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World of Warcraft

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Finally, they took care of that damn human racial. So annoying in PVP where humans would use two DPS trinkets instead of something to break movement impairing effects.


yacobod said:
by the looks of your post it looks like you would really fit in well on the official wow boards, SO SERIOUS :lol

No shit. Guy proves post after post that he's just a "pure" (lol at the term) who feels "entitled" to do more damage in a PVE setting or have an advantage in a PVP setting "JUST BECAUSE I CAN'T HEAL OR TANK WAH WAH WAH"

No seriously, it's insanely amusing reading him.

As for the record, I have a rogue and a warrior, but "LULS MAD HYBRID", I'm enjoying the show :)

J-Rzez said:

Makes it way more special when the person doesn't know your character, let alone guild, and makes those remarks.

"I don't know who you are, but you and your guild sucks"**

**Trademark of the official WoW forums.
Just need to read your drivel to understand where you're from ;)

Edit : to clarify, every single time I've seen a rage post about how "hybrids" should be doing less damage than "pures" and how they can "switch on the fly" (lol what?) to do something different has been from someone in a terrible guild.

People in top end guilds don'T make those comments, don't humiliate themselves by looking like an idiot and understand that "hybrids' need to be within range of the pures in order for the raid, as a whole, to function properly.

The kind of remarks you do about hybrids (QQ they can Bres, so unfair) and the completely arbitrary and retarded DPS order you pulled on us show how little you understand about the raiding field and what needs to happen within a raid for it to be more than "remotely" successfull.

As it stands, you're exactly the kind of official forums nerdrager I see there whenever I feel bored and in for a laugh. For which I thank you, since it saves me the time to go there.

Once you understand that the Pure/Hybrid cryfest has no place and needs to stop (on both sides of the fence, mind you, hybrids are just as guilty of it), you'll realise how convoluted your arguments are and how detrimental to a proper raiding and enjoyment of the game they end up beeing.

In short, your points are no better than "Back in line Druid/Shaman/Pally and heal me, bitch!" if they can't be competitive on a DPS level.


Fularu said:
No shit. Guy proves post after post that he's just a "pure" (lol at the term) who feels "entitled" to do more damage in a PVE setting or have an advantage in a PVP setting "JUST BECAUSE I CAN'T HEAL OR TANK WAH WAH WAH"

No seriously, it's insanely amusing reading him.

Just need to read your drivel to understand where you're from ;)

I think I found the problem here, reading comprehension on your part. I've said now my main's a hybrid, and I feel pures should do more DPS, numerous times. I'm not nerd raging, as hybrids now don't, and never will do more DPS than a pure. I'm laughing at the hybrids raging and crying over this for the thousandth time I've seen this discussion.

You can try to say "it's amusing to read his posts they're so funnah", it's not making you look any better.

It's clear who you are based on your "idiot with shitty guild and player" yet you never played with me, nor know the guild I'm in and our progression. That's posting from the official forums which you may have gone astray by accident from, and far more telling about you than my opinion says on my playing and guild progression. :lol

Since you can't seem to understand what people are saying, and have to resort to stupid remarks, it's not worth carrying any discussion on with you. ;) back at ya!


I just got to play Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard seven times in a row from the random instance finder. It's a short, easy and somewhat fun instance but it has like five different blue drops. Not a single one is leather. :(

Got my main account back.

Only to find that a character on my other account that I also got back was deleted :( He was a lvl 68 Paladin that I leveled up with another GAFer back here in August..

Guess I gotta submit an in-game support ticket. Sigh.

Oh and I learned that the account that I did get back and attached my authenticator too had another attempted hacking this week!!! They tried to reset my password.. o_O

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Fularu said:
No shit. Guy proves post after post that he's just a "pure" (lol at the term) who feels "entitled" to do more damage in a PVE setting or have an advantage in a PVP setting "JUST BECAUSE I CAN'T HEAL OR TANK WAH WAH WAH"

No seriously, it's insanely amusing reading him.

As for the record, I have a rogue and a warrior, but "LULS MAD HYBRID", I'm enjoying the show :)

Just need to read your drivel to understand where you're from ;)

Edit : to clarify, every single time I've seen a rage post about how "hybrids" should be doing less damage than "pures" and how they can "switch on the fly" (lol what?) to do something different has been from someone in a terrible guild.

