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World of Warcraft

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
and not to sound like a total snob.. I've pulled aggro before. mostly because of bad tanks, BUT I have tried to squeeze off just a tiny bit extra damage at 85%+ on trash and ended up pulling aggro and I do what any GOOD mage does at that situation... run the mob back to the tank, switch targets to a low threat target, and watch my health in case the tank doesn't pull aggro back soon enough that I can IB or Invis as needed.

edit - lol.. on the official forums people are saying that it's ALWAYS DPS' fault for pulling aggro. "Lay off DPS if you're getting threat". That often the tank has too much going on and can't keep track of all aggro. First off, THAT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB! Second off, if I get off two casts and get to 50%, sure, I'll switch targets. If I get two more casts off on the new target and get to 50%, I'm probably fucking leaving party because I'm not going to take the time to target/assist the tank because he's too lazy to aggro anything beyond what he's auto-attacking. I'll be the first to admit (or agree) that I've had more good tanks than bad tanks so far.. but yeah... if a tank is running into a crowd and only single target aggroing, especially not on the nukes in the crowd, fuck that.
Untextured Troll Bear:


Southshore taken over by the Forsaken:



For my level 35 talent(s) as an Enhancement Shaman, do I pick Unleashed Rage (+3 expertise and +4% Attack Power per rank) or Weapon Mastery (all weapon damage +4% per rank)? They're both three-point talents, so I figure I'll just put three into one and use the remaining two points for the talent tier on Ancestral Knowledge (+2% int per rank), the tier 1 talent I never fully specced into earlier.


I'd say the first one since expertise is so rare while leveling up, and I know while leveling I got a lot of dodges and parries.
Expertise only really matters if you're fighting things 2-4 levels above yourself. It's great for endgame, but sucky for leveling. When it doubt, always choose straight +damage.


keeblerdrow said:
Expertise only really matters if you're fighting things 2-4 levels above yourself. It's great for endgame, but sucky for leveling. When it doubt, always choose straight +damage.
I disagree.

While leveling up I find you get dodged and parried quite a bit. I say get all the exp you can during the leveling process.


Junior Member
borghe said:
As for dx11. Don't get your hopes up too much. Shit like tesselation still needs usable maps already in the game. I'd expect maybe a little better lighting and shadows, and maybe simple water. Then again I could be wrong.

Your forgetting what DirectX11 brings:
# Tessellation — to increase at runtime the number of visible polygons from a low detail polygonal model
# Multithreaded rendering — to render to the same Direct3D device object from different threads for multi core CPUs
# Compute shaders — which exposes the shader pipeline for non-graphical tasks such as stream processing and physics acceleration, similar in spirit to what OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, ATI Stream achieves, and HLSL Shader Model 5 among others.

Now since its 11 that means it should support the following 10 Features:
# Fixed pipelines are being done away with in favor of fully programmable pipelines (often referred to as unified pipeline architecture), which can be programmed to emulate the same.
# New state object to enable (mostly) the CPU to change states efficiently.
# Shader model 4.0 enhances the programmability of the graphics pipeline. It adds instructions for integer and bitwise calculations.
# Geometry shaders, which work on adjacent triangles which form a mesh.
# Texture arrays enable swapping of textures in GPU without CPU intervention.
# Predicated Rendering allows drawing calls to be ignored based on some other conditions. This enables rapid occlusion culling, which prevents objects from being rendered if it is not visible or too far to be visible.
# Instancing 2.0 support, allowing multiple instances of similar meshes, such as armies, or grass or trees, to be rendered in a single draw call, reducing the processing time needed for multiple similar objects to that of a single one.




Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Xabora said:
Your forgetting what DirectX11 brings:
# Tessellation — to increase at runtime the number of visible polygons from a low detail polygonal model
# Multithreaded rendering — to render to the same Direct3D device object from different threads for multi core CPUs
# Compute shaders — which exposes the shader pipeline for non-graphical tasks such as stream processing and physics acceleration, similar in spirit to what OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, ATI Stream achieves, and HLSL Shader Model 5 among others.
right. don't get me wrong, I'm sure blizz is doing something with it more than adding a bullet point. I was just pointing out that hoping for tessellation or awesome new physics is unlikely.


Skel said:
Wow awesome, huge grats. That thing is so sexy. My main is a hunter as well.

I hate how the other druid/hunter weapons in there have haste instead of ArP (Distant Land and BloodFall)

Why are you using Stakethrower though? Even at heroic that's a 264 right? Zod's is our BiS until Zod's heroic.

LK xbow is BIS until LK heroic-xbow


yacobod said:
LK xbow is BIS until LK heroic-xbow
Oh yea I forgot about his xbow in 25. I heard it is still up for debate though in regards to Zod's.

