groups. I can't believe they are nerfing dumb shit like Anomalus to trash-status without altering Halls of Reflection in the least. Even the multi-mob pulls are not that hard.....the problem is there's no time to rez in between pulls, and any wipe results in having to replay 5-10 minutes of trash. I'm not even demanding that the mobs be nerfed, but at least let me restart on the wave we wiped on.


HarryDemeanor said:
Well, after being gone from World of Warcraft since May, somehow my account was hacked between then and now. I was really happy to finally being able to come back. Then I went to log into my account and resub which put me at the authenticator page for some odd reason. Tried to log in 3-5 more times and still had that page coming up. So looks like I'll have to call Blizzard Customer Service at 8:00 A.M. and get it all sorted out.

I'm still not sure how the hell it happened in the first place. I'm the most secure person and I'm just pissed off right now. Now I'm going to have to buy an authenticator which I was planning to anyway. Good thing I didn't have any time on my account or all my stuff would be gone.

Look a couple pages back. Same thing happened to me. Well, except I'm a current player. I'm usually pretty prudent about things, and it's pretty easy to point to a keylogger, but the fact is that a lot of people get hacked who haven't even played, or entered their account info, for months.

My password *was* pretty good, but not perfect. Clearly there's another way for them to get this information. Maybe it's brute-forcing, maybe it's something else.

But the hackers locked me out of my account with an authenticator, too.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Yeah, finally cleared H HoR a couple of weeks ago, and never want to go back as a healer. Finished the quest line there, and even got the shriveled heart, so now I feel no need to ever go there again. :p I'm just glad I tend to carry a lot of honeymint tea just in case on that run, as I was knocking those back every chance I could to keep my mana up. Of course the second I do this, I hear "Foom! Foom! Foom!" as the warlock in the group starts getting his mana back up (and his HP go down), and I'm thinking "Nooooooooo =( " :p


HoR is like the only challenging heroic. But its kind of the wrong challenge. Not being able to drink in between the waves is a bit much. Having anyone die, and they are gone from the fight permanently is a bit much, the way the instance can randomly reset, or freeze leaving you unable to restart it.....is a bit much.

Its kinda silly that the healer sits to drink in between a wave and the regain of mana aggros the incoming mobs sometimes :lol Or at least it seems to.

I mean....you dont even get to loot the mobs your killing, its just wave after wave after wave then boss. Then in contrast, Violet hold's waves are slow as shit.
Belfast said:
Look a couple pages back. Same thing happened to me. Well, except I'm a current player. I'm usually pretty prudent about things, and it's pretty easy to point to a keylogger, but the fact is that a lot of people get hacked who haven't even played, or entered their account info, for months.

My password *was* pretty good, but not perfect. Clearly there's another way for them to get this information. Maybe it's brute-forcing, maybe it's something else.

But the hackers locked me out of my account with an authenticator, too.

Have you had any trouble with them trying to get back at you again? No signs of attempted hacks onto your account?

First thing I'm going to do when I get it back in control is change the password again as I've already done when I found out. If I can change the e-mail address too that would be a plus.


Once I got control of my account again (had to do it over the phone), I locked it down with an authenticator of my own (the mobile authenticator app, to be precise). And changed the password, of course.

So, no, even if they tried, they shouldn't be able to get back in.


Lost all credibility.
Tanking HoR with my guildies is downright pleasant, we stand in the entrance hall and the priest and pally in the group just CC any ranged that spawn and at that point it's pretty trivial. When not running with my friends though, it's pretty tough for me. I don't really have troubles with the lich king part though.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Orbitcube said:
I probably did mean 25. 7k on Koralon isn't unreasonable on 25man, but in a 10man it's significantly harder.
Yeah, it makes more sense that way, and when you look at it like that; I'm not sure he was necessarily doing nearly as much wrong as we thought in terms of spec/gear; looking back at his post, his log of that that 25m Koralon shows 6600 DPS (the 5000 DPS was on 10m Ignis).

I'm surprised he didn't correct that we weren't reading it right.


I hate healing HoR, but the place has quite a few upgrades for my crappily geared priest :(

Anyways ive gotten pretty bored of the game in only a few months so im thinking of quiting until Cataclysm. Hopefullly its not TOOOOO far away (Blizz, yeah right).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The Valentine's Day event has started for the year. In addition to the usual stuff for Love is In the Air, Three bosses have been added to Shadowfang Keep (yay, Alliance flight paths =/)

One of these bosses drops a Big Love Rocket mount, which appears to be the same mount as the X-51 Nether Rocket Extreme.

Also, there are ilvl 226 neck pieces for all specs (edit: which appear on inspection to be renamed clones of the Conquest badge necks.)


Angry Grimace said:
The Valentine's Day event has started for the year. In addition to the usual stuff for Love is In the Air, Three bosses have been added to Shadowfang Keep (yay, Alliance flight paths =/)

One of these bosses drops a Big Love Rocket mount, which appears to be the same mount as the X-51 Nether Rocket Extreme.