People in top end guilds don'T make those comments, don't humiliate themselves by looking like an idiot and understand that "hybrids' need to be within range of the pures in order for the raid, as a whole, to function properly.

The kind of remarks you do about hybrids (QQ they can Bres, so unfair) and the completely arbitrary and retarded DPS order you pulled on us show how little you understand about the raiding field and what needs to happen within a raid for it to be more than "remotely" successfull.

As it stands, you're exactly the kind of official forums nerdrager I see there whenever I feel bored and in for a laugh. For which I thank you, since it saves me the time to go there.

Once you understand that the Pure/Hybrid cryfest has no place and needs to stop (on both sides of the fence, mind you, hybrids are just as guilty of it), you'll realise how convoluted your arguments are and how detrimental to a proper raiding and enjoyment of the game they end up beeing.

In short, your points are no better than "Back in line Druid/Shaman/Pally and heal me, bitch!" if they can't be competitive on a DPS level.
Jesus fucking Christ dude. Stop already.

Dude has an opinion. It's different than yours. You're extrapolating a lot of dumb ass shit from that. Can we really not have a discussion without boiling it down to "my guild is better than yours" etc. etc. Not only that, but it's silly as hell too. Lots of people in super high end guilds have insanely stupid opinions and think that whatever class they play should be buffed into insanity.

And Paladins, Druids, Shamans, Warriors, Priest and Death Knights are already COMPETETIVE in DPS. It's just a little bonus when you bring a mage, warlock, rogue or hunter. It's not even that big of a difference.


Chriswok said:
The less I care about WoW the more I seem to enjoy it. :lol

That's the best way to be about it if you can. Unfortunately, WoW sees most of my free time anymore, I blow through a console game for a break it seems. :lol

VaLiancY said:
Those DK changes sound nice.

The changes are pretty sweeping, and we'll have to see them in action with the new rune system to see if they're "nice" or "teh_suk". I am kinda disappointed that bone shield, which I thought was pretty iconic for Unholy is gone, though it was hinted at it before it would be. I'm content with where DK's sit DPS wise now in PVE, but they need some help in PVP. Necrotic Strike and Simulacrum sound like steps in the right direction, they're just so far away.

TurtleSnatcher said:
Oh and I learned that the account that I did get back and attached my authenticator too had another attempted hacking this week!!! They tried to reset my password.. o_O

How did you find that out? Did Blizz CS tell you that? Damn though, it seems like they're out to get you those hackers. :(

Angry Grimmace said:
And Paladins, Druids, Shamans, Warriors, Priest and Death Knights are already COMPETETIVE in DPS. It's just a little bonus when you bring a mage, warlock, rogue or hunter. It's not even that big of a difference.

Exactly. Their utility makes up for them being off a bit from equally skilled and equally geared players on same footing encounters. If hybrids got damage buffs, it'd dilute Pure classes attractiveness a bit, and make even a bigger mess out of PVP. But I gotta go tell my guild we'll never get those last 4 hardmodes down because we suck since I have a differing opinion on hybrids now. ;)


Water is not wet!
Door2Dawn said:
Whats interesting to me is that last talent in the frost tree. Why would a 2 handed talent be in the duel wield tree?
From all ive heard there is no more dual wielding for Death Knights.

Its crazy to see how much of Death Knights have changed from Wotlk Beta to now and beyond.
J-Rzez said:
That's the best way to be about it if you can. Unfortunately, WoW sees most of my free time anymore, I blow through a console game for a break it seems. :lol

The changes are pretty sweeping, and we'll have to see them in action with the new rune system to see if they're "nice" or "teh_suk". I am kinda disappointed that bone shield, which I thought was pretty iconic for Unholy is gone, though it was hinted at it before it would be. I'm content with where DK's sit DPS wise now in PVE, but they need some help in PVP. Necrotic Strike and Simulacrum sound like steps in the right direction, they're just so far away.

How did you find that out? Did Blizz CS tell you that? Damn though, it seems like they're out to get you those hackers. :(
saw an email in my spam folder saying my account password had been reset 2 days ago (i havent logged on in 2-3 days cuz of SSF4)

I did though find what I think is my missing character.. it was on an account i hadn't coverted to a battle.net account.. so I just did that now.

Battle.net shows my WotLK key is attached to that account. The only weird thing is.. my character isn't on the server he should be.. i can't find him when going to the paid character transfer..

