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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dunlop said:
But that is always a problem, they will lose a small amount of subs because of this who will eventually resub once the content is released.

The threat of SWTOR is a much larger exodus, if people are bored with Cataclysm. Releasing it at the same time can prevent a lot of those people from leaving in the first place and hurt the intial userbase for SWTOR.

I'm hoping cataclysm is released in the summer, just doubtful
I think you're overstating the number of players who will buy anything with Blizzard's name on it. I don't think Starcraft II really has all that much to do with World of Warcraft.

I'm more likely to stop playing Warcraft for any number of other games than Starcraft.


I think the people hoping for a 2010 SWTOR release are going to be more disappointed than the people hoping for a June/July Cataclysm release.


Angry Grimace said:
I think you're overstating the number of players who will buy anything with Blizzard's name on it. I don't think Starcraft II really has all that much to do with World of Warcraft.

I'm more likely to stop playing Warcraft for any number of other games than Starcraft.


I never mentioned StarCraft. It's been so long, I can barely remember playing it :D

If SWTOR is being pushed to 2011, then I guess they would have no choice but to release (futureshop here has the release date as NOV atm), but they'll have something "big" to offer at launch.


No One Remembers
I snapped last night in my 10 man raid. We kept wiping to Sindragosa, the same people didn't know where to run during frost tombs. One of our tanks got tombed TWICE because he ran by someone that had the mark over their head. Our hunter decided to go in the complete opposite direction of where we said to go if the first tomb isn't down yet (which rarely happened).

I think that made me realize I might need a break from the game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dunlop said:

I never mentioned StarCraft. It's been so long, I can barely remember playing it :D

If SWTOR is being pushed to 2011, then I guess they would have no choice but to release (futureshop here has the release date as NOV atm), but they'll have something "big" to offer at launch.
Meh, must be confused. :lol

But even then, it makes no difference. Aion came out in the middle of the Trial of the Crusader era (A pretty clear low point) and it didn't even make a dent. I have my doubts that Blizzard really pays attention to other people's releases as much as people think they do.


Angry Grimace said:
Meh, must be confused. :lol

But even then, it makes no difference. Aion came out in the middle of the Trial of the Crusader era (A pretty clear low point) and it didn't even make a dent. I have my doubts that Blizzard really pays attention to other people's releases as much as people think they do.

From what I heard , a large chunk of my WAR guild left for AION it was a true eastern grindfest. The opposite of WoW which basically gives levels away. I have no personal experience with the game as the style did not resonate with me.

WoW's biggest sale is it appeals to almost anyone: It is insanely casual friendly and their is a lot of content for the hardcore, also for many is the insane amount of time some people have invested in their character, on any given day I see at least 6 people from my old guild online which has been since the launch of WoW. For some it is hard/impossible to give that up


Well, "back half" could mean a lot of things, but I'm going to put my guess on September. "Before Blizzcon" is a nebulous answer, and with that occuring later in the year, i'm not surprised Cata might not appear until the Fall. :\

3.4 better have some cool shit it in.

Of course, I'd love of it was over the Summer. But if Starcraft 2 is releasing then, it might not be so bad anyway.
Magnus said:
Wait, earthquakes? What?

Shit, have I been missing some pre-Cataclysm game event? :lol

I've yet to feel one of these earthquakes myself in-game.

I hope Blizzard gives both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms a nice send-off before Cataclysm. Just make all hell break loose and I'll be happy.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It took me like 3 hours to find a fucking Troll Rogue ><

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
HarryDemeanor said:
I've yet to feel one of these earthquakes myself in-game.

I hope Blizzard gives both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms a nice send-off before Cataclysm. Just make all hell break loose and I'll be happy.
I don't get why people want a "send off." For the most part, the zones they are revamping are terrible zones I'd never revisit unless they fix them.

I have my doubts they are really going to do all that much with the old zones.


Yeah, but wouldn't these zones be cooler if the earth opened up and every crappy old zone had a huge raid boss and a bunch of crazy monsters running around? They could retune the old world dragons for level 80 players, too. Put an Icehowl palette-swap up in Winterspring....maybe have some retuned bosses from ZG break loose to wreak havoc on Stranglethorn.

I mean, Silithus was garbage but that doesn't mean the Gates of AQ opening wasn't cool (or at least it might have been cool if it didn't crash your server).
Angry Grimace said:
I don't get why people want a "send off." For the most part, the zones they are revamping are terrible zones I'd never revisit unless they fix them.

I agree, Desolace can go burn in hell. Still, these zones have been in the game for 5 years now. I just want these zones (except for Desolace) to go out in a blaze of glory.

As for Fistful of Love, apparently there is no such thing as a Troll Rogue or an Undead Warrior on my server.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
HarryDemeanor said:
I agree, Desolace can go burn in hell. Still, these zones have been in the game for 5 years now. I just want these zones (except for Desolace) to go out in a blaze of glory.

