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World of Warcraft

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So I just got hacked today, and didn't find out until after Blizzard's help line shut down for the day so I have to call in the morning.
Anyone else ever gone through this before?


Puncture said:
And I have yet to see a single hunter misdirect me EVER on this toon. Not a single one of them. Never ever.

As a veteran hunter, I recommend you let them die. They learn faster this way.

Perspicacity said:
So I just got hacked today, and didn't find out until after Blizzard's help line shut down for the day so I have to call in the morning.
Anyone else ever gone through this before?

Couple weeks back. Had everything restored in about 6 hours. Just call them and they'll get you lined out.


Perspicacity said:
So I just got hacked today, and didn't find out until after Blizzard's help line shut down for the day so I have to call in the morning.
Anyone else ever gone through this before?

Usually they suspend your account after you call and send you a form in the email that you have to fill out with a photocopy of your driver's license. Before the only option was to either mail it or fax, but now you can just email all that stuff. It should take a couple of days though before you can actually get your account back.


Junior Member
border said:
That's a weird take -- I always sorta felt like DK was a mashup of warrior and warlock. You watch dots and debuffs to make sure they're up like a warlock......then you release accumulated "rage" and wait for varying cooldowns to expire like a warrior. They even have self-healing mechanic like warlocks and an AOE party buff like warriors.

My only other characters are warlock and warrior and I completely gave them up for a DK, since it seemed like the best and most engaging aspects of both classes with few of the downsides.
You forgot the slight amount of rogue in it too.


Has problems recognising girls
All I know is that Goldshire is going to be packed to the rafters with furries. The Inn over there is a zoo at 5am in the morning. It's going to be fucking hilarious.

The Horde will still have to rely upon homosexual Blood Elves in Silvermoon.
I like most races, be it Horde or Alliance.

And I'm playing on a RP server, Alliance side. Goldshire is going to be something when the Worgens come out.

And I'm joining the club (well, not the lol erping club at Goldshire). Worgen casting animations look great from what I've seen in a video, so Worgen mage it is.


Alex said:
It's all down to personal preferences and for most part I really don't care, that said, I do however abhor bipedal animal humanoid designs who talk and wear armor and clothes and interact in the same ways less disgusting and fetishy designs do. I am also highly sick of elves.

If I were to rank though

The races I like are:


The races I dislike are:


The races I loathe are:

Night Elf
Blood Elf

Depending on what I can pick out, I may actually go Horde in Cata. I kind of doubt it, since I want all of my money, skills and alts. :lol But I do want a Goblin.

My list is a 75% reverse. I like Tauren, Orcs, Trolls, Worgen, Goblins and Dwarfs. Draenei females are tolerable as well, although too popular these days. Most Alliance races can suck it as far as I'm concerned. Female troll and female tauren rock my world, adding to the fact that no-one has a female variant of those races. Female dwarfs are even more rare.


I'd never run a complete EOTS until yesterday, but Children's Week is already teaching me to hate it like I do with (almost) every other BG.


notworksafe said:
I'd never run a complete EOTS until yesterday, but Children's Week is already teaching me to hate it like I do with (almost) every other BG.

As a player who's alliance battlegroup sucks, virtually every BG is awful besides AV. We lose all the time but EotS is really bad. In the past few months I've probably participated in that BG 20-30 times, lost all but 1. :lol


Children's Week is an awful time to form opinions on battlegrounds, as for the most part the intended gameplay breaks down completely so the surging masses can earn their holiday achievements. Yesterday in Arathi Basin, for instance, featured Alliance and Horde players standing around the flags staring at each other as they took turns capping the flag back and forth.


I feel like DK is a mage/rogue/paladin mix because:
self-healing is based off melee, so it's like paladin melee + art of war
the dots are pretty trivial to manage and tied to direct damage skills, so it feels more like fireball's dot or flame shock
runic power feels like energy even though it builds like rage
blood talents and D&D feel like a combination of paladin ret/prot talents and consecrate
quickly spamming skills feels like rogue gameplay (probably why a lot of rogues went DK early on?)

This is coming from someone who's played everything but rogue, druid, warlock and hunter to northrend levels. I played warlock a lot back in the day, but quit it before TBC and now I main a paladin to tank and have a shaman healer alt and warrior alt just because I like arms' gameplay style. Or I did anyway, but I haven't even finished getting my warrior to 80 and I quit before the bladestorm disarm nerf. Anyway, in lore they definitely try to make DKs feel like a mix of warrior and warlock, but in gameplay they feel like evil paladins with a little bit of mage and rogue to me.

