Redridge is east of Elwynn Forest, which is south of Stormwind, so yeah.
But going from Redridge to Duskwood to STV, you might not have enough yellow quests. STV sucks before lvl 30, and Redridge + Duskwood wont have enough quests for 20 to 30, so try to do some instances while questing to help. Or you can still go to Wetlands when in the lvl 22-28 range, but that's a long walk from Ironforge, but once you get the flightpath there, it takes 2 mins to reach from Ironforge. Westfall(west of Elwynn Forest) might have some green & yellow quests at 20 if you go there too, but dont wait too long before going there. There's also Ashenvale, but that's on the other continent, so it kinda sucks.