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World of Warcraft

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How prevalent is buying accounts/characters off eBay? I thought Blizzard had a lockdown on it.

The reason I ask is because during a H ToC run today, we had a DK that was doing sub 900DPS in full badge/Tier 9 gear, and at the end of the run he admitted to buying the account online.

Not that it really matters, we did fine even with his low DPS. I just find it strange people would buy accounts and have no idea how to play the game.


You guys listen to many WoW podcasts?

I listen to the Instance and Outlandish. They are a good duo to listen to since the Instance is more casual and news based, whereas Outlandish talks more about what they've been playing and endgame stuff.

Any others you guys recommend?
Retro said:
I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure the Cataclysm version of Wintergrasp, Tol Barad, won't have a raid associated with it, just dailies.

It's a mixture of the Isle of Quel'danas and Wintergrasp. There will be both dailies and a raid during off time.


Skel said:
You guys listen to many WoW podcasts?

I listen to the Instance and Outlandish. They are a good duo to listen to since the Instance is more casual and news based, whereas Outlandish talks more about what they've been playing and endgame stuff.

Any others you guys recommend?

The Instance and the Rawrcast are all I listen to. Used to do the WOW Insider show, but they got rid of Terpster, so it's useless now.
HarryDemeanor said:
It's a mixture of the Isle of Quel'danas and Wintergrasp. There will be both dailies and a raid during off time.

Am I alone in feeling that this is less than ideal? I'm almost entirely PvE these days, and it basically means I have to log between 5 - 7am server time to do VoA. I guess the argument goes that it's gear that can be obtained elsewhere, but it's still annoying that one of the opportunities for PvE-gear is inaccessible 95% of the week because my faction sucks at PvP.


Really Really Exciting Member!
falastini said:
Those new screenshots just emphasize how badly they need to upgrade the player models as well.

Yeah, most of my alliance characters are draeneis because of that. The difference is quite big when compared to a dwarf for example. My male dwarf paladin looks like shit compared to my female draenei warrior. (And i'm not just talking about the sexy factor)
falastini said:
Those new screenshots just emphasize how badly they need to upgrade the player models as well.

It's certainly something that's needed at this point. I see these new cool player models and shed a tear for my other vanilla races. They could use some love right about now.


I'm pretty sure that we'll have probably 30% Draenei, 50% Worgen on the alliance side after Cata.:lol

And yeah, I have like 4 female Draenei, and if I could've made my druid one, I would've also. They look so much better than the really stiff, ugly human models.
Skel said:
What's rawrcast like?

I tried the WowInsider show, but it just annoyed me.

Rawrcast is a WOW podcast from a couple of guild masters' point of view. They talk about the news and stuff but also talk a lot about what's going on in their guild and their raids.


Worgen comes off as one of those races that look cool conceptually, but will look stupid wearing gear. I hope what they showed for the goblins so far wasn't the final models. I'm hopeful they still have a revamp coming after seeing that concept art they put out recently.

Actually, as much as I like the idea of goblins, I would have prefered those Viking dudes from Nothrend. Actually, better yet, have them replace the Belves (they OD on magic or something :D). That gives the horde a "pretty" race that fits better with the faction.


arhra said:
So your suggested solution to faction imbalance problems is to... make the faction imbalance worse?

Since blizzard is incapable of fixing this themselves, via free transfers for said factions, then the only solution for someone on the losing end of the stick is to go elsewhere with better odds if they want this aspect of the game.

Screwing 100+ people for the benefit of 8 is far worse. On my realm the alliance suck. Plus they are less in number. Since they suck and have no interest in PVP, you'll see around 8 of them per wintergrasp, while the horde fills up. Now I'm going to be punished for the failure or even the lack of interest on the opposing faction, which is bullshit.


falastini said:
Worgen comes off as one of those races that look cool conceptually, but will look stupid wearing gear.
If i remember correctly I think they said that when you aren't in combat it will look just like a human, and then shift into a Worgen in combat, so I'm not sure you'll see the gear on the Worgen model, kind of how Druid's forms are.