Also, there are ilvl 226 neck pieces for all specs (edit: which appear on inspection to be renamed clones of the Conquest badge necks.)

Id never fly that rocket in game, dont need the gear, and have the title from last year, think Ill skip this event this year, with the exception of those candies that give you haste and stack with well fed buffs.....unless they nerfed them this year.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
Id never fly that rocket in game, dont need the gear, and have the title from last year, think Ill skip this event this year, with the exception of those candies that give you haste and stack with well fed buffs.....unless they nerfed them this year.
Still have candies


Angry Grimace said:
The Valentine's Day event has started for the year. In addition to the usual stuff for Love is In the Air, Three bosses have been added to Shadowfang Keep (yay, Alliance flight paths =/)

One of these bosses drops a Big Love Rocket mount, which appears to be the same mount as the X-51 Nether Rocket Extreme.

Also, there are ilvl 226 neck pieces for all specs (edit: which appear on inspection to be renamed clones of the Conquest badge necks.)

there's still a lot of info missing. like... who stars what quest ><
Well, after spending over 3 hours trying to get support I finally regained control of my account. Funny thing is nothing was taken yet the hacker was nice enough to give me 1 month of WoW for free. I cancelled it but looks like it'll still last until March. Changed the e-mail address as well as the password for the account. Looking into getting an authenticator soon.
border said:
I can't believe they are nerfing dumb shit like Anomalus to trash-status without altering Halls of Reflection in the least.
Isn't it obvious that they're just removing annoying and repetitive parts that add unskippable length to already trivial encounters, and that they're not just nerfing old shit for no reason? Come on.
Funnily enough I had my first HoR failure in a long time over the weekend. My friend was tanking on his DK though, and he'd never tanked it before, so it was kind of understandable. We would have done it if the person who asked us to take him for his hilt quest hadn't had to bail anyway. Still, I think for tanks there are those little things you need to remember there that you only learn by doing it a couple of times, such as the aforementioned "drinking aggro" problem between waves that got me killed a few times.

Dunlop said:
While grinding, I openly attacked a 77 priest and hunter who were grouped and crushed them. Twenty minutes later, head still swollen, I come accross a lvl 76 Pally who I got the jump on....and he totally kicked my ass....twice

I now have a new purpose

Mass Dispel > Paladins :D

I love fighting Paladins when I'm in discipline spec. I never kill them myself, but in almost every situation I can survive long enough that help arrives. They bubble, I dispel it, and then they die.

Also your normal dispel fucks Paladins up really badly. Don't forget that priest dispel is both defensive and offensive. If you spam it on a ret pally when they're closing the distance you can eliminate a huge part of their burst damage by removing the buffs that facilitate it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Kintaro said:
Any warriors out there who leveled up as Fury? I may be looking for a change of pace from Arms and would like to try it out.
The grind is easier because you won't need as many consumables after fights, but hit rating while leveling is just whacky. I hate dealing with Fury unless I'm in late end game gear.

Prot actually feels like the most interesting spec to level up as right now I think.


Has problems recognising girls
jim-jam bongs said:
Also your normal dispel fucks Paladins up really badly. Don't forget that priest dispel is both defensive and offensive. If you spam it on a ret pally when they're closing the distance you can eliminate a huge part of their burst damage by removing the buffs that facilitate it.
Amen. One huge reason why I always had Purge nearby on my Shaman - whilst not a defensive spell, it still fucked up Paladins, Druids and casters all the time.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Isn't it obvious that they're just removing annoying and repetitive parts that add unskippable length to already trivial encounters, and that they're not just nerfing old shit for no reason? Come on.

Isn't it obvious that having to repeat up to 4 waves of trash if your group dies is the very definition of something that is annoying, repetitive, and adds unnecessary length?
border said:
Isn't it obvious that having to repeat up to 4 waves of trash if your group dies is the very definition of something that is annoying, repetitive, and adds unnecessary length?
Then don't die. Problem solved.

All of the changes made to other heroics were to reduce unnecessary wastes of time that happened even if your group was all alive and did crazy damage.


border said:
Isn't it obvious that having to repeat up to 4 waves of trash if your group dies is the very definition of something that is annoying, repetitive, and adds unnecessary length?
HoR isn't trivial, though, and neither is its loot. Old encounters are being nerfed because no one has wiped to them in months and the gear all gets sharded.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Then don't die. Problem solved.
That's difficult to do when I'm randomly grouped with tanks and healers who clearly don't know what they are doing and the nature of the system forces me to either stay or take a 15 minute lockout.

Plenty of people have no interest in HoR anymore, plenty of the loot gets sharded. If all you're interested is a quick daily run for Frost Badges the instance is just an exercise in frustration that heavily penalizes minor errors and has a design that only encourages random flukes to fuck you over (mobs aggro'ing on drinking healers). Not to mention that the heavy scripting does force you to move at the game's pace rather than at your own.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Rejoice Rogues:


* Royal Scepter of Terenas II: MP5 replaced with Haste Rating
* Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas: Critical Strike Rating replaced with Haste Rating
* Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies: Armor Penetration replaced with Haste Rating
* Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas: Haste Rating replaced with Armor Penetration


* Stormfury, Black Blade of the Betrayer: Armor Penetration replaced with Expertise
Angry Grimace said:
Rejoice Rogues:
That change is amazing, the best DPS daggers in the game actually have good stats now! Looks like the other weapons are getting stats more appropriate for their classes as well (ArPen on the Crossbow, etc.).


* Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas: Haste Rating replaced with Armor Penetration

Thhhaaaaaaaaaannnnk yoooooouuuuu. Jesus Christ.... What the hell were they thinking anyway.

Now its a phenomenal weapon. BiS, no competition, as it should be.


border said:
That's difficult to do when I'm randomly grouped with tanks and healers who clearly don't know what they are doing and the nature of the system forces me to either stay or take a 15 minute lockout.

Plenty of people have no interest in HoR anymore, plenty of the loot gets sharded. If all you're interested is a quick daily run for Frost Badges the instance is just an exercise in frustration that heavily penalizes minor errors and has a design that only encourages random flukes to fuck you over (mobs aggro'ing on drinking healers). Not to mention that the heavy scripting does force you to move at the game's pace rather than at your own.
HoR normal and heroic is easy as pie. Haven't experience any performance problems.

However, I, as DPS, stopped running the instance because... people, mainly tanks, kept leaving after the first two bosses because they didn't get the drop they wanted and didn't need anything from the third boss. I can't get a pair of boots, ring, or the cloak I need from the heroic and normal versions third boss because of this reason.

So, fuck it. It never pops up for my daily.

Other than that, after doing tons of heroics, there was a lot of unnecessary time wastes beyond trash. Like the Dwarf walking slow. Etc.

They still need to fix that UK boss that stuns you to run and burn one the four coffins or whatever.


Really Really Exciting Member!
DeathNote said:
They still need to fix that UK boss that stuns you to run and burn one the four coffins or whatever.

That's the final boss of UP, but yeah he is annoying. The RP stuff before the first boss is kinda long too, not to mention the final boss of AN, can't believe they forgot him... But i guess that would make AN way too short otherwise.


I see what you mean about gold now, I did a firesale on my alt's mats to make my 1k to get my training for a flying mount at 77. It was so sad, that I had not purchased any skills for 2 levels and had to run a couple of dungeons to upgrade them :D

Now I'm about 75% into lvl 77 and have 440g from just questing and running dungeons...
border said:
That's difficult to do when I'm randomly grouped with tanks and healers who clearly don't know what they are doing and the nature of the system forces me to either stay or take a 15 minute lockout.

Plenty of people have no interest in HoR anymore, plenty of the loot gets sharded. If all you're interested is a quick daily run for Frost Badges the instance is just an exercise in frustration that heavily penalizes minor errors and has a design that only encourages random flukes to fuck you over (mobs aggro'ing on drinking healers). Not to mention that the heavy scripting does force you to move at the game's pace rather than at your own.
Which explains why the random dungeon option gives extra rewards for rolling the dice on what you get instead of you manually selecting what you want to run. The system isn't meant to entitle you to daily Frost emblems.


I hardly doubt the Random Dungeon system meant to be some form of gambling wherein I bet against getting a crummy tank in a dungeon with a razor-thin margin of error, and am rewarded if I bet properly or punished mercilessly if I bet incorrectly.

It's simply meant to let non-random players select their dungeon and get a full group. The badges are there because otherwise players would just repeatedly burn through the dungeons with the best badges:time ratio, leaving anyone that wants to do everything else out in the cold.


So I am assuming that these dungeons get much harder once I hit 80 and can do heroics?

So far they are all easy as hell do to my uber healing.....




Really Really Exciting Member!
Dunlop said:
So I am assuming that these dungeons get much harder once I hit 80 and can do heroics?

So far they are all easy as hell do to my uber healing.....



Heroics aren't hard when 75-85%(anyway, a good % of them :p) of the players doing them are with epics of ilvl 232 to 264 when the heroics to begin with were made for people in blues & epics of ilvl 200. You get tanks that have between 40k to 50k HP fully buffed right now, when back then in late 2008, they only had half of this.

And my arcane mage only have time to cast 2 or 3 spells before something dies. Seriously, trash with 60K HP when my Arcane Blasts can crit for 15K to 20K is a joke. I even did 13000 DPS on the golem boss of H Nexus by spellstealing all the flowers before him, giving me a buff of +30% extra damage. Add this to my +20% extra damage from Arcane Power, the Triumph badge trinket and Abyssal Rune proc, and i saw my Arcane Blasts crits for 27k. x_x

But, wait until you do Heroic Halls of Reflection. It's another story. I never healed it, only tanked it with a warrior(tanking waves of undeads with only thunderclap & shockwave, early aggro can be tough if the DPS don't give me a few secs), and it can be hard depending on your group.

It would be nice if there was a Super Heroic version for people in T9/T10, but i guess that's too much to ask when they have Cataclysm in the works now.
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