Regardless though, Zod's > Heroic Stakethrower (unless you're a dwarf I think).


Rapstah said:
For my level 35 talent(s) as an Enhancement Shaman, do I pick Unleashed Rage (+3 expertise and +4% Attack Power per rank) or Weapon Mastery (all weapon damage +4% per rank)? They're both three-point talents, so I figure I'll just put three into one and use the remaining two points for the talent tier on Ancestral Knowledge (+2% int per rank), the tier 1 talent I never fully specced into earlier.
You should get both over maxing out ancestral knowledge. I would do unleashed rage first since you get expertise and 10% AP for maxing it, but you will want weapon mastery too.


firex said:
You should get both over maxing out ancestral knowledge. I would do unleashed rage first since you get expertise and 10% AP for maxing it, but you will want weapon mastery too.
I respecced and am planning to spec fully into both at some point.
Skel said:
Oh yea I forgot about his xbow in 25. I heard it is still up for debate though in regards to Zod's.

Regardless though, Zod's > Heroic Stakethrower (unless you're a dwarf I think).
For a MM hunter the order from worst to best is:

Njordnar Bone Bow(Heroic)
Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas(Reg)
Windrunner's Heartseeker(Heroic)
Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas(Heroic)

I wish the bows I have already were better for me. I hate having a gun.

The only thing better than Zods Heroic is Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas Heroic (LK 25 Hard)

VaLiancY said:
Whoa. You're on Destromath bro'?

I respect that.
You on Destro as well?
New info on Twin Peaks battleground in Cataclysm.

Blizzard said:
Located within the Twilight Highlands, the Twin Peaks remains a crucial point of high ground for staging effective and debilitating attacks against the black dragonflight and the Twilight's Hammer, who dominate this foreboding environment. And now, two previous occupants of the nearby city of Grim Batol vie once again for control of the peaks' defenses. The Wildhammer clan, architects and original owners of the once-great fortress city, maintains some operations in forested outposts of the highlands. The Wildhammers now call upon heroes of the Alliance to help claim the peaks and fend off the Dragonmaw orcs. The Dragonmaw clan, having spent years working to enslave red dragons, once again provides strategic importance to the Horde. As the Dragonmaw and Wildhammers fight for territory they once called home, the Alliance and Horde carry out the struggle to control the Twin Peaks.

Capture the Flag
Twin Peaks is a new 10 vs. 10, capture-the-flag-style battleground. Much like in Warsong Gulch, players must work to dominate variable terrain, infiltrate the enemy base, and steal the enemy flag, returning it to their fortress while remaining in control of their own flag. The first faction to capture three enemy flags before time expires will win the battle.

Dominating the Terrain
Although the Wildhammer and Dragonmaw bases are virtually identical, the terrain surrounding each base is not. Players will need to work to control an asymmetrical field where the mountain peaks are divided by a valley river. A single bridge over the river serves as a choke point in the center of the map; although deep, the river can be crossed. On either side of the river sits an outpost where temporary character enhancements can be claimed. In addition, tree stumps and rocks throughout the valley create strategic points for you to use line of sight to your advantage. To prevent absolute domination by one faction through its control of the enemy graveyard, the Horde and Alliance players resurrected in Twin Peaks will spawn from one of two graveyards per faction.

Wildhammer Longhouse
Serving as the Alliance stronghold in the north, the Wildhammer Longhouse hovers above the valley, atop a series of plateaus. With three entrances to the complex, players have two primary means of reaching the longhouse: scaling the plateaus to the northwest, or using the stairwell up the middle in order to access any of the three openings. Be careful, though! Falling or being knocked off the cliff can not only cause damage, but it can also hinder a successful offensive against or defense of the base.

Dragonmaw Clan Compound
Acting as the Horde base in the south, the Dragonmaw Clan Compound sits over a body of water into which the valley's river feeds. With three entrances to the compound, players have a few means of getting inside. One entrance on the southeast side requires riding up an incline and crossing a knee-deep river. A second entrance is through a water pipeline leading from the surrounding lake, while the main entrance can be accessed via a bridge over the waterfront. You'll want to be aware of your surroundings when you use the main entrance, though, because players can be knocked down into the water, slowing their advance or crippling their defense.

Those who seek to control Twin Peaks will face an intense battle. The lands surrounding this ever-troubled location are key strategic strongholds of Deathwing and all of his followers. The Twilight Highlands are as rich with history as they are fraught with disaster and tragedy. Will the Dragonmaw clan, reinforced by Garrosh's Horde, take control? Or will it be the Wildhammer dwarves, reunited with their Ironforge brethren and accepted into the Alliance, who seize the peaks?
The fuck at southshore, varian needs to go all captain superchin and force his allies to either shape up, or ship out. And commision the gnomes to build him a nuke.

Chris R

HarryDemeanor said:
New info on Twin Peaks battleground in Cataclysm.

Any word if they fixed CTF games going on FOREVER? I mean how damn hard is it for them to add a debuff to the flag that ticks damage? Games should last ~20 minuets, but that was NEVER the case. Sure things got a little bit better with WOTLK as the games weren't taking hours, but still they took way too long for the rewarded return.


Modesty becomes a woman
rhfb said:
Any word if they fixed CTF games going on FOREVER? I mean how damn hard is it for them to add a debuff to the flag that ticks damage? Games should last ~20 minuets, but that was NEVER the case. Sure things got a little bit better with WOTLK as the games weren't taking hours, but still they took way too long for the rewarded return.
Calm the fuck down, there's been a time limit on the games for some time now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rhfb said:
Any word if they fixed CTF games going on FOREVER? I mean how damn hard is it for them to add a debuff to the flag that ticks damage? Games should last ~20 minuets, but that was NEVER the case. Sure things got a little bit better with WOTLK as the games weren't taking hours, but still they took way too long for the rewarded return.
There's been a 20m limit on WSG since 3.2, I believe.


Pre-made WSG is the most fun I've had in any competetive multiplayer outside of like UO:T2A and Tribes 1/2, so I'm REALLY looking forward to rated BGs in a new CTF map like that.



Has problems recognising girls
Premades are always a ton of fun. Though it sucks when you come up against them and you're by yourself :lol


Oh yeah that's the worst, especially in WSG. I wouldn't do WSG without at least a small gang of friends :lol

When I was just with me or one other friend I like EotS, because EotS will support random unorganized fighting very well! Go in as a healer/dps combo and that's just good times for me.

Chris R

Angry Grimace said:
There's been a 20m limit on WSG since 3.2, I believe.
Well that is a good thing. I stopped playing sometime after 3.2 but I guess I didn't hear about the WSG change.

I'd still love to see a new BG in the style of the old AVs. Those matches were basically the only fun I ever had with WoWs PvP :D

edit: and ya premades in WSG were fun. Back when people had to grind HWL a few people in my guild went for it and we made kickass premades :lol


A 20 min limit would be after I ceased too, when I stopped (a bit before the arena styled raid patch, I think it was 3.2) they just had deuffs for the flag holders after so many minutes.

And that really didn't help much, games still went on forever, often to the point of me dropping out because I schedule my playing time kinda fiercely (that's one thing I really appreciate modern WoW letting you do - get shit done on 6-8 hours a week) I mean I could heal people through most damage provided it wasn't against some crazy opposing premade.


Water is not wet!
The worst thing about WSG (and all BGs) is that there is only one map for one gametype. Blizzard brings mapathy to a whole new level.

And WSG is the worst because you either get rolled by a premade or the matches take forever (25 minutes is much better but can be annoying when both teams turtle and after times up you get a draw.. although honestly, that doesnt mean much now since marks are gone). And rep comes only from flag caps, wtf is that shit? :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
I was thinking of reinstalling the game because of my stuttering issue and hoping it will fix this. I still have the WOTLK DVD, but i've lost the box with the CD-Key on it... is it necessary to reinstall the game, or is it only necessary to upgrade an account from WoW/BC to WOTLK?

Also, i suppose i don't need to reinstall the game by using the original 5 CDs of WoW THEN the 4 CDs of BC AND finally the WOTLK DVD? The DVD have everything right? :lol


Bisnic said:
I was thinking of reinstalling the game because of my stuttering issue and hoping it will fix this. I still have the WOTLK DVD, but i've lost the box with the CD-Key on it... is it necessary to reinstall the game, or is it only necessary to upgrade an account from WoW/BC to WOTLK?

Also, i suppose i don't need to reinstall the game by using the original 5 CDs of WoW THEN the 4 CDs of BC AND finally the WOTLK DVD? The DVD have everything right? :lol

The CD-key is only for the account upgrade.

The WotLK DVD has everything you need, minus patches.


Does anyone have any experience with Val'anyr Hammer of the Ancient Kings? I have a Priest alt that I'm thinking of taking to 80 and have been reading that the mace is still BIS due to the proc.

Anyone have it / can give me an estimate on how long it would take to actually assemble?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sebulon3k said:
Does anyone have any experience with Val'anyr Hammer of the Ancient Kings? I have a Priest alt that I'm thinking of taking to 80 and have been reading that the mace is still BIS due to the proc.

Anyone have it / can give me an estimate on how long it would take to actually assemble?
Probably almost impossible. You have to run Ulduar 25 1908590285390 times and get all of the fragments. Nobody runs Ulduar 25 anymore.


Sebulon3k said:
Does anyone have any experience with Val'anyr Hammer of the Ancient Kings? I have a Priest alt that I'm thinking of taking to 80 and have been reading that the mace is still BIS due to the proc.

Anyone have it / can give me an estimate on how long it would take to actually assemble?
It'd take quite a bit. You need 30 shards that drop at a 4-5% rate from Ulduar 25 bosses, then you take out Yogg 25 with three watchers.

The shard collecting would take forever though. I believe that Yogg 25 drops a shard almost every kill, however.


Sebulon3k said:
Does anyone have any experience with Val'anyr Hammer of the Ancient Kings? I have a Priest alt that I'm thinking of taking to 80 and have been reading that the mace is still BIS due to the proc.

Anyone have it / can give me an estimate on how long it would take to actually assemble?
It's debatable that Heroic Trauma is actually BiS, at least for resto Shamans that is. As hard as it would be to obtain, it's still a more realistic goal than the legendary mace. The shard collecting would take a long long time if you don't have a 25 man raiding guild willing to run old content every week.


ciaossu said:
It's debatable that Heroic Trauma is actually BiS, at least for resto Shamans that is. As hard as it would be to obtain, it's still a more realistic goal than the legendary mace. The shard collecting would take a long long time if you don't have a 25 man raiding guild willing to run old content every week.

I could probably get my hands on a Heroic Trauma faster then I would Val'anyr. Chances are I would be PUGing the raid every week seeing as how my guild doesn't see it as worth the 2 or so raid hours.

I just know that there's a guild on my server that does Glory of the Ulduar Raider 25 open invites every week and they just keep all the fragments for their healers. They've gotten 2 Maces through this method.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Speaking of my stuttering issue, it seems to be only happening during the evening.

Whenever i play after work around 5 to 6pm, i rarely have this. I've also been playing this afternoon just fine. But when i play at late hours like 7-11 pm, it's all over the place. I bet it's going to happen again if i play during these hours later today.

Like if my PC couldn't handle the heavier traffic during the evening when most people are playing, even when i play in some dead zone like Dustwallow Marsh, it's silly... A network issue, but from which side? Maybe it has something to do with my new wireless network card i bought a few months ago, but i'd be surprised...
Bisnic said:
Speaking of my stuttering issue, it seems to be only happening during the evening.

Whenever i play after work around 5 to 6pm, i rarely have this. I've also been playing this afternoon just fine. But when i play at late hours like 7-11 pm, it's all over the place. I bet it's going to happen again if i play during these hours later today.

Like if my PC couldn't handle the heavier traffic during the evening when most people are playing, even when i play in some dead zone like Dustwallow Marsh, it's silly... A network issue, but from which side? Maybe it has something to do with my new wireless network card i bought a few months ago, but i'd be surprised...

I've been seeing a lot of stutters this week during random heroics and such. Not sure what's causing it to happen but I guess its time I build a new PC. I could really use one if they finish up support for DX11 in Cataclysm.


Bisnic said:
Speaking of my stuttering issue, it seems to be only happening during the evening.

Whenever i play after work around 5 to 6pm, i rarely have this. I've also been playing this afternoon just fine. But when i play at late hours like 7-11 pm, it's all over the place. I bet it's going to happen again if i play during these hours later today.

Like if my PC couldn't handle the heavier traffic during the evening when most people are playing, even when i play in some dead zone like Dustwallow Marsh, it's silly... A network issue, but from which side? Maybe it has something to do with my new wireless network card i bought a few months ago, but i'd be surprised...

Trying plugging in with a cord instead of wireless, to try and rule stuff out.


Really Really Exciting Member!
FLEABttn said:
Trying plugging in with a cord instead of wireless, to try and rule stuff out.

Not something i can really do, seeing as how my modem and my PC aren't even on the same floor and i don't have some 100ft cable near me. :lol

Still no stuttering since i started playing this afternoon, we'll see after dinner if it show up or not, just to see if i was right about that.


I've been leveling my mage and getting close to 75, so I wonder if the 0/53/18 FFB spec still works. Right now I'm leveling as arcane, and it's ok but I kind of hate never doing big damage and having to rely on missile barrage procs to kill stuff.


frost leveling imo.

so much better now with perma pet.

of course all you actually do 99% of the time is frostbolt spam or blizzard spam in dungeons.

which is really only slightly worse than arcane.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Lost Reign of the Unliving after rolling 94. :lol

edit: the guy that won is a friend of mine and gave it to me since it's his offspec :D
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