That's just a guess though.


Skel said:
If i remember correctly I think they said that when you aren't in combat it will look just like a human, and then shift into a Worgen in combat, so I'm not sure you'll see the gear on the Worgen model, kind of how Druid's forms are.

That's just a guess though.

They have gear in the early screenshots, and on the Worgen page there's a 3D model which seems to be wearing starter gear.


What the hell is that hair do...


I think that was the best part about the new race's starting zones in BC.....their starter gear matched. No more hotpants and speedos!


Oh god, I had never actually seen the Worgens in motion. I am DEFINITELY making a Worgen melee character of some kind now. That looks great.


Worgen look like crap, which I guess is why they're with the alliance. Glad the Horde got the better race for the second time!


Really Really Exciting Member!
firex said:
Worgen look like crap, which I guess is why they're with the alliance. Glad the Horde got the better race for the second time!

You're a Blood Elf Death Knight named Dëàdelf are you?


until goblins come out and then FUCK YEAH GOBLIN DK.

it's just a fact that worgens were designed to appeal to furries.


Well I'm back in it guys.

A brief trip with monster hunter tri, really made me want to scratch that WoW itch.

I figured I'd play one of my alts. My paladin was all geared out in Scarlet Monastary gear so I figured that'd be a good way to go.

Tanking + LFG made this game sooo much fun. Constant 5 mans with other people who have alts is a blast.

You get the odd idiot griefer / noob but its still so much fun.

I'm already level 45 and am enjoying tanking on him quite a bit.

I never really got to 5 man the 60-70 content so I'm pretty excited for that.

I'm back, and it feels good man.

Skel said:
You guys listen to many WoW podcasts?

I listen to the Instance and Outlandish. They are a good duo to listen to since the Instance is more casual and news based, whereas Outlandish talks more about what they've been playing and endgame stuff.

Any others you guys recommend?

I like "blue plz" a lot. The host total biscuit is amusing enough to listen to even when you aren't actively playing the game.


it's just a fact that worgens were designed to appeal to furries.

Which is why they belong on Horde. =/ I don't want these things in my faction! Put them on the side with the other fetishy shit like Tauren and Blood Elves, make it so the Horde can cover every angle of the creepy spectrum then everyone can be happy! They can have their monster people, their furries, their transforming furries, their anime metro elves, whatever!

But I guess it would be nice if the Horde got another race besides the Undead that didn't suck ass.

I'm just pissed because I really like Goblins and I REALLY don't want Worgen.


I don't know, I'm for the horde and all, but even I'm jealous of the worgen. Don't get me wrong, I like the goblins too, but I wish horde got worgen too. Give the alliance Plainstriders and Timbermaws maybe. :D


I hear they're also adding tails to the Night Elves to attract the Erotic Avatar Fanfict writers. I guess it's some kind of huge, untapped market. In all honesty, the tail is about the only thing missing. Blue skin. Hunter-centric culture. Lives in a huge tree. Worships a deity who's name starts with E, and embodied by wispy forms...

As for the furries, I don't see the Alliance ever getting vampires, so I guess the Horde will become Team Edward by default. Nobody wins. At least this should stop the whole "lol, Blood elfs are fagz" thing... I'd honestly rather be lumped in with the fairies than the furries.

Despite all the claims that nothing will happen, I actually see a lot more Worgen being rolled in the first days of Cataclysm than Goblins. I also see Worgen appealing to the younger players ("Look how evil and awesome they look!") while Goblins will appeal to the people who are always characterized as playing Horde. Personally, I'm planning on rolling a Goblin myself... something about their greedy technology-driven environmentally-uncaring nature appeals to me as an American... I'm hoping their racial rocket-attack actually launches little drill-missiles so I can make a "Drill, Baby, Drill!" macro. :lol

Alex said:
I'm just pissed because I really like Goblins and I REALLY don't want Worgen.