Guess I will login when I get home and see where the heck he is =[


Woot hahah


Kind of weird if they clip Dual Wield off of Death Knight's as they put back in (one handed) Dual Wield back on Warriors.


water_wendi said:
Seems i was wrong. i had heard from friends that dw was going away. After looking around, there are blue posts that refer to Frost in Cata as the dw tree.
Then why are they adding a two handed talent to it! >_<


The only thing they've said about Frost that it'll be the heavy melee/magic damage and heavy RP generation tree (while UH will be diseases and pet tree). Apparently they listened to the community which wanted a 2H build without a pet.

But I gotta go tell my guild we'll never get those last 4 hardmodes down because we suck since I have a differing opinion on hybrids now. ;)

You'd get them down if your hybrids were doing 5% more damage :D


I can understand where J-Rzez is coming from. "Pures" don't get to switch roles without changing classes, so if all dps was equal they would be at a disadvantage. At the same time, once they homogenized the buffs, hybrids don't have any reason for being in a raid outside of being able to fill different roles.

That's nice, in theory, but I haven't seen guilds recruit with that in mind, nor was it implemented much when I raided (note: I haven't since dual spec was introduced... might be differnent now). We would occasionally swap the offtank or extra healer as the encounter demanded, but the majority of our hybrids were recruited for one purpose and continued to play that role for the duration of the guild. You can't balance the classes on the assumption that they will fill multiple roles (when some don't), and you can't bring pvp arguments when we're talking about pve dps.

If anyone can reasonably convice me as to why you would bring an enh shaman in Cat, assuming the dps remains the same, I would love to hear it.

Anyways.... this argument is pointless, bc the classes are never get balanced to Blizz's intentions anyways.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
water_wendi said:
From all ive heard there is no more dual wielding for Death Knights.

Its crazy to see how much of Death Knights have changed from Wotlk Beta to now and beyond.
You heard wrong. They already announced in the DK panel that Frost is a dual wield tree but that they will add a 2Her talent for people that liked 2H frost.

Threat of Thassarian will probably still be the Dual Wield talent while the new talent for RP will be the 2H one. What it probably means is that dual wielding will somehow award you more RP somehow.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Man, those new mounts have so much more polygons and textures than the classic player models. That's going to look sad.


Junior Member
water_wendi said:
New stuff courtesy of mmowned.

The different faces of female worgen.

New mounts

Underwater mounts

Faces look alright.. the mounts look great though. Wonder what the camels run animation is going to look like?

edit: changed to urls in case you dont want to be spoiled
Forgot two, Female Worgen Death Knight Class Skins:



firex said:
They want to support 2h for the few people that want to play 2h frost.
>.< So they will make enhancement support 2hs for shamenses?

Its silly, they should make the trees more focused, if they have a tanking tree, why not a dw one and a 2h one?


FLEABttn said:
Posting on the internet telling people not to waste time is somewhat ironic.

I'll never understand these types of people, or how they let their lives fall completely apart from a game to the point where they have to start blaming it and everyone in it. In 12 off/on years of MMO's I've never once missed any event or had any problem caused by one, including some of the time sinkier ones.

It's something I never saw to anywhere near this degree prior to WoW either in the MMO sector, it's very bizarre. I think the funny part is I actually spend less time playing games when I'm subbed to WoW. I think I was averaging like 6-8 hours a week running 10 arena games and an Ulduar clear/attempts when I quit last year.

Of course, outside of being with the SO, who has the same hobbies as me. Playing games and reading books are about as far as my hobbies go anyway though.

I think the only MMO where I probably spent too much time was FFXI, due to the early on camp-centric, three days to get something done style of the game. That thing was super flawed at launch.

I dunno what people do in WoW though, after an initial hump, which you'll really get in any game, it's really tame unless you're some altoholic or just cannot manage your time at all, it's such an easye game to schedule in. I assume maybe it's the people I see sitting by the mailbox any given time I come on or something.
FLEABttn said:
Posting on the internet telling people not to waste time is somewhat ironic.
Yes because posting on the internet takes 2 seconds copared to an icc clear a few hours minium. Most wow players are on there 5+ hours a fucking day. Get a damn life.
J-Rzez said:
That's the best way to be about it if you can. Unfortunately, WoW sees most of my free time anymore, I blow through a console game for a break it seems. :lol

Hehe I can relate to that, Modnation Racer has grabbed me away from WoW for now!