Personally, in the expansion I'm going to try goblin warlock/hunter in beta, and if I like hunter more, I will play hunter in retail. If I don't, I'll give warlock a shot, although I might stick with making an orc warlock alt to experience "old" world stuff starting in durotar. If I don't like goblin warlock, I'll do goblin mage, since mages sound like the new hero class with all the stuff they get. But I'm actually mostly interested in seeing how the changes affect hunters and if I wind up liking them more than I do now.

Worgen still seems like the lamest race ever, though. It's like they decided they had a zone, but couldn't change it so the people living there weren't human, so they came up with a werewolf curse so it's not just Elwynn Forest 2.0.


Interfectum said:
As a player who's alliance battlegroup sucks, virtually every BG is awful besides AV. We lose all the time but EotS is really bad. In the past few months I've probably participated in that BG 20-30 times, lost all but 1. :lol
AV is the one battleground I really like, but that's probably because it's basically just a PVE raid with some PVP window dressing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
My pally tank went through the same. Im 77 now, and let me tell you. It gets worse. Its going to ease up a bit by about level 50, but when you hit 58 and head to outland, a flood of deathknights will destroy you. You will constantly be educating them about their class and why they shouldnt be in frost presence the entire run, and that deathgrip is actually a taunt.

And I have yet to see a single hunter misdirect me EVER on this toon. Not a single one of them. Never ever.
Death Knights (especially tank) at level 58-70 use Death Grip on everything; i.e. they always have the same tactic; drop a Death and Decay on top of themselves, and then use DG to pull a mob onto it. The reason they do this instead of just ground targeting the D&D onto the mob group is because they like finding excuses to use Death Grip, since in practical use, you wouldn't use Death Grip all that much.

I don't agree with firex at all about Death Knight. You can try to compare it to other classes, but it pretty much has it's own niche. The fact that it does some things like a very insubstantial amount of self-healing doesn't make it anything like Paladin really.
firex, your posts on the last few pages have been like slices of the WoW forums in an otherwise civil discourse. Calm down and stop using hyperbole and stating opinion as fact. It's grating.


keeblerdrow said:
firex, your posts on the last few pages have been like slices of the WoW forums in an otherwise civil discourse. Calm down and stop using hyperbole and stating opinion as fact. It's grating.
stop being a cocksucker


firex said:
Worgen still seems like the lamest race ever, though. It's like they decided they had a zone, but couldn't change it so the people living there weren't human, so they came up with a werewolf curse so it's not just Elwynn Forest 2.0.

I'm about as far away from a 'furry' as one can be but I'm actually looking forward to rolling a Worgen. I find them much more interesting than another green skinned or pointy eared race.

That being said, I do wish Blizzard would invest some time into cleaning up the vanilla WoW races. Humans in particular are looking pretty rough at this point.


I must try to muster some strength to make a 3rd alt. It took my druid a good year to get to 70 because I'd get bored so quickly leveling it up, I would log on for a half hour, get bored and get on my Hunter to farm materials. The only reason I leveled it was that awesome flight form. I think I'll level a Warlock since I like classes with pets.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
looking for help on DPS... currently a level 61 frost mage. DPS is constantly at the low end for instances (hellfire citadel and blood furnace this weekend). Wtf am I doing wrong? have my water elemental out when available, pretty much just use FB unless fireball procs in which case I use fireball (though after any fingers of frost procs). I use blizzard when it makes sense but find myself OOM often with it so really only use it for nasty group scenarios.. should I be using blizzard more and just drink more? not really finding much more of a rotation beyond this being that I am full frost as you can see. and yeah, I realize that I have two unspent talent points that I didn't think about until I JUST posted that link.

help... should I be switching from Frost at this point or some point soon? Pretty much soloing all the way still except for maybe 1-3 instances per session..


A blue on the Spanish EU forums just posted some tidbits about the LFG tool in Cataclysm;

Draztal said:
Looking to Cataclysm, maybe you want to know that, for normal dungeons, players must discover the dungeon in the world prior to access it from LFD tool. It is possible that you could see attunements for heroics and raids (which would be similar to the one of Karazhan). Developers arent sure yet of whether they use attunements or not. However, heroic dungeons at level 85 would probably have more gear requirement (in comparison) than heroic dungeons at level 80.
(Source, translation by wow.com)

In other words, you can't just log in on launch day and queue up for the new dungeons, and the LFG tool will do a better job of keeping under-geared people out of heroics.

