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World of Warcraft

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I was just looking over the crafting shti and such and.... I'm ready for a reset. Something to make these numbers be understandable. For instance, the JC trinkets add +197 to a stat. They are item level 346. Neither of these numbers are useful. There's some 2 hander on the front page of MMO with 650 dps. Is that good? Who the fuck can tell anymore.
Son of Godzilla said:
I was just looking over the crafting shti and such and.... I'm ready for a reset. Something to make these numbers be understandable. For instance, the JC trinkets add +197 to a stat. They are item level 346. Neither of these numbers are useful. There's some 2 hander on the front page of MMO with 650 dps. Is that good? Who the fuck can tell anymore.

Seriously, I had a firm grip on my damage output and stats in vanilla, and anymore it's just a horrid fucking mess. Cata's going to ramp this up 10fold.


What server do most people here play on? I just started playing again and want to roll a new character on a GAF-populated server.


Junior Member
Dechaios said:
What server do most people here play on? I just started playing again and want to roll a new character on a GAF-populated server.
This gets asked alot, but... there is no gaf server. :|


Oni Link 666 said:
It seems kind of weird how they turn all stings into venom except serpent sting. Does that mean we'll be keeping both SS and a venom up as part of our rotations?

The Hunter changes have me really excited to play the class in Cataclysm. 20 stabled pets plus 5 in call stable? Gotta catch'em all!

I'm seriously considering changing my main from Rogue to Hunter like, right now. Rogues still look lame. Combat looks like some kind of PVP or weird off-tank tree. I don't want to play a dagger Rogue.

Yep the venoms being separated from Serpent sting was a way for us to keep our damaging poison (which not crits baseline which is going to be amazing for PvE) and get our utility in a difference mechanic.

So you actually WONT have to always keep up your venoms, they dont do any damage, but if you WANT to, or if your raid needs it, you now have a Ranged sunder armor from Scorpid venom which disarms if you chimera shot with it up, a 30s Mortal Strike effect that will heal you for 15% HP every 10s, and a huge casting speed reduction as well that lasts 30s and mana burns if you chimera shot with it up.

Shit is b a n a n a s. Its going to be hilarious since we have PETS that can apply the minor sunder armor debuff, and we can personally provide the major, full sunder from one character, at RANGE.

Good times.

Oh, and the latest build has a talent where while deterrence is up it reflects 100% of spells that hit it instead of deflecting them. :lol :lol :lol Toss readiness in there and the lulz will be had in the BG's this is going to be fun.


Dechaios said:
What server do most people here play on? I just started playing again and want to roll a new character on a GAF-populated server.

There is a spreadsheet of GAF members and their servers here.
And you can add your characters to it here.


Welp 'nother good day of wow for me. Did 2 Ramps runs, a Blood Furnace run and a salve pens run along with some group questing and even some PVP.

Plus I gained 2 levels! and I'm about halfway to 65 currently.


Just spent 5 hours wiping on LK 10, first real night that we've had as a guild to gets some solid attempts in. We got him down to 35% but were struggling on the vile spirits. We have a boomkin, mage and warlock in the group they just weren't getting them fast enough I suppose. I was feral tanking since our DK tank (look at his spec, keep in mind he's a two-handed frost tank, DW talents wtf? I swear I'm going to snap at him next time he's online) decided to not show up, but that was a good thing :lol I'm very new to tanking raids but I picked up on the fight pretty well, most wipes were due to a dps not getting out of defile, dps running into a frost orb, dps not killing vile spirits, etc...

Oh well, hope to down him next time.
ciaossu said:
Just spent 5 hours wiping on LK 10, first real night that we've had as a guild to gets some solid attempts in. We got him down to 35% but were struggling on the vile spirits. We have a boomkin, mage and warlock in the group they just weren't getting them fast enough I suppose. I was feral tanking since our DK tank (look at his spec, keep in mind he's a two-handed frost tank, DW talents wtf? I swear I'm going to snap at him next time he's online) decided to not show up, but that was a good thing :lol I'm very new to tanking raids but I picked up on the fight pretty well, most wipes were due to a dps not getting out of defile, dps running into a frost orb, dps not killing vile spirits, etc...

Oh well, hope to down him next time.

Have you guys talked to him about it before? That's pretty bad.


