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World of Warcraft

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RiskyChris said:
Wow, this is easily the most epic thing I've done in WoW.

Long night with this PUG (the second night with them), cycling through at least 20 or 30 bodies in RS10 Halion. Pretty much 8 hours.

With our last attempt before the server locked us out... WE FUCKIN DID IT. People stepped up their game and won.

Incredible. Here's some SS with the server countdown that was keeping everyone's Pro Hats on as the encounter raged onward:

That's hilarious :lol :lol
I can't believe people stayed that long, big grats :)
ciaossu said:
That's hilarious :lol :lol
I can't believe people stayed that long, big grats :)

Hehe, it was so crazy. The fight is a lot of fun to do, everyone needs to be on their feet or you blow up the raid. That it was so entertaining was what kept the core of the PUG going for so long.

Part of the reason it took so long is that every half hour or so someone would leave, and we'd have to 1) wait for new people, then 2) teach new people the encounter, then 3) wipe at least once on P1 and P2 for the new people to be retards about debuffs or laser.
firex said:
I think it's kind of funny that they're giving shamans Primal Strike, just because even though it makes sense I didn't expect it as a base ability and it won't change up enhance leveling that much. I dual spec enhance/resto on my shaman, although I might try elemental/resto depending upon how my gear gets converted for 4.0 (not sure how much MP5 will be turned into spirit and if it will be enough to go ele and not have to wear much hit gear). Having one set of gear and being able to set it up so all that swaps between specs is glyphs would be nice, but I just want to see if they actually follow through on making enhance better beyond a leveling spec first. Especially since I play an orc, so enhance is perfect for all the racials.

Also it really was a pain to keep mana up sometimes while leveling in tbc, but between shamanistic rage and absurd crit rate + shamanistic focus (and only really being able to do stormstrike + shocks anyway) I didn't have too many mana problems, and it just went away by the time I got water shield in outland. Right now I would say the big draw of enhance over elemental for solo is spirit wolves, because they make you pretty overpowered while they're up, and let me solo elites I probably wouldn't be able to solo as elemental, especially in combination with shamanistic rage.

I'm slightly concerned about how they don't seem to know what they want to do with shaman dispels. Seems like they are going back and forth between being able to cleanse diseases + curses, or just curses (with magic from talents), but being the least capable dispeller of all healers would suck. Although I hope this makes paladins in particular more or less required to cleanse poisons off people, regardless of spec (well ok, tank paladins can have some leeway if they get a stricter tank rotation or have to keep doing it for threat) so there will be another thing to yell at ret paladins for.

oh and congratulations on the kingslayer. I haven't even finished ulduar on either of my 80s (not that I will ever play my paladin again, because cataclysm doesn't look like it makes them any better).

Leveling as enhancement is the best damn thing ever. Fire elemental/Shamanistic Rage/Spirit Wolves/Bloodlust and you're soloing 4 or 5 person group quests.


We almost got HM Halion 25 yesterday... sigh we'll kill him tonight, after the reset.

Ended up killing him normal before going to bed -_- what a world of difference between regular and HM...


J-Rzez said:
You just picked a bad time to come back. ICC is beat, RS is a joke, and there's literally nothing else to do beside level alts, get your professions up to speed, or make gold. Probably should have made your return a month before Cata.
In all reality, I'll probably only keep my sub up for another month then quit for awhile again and possibly try Cata upon release. My 2 professions are capped although a GAFfer (I can't recall which in particular since he is not on the character database) helped me run through Kara last night and get Mongoose (amongst others) so that was pretty cool. It's very rarely asked for but nice to have.

I'm leveling up a Warlock some with some heirlooms because I get jealous at them dopping the DPS charts all the time.. it's okay but I just don't see how I could go through the grind again without getting incredibly bored. I am amazed that some of you have done it countless times beyond the first.

The raid locks just feel like they mostly hurt people who are pugging because if youre in a guild group or something you can easily find capable replacements 9/10.

ACE 1991

Interested in picking up cataclysm, but I'm currently playing on a not so hot laptop. How will I fare with these specs?