I'm also kind of hoping for attunements. I actually liked that you had to do a little questing before you could waltz into a heroic. It might also allow them to tier dungeon access (i.e. must complete x,y,z before dungeon A opens). Anything to keep people from rapid-fire racing through heroics. Hopefully the changes to healing and AoE will help...

I get why they do it, but I can't be the only one who misses carefully creeping through dungeons, using CC, avoiding trash packs, etc. I miss dungeons being interesting experiences rather than farm content.


Retro said:
I get why they do it, but I can't be the only one who misses carefully creeping through dungeons, using CC, avoiding trash packs, etc. I miss dungeons being interesting experiences rather than farm content.

I'd like to see dungeons be a combination of both. Sometimes you have to be careful and use CC, sometimes it's an all out AOE fest. Some randomization in dungeons would help too.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Retro said:
A blue on the Spanish EU forums just posted some tidbits about the LFG tool in Cataclysm;
I really like this. I've seen vanilla wow enough to last me a lifetime, but I would be lying to say that on a wipe (LD tank) on Blood Furnace last night I had NO IDEA where to get into the instance. Obviously it makes sense on pre-Cata dungeons to have it setup this way, but it makes total sense for Cata... I miss discovering this stuff for the first time, but on the same hand this is the first character to date I have where I've actually completed most dungeons (well, except for the end game vanilla 5-man stuff) instead of like 99.9% soloing.

Interfectum said:
I'd like to see dungeons be a combination of both. Sometimes you have to be careful and use CC, sometimes it's an all out AOE fest. Some randomization in dungeons would help too.
randomization in layout? HELL no.. Randomization in population, sure, I'd be up for that.

The layout for a dungeon should be fixed. It breaks the immersion and pretty much guarantees a dungeon crawl (aka hack fest) otherwise. but yeah, some sort of randomization in population or placement could be fun.


borghe said:
looking for help on DPS... currently a level 61 frost mage. DPS is constantly at the low end for instances (hellfire citadel and blood furnace this weekend). Wtf am I doing wrong? have my water elemental out when available, pretty much just use FB unless fireball procs in which case I use fireball (though after any fingers of frost procs). I use blizzard when it makes sense but find myself OOM often with it so really only use it for nasty group scenarios.. should I be using blizzard more and just drink more? not really finding much more of a rotation beyond this being that I am full frost as you can see. and yeah, I realize that I have two unspent talent points that I didn't think about until I JUST posted that link.

help... should I be switching from Frost at this point or some point soon? Pretty much soloing all the way still except for maybe 1-3 instances per session..

Frost hasn't been a high DPS spec for quite some time. Unless you've got people complaining about your DPS a lot and you're getting kicked from groups, I wouldn't worry about it until 80.


Interfectum said:
I'd like to see dungeons be a combination of both. Sometimes you have to be careful and use CC, sometimes it's an all out AOE fest. Some randomization in dungeons would help too.

Exactly. It's not like they can't take the same map and just have a bunch of different enemy placement configurations, and that'd at least make things less mind-numbing.

Ideally, there should be class-specific features that are randomly swapped in and out based on your group makeup; if you have a rogue there might be little traps to disarm in random places, or dark rooms that you need a Paladin / Priest to illuminate. It'll never happen, but it'd be nice if there was more than just predictable patrols to watch for in dungeons.


Retro said:
Exactly. It's not like they can't take the same map and just have a bunch of different enemy placement configurations, and that'd at least make things less mind-numbing.

Ideally, there should be class-specific features that are randomly swapped in and out based on your group makeup; if you have a rogue there might be little traps to disarm in random places, or dark rooms that you need a Paladin / Priest to illuminate. It'll never happen, but it'd be nice if there was more than just predictable patrols to watch for in dungeons.