Tamanon said:
Alchemy: Potion of Treasure Finding
3 sec cast
Potion of Treasure Finding
Requires Level 80
Item Level 85
Allows you to find extra treasure from monsters in Deephome, Twilight Highlands and Uldum. Lasts 4 hrs or until you find a special treasure item.

WTB perma mode for dorfs like myself!


HarryDemeanor said:
Have you guys talked to him about it before? That's pretty bad.
I typically main a resto shaman and he is a bitch to heal sometimes. I'll complain about it to an officer to vent a bit (he'll get one-shotted on blood princes when he doesn't grab enough orbs and just bitch that there weren't enough heals), but last night was the first time that I actually looked at his talent spec. Thing is, we really needed another tank for ICC10 progression but I could quite easily take that role if enough healers are online.

I really am going to talk about to the GM about it. Ugh ~_~



I really just hope they own up to their supposed plans to pump more detail into the vanilla races. How that isn't priority one for visual design in the game is just crazy to me.


HarryDemeanor said:
I'm still wondering if racial revamps are still on the table for this expansion. Can't find anything lately of them talking about it.
I heard a rumor that 'Every Man For Himself' is getting nerfed to a 5 minute CD, and there almost have to be racial revamps of some sort. The Worgen and Goblin racials are much more useful and relevant, and they should remove and replace the weapon specialization racials in my opinion.

Alex said:
I really just hope they own up to their supposed plans to pump more detail into the vanilla races. How that isn't priority one for visual design in the game is just crazy to me.
They keep saying they don't want to change the looks of characters that people are attached to, which is a fair enough point as I could see some people being upset by that. They should leave those textures there and just add upgraded ones though. I hope they do


Yeah 2h frost tank with DW talents, LOLz. Why does he have the talent that transforms him in the skeleton?? I thought it was useless.

I "discovered" yesterday that you can't wear twice the same ring. I was getting ready to buy my second tank ring from the emblem vendor in Dalaran (the lvl245 one) but I already had one so I've gotta find something else. They're doesn't seem to be any despite the raiding ones, I think there's a lvl219 one on another vendor that'll do until I start raiding.
I did see on wowhead that there's a ring you can get from a quest in ICC, is that a quest you get from raiding? (Ashen something something).

Also, what do you suggest I get for my feet? I saw there are some crafted ones that are rather good are they crafter-only? Otherwise I can get one with the emblems but it's only lvl219.

Trinket-wise, I bought the one from the vendors (+1k7 armor and on use gives you roughly +5% evade). The other one is supposedly the best one you can loot in heroics (+111 sta and when you get it sometimes cast an absorption shield) but it's blue and I know some idiots who will only look at that when you wanna raid...

I'm at 4650 of GS, once I replace my ring, my boots and my wrists I think I'll be set for raiding. Hope I'll get to 5k.


Alcoori said:
Yeah 2h frost tank with DW talents, LOLz. Why does he have the talent that transforms him in the skeleton?? I thought it was useless.

I did see on wowhead that there's a ring you can get from a quest in ICC, is that a quest you get from raiding? (Ashen something something).
Dude I don't know, it's all a bad joke or something ~_~

Regarding the ICC ring, you need rep with an ICC faction called the Ashen Verdict to get the ring. You start at neutral and when you kill mobs in ICC you gain rep and at friendly you can get a lv251 ring of your choice. You might be able to join a 'rep farming group' (it means you don't kill any bosses, just kill trash for rep) but those might not really form anymore.


That's not really the way to go, in my opinion, because that's catering to stupid people.

It's like..."I do not want a nice new car upgrade, I am rocking an AMC Pacer with a garbage bag for the back window, and I have sentimental attachment to it."

I'm sure there are people like that, the rest of us don't need to be punished because of them! :p

Really though, the old races need to be bumped up to comparable geometry and texture detail compared to at least the BC era stuff. Going from Dwarf to Goblin on the character create screen is like going from N64 to PS2, it's just silly.

Could just flag everyone for a free character customization as a byproduct of it, but I doubt Blizzard would ever do that.


Logged on last night and downloaded the new patch.

They finally fixed the blood elf cloak bug!

Grinded some emblems and Ebon Blade reputation and finally got my epic chest piece (Furious Gladiator's Chain Armor). Still a long way to go for a full epic set and I haven't even scratched the ICC raid content yet. Mostly because all the premades shun me for not having a gear score of ten million plus 1.


glaurung said:
Mostly because all the premades shun me for not having a gear score of ten million plus 1.

