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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
Pandaren should seriously be a new race (horde race since the playable brewmasters in TFT both worked with what are now horde races) but probably won't. I don't know if the rumor of not wanting to piss off China is true or not, but supposedly that's why they scrapped pandaren from before.

As far as original villains go, actually some of the stuff in WoW that was original (or at least not in the RTS games as far as I can tell) was pretty badass. Like the Old Gods, AQ, Ulduar, Ragnaros, etc. Although they did spin some good stuff out of WC1 (or was it 2?) in classic WoW with BRS/UBRS/BWL.

I still expect another couple expansions outside of Azeroth, though. Especially expansions in some planets formerly inhabited by Naaru or Burning Legion outpost worlds, or another world shaped by the Titans. Though I think they missed the boat on explaining how present the Legion is with TBC through just one little flavor thing. All they had to do was put in a no-durability death if you fly too far away from Outland, with some scary shit waiting outside because apparently the Legion controls most of the "great dark" (outer space).
They scrapped Pandaren because they're silly, not because of China. The alleged law about China getting offended about Pandas is just a bad rumor. Kung Fu Panda was a pretty big hit in China, and frankly, the Chinese have no basis to be mad about Pandas anyways; they allowed them and their habitat to dwindle to the point that the Giant Panda is no longer a viable species. :lol


Lost all credibility.
Just wondering is there any game where the core users aren't endlessly whining about how easy the game is for them?


I guess that they know that if they do add Pandaran, they would face massive QQQQQQQQQQQQQQ from the faction that didnt get them... Everyone wants them on their side.

That said, could be solved easily with a third neutral faction.


sykoex said:
Just wondering is there any game where the core users aren't endlessly whining about how easy the game is for them?

It's easy. It's a gear check, so it's based on your luck to get the drops needed, unlike that I have, with the same fucking SP Plate and Mail that drops every fucking time.

These mods are mainly cheating, and really ruin the game experience. I've used DBM in the past, instead now I just have it disabled. We even usually wait to read strats on fights to figure them out on ourselves. Yet still there are such bad people that even with DBM blowing up in your face to get the fuck out of the fire, they still stand there and wipe.

Scripted battles are easy. No way around that. Mods make it even easier. It's a gear check most of the time, that is all.


I thought the hardmode stuff in Ulduar scaled up to be crazy taxing and there has been lots of really good, on your toes encounters. I can't speak past that but saying scripted stuff can't be hard is incredibly stupid. (and extremely neckbeard-esque)

Just wondering is there any game where the core users aren't endlessly whining about how easy the game is for them?

Not in any ORPG or MMORPG, no, there's way too much delusion and elitism going about. Even when people work for huge gaps of time/effort to down something they'll beat it a couple times then bitch about how easy it is.

It's an odd world.


Oh well. Next Horde race will probably be an ogre faction, unless they come up with some new race. Especially if it goes offworld again so there's some brand new races they could bring in to play. The only bad part is ogres would be kind of limited for classes if they stick with lore, because they're basically a warrior/warlock/mage/shaman race and not much else. Priest is another possibility, I guess. As for alliance, they should get some kind of furbolg faction, but that might be too cool for them. Maybe they could get leper gnomes. Or leper humans. Or leper dwarves.

Honestly, a third faction would be cool, but at this point they took out the best race to "lead" that faction with goblins by reintroducing them to the horde. Plus, realistically, nobody would join the third faction except for people completely rerolling or brand new players. But if it had been in from launch, I would have said the third faction would be goblins, ogres, draenei (the broken/original kind, not space octocows) and probably blood elves.


sykoex said:
Just wondering is there any game where the core users aren't endlessly whining about how easy the game is for them?

Alright, to be fair, WoW is a pretty easy game. We're not exactly talking about twitch reflexes or precision aiming here; fill up bars, make numbers grow, read strategy before fight, press 3-8 buttons tops, find 24 other nerds and pray they filled their bars, made their numbers grow, read the strategy and can press 3-8 buttons without fucking up. Loot, hearth, repeat every 4-6 months.


Retro said:
Alright, to be fair, WoW is a pretty easy game. We're not exactly talking about twitch reflexes or precision aiming here; fill up bars, make numbers grow, read strategy before fight, press 3-8 buttons tops, find 24 other nerds and pray they filled their bars, made their numbers grow, read the strategy and can press 3-8 buttons without fucking up. Loot, hearth, repeat every 4-6 months.

That's really kind of dumbing it down, don't you think? I mean in Vanilla, at least pre upper tier AQ40, sure, I'd agree and it's one of the reasons I thought WoW was a piece of shit at launch. But now, I just I think it's a highly accessible game, and it has many ways to proceed and progress for people who want it that way or want it a bit moreso in a nice guild with nice folks.

I've legitimately struggled on a lot of fights throughout the game. Some of stuff I did in Ulduar trying to get those hard modes down before I quit was some of the most stressful I've ever done in gaming, and a good kind of legitimate stressful. And I grew up during the NES era!

I think WoW gets a bad rap in recent years for "being too easy", when most of the raid content is arguably harder than ever, and certainly some of the most inventive and well scripted in any real genre of RPG, especially the tippy top end stuff. The easy part is just that people can get to it, try it and have fun with it while not farming and grinding themselves into a fuckin' coma.

Dunno, I play all my games on hard, I play mostly hard games, I bitch about games not being hard enough (Demons Souls is a good example; it isn't hard) but I've had plenty of hardships and things to overcome in the better parts of WoW raiding. Not the hardest shit ever, no way, I'm not trying to come off that way but just legitimately good challenge, IMO.

I will agree that there is a lot of folks being held back by shit players, mucking it up for other people though. Very, very much so. You'll find that in any team work or splitsecond decision RPG. Going through MH Tri right now, I've found that the Wii fanbase in that game is so ridiculously awful at anything with an ounce of learning curve that it boggles the mind.

I don't agree with gear check though, maybe there's something now that's gearchecky, but everything prior to me gearcheck always meant "I'm going to grind the fuck out of everything around this boss rather than actually beat it on my own merits".

The only place I really feel "hard" needs to be injected is into leveling. They're redoing leveling, and it'll still be piss easy, and still be a solo focused affair, and it'll still be goofy.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
firex said:
Oh well. Next Horde race will probably be an ogre faction, unless they come up with some new race. Especially if it goes offworld again so there's some brand new races they could bring in to play. The only bad part is ogres would be kind of limited for classes if they stick with lore, because they're basically a warrior/warlock/mage/shaman race and not much else. Priest is another possibility, I guess. As for alliance, they should get some kind of furbolg faction, but that might be too cool for them. Maybe they could get leper gnomes. Or leper humans. Or leper dwarves.

Honestly, a third faction would be cool, but at this point they took out the best race to "lead" that faction with goblins by reintroducing them to the horde. Plus, realistically, nobody would join the third faction except for people completely rerolling or brand new players. But if it had been in from launch, I would have said the third faction would be goblins, ogres, draenei (the broken/original kind, not space octocows) and probably blood elves.

I'm still waiting for the Consortium to become a playable race. That will be a magical day.


I don't think WoW is really easy, either. But Retro mostly plays paladins and I would say paladins are the easiest class I have played. It's fun for tanking (because they have almost enough tools to make tanking fun, but not so many that it's impossible without using 12+ skills in long fights) but there's a big reason why I don't do healing or dps on my paladin anymore, and it's because they've never found a way to make either spec involved enough to keep me from feeling bored.

Although, shaman healing is pretty simple, but it's got a fair amount of procs and buffs to track (and not crappy stat buffs, but earth shield and totem ranges) so it's not very boring in my experience.


Yeah, I can't stand PvE healing on a Paladin either, I've tried it three times and I've quit it three times. It always sounds appealing when they redo parts of it, but it always boils down to the same simplicity that I cannot get into.

That's one of the things I'm interested to see in just how far they go in Cataclysm with the redesign. Paladin just needs way more interaction and climate changing, more procs, more spells, more variables, more responsibility.

Kind of the same flaws in PvP too, there's just so few buttons to press to change the game or vary it up. Some of the crushingly powerful parts need to collapse so some better design can come in. I had some fun before I swapped back though as that goofy Protection healing spec in BG/Arena for a bit. It was so corny though.

Shaman has some of the same problems, in a small way, but I'd still argue it's far more realized and far more polished as far as being a full spec goes. The Cataclysm additions for it should help a bit chunk to the point where it's just icing. The third heal, some improvements to tank healing, healing rain, unleash weapon and spirit link? They'll be exciting in Cataclysm , I think.

Priest is by far my favorite. Love it to pieces, but my issue with Priest and my hesitance going into Cataclysm is because I'm REALLY also looking forward to rated BGs.

Priests are so fucking not fun in BGs. :lol I just can't look forward to it, so I'm probably going to give up all of my crafts and my lovely gold and my motorcycle I farmed awhile for and just ditch my faction and go Goblin Shaman.

With the pally and dk, you are always waiting for a cooldown >_<

I've not as much tank experience. I only tanked a little back and forth through BC and LK (I almost always heal) but IMO:

I agree to an extent, Warriors have some holes that I think could use some plugging, tankwise though, they keep arguing against it but they're full of shit, still at least the tweaks thus far sound ok and I think by the end of beta they'll take care of any big issues..

Paladins and Druids are just way too fucking easy to tank on. So, so easy... Maybe this changed later in WOTLK, but at least Paladins were nightmarishly easy early on. Same simple rotation.

The Bear tank ease of things always seemed awkward to me considering the horror stories I read about cats and when I see through flow charts and discussions.

DK I think about did it right, but it needs to be more focused, which is what they're doing! And for once I approve. I never once thought that triple spec idea was a good one.


I very rarely (i.e. like once every few minutes in combat) wait for cooldowns on my paladin while tanking. 969 rotation more or less guarantees that something is off cooldown, but it gradually will get to the point that I won't have a skill up after using a previous one. It's highly uncommon and only really comes up during long boss fights.


My Pally is only 73 >.< dont have that shield slam thingy yet.

I think dks should be alot better with the new tanking tree.

And pallies... they seem to 'redo' them every expansion... cant get it right!


I hope people saying "PVE is easy lololol" have killed Hard Mode LK, otherwise shut up, really.

You want to understand what hard means? Do it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Seriously. All these add-ons are bullshit. Even DBM / BigWigs. It takes so much out of the game. PVE is real hard though, real hard. Really-really hard. What's far worse is that there are people with those mods and they still don't get the hell out of the way.

This game attracts some of the worst players I've ever seen. Not just being a plague to the community with their attitudes, but the play skill levels vary incredibly for some a simple to play game.
Half of those bosses are literally impossible without mods to tell you about certain shit. I guess if you really want to rely on 9 or 24 other dudes to pay THAT much attention (read: you don't)


Water is not wet!
Just finished the Battered Hilt quest and finally got a huge upgrade to my 2H weapon. Was using Deaths Bite which i got like a year and a half ago so its been awhile. Just need to get a few points in 2H swords and ill be good. i got it cheap from some friends online (5k) so yesterday was a good wow day :lol

Oh.. the quest was pretty cool too. Nice to see the phasing done with it regarding Sunwell.


Really Really Exciting Member!
water_wendi said:
Just finished the Battered Hilt quest and finally got a huge upgrade to my 2H weapon. Was using Deaths Bite which i got like a year and a half ago so its been awhile. Just need to get a few points in 2H swords and ill be good. i got it cheap from some friends online (5k) so yesterday was a good wow day :lol

Oh.. the quest was pretty cool too. Nice to see the phasing done with it regarding Sunwell.

Yeah, i did it too, it's a cool chain of quests. Seeing the Blood Elf leader fly across the Sunwell room when he tried to grab the sword was funny. It's always entertaining to see blood elves getting owned, so seeing their leader get the same fate was perfect.


Junior Member
water_wendi said:
Just finished the Battered Hilt quest and finally got a huge upgrade to my 2H weapon. Was using Deaths Bite which i got like a year and a half ago so its been awhile. Just need to get a few points in 2H swords and ill be good. i got it cheap from some friends online (5k) so yesterday was a good wow day :lol

Oh.. the quest was pretty cool too. Nice to see the phasing done with it regarding Sunwell.
Its a pretty awesome sword if you dont raid thats for sure. ^_^


No One Remembers
Fularu said:
I hope people saying "PVE is easy lololol" have killed Hard Mode LK, otherwise shut up, really.

You want to understand what hard means? Do it.

For reals. I'm curious at most of your progression


I can't stand more than about the routine month I give raiding Holy each iteration of the game before I go running back to my Priest. :lol This time I won't do it! I give up!

Some people just like the simple stuff though I guess, at least that's what Ghostcrawler kept barking at us on the WOTLK beta boards when we would make sweeping suggestions to pull the spec out of the gutter (well, what I consider the gutter, the gameplay is just far too braindead, IMO)

I'm still proud of my beta forum whining. A Priest talent was altered because of a thread I made and a little back and forth with other Priests (PoM cooldown reduction on Divine Providence) it was clearly a token addition, but by god, I somewhat accomplished something!

I hope I can get into the beta for Cata too. The beta for Blizz games are really fun.


Fularu said:
I hope people saying "PVE is easy lololol" have killed Hard Mode LK, otherwise shut up, really.

You want to understand what hard means? Do it.

We havent gotten him down yet, never gonna see me calling it easy. Even after its down, Ill remember this shit.

And your not going to get anyone calling it easy to show you their achievement for HLK because 99 percent of them wont have it. Theres always a constant in MMO's. Really bad people, really skilled people, elitist, and average people calling all the shit they havent and cant beat soooo easy and dumbed down. Its been in all of the MMO's its just that WoW is so huge its corralled alot of us all into one game, so the shits kinda hit a fever pitch.


The Alliance

Unhappy crowds are protesting Varian Wrynn's rule for unknown reasons. After this, Magni Bronzebeard foresees the Cataclysm, and consults the Elements in Old Ironforge for help. He sacrifices himself, and the elements transform him into a stone statue. The Elements bless the dwarven people, which explains the presence of dwarf shamans in Cataclysm.

Upon Magni's evident death, his daughter Moira Bronzebeard returns to unite the Dark Iron and Bronzebeard dwarves under Ironforge's banner. Sensing the the events in Ironforge will send a shock wave through the Alliance, Varian Wrynn sends his assassins from the SI:7 to assassinate Moira Bronzebeard. All we know is that they are successful.

The Horde

Displeased with Garrosh Hellscream's rise to power as the new Warchief of the Horde, Cairne Bloodhoof challenges the new leader to an honorable duel in his home kingdom, Thunder Bluff. Cairne dies in recovery from losing the duel, and Garrosh flees, fearing Horde rebellion. We learn through a quest that Cairne Bloodhoof has fallen ill from a poison that the Grimtotems have been slipping into his drinks.

Garrosh leads Horde players in the re-taking of Thunder Bluff for the Horde. The Grimtotems battle bravely, and in the end, they fall.

We are unsure of the rest of the story, at this point.

>_< seems crazy and nonsensical. So im betting its all true! Zing!


Has problems recognising girls
I'm not going to really believe anything now until a new patch arrives for it. The ending starter quests for the Worgen are not even completed yet.

Story details with quests and such have been available for a week, and they only write that up now? Yeah.


Lost all credibility.
markot said:
The Alliance

Unhappy crowds are protesting Varian Wrynn's rule for unknown reasons. After this, Magni Bronzebeard foresees the Cataclysm, and consults the Elements in Old Ironforge for help. He sacrifices himself, and the elements transform him into a stone statue. The Elements bless the dwarven people, which explains the presence of dwarf shamans in Cataclysm.

Upon Magni's evident death, his daughter Moira Bronzebeard returns to unite the Dark Iron and Bronzebeard dwarves under Ironforge's banner. Sensing the the events in Ironforge will send a shock wave through the Alliance, Varian Wrynn sends his assassins from the SI:7 to assassinate Moira Bronzebeard. All we know is that they are successful.

The Horde

Displeased with Garrosh Hellscream's rise to power as the new Warchief of the Horde, Cairne Bloodhoof challenges the new leader to an honorable duel in his home kingdom, Thunder Bluff. Cairne dies in recovery from losing the duel, and Garrosh flees, fearing Horde rebellion. We learn through a quest that Cairne Bloodhoof has fallen ill from a poison that the Grimtotems have been slipping into his drinks.

Garrosh leads Horde players in the re-taking of Thunder Bluff for the Horde. The Grimtotems battle bravely, and in the end, they fall.

We are unsure of the rest of the story, at this point.

>_< seems crazy and nonsensical. So im betting its all true! Zing!
If people care enough to spoiler tag MMO storylines they must be doing something right. :lol


Well, some people dont want to be spoiled and find out for themselves... or when MMO champion leaks it all the second after NDA drops >.>




Their ears seem to have more detail and physics than the old races put together >_<


Yeah, Goblins are super detailed. The ears move a lot, and the hair on the females has more geometry than some of the old races I think :lol

If people care enough to spoiler tag MMO storylines they must be doing something right.

People go nuts over Blizzard lore/writing.


Id be careful on this site though >.< make sure you have adblock and scriptblocker... seems like they also do dodgy stuff... http://mmowned.com/ I think they sell bots and exploits and crap >.>....

So yeah... take care!


Water is not wet!
i know i want a goblin but dont know what class im going to do yet. However, i do know what i wont be doing. i wont be doing anything with alts or new characters until my main is firmly cemented in end game content. Its always so much easier to get in at the ground floor.

ive been going to MMOwned forever. i use Firefox/noscript but dont use Adblock and havent had any issues. The site used to be really good for stuff but a couple years back they made an "Elite" section where they would move all the good guides and exploits. Only way to get in that area now is to either pay or contribute.


Yeah, we had a lot of MMOwned stuff from back during the WOTLK alpha/beta. I don't think anyone will have any problems.


Has problems recognising girls
If they do update the old races, Blizzard have said that there will most likely be an option for people to select and retain their old look.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gearing my mage through heroics has been as painless as it possibly could be :lol

I was getting ready to run Pit of Saron heroic 10,000 times for the haste belt and boots, crit/SP trinket and Spell staff; got all of them in 4 runs.

I was dreading getting the Abyssal Rune from ToC-5 normal, but I got it in 2 consecutive tries.

I was dreading 20 minute DPS queues, but queues have been down to ~3 or 4 minutes on my realm.

My GS is 4750 and I only hit 80 on Sunday :lol I've even got the giant blue spatulaSeethe ready in case Halls of Reflection pops up in random and I get the offhand.

I really want Quel'Delar, but only so I can do the quest. I can't really justify 8000 gold just to do a questline either.


Angry Grimace said:
Gearing my mage through heroics has been as painless as it possibly could be :lol

I was getting ready to run Pit of Saron heroic 10,000 times for the haste belt and boots, crit/SP trinket and Spell staff; got all of them in 4 runs.

I was dreading getting the Abyssal Rune from ToC-5 normal, but I got it in 2 consecutive tries.

I was dreading 20 minute DPS queues, but queues have been down to ~3 or 4 minutes on my realm.

My GS is 4750 and I only hit 80 on Sunday :lol I've even got the giant blue spatulaSeethe ready in case Halls of Reflection pops up in random and I get the offhand.

I really want Quel'Delar, but only so I can do the quest. I can't really justify 8000 gold just to do a questline either.

This makes me rage, I started gearing my mage too as of about 2 weeks ago when I got bored of tanking with my alt paladin. I have yet to get the damn seethe, dropped once and lost it, yet to get the damn trinket in PoS because I keep losing it to whoever the healer for the run is, and cant get the goddamn neck piece either. I do have the offhand from HoR and the Staff and boots though.