I'd also like to see the dungeon boss doing something interesting besides sitting in an empty room waiting to get raped for random armor and weapon pieces that are in his belly. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
borghe said:
looking for help on DPS... currently a level 61 frost mage. DPS is constantly at the low end for instances (hellfire citadel and blood furnace this weekend). Wtf am I doing wrong? have my water elemental out when available, pretty much just use FB unless fireball procs in which case I use fireball (though after any fingers of frost procs). I use blizzard when it makes sense but find myself OOM often with it so really only use it for nasty group scenarios.. should I be using blizzard more and just drink more? not really finding much more of a rotation beyond this being that I am full frost as you can see. and yeah, I realize that I have two unspent talent points that I didn't think about until I JUST posted that link.

help... should I be switching from Frost at this point or some point soon? Pretty much soloing all the way still except for maybe 1-3 instances per session..
That's a little odd, actually. I leveled Frost up until 64 (Just hit 69 this weekend) and I was still leading instances 100% of the time as Frost.

The first thing you need to do is get yourself some glyphs. First thing; Glyph of Eternal Water; which will cause your Water Elemental to be permanent, although all he can do is cast Waterbolt (He can cast Freeze normally, but in dungeons you never need Freeze).
The permanent pet does about half of your DPS on his own; your DPS will go up a lot and you won't have to do anything different.

Also, change your spec to the following:



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
FLEABttn said:
Frost hasn't been a high DPS spec for quite some time. Unless you've got people complaining about your DPS a lot and you're getting kicked from groups, I wouldn't worry about it until 80.
no, never had complaints, and while I am at the bottom end (usually 3-5) all of our DPS is relatively close (maybe 25% difference from top to bottom at worst). I'm actually enjoying frost for survivability while soloing which is through the roof at this point. can definitely see myself switching to arcane or fire after hitting 80 and almost exclusively raiding.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
Frost hasn't been a high DPS spec for quite some time. Unless you've got people complaining about your DPS a lot and you're getting kicked from groups, I wouldn't worry about it until 80.
It's not terrible for leveling at all, it's DPS is pretty similar to Fire at that level (you can't really spec Arcane until you get Arcane Blast or Arcane Barrage), except that Frost doesn't run out of mana every 30 seconds like Fire does. The DPS is a bit lower, but you don't have to stop and drink every other pull.

Frost is the way to go, imo. Fire is better when you actually have enough mana to sustain the amount of casting it requires. I switched to Arcane the moment it became available though; and it was a good move; Arcane Blast already crits for 6000 at level 65 o_O


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Angry Grimace said:
I switched to Arcane the moment it became available though; and it was a good move; Arcane Blast already crits for 6000 at level 65 o_O
word.. sounds good. do you still solo at all? how is survivability with arcane? what is your spec?


Retro said:
Exactly. It's not like they can't take the same map and just have a bunch of different enemy placement configurations, and that'd at least make things less mind-numbing.

Ideally, there should be class-specific features that are randomly swapped in and out based on your group makeup; if you have a rogue there might be little traps to disarm in random places, or dark rooms that you need a Paladin / Priest to illuminate. It'll never happen, but it'd be nice if there was more than just predictable patrols to watch for in dungeons.
That last bit sounds awesome, and I would enjoy that challenge, but you just know that within a week the WoW community will do the following: 1. Decide (correctly or incorrectly) that a particular dungeon setup resulting from a particular class or combination of classes makes the dungeon easy or makes it hard, and 2. Immediately start demanding certain classes or exempting other classes based on those common perceptions.

For instance, if Rogues spawned traps and traps slowed down progression through the dungeon (despite the Rogue disarming them), people would just refuse to group with Rogues.


Interfectum said:
I'm about as far away from a 'furry' as one can be but I'm actually looking forward to rolling a Worgen. I find them much more interesting than another green skinned or pointy eared race.

That being said, I do wish Blizzard would invest some time into cleaning up the vanilla WoW races. Humans in particular are looking pretty rough at this point.
I'm only joking about them being furries, although they will definitely appeal to the furries to divide up that part of the fanbase and keep some of them away from Tauren. Also I assume they animate nicely compared to alliance races, although to be honest I get tired of animations by the time any character I make is level 20 (or 65 for a DK).

Also, on the topic of mage specs, frost is definitely a good leveling spec, especially if you are concerned with survivability. I still prefer fire/arcane because they are more burst-based and have good mana regen/efficiency talents, but since all mage specs can do tons of burst dps, frost's survivability increase is huge. It mostly depends how you like to play it, because frost is probably more efficient at aoeing melee mobs, while arcane/fire are more single target. Although that comes from my leveling guide mentality which basically says blast wave isn't worth training for fire, and arcane explosion is too inefficient for most arcane specs (though I still use it when I have a main mob at low health with an add).

And when it comes to random dungeons, I would be in favor of random paths available based upon what options your party has (i.e. traps you need to pass through and disarm one way or the other, locked doors etc.) but I hope they don't follow randomization too much from LotRO's Skirmish system. Like taking the trap idea, it could be a path where the options are a rogue disarms the traps as the party progresses, or a paladin bubbles themselves or someone else to run for the end and hit a disarm switch, or a priest casts levitate, etc. to get past it. Or you skip it and fight trash to go around, if you don't have those options. Basically, one area, multiple solutions.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
borghe said:
word.. sounds good. do you still solo at all? how is survivability with arcane? what is your spec?
Arcane has basically no survivability beyond spamming Mana Shield. It's a "kill 'em before they reach you" type of spec.

There aren't many talents that do much to reduce damage in the Arcane tree either.


New Screenshot of the Day:


Looks like Stonetalon Mountains. I haven't seen any info, but I have a feeling Hordies will go Durotar/Mulgore/Azshera > Barrens > Stonetalon.. but who knows. That may not even be Stonetalon at all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
New Screenshot of the Day:


Looks like Stonetalon Mountains. I haven't seen any info, but I have a feeling Hordies will go Durotar/Mulgore/Azshera > Barrens > Stonetalon.. but who knows. That may not even be Stonetalon at all.[/QUOTE]
Is that like a Flight Point?


Yea I just saw that screenshot too, very cool, whatever it is. Wow.com speculated that it is in Stonetalon Mountains.

So I just saw a cool post over on MMO Champion and thought I'd post it here too:

What is the one piece of loot that will not drop or you cannot win?

For me it would be Deathbringer's Will. Since ICC came out I have seen it drop once. Went to my best friend who is a DK so that didn't bother me, but it is so ridiculous how it never drops. Also there are so many people in my guild who want it, I feel like I will never see it as well (Loot Council).

How about you guys?
Skel said:
Yea I just saw that screenshot too, very cool, whatever it is. Wow.com speculated that it is in Stonetalon Mountains.

So I just saw a cool post over on MMO Champion and thought I'd post it here too:

What is the one piece of loot that will not drop or you cannot win?

For me it would be Deathbringer's Will. Since ICC came out I have seen it drop once. Went to my best friend who is a DK so that didn't bother me, but it is so ridiculous how it never drops. Also there are so many people in my guild who want it, I feel like I will never see it as well (Loot Council).

How about you guys?
Took me forever to get the 251 bow off of Deathwhisper, and then one week later after my guild started running 25s I got the 264 bow off of her.
Deathbringer's Will drops a often enough for us, but so many people want it. First week I didn't even bother because I had just gotten the new bow, next two weeks it didn't drop or went to and then last week loot council had an evenly split decision and I lost the roll. After that they decided it was too much of a bitch trying to decide who gets it and will be free rolls on that one item from now on :/

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The necklace off of Lana'thel. I'm still rocking the 226 one.
A healing shield for my holy Paladin. It's been how long since we've moved on from Naxx now? I'm still sporting the ilvl 200 shield out of there. Can't get a shield to drop from ToC5, ICC5, Ulduar, ToC10&25, ICC10&25... I saw the shield out of regular PoS last month and another Pally scooped it. I don't think I've ever had such a problem filling a gear slot in all my years of WoW.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
moojito said:
Needle encrusted scorpion. I'm well into double figures of runs of FoS, still no drops.
It doesn't proc very much anyways.


Proc said:
I like "blue plz" a lot. The host total biscuit is amusing enough to listen to even when you aren't actively playing the game.
You just got me to sign up to a new podcast. I like his gaming express show and didn't even know he was a wow player let alone a wow podcaster


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Xabora, why are you still a junior? Talk to a mod about it. Surely they haven't tagged you as junior.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Xabora said:
I got tagged by Evilore himself.

To eternally walk in the boots of a junior. Aww. How nice. I guess. :)


Junior Member
Door2Dawn said:
.. What?

I thought there wasn't going to be a F&F Alpha?

EDIT: The Banner Says Cataclysm Beta... I R confused
Well it looks more like F&F Beta.

J-Rzez said:
I thought there was to be no F&F this time as well? Oh well.

If there's any Blizzard lurkers here, I'll be your friend at the cost of one key! :D

At this rate everyone is asking for a key. :(


I thought there was to be no F&F this time as well? Oh well.

If there's any Blizzard lurkers here, I'll be your friend at the cost of one key! :D

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