Come to the Horde Side. We've got evil scheming Zombies (their racial intro even says they're only with the Horde until they're strong enough to take over), brutish hulks (about to be led by a racist, blood-thirsty warmonger), gangly cannibals and substance-abusing elves who keep a God tied up in their basement so they can rape the energy out of it for their own purposes (sappy plot twist be damned, Belf Paladins are evvvvvilllll)

Oh, and peace-loving cowfolk, but damn do they look sweet in armor. Like a tank wearing an armored truck as a hat.

The alliance side has Hairlip Steve (the un-incredible human person just like you and me), the aforementioned Na'vi, the comic-relief midget race, and blue tentacle goats from outer space.

Oh, and Dwarves, but dwarves are fucking cool.

Proc said:
please don't link me to some fetishy tauren shit :lol

I actually did a google image search for "Night Elf Navi comparison" and the second return was actually a crudely drawn picture of every WoW race's females naked. Rule 34, it's inescapable.


It's all down to personal preferences and for most part I really don't care, that said, I do however abhor bipedal animal humanoid designs who talk and wear armor and clothes and interact in the same ways less disgusting and fetishy designs do. I am also highly sick of elves.

If I were to rank though

The races I like are:


The races I dislike are:


The races I loathe are:

Night Elf
Blood Elf

Depending on what I can pick out, I may actually go Horde in Cata. I kind of doubt it, since I want all of my money, skills and alts. :lol But I do want a Goblin.


Tamanon said:
Aren't Draenei pretty close to a bipedal animal with the whole horns, tails and hooves thing?
Was just thinking that myself. Also, how can anyone put gnomes on a list of cool races when their entire purpose is comic relief? Even their intro movie has goofy music.

Alex said:
Depending on what I can pick out, I may actually go Horde in Cata. I kind of doubt it, since I want all of my money, skills and alts. :lol But I do want a Goblin.
Paid Race change. Unless you're a Paladin or Druid, those are the only two Goblins can't be.

It just sucks that it probably won't be available at first, but it's worth the wait. I love that the Horde is comprised of so many splinter groups just waiting to overthrow each other, it's much more interesting than the "Let's all be bestest friends!" routine. And Blizzard's half-assed attempt to rock the boat with Varian Wrynn being a douchbag? Only makes them more obnoxious.

firex said:
u mad because they had to give you a newb class since ret paladin was too hard to figure out
The fuck? Did NeoGaf merge with the Official WoW Forums? Cuz that's not even a half-assed attempt at trolling. Seriously, no punctuation, no caps, 'newb', you = u... I'm almost convinced it's an intentional satire.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
u mad because they had to give you a newb class since ret paladin was too hard to figure out
I get the joke; but DK isn't nearly as easy as Ret. Paladin.

None of the classes are hard to play if you know how to play the game but I don't think DK is one of the easier classes, really.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm starting to lose my mind. I've been tanking with a prot paladin since lvl 15, he is 24 now, and the numbers of huntards or mages that attack before i even hit them with my mace or Judgement is ridiculous. I know it's not that bad at lvl 80, but damn! Also, he is on Vindication, and there's like 3 Latin Americas realms in there and... i'm not trying to sound racist and all, but 90% of players from them SUCK ASS. Like, literally. The language barrier isn't the only issue, they're just more bad than anyone else. I've had a paladin who queued as DPS, but was actually using a sword+shield with righteous fury on and kept taunting my targets. I've had a resto druid who was only healing me when i was at 25% health, and even was not really healing me outside combats. Then you have the classic idiot who needs on everything.

I'M NOT GONNA SURVIVE THIS UNTIL LVL 80. Then, there is going to be the death knights DPS in outlands who fight with Frost Presence & death grip everything. AAAAHHH

*mind explode*

I've got a prot warrior at 80 and i never have to deal with this, or very rarely. Then again, i never tanked a low lvl instance with my warrior. Cataclysm needs to come and fast, i don't want to quest anymore in old classic WoW, so i was thinking of tanking low lvl instances for a change, but i think im gonna give up.