That and some people ask you to have already killed 11 bosses...

Oh yeah, and yesterday I wanted to chain heroics, I kept getting thrown in the Halls of Reflection even though I have never done it. As I didn't want to be a burden and make everyone wipe I had to quit and wait for 30 fucking minutes each time (questing to get money while waiting but still). Third time I decide to try it, looking at a strat guide online.
We didn't even pass the second wave.

I had trouble gathering all the mobs in on place so I could tank them... I should really try it in normal first so that I can get the hang of it :D
Puncture said:
Yep the venoms being separated from Serpent sting was a way for us to keep our damaging poison (which not crits baseline which is going to be amazing for PvE) and get our utility in a difference mechanic.

So you actually WONT have to always keep up your venoms, they dont do any damage, but if you WANT to, or if your raid needs it, you now have a Ranged sunder armor from Scorpid venom which disarms if you chimera shot with it up, a 30s Mortal Strike effect that will heal you for 15% HP every 10s, and a huge casting speed reduction as well that lasts 30s and mana burns if you chimera shot with it up.

Shit is b a n a n a s. Its going to be hilarious since we have PETS that can apply the minor sunder armor debuff, and we can personally provide the major, full sunder from one character, at RANGE.

Good times.

Oh, and the latest build has a talent where while deterrence is up it reflects 100% of spells that hit it instead of deflecting them. :lol :lol :lol Toss readiness in there and the lulz will be had in the BG's this is going to be fun.

I see. So Scorpid venom would be about as optional as a Rogue's Expose Armor. And Widow Venom would just be something you do if there's no Warrior with MS. Sounds like a mechanic that might come in handy, but not for every situation.

Pets -- We haven't done our design pass on them yet. The design is for them to no longer receive raid buff since they get complete scaling from the master (and we don't want them to double dip). Their abilities will be divided into 3 categories: basic focus dumps (e.g. Claw), specials (e.g. web), and exotic abilities for the BM exotic pets. Specials never cost focus and basics have short cooldowns but meaningful damage. All pets will do the same dps. We don't want "wolf or die" in Cataclysm (and before that it was cat). Each pet family will bring a unique raid buff, allowing hunters to be wildcards for when you are lacking something. The ease of swapping pets will facilitate this further.

FUCKING FINALLY! No more waiting for the fucking paladin to take wisdom off my pet and give it might. >_> And finally we can raid with something other than a wolf. I am so sick of everyone having a wolf. Hopefully they'll let us spec the pets in any tree too. I want to be able to raid with a fucking turtle if I feel like it.
I finally caved in and reactivated my account, even after deciding it would be better to wait until Cataclysm :lol Went through MC with a couple of friends (Ragnaros is still one of the coolest looking bosses in the game), and then ran a few heroics. It felt good to be back. I don't think I can commit the time to raid 3-4 days a week, so I'm probably just going to go casual for now and pug stuff when I can. Still haven't tried Ruby Sanctum, but I i will before it resets, maybe tonight.


Wiped lots on 25-man Halion on Wednesday night, but rallied round, came back on Thursday and nailed him. It's a fun fight, and feels like an achievement by our guild's standards; according to guildox, we're server 7th on it, which is better than we usually are.

Was surprised by how easy P3 is; I thought that'd be the hard part, but we found it tougher to put together a good beam strategy for P2. Once we'd nailed that, though, the kill came pretty easily.
Deputy Moonman said:
I finally caved in and reactivated my account, even after deciding it would be better to wait until Cataclysm :lol
Same :(
"Game Card Successfully Added!" a second ago.
Let the games beging... I guess

Edit: MY first impressions after half of year of no WoW.
Login, look around, check keybindings settings etc, logout. Got bored hahahaha
Will try to do some heroics tonight to get the feeling back, then level some :D


SiegfriedFM said:
Downloading beta client now. Current patch notes says worgen females are unavailable so I'm guessing I have a few to go :(
No, those are the current ones.

Female worgen are not yet available.
Did ICC in my guild with a bunch of alts last night, ended up clearing 6/12 and then VOA. For some odd reason we kept failing on Valithria. So myself and the raid leader look at the healing meters and realize our holy paladin that was going in portals wasn't healing to god damn dragon. I'm sick of people that don't understand the basic fucking concepts of a fight. It wasn't like we could tell this girl to stop being a failure, because she is a habitual cord-stomper when she is called out or asked to do something different than what she thinks is right. I'm fairly certain notworksafe will back me up on this one, too.

Any healers looking to join a super casual 1-night-a-week raiding group?


Darkness no more
I'm alliance on a crappy, small PVE server. No one in my guild has logged in for the last year I think. My friend is trying to get me to pay for a server/race xfer to his high pop horde PVP server. I'm debating it!


mclem said:
Wiped lots on 25-man Halion on Wednesday night, but rallied round, came back on Thursday and nailed him. It's a fun fight, and feels like an achievement by our guild's standards; according to guildox, we're server 7th on it, which is better than we usually are.

Was surprised by how easy P3 is; I thought that'd be the hard part, but we found it tougher to put together a good beam strategy for P2. Once we'd nailed that, though, the kill came pretty easily.

It's certainly not a badly designed fight, problem is being the only boss in there, it'll get old fast despite how it's fun now.

Grats though. I take it your server is pretty competitive with progression? We only have 3 to down it on our server in 25-man mode, and we were the first to down it in 10-man (we're a casual 10-man guild) last I checked. Usually the top two 25-man guilds on our realm are in a competition with each other. And usually when they need a sub, they try to pick us up to fill in. :lol

No beta invite for me. :(


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Did ICC in my guild with a bunch of alts last night, ended up clearing 6/12 and then VOA. For some odd reason we kept failing on Valithria. So myself and the raid leader look at the healing meters and realize our holy paladin that was going in portals wasn't healing to god damn dragon. I'm sick of people that don't understand the basic fucking concepts of a fight. It wasn't like we could tell this girl to stop being a failure, because she is a habitual cord-stomper when she is called out or asked to do something different than what she thinks is right. I'm fairly certain notworksafe will back me up on this one, too.

Any healers looking to join a super casual 1-night-a-week raiding group?
Ugh, I know the person he's talking about...and they annoy me to no end. I'll never understand why people sign up for team events and then balk when asked to assist the team. Very strange. Buuut...that's why I moved them from the main raid to the "training wheels" raid. People like that are just cancer for a good raiding group. Hopefully that group can find someone to replace them.

And no Beta invite for me either. :(


Not really, it's just that it's an alt group and they lack alt healers. It's during a weekday as well, so it's a little harder to find someone who can come on a regular basis for an alt/newbie run as many of our guild members work odd hours (including myself, or I'd be going).

Luckily our main group doesn't have these sorts of problems.


J-Rzez said:
Grats though. I take it your server is pretty competitive with progression? We only have 3 to down it on our server in 25-man mode, and we were the first to down it in 10-man (we're a casual 10-man guild) last I checked. Usually the top two 25-man guilds on our realm are in a competition with each other. And usually when they need a sub, they try to pick us up to fill in. :lol

It's never *felt* like a highly competitive server; there's 3 guilds working on LK-25H, about 15 guilds who've downed LK-25N - to our shame, not including us - although having said that, I think that's more due to summer attendance issues rather than inability. At least, I hope so.


I got an invite, though I haven't received an email about it yet. It shows up in my list of games in my account management and I'm patching the beta client right now.

Hopefully it wasn't just some mistake and I get the email soon... :lol


So, I recriuted a friend and he made his account through the email I sent him, and he went ahead and upgraded to the full version and now its saying our accounts arent linked.



Some people are getting their invites only from battle.net manage games section. Emails are way behind they said, so just check battle.net.


J-Rzez said:
Some people are getting their invites only from battle.net manage games section. Emails are way behind they said, so just check battle.net.

Already checked once today...

You know... I'll bet those Beta Invites make the chocolate taste terrible....

Edit: I will post the lyrics to "I've got a Golden Ticket", modified to WoW-isms, if I get an invite.... or I will eat my hat.


kai3345 said:
So, I recriuted a friend and he made his account through the email I sent him, and he went ahead and upgraded to the full version and now its saying our accounts arent linked.

RAF. You get perks for leveling together in the form of vastly increased XP, he can grant you levels, you can teleport to each other from any place in the world, you get an exclusive mount, and so forth.


Retro said:
Already checked once today...

You know... I'll bet those Beta Invites make the chocolate taste terrible....

Edit: I will post the lyrics to "I've got a Golden Ticket", modified to WoW-isms, if I get an invite.... or I will eat my hat.
Do both

With the way beta invites are handled now, hopes of getting in are prety slim :p
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