As for Fistful of Love, apparently there is no such thing as a Troll Rogue or an Undead Warrior on my server.
I got all of em now. :D

I just need a one more love fool and the roses. I'll get them all later tonight after I do a couple of bombing runs to finish the bracelet requirement.


What's the best way to farm Valentine's bracelets if your character can't really AoE grind? There's a bombing quest that works?
HarryDemeanor said:
I agree, Desolace can go burn in hell. Still, these zones have been in the game for 5 years now. I just want these zones (except for Desolace) to go out in a blaze of glory.

As for Fistful of Love, apparently there is no such thing as a Troll Rogue or an Undead Warrior on my server.

Just do a /who undead warrior or /who troll rogue and offer them 20g


Kintaro said:
Did no one read that Cataclysm is coming at the "back-end" of 2010 and the summer game is Starcraft 2? Come on people. ]

Bloody hell I hope that has changed. I want SC2 as much as the next person, but I want Cata first. If they do release Cata much later than they should, they'll put out some garbage patch that has all the class mechanic, guild mechanic, stat mechanic changes in it to try and hold people over. I can see it now. Sucks. I hate Blizzard.


border said:
What's the best way to farm Valentine's bracelets if your character can't really AoE grind? There's a bombing quest that works?

The landmine quest out of K3 in Storm peaks gave me something like 90 in a half our or so. You just keep dropping mines even after you've completed the quest objective, usually get them in bursts of 3 or 4 at a time.


funkmastergeneral said:
Just do a /who undead warrior or /who troll rogue and offer them 20g
Actually you can save your money by just setting up a "/target <name>" macro and spamming it until you're able to hunt them down in the bank or auction house of a major city.

Unfortunately this doesn't work for races of the opposite faction.

Retro said:
The landmine quest out of K3 in Storm peaks gave me something like 90 in a half our or so. You just keep dropping mines even after you've completed the quest objective, usually get them in bursts of 3 or 4 at a time.

Any idea what the quest name is? I don't think I've done any Storm Peaks stuff beyond Sons of Hodir, despite having leveled several characters.


Grandma's Chippy
Having been in others MMOs that had world changing events happen pretty much live, there is no reason WoW can't do something big.

I look forward to it..hehe

World of Zombies again? :p
I'm interested in getting into WoW but ive never played an MMORPG before. Does the game have a steep learning curve and should I even bother at this point since everyone else is all leveled up now?
Anticitizen One said:
I'm interested in getting into WoW but ive never played an MMORPG before. Does the game have a steep learning curve and should I even bother at this point since everyone else is all leveled up now?

I'd say that since the game is very casual friendly that new players should have no problem getting into the game. It does have a bit of a learning curve for raids as boss battles require strategy. As long as you are willing to read and learn your class as you progress to 80 then you should be fine. It's never too late to get into World of Warcraft, even as a new player.


Has problems recognising girls
Magnus said:
Wait, earthquakes? What?

Shit, have I been missing some pre-Cataclysm game event? :lol
I haven't felt them in awhile actually, but it's basically a bit like the Fel Reaver stomping around except there is no Fel Reaver there and it tends to last for around 5-10 seconds.

Last time I distinctly felt them was in Feralas, before that in Ashenvale.

Anticitizen One said:
I'm interested in getting into WoW but ive never played an MMORPG before. Does the game have a steep learning curve and should I even bother at this point since everyone else is all leveled up now?
Nothing should be stopping you. Things for a new player make the game so much more of a breeze, and jumping onto a High population server will inevitably contain others creating new characters too.

The best bet would be to wait till Cataclysm comes out; two new races as well as additional classes to exisiting races - means that there will be tons of lowbies running around.


Retro said:

How recently did you do this quest? I did the whole questline leading up and didn't get jack. I think a some point they may have hotfixed it so that mobs killed by quest items or vehicles don't award bracelet items. You used to be able to get them just by running over skeletons while you do Battle Before the Citadel, but that doesn't work anymore either.
KernelPanic said:
Spent all night on Putricide.

Down to 4%.

What a BS fight.

That is all.

(But we'll get him next time)

Wasted a lot of time trying to two heal him last night, before switching to three healers and making good progress. We got to P3 and I died pretty early thanks to no heals ha, but they kept the OT up for a pretty long time. We got him to like 20% pretty easily before wiping. If I hadn't died there's no doubt we would have killed him.
PhoenixDark said:
Wasted a lot of time trying to two heal him last night, before switching to three healers and making good progress. We got to P3 and I died pretty early thanks to no heals ha, but they kept the OT up for a pretty long time. We got him to like 20% pretty easily before wiping. If I hadn't died there's no doubt we would have killed him.

Yeah we wasted a good part of the night trying to heal it. I suppose we could do it, but we had very little leeway.

So many wipes with a person being rooted while either a slime pool appears underneath them or malleable goo gets tossed at them :(

After a big pep talk for more DPS we switched to 3 healers AND decided to keep our best DPSer (rogue) on Putricide at all times.

We started hitting phase 3 every time and our best attempt ended at 4%.

We might have even done it if we tank swapped more often, I misunderstood how the mutated plague works, we swapped every 2 but every 1 might be better.

Personally I think we got some of the best healers on the server but our DPS (for the most part) are not as good.

It's still messy entering phase 3, I have to pop divine protection to survive the beginning, healers are busy doing something else as I get almost no heals entering P3.

The fight finally feels beatable so despite wiping all night, everyone felt good.


I don't know if it still works but you can also go into Ulduar, get into a demo and kill the rushing dwarves. There is an endless supply and you kill 1-2 every second. You can get a ton of necklaces from that.


Fuck Sindragosa (10man).

5 minutes of goddamn tedious dragons-101 level shit (with hideously awful repetitive voice acting), then she hits 35% and your entire raid turn into drooling idiots who couldn't find their own arse with both hands, let alone manage to place frost tombs appropriately (who'd have thought that "don't stand in the middle of the fucking raid when you're about to get frost tombed", or "when someone's about to be frost tombed, don't fucking run halfway across the entire fucking zone and stand right next to them, even chasing them when they try to move away from you to get out of range" would be hard things to understand?). And then you wipe within 30s.



I will definately hit level 80 tonight, so to begin my new round of noob questions:

Conquest vs Frost Emblems..I actually only have 40 Conquest atm. When I hit 80 and can run heroics which give Frost Emblems(?), is there a conversion available or do I need to get at least another 5 conquest to get an item and then try to run only heroics for frost?

For the random dungeon of the day, at 80 does it put you in a regular or heroic or do you choose? I have about 20% until I level so I am debating holding off on the random until I ding.

Lastly my understanding is that the Dungeon finder will not allow you to queue for dungeons if you are undergeared? I don't want to be responsible for wiping group unecessarily.


Dunlop said:
I will definately hit level 80 tonight, so to begin my new round of noob questions:

Conquest vs Frost Emblems..I actually only have 40 Conquest atm. When I hit 80 and can run heroics which give Frost Emblems(?), is there a conversion available or do I need to get at least another 5 conquest to get an item and then try to run only heroics for frost?

For the random dungeon of the day, at 80 does it put you in a regular or heroic or do you choose? I have about 20% until I level so I am debating holding off on the random until I ding.

Lastly my understanding is that the Dungeon finder will not allow you to queue for dungeons if you are undergeared? I don't want to be responsible for wiping group unecessarily.

Frost emblems are only given out by the heroic daily, Icecrown Citadel (the raid) and the weekly raid quests. If you aren't raiding, the most you can get per day is 2. Everything else drops Emblems of Triumph, which are a tier above conquest emblems. Emblems can be exchanged downwards at a 1-1 ratio (i.e. exchange one emblem of frost for one emblem of triumph), but cannot be exchanged the other way (i.e. there is no way to buy emblems of frost). You can check the vendor tables on wowhead or wowwiki.

At 80, you can choose to do a random heroic or a random dungeon. For you to gear up, since you have been running a ton of dungeons on your way to 80, you should mainly focus on random heroics, but also queue up and do the regular versions of Trial of the Champion, Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection. Trial of the Champion will drop lvl200 epics, and the other three will drop lvl219 epics (the heroic versions drop lvl232, but you have to be geared better to do them). Note that the three ICC ones (i.e. not Trial of the Champion) have to be done in the order I listed them above, as they are gated through a storyline. You will be getting a ton of triumph emblems while also getting the gear in the dungeons, so you can grab extra lvl245 badge gear while doing this. You will gear up really quickly.


Flib said:
Frost emblems are only given out by the heroic daily, Icecrown Citadel (the raid) and the weekly raid quests. If you aren't raiding, the most you can get per day is 2. Everything else drops Emblems of Triumph, which are a tier above conquest emblems. Emblems can be exchanged downwards at a 1-1 ratio (i.e. exchange one emblem of frost for one emblem of triumph), but cannot be exchanged the other way (i.e. there is no way to buy emblems of frost). You can check the vendor tables on wowhead or wowwiki.

Thanks alot!

(I confused my emblems, I have 40 emblems of triumph)

I thought frost also fell during boss fights for heroics dungeons. You've cleared up a lot of info for me. I plan on gearing a bit though dungeons before attempting raids again.

Is there 2 random runs a day : one normal, one heroic?


Dunlop said:
Is there 2 random runs a day : one normal, one heroic?

You can run randoms as much as you like, but the top reward is only given for the first run; subsequent heroic runs after the first in a given day reward two triumph emblems. I'm not sure what subsequent normal runs go down to, probably just the cash reward?

Also, doesn't Toravon drop some frost emblems too?

Edit: I'd also add that some of the raid weekly quests are very puggable, even for people in pretty low-grade gear. If you've got any of the first-tier bosses - Patchwerk, Noth, Anub'rehkan, Razuvious or Sartharion - Malygos technically is, too, but he's a bit of a tougher fight than the rest which requires a bit more learning - then you could probably perform adequately enough to get the kill with a random PuG group and reap the bonus emblems for that week.

You'd probably be okay on Flame Leviathan, too.


dont listen to this guy, every 10m boss is pretty easily puggable, i dont think the gear requirement to beat any of the bosses should be above 4800, even clearing the trash to marrowgar is more difficult than the boss on 10m

they are all pretty trivial

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Wrekt said:
I don't know if it still works but you can also go into Ulduar, get into a demo and kill the rushing dwarves. There is an endless supply and you kill 1-2 every second. You can get a ton of necklaces from that.


yacobod said:
dont listen to this guy, every 10m boss is pretty easily puggable, i dont think the gear requirement to beat any of the bosses should be above 4800, even clearing the trash to marrowgar is more difficult than the boss on 10m

they are all pretty trivial

Given the gear I was in as soon as I hit 80, I certainly would have had no hope whatsoever to perform my role adequately in the Marrowgar fight back then without a lot of luck. I was assuming he'd want to actually contribute rather than be completely carried.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
mclem said:
Given the gear I was in as soon as I hit 80, I certainly would have had no hope whatsoever to perform my role adequately in the Marrowgar fight back then without a lot of luck. I was assuming he'd want to actually contribute rather than be completely carried.
Marrowgar was annoying the first week he was up because you couldn't taunt him after his aggro drop. Now that you can just have your tanks long range taunt him back in place, he's extremely trivial.


Angry Grimace said:
Marrowgar was annoying the first week he was up because you couldn't taunt him after his aggro drop. Now that you can just have your tanks long range taunt him back in place, he's extremely trivial.

I *am* a tank. I'd estimate that I had about 30k health on hitting L80 - along with pretty pitiful armour and avoidance numbers.
Angry Grimace said:
Marrowgar was annoying the first week he was up because you couldn't taunt him after his aggro drop. Now that you can just have your tanks long range taunt him back in place, he's extremely trivial.

Well and the fact he was hitting for the same damage in 10 and 25 man the first week didn't help either.
mclem said:
You can run randoms as much as you like, but the top reward is only given for the first run; subsequent heroic runs after the first in a given day reward two triumph emblems. I'm not sure what subsequent normal runs go down to, probably just the cash reward?

Right now at level 74 I'm getting Triumph emblems for random normal WotLK dungeons which is really nice.


HarryDemeanor said:
Right now at level 74 I'm getting Frost emblems for random normal WotLK dungeons which is really nice.

That 'feels' wrong, I suspect it might be a bug. Enjoy it while it lasts :)

Just remembered: The quest chain for the new ICC 5-mans (a one-off) also rewards a bunch of Frosts at the end of it.
mclem said:
That 'feels' wrong, I suspect it might be a bug. Enjoy it while it lasts :)

Just remembered: The quest chain for the new ICC 5-mans (a one-off) also rewards a bunch of Frosts at the end of it.

EDIT: I'm an idiot. They're Emblem of Triumph badges. Dur.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Well and the fact he was hitting for the same damage in 10 and 25 man the first week didn't help either.
They were complaining about tank damage, but it was still heal-able.


thx alot for all the tips,

Doesn't the dungeon finder lock a dungeon if you are undergeared? The only metric I have atm is my gearscore which is like a paltry 2700 (Dunlop on Gorefiend) but above the norm for people at my lvl, I only put pretty basic enchants/gems in as you level so fast in the game that I figured it is not worth wasting my gold until I hit 80 (plus the normal dungeons are pretty simple).


Yeah, there are gear requirements for heroics (and slightly higher requirements for ToC5, and even higher for the ICC5 dungeons, with HoR being highest). So in theory you shouldn't get thrown into dungeons you can't handle (although the requirements are pretty lax for the most part, with the exception of HoR which had them jacked up because people bitched so much about it). There might also be (lower, obviously) requirements for regular-mode ToC and the ICC 5mans, but i'm not certain about those (don't really play my 80 alt at all, and my main is geared to the teeth).

If you're a hybrid class, though, be aware that it doesn't break your gear down by spec; if you're queued as tank and have terrible tanking gear but good dps gear, it'll queue you based on your highest level gear regardless of whether it's suited to the role or not.
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