DK actually isn't that easy to play optimally in raids, but that's ok because playing optimally in raids has traumatic side effects like weeping alone at night wondering why your existence is so empty, even as your gearscore increases. DK's just boring and shitty because it's some retarded terrible mash-up of rogue and mage and paladin. If I really want to have it easy in this game with a plate class, I can just play my paladin and tank shit. If I want to have it more complicated in this game, I have the superior warrior class. Maybe cataclysm's gameplay changes will make the DK better, which coincidentally is when they get an awesome horde race for DK finally, with Goblin.

Besides, we're getting off topic here, which is that Worgen are lame. Twice in a row the alliance gets some kind of half-assed "this has nothing to do with pre-existing lore but will make us so much more money" race. Because Tauren suck, Draenei suck too (hairless blue Tauren with tentacles instead of horns) so that makes Blood Elves better by default (even though they are a bad race, except for trolling people). But Goblins are objectively superior. Plus the horde needed a small race anyway. Also, Orcs are better than every race except Trolls, Ogres and Goblins. There is like nothing about Worgen that makes sense as a playable race, but given the latent xenophobia and racism within the alliance, there's probably no way for them to add a new race that Humans and Night Elves won't look down on like they already do with Space Tauren, Dwarves and Gnomes.


firex said:
DK's just boring and shitty because it's some retarded terrible mash-up of rogue and mage and paladin.

That's a weird take -- I always sorta felt like DK was a mashup of warrior and warlock. You watch dots and debuffs to make sure they're up like a warlock......then you release accumulated "rage" and wait for varying cooldowns to expire like a warrior. They even have self-healing mechanic like warlocks and an AOE party buff like warriors.

My only other characters are warlock and warrior and I completely gave them up for a DK, since it seemed like the best and most engaging aspects of both classes with few of the downsides.


Apparently DK was one of the hardest classes to play via rotations according to Blizzard, who are changing the way the run system work because people couldn't get the rotation as if you missed the 1-2sec window to use an ability it messed up everything.

I would love to meet these people. Yeah, you have to be quick at times, and at other times learn to prioritize what abilities to use when there's a movement mechanic making sure to get some of your dots up, but still.


Bisnic said:
I'm starting to lose my mind. I've been tanking with a prot paladin since lvl 15, he is 24 now, and the numbers of huntards or mages that attack before i even hit them with my mace or Judgement is ridiculous. I know it's not that bad at lvl 80, but damn! Also, he is on Vindication, and there's like 3 Latin Americas realms in there and... i'm not trying to sound racist and all, but 90% of players from them SUCK ASS. Like, literally. The language barrier isn't the only issue, they're just more bad than anyone else. I've had a paladin who queued as DPS, but was actually using a sword+shield with righteous fury on and kept taunting my targets. I've had a resto druid who was only healing me when i was at 25% health, and even was not really healing me outside combats. Then you have the classic idiot who needs on everything.

I'M NOT GONNA SURVIVE THIS UNTIL LVL 80. Then, there is going to be the death knights DPS in outlands who fight with Frost Presence & death grip everything. AAAAHHH

*mind explode*

I've got a prot warrior at 80 and i never have to deal with this, or very rarely. Then again, i never tanked a low lvl instance with my warrior. Cataclysm needs to come and fast, i don't want to quest anymore in old classic WoW, so i was thinking of tanking low lvl instances for a change, but i think im gonna give up.

My pally tank went through the same. Im 77 now, and let me tell you. It gets worse. Its going to ease up a bit by about level 50, but when you hit 58 and head to outland, a flood of deathknights will destroy you. You will constantly be educating them about their class and why they shouldnt be in frost presence the entire run, and that deathgrip is actually a taunt.

And I have yet to see a single hunter misdirect me EVER on this toon. Not a single one of them. Never ever.
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