Processor: Intel T6600 @ 2.20GHz
Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Graphics ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4330
Meier said:
(I can't recall which in particular since he is not on the character database) helped me run through Kara last night and get Mongoose (amongst others) so that was pretty cool. It's very rarely asked for but nice to have.
Grr I still need that for my warlock enchanter, so I can put it on my tank's weapon. It drops everytime now right?
kai3345 said:
Yes. The dungeon finder is the best thing to grace Wow since the dungeons themselves.
So true. I played for hours last night. Before the Dungeon Finder, all I did was solo. I can't believe how much work has been put into these dungeons. The landscapes are fucking beautiful and the battles are intense. WoW feels like a brand new game to me now.

I have gotten TONS of achievements in the last 24 hours :lol


Just wait until the honeymoon is over and you reach 80 and start raiding heroics, then the magic fades and you'll be surprised by the amount of dickheads playing.

I still think it's a really good feature though, allowed me to do what I like in WoW which is chain quests and raid dungeons :)
Alcoori said:
Just wait until the honeymoon is over and you reach 80 and start raiding heroics, then the magic fades and you'll be surprised by the amount of dickheads playing.

I still think it's a really good feature though, allowed me to do what I like in WoW which is chain quests and raid dungeons :)
I've been 80 for months! Just never grouped unless it was one of the Ring of Blood style group quests. But yes there are some real dicks out there. Luckily most people are very nice and helpful and forgiving when I do a bad pull or something.


The Lamonster said:
I've been 80 for months! Just never grouped unless it was one of the Ring of Blood style group quests. But yes there are some real dicks out there. Luckily most people are very nice and helpful and forgiving when I do a bad pull or something.

Oops, my bad. It comes and goes yeah. I guess I'm just bitter now :)


Really Really Exciting Member!
I get more retards in low lvl dungeons than at lvl 80 to be honest... but that probably has something to do on how easy they are when everyone is in T9/T10, so some mistakes rarely end into a wipe, which end into drama & QQ. Also, getting DKs/hunters/warriors/rogues/etc. with spell power or spirit, or gear with 0 Strength/Agility/Attack power, or DPS classes with no tank tree using gear with Defense is not rare before 80, and those guys annoy me more than anything.


Well, I just resubbed for the first time since right before Ulduar dropped. I've got an 80 Rogue in Naxx10/25 gear. What would be the best place to get some decent gear?
Heroics. They drop T9 level emblems now. Run a ton of those and buy every piece you can. It should catch you up real quick. Also the ICC 5man heroics drop ilvl 232 gear to help patch up the holes in the emblem gear.


Garryk said:
Well, I just resubbed for the first time since right before Ulduar dropped. I've got an 80 Rogue in Naxx10/25 gear. What would be the best place to get some decent gear?

Run heroics and buy triumph emblem gear, farm the new ICC heroics and TOC for 219-232 gear.

Sarth was the weekly, so I put together a 3d zerg and finally got my Nightfall title. I had pretty much stopped raiding for the last year, but now that I'm finally raiding one or two nights a week, I'm trying to knock out these achievements (though I now main my druid tank rather than my hunter or dk).

Also, finally leveling a warrior...I really had no idea what a blast this class is.


Meier said:
In all reality, I'll probably only keep my sub up for another month then quit for awhile again and possibly try Cata upon release. My 2 professions are capped although a GAFfer (I can't recall which in particular since he is not on the character database) helped me run through Kara last night and get Mongoose (amongst others) so that was pretty cool. It's very rarely asked for but nice to have.

I'm leveling up a Warlock some with some heirlooms because I get jealous at them dopping the DPS charts all the time.. it's okay but I just don't see how I could go through the grind again without getting incredibly bored. I am amazed that some of you have done it countless times beyond the first.

The raid locks just feel like they mostly hurt people who are pugging because if youre in a guild group or something you can easily find capable replacements 9/10.

You're probably better off freezing it again then, as soon as mine is up in August, I'll be doing the same.

I may complain a lot about this game, but I love it at the same time. It gets my most time. I have: 80 DK, 80 Paladin, 80 Lock, 80 Mage, 80 Rogue, 76 War, 71 Priest, 43 Hunter. The 80's outside of my Mage have at least full T9 most though in T10. I think the priest is my last goal to get to 80, maybe i'll get the war there too for the sake of it, but I can accomplish that by Aug easily. But there's no reason to get them T9/10 as the quests will be designed for people in quest gear for Cata.

We fully cleared ICC months ago, and we blew up RS already, so there's just nothing left to do. Blizzard really needs to make sure this doesn't happen during the next expansion. Though, I don't expect it to happen due to them finally getting not one, but two serious competitors in their marketplace with the new Star Wars and FFXIV. If they don't change by getting off their lazy asses and get more devs instead of statues at their offices, whatever they need to get more content out faster, this maybe the first time WoW goes into a severe decline.


Would you "I've beaten everything" guys raid Naxxramas and/or Ulduar again if there was a third difficulty setting to change it to a difficulty that's hard enough for top-geared players? With appropriate awards of course.


Really Really Exciting Member!
keeblerdrow said:
Just wait til you switch to prot when Warbringer is available. Warriors shine when you get that.

Tell me about it... i've been lvling a horde warrior and i miss Warbringer sooo much(i have a lvl 80 warrior on alliance).

Being able to charge as a tank is what makes me love that class so much lol. It's fun in COS when you can charge a zombie then intercept another right after this. I can spend at least 10 seconds on a group of elite undeads before the rest of my party reach me. :lol


Rapstah said:
Would you "I've beaten everything" guys raid Naxxramas and/or Ulduar again if there was a third difficulty setting to change it to a difficulty that's hard enough for top-geared players? With appropriate awards of course.
Naxx, no. Ulduar, yes. AQ, fuck yes! (I know you didn't ask but I had to stick it in)


Flib said:
Run heroics and buy triumph emblem gear, farm the new ICC heroics and TOC for 219-232 gear.

Sarth was the weekly, so I put together a 3d zerg and finally got my Nightfall title. I had pretty much stopped raiding for the last year, but now that I'm finally raiding one or two nights a week, I'm trying to knock out these achievements (though I now main my druid tank rather than my hunter or dk).

Also, finally leveling a warrior...I really had no idea what a blast this class is.
Same here. I avoided Warrior for years because, from my experience in other games prior to WoW, Warrior was the default gameplay-for-dummies class. Stand in the breach, bash things with big weapons, spam some Taunt abilities, get healed. I knew WoW warriors were a different breed from, say, EQ warriors, but the bad taste still lingered.

Now I'm leveling one and damn, So awesome. They have a toolset packed to the brim with interesting and useful abilities and the rage mechanic prompts lots of interactivity and moment-to-moment decision making, at least at the start of pulls.


The Lamonster said:
If I'm in a party with a friend, can I enter the dungeon finder with them so we can meet up with strangers and run something together?
Yep. You can even use the dungeon finder if you have a group of 5 friends. It's a handy way to teleport where you want to go.


J-Rzez said:
We fully cleared ICC months ago, and we blew up RS already, so there's just nothing left to do. Blizzard really needs to make sure this doesn't happen during the next expansion. .
The day you'll realise that you're just playing the game in "Tourist" mode you'll realise that the content is here for you to beat.

But you can't be bothered to go beyond the "easy" setting, the only one you have to blame for your dissatisfaction is yourself (or your guild, who cares).

Unless you're a light of dawn or you killed Hallion 25 HM, you haven't beaten the content and thus, haven't even scratched what Blizzard is offering in the game.

I realise some people love to play on easy (not everyone has the willpower to beat hard fights), but those people should never complain that a game is too short when they play it the easiest possible way.


Yeah my guild is pretty much 10M strict. Some people go into PUG 25s but we don't have any sort of organized run...and that's the way I like it. To me, the hassle of organizing 25 people just isn't worth the reward. Not everyone thinks that way though.

Mostly we're working on doing things that may not be available in Cataclysm. Old raids, Loremaster, Explorer title, etc. It's cool to go through this content (some people for the first time) and realize it may all be gone in a few months.
The Lamonster said:
Oh man, that is awesome.

WