Yeah, I can't stand PvE healing on a Paladin either, I've tried it three times and I've quit it three times. It always sounds appealing when they redo parts of it, but it always boils down to the same simplicity that I cannot get into.
That's one of the things I'm interested to see in just how far they go in Cataclysm with the redesign. Paladin just needs way more interaction and climate changing, more procs, more spells, more variables, more responsibility.
Kind of the same flaws in PvP too, there's just so few buttons to press to change the game or vary it up. Some of the crushingly powerful parts need to collapse so some better design can come in. I had some fun before I swapped back though as that goofy Protection healing spec in BG/Arena for a bit. It was so corny though.
Shaman has some of the same problems, in a small way, but I'd still argue it's far more realized and far more polished as far as being a full spec goes. The Cataclysm additions for it should help a bit chunk to the point where it's just icing. The third heal, some improvements to tank healing, healing rain, unleash weapon and spirit link? They'll be exciting in Cataclysm , I think.
Priest is by far my favorite. Love it to pieces, but my issue with Priest and my hesitance going into Cataclysm is because I'm REALLY also looking forward to rated BGs.
Priests are so fucking not fun in BGs. :lol I just can't look forward to it, so I'm probably going to give up all of my crafts and my lovely gold and my motorcycle I farmed awhile for and just ditch my faction and go Goblin Shaman.
With the pally and dk, you are always waiting for a cooldown >_<
I've not as much tank experience. I only tanked a little back and forth through BC and LK (I almost always heal) but IMO:
I agree to an extent, Warriors have some holes that I think could use some plugging, tankwise though, they keep arguing against it but they're full of shit, still at least the tweaks thus far sound ok and I think by the end of beta they'll take care of any big issues..
Paladins and Druids are just way too fucking easy to tank on. So, so easy... Maybe this changed later in WOTLK, but at least Paladins were nightmarishly easy early on. Same simple rotation.
The Bear tank ease of things always seemed awkward to me considering the horror stories I read about cats and when I see through flow charts and discussions.
DK I think about did it right, but it needs to be more focused, which is what they're doing! And for once I approve. I never once thought that triple spec idea was a good one.