Angry Grimace said:
Blizzard had to burn Kil'Jaeden
ARGH. Kil'Jaeden isn't dead. He isn't deaaaaaaaad!
He was banished through the portal! Just like Sargeras during War of the Ancients! In SWP we fought weakened KJ who is sure to return, just like Ragnaros!
And I don't know why people keep coming back to SWP being tacked on, if it was revealed to be the final raid way before it was released. Even quest after killing Kael'Thas in TK foreshadowed it! Lorelol or not, it was planned already during development of TBC. Illidan never was the final boss of the expansion, but the main villain, it was planned all along to include Sunwell later on.

That spoilered thing is... interesting if true. Most of the lore that leaked during WotLK alpha turned out to be correct so I wonder how it is this time around.

And goblin models are aaweeesooome. I do hope they update all of the player characters models, not only humans :/


Angry Grimace said:
Gearing my mage through heroics has been as painless as it possibly could be :lol

I was getting ready to run Pit of Saron heroic 10,000 times for the haste belt and boots, crit/SP trinket and Spell staff; got all of them in 4 runs.

I was dreading getting the Abyssal Rune from ToC-5 normal, but I got it in 2 consecutive tries.

I was dreading 20 minute DPS queues, but queues have been down to ~3 or 4 minutes on my realm.

My GS is 4750 and I only hit 80 on Sunday :lol I've even got the giant blue spatulaSeethe ready in case Halls of Reflection pops up in random and I get the offhand.

I really want Quel'Delar, but only so I can do the quest. I can't really justify 8000 gold just to do a questline either.

I came back to WoW a month ago now, after having pretty much hit 80 and stopped playing. Had a pretty painless time getting stuff for my mage as well, but not that painless. Took me forever to even see Nevermelting Ice Crystal drop, and the belt from Ick dropped after I finally managed to get the belt off the end of HoR. :lol

Still, pretty painless. Went from 2800 GS to 4800 in about 1-2 weeks. Now I'm working my way through ICC.

<3 Random Heroics. Never thought I'd be up and raiding this fast since my return.


speedpop said:
I'm not going to really believe anything now until a new patch arrives for it. The ending starter quests for the Worgen are not even completed yet.

Story details with quests and such have been available for a week, and they only write that up now? Yeah.

The first halves of each faction had ben reported maybe half a week - week ago-ish though
Bronzebeard was told to get frozen by then
. And the screenshots somewhat confirm the second half of the Horde part so we could reasonably assume it all to be true.

Actually I think there are screenshots of posts from the official alpha forums of said lore events (player's opinions, not actual SS of gameplay) before the alpha forum bug got plugged.


Gearing my resto druid (not bear, sorry neogaffer who rejoiced having another one! :lol ) has been fairly painless, but could be better. Most annoying is that after 20 HoR runs, the snowflake trinket hasn't dropped once. I also haven't seen the HoR offhand ever drop, but thankfully I got the TotC10 one from dark/light.


Has problems recognising girls
Tacitus_ said:
The first halves of each faction had ben reported maybe half a week - week ago-ish though
Bronzebeard was told to get frozen by then
. And the screenshots somewhat confirm the second half of the Horde part so we could reasonably assume it all to be true.

Actually I think there are screenshots of posts from the official alpha forums of said lore events (player's opinions, not actual SS of gameplay) before the alpha forum bug got plugged.
Oh I know that, especially since I've seen the screenshots of the forum myself. The problem is I cannot believe that Varien would kill Moira and son simply because they came back to form a Three Hammers council once more?

I mean, her uncle in Muradin is right there. Why would he let some fool waltz in and murder his niece and grand-nephew?

More to the point - it doesn't mention anything about the Wildhammers who apparently warn Magni Bronzebeard to not go down into Old Ironforge.


speedpop said:
Oh I know that, especially since I've seen the screenshots of the forum myself. The problem is I cannot believe that Varien would kill Moira and son simply because they came back to form a Three Hammers council once more?

I mean, her uncle in Muradin is right there. Why would he let some fool waltz in and murder his niece and grand-nephew?

More to the point - it doesn't mention anything about the Wildhammers who apparently warn Magni Bronzebeard to not go down into Old Ironforge.

That is a bit dodgy, I'll give you that.
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