Yes because posting on the internet takes 2 seconds copared to an icc clear a few hours minium. Most wow players are on there 5+ hours a fucking day. Get a damn life.

Lil' duder, this is an old topic, with a lot of older posters who have been around for awhile. Realize most of us are actually adults who can control ourselves when playing a game, and by that I mean not name ourselves BloodElfHunter, spam a "detox" :)lol...) site and make angsty posts when people get a chuckle out of you.


markot said:
>.< So they will make enhancement support 2hs for shamenses?

Its silly, they should make the trees more focused, if they have a tanking tree, why not a dw one and a 2h one?

Let's just wait and see if they improved/fixed the shaman class first before worrying about a specific weapon type. They can use some help. Resto seems to be getting some nice fixes on paper, not sure how enhance and elemental will pan out. If any hybrid class needed some TLC, it's shamans.

Xabora said:
Forgot two, Female Worgen Death Knight Class Skins:

God damn... someone needs to turn on some AA up in this bitch before they lose an eye.


Druid feral changes sound nice. Not too thrilled about the resto ones. Might consider going bear MS and cat OS/PVP in Cataclysm.
Our guild did ICC10, we are now 8/12. (I know, we're way behind)

Our Dreamwalker fight had an epic ending. Being the Holy pally, I got to have all the fun of healing her. We were very close to the end when the tanks dropped, other healer dropped and all but one DPS dropped.

I bubbled with 3k health left, spammed her and we got the kill. Myself and a shammy were all that remained.

My favorite fight of the raid so far.
MattPeters said:
Our guild did ICC10, we are now 8/12. (I know, we're way behind)

Our Dreamwalker fight had an epic ending. Being the Holy pally, I got to have all the fun of healing her. We were very close to the end when the tanks dropped, other healer dropped and all but one DPS dropped.

I bubbled with 3k health left, spammed her and we got the kill. Myself and a shammy were all that remained.

My favorite fight of the raid so far.

I like being able to Lay on Hands her a second time in the fight. It's like a massive quarter of a million infusion of health. It seems so ridiculous.


Hero said:
Increased by 1 second? Interesting. We knew about 100% resistance now which is godly. That last clause makes me wonder if that's just for PVE purposes...
Nah, it does last 5 seconds on live. The change to it granting complete immunity to damage seems to be overkill though.
But fucking finally, 100%. I so hate it when I rely on CloS on instagibs and it fails. Now at last I won't have to worry about that.
Vanish change is great too, though didn't they try to introduce it in one of the previous patches? Maybe it may work out now due to increased health pools?
Vendetta sounds so fun, tons better than HFB:D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Rapstah said:
I just got to play Scarlet Monastery: Graveyard seven times in a row from the random instance finder. It's a short, easy and somewhat fun instance but it has like five different blue drops. Not a single one is leather. :(
yeah, because Graveyard is so short and the only thing at that level (mid-to-high 20something) it ends up coming up non-stop. after 4-5 clears you should get a level though and the next instances will pop up in dungeon finder.

RFD and SFK were the same way.


I'm actually liking a lot of the Cataclysm changes so far for elemental and resto shamans. That healing rain spell seems useful and cool, unleash weapon is a neat cooldown to have either for healing predictable damage or what averages out to about 10% overall lava burst damage, and elemental's planned new talents and mastery bonus are finally what the class needed to begin with. Plus, the new level 85 cooldown is a huge lift to the class that was also sorely needed to address its mobility problems.

It helps that elemental will be able to use mage trinkets and rings with healer armor if they want, because the spirit->hit conversion talent is significant enough that most gear can be healer gear. That will probably also address some mana regen problems they might encounter. Also, getting a new, reliable channeled aoe through talents will finally put it on a level closer to all the other dps casters in 5 mans, and might give it another good pvp tool. Plus, the totem changes coming for ele means they will get a decent dps increase from dropping searing/magma totem (depending upon the type of fight) because those gain a lot from spell power.

Resto will still be pretty strong and should get a massive improvement just by losing a lot of the essential but boring talents with the mastery revamp. I know personally I've seen a decent amount of talents that are utility based in resto that I want to use but can't because they get in the way of more effective healing talents. Also, getting spirit link (a reliable way to make the efficiency of chain heal come into play more, and a weak PWS-type effect for tanks) is fantastic and highly useful in any kind of group/raid setting. It's already a pretty powerful build in the game right now (especially after they built it up so much) but getting more tools will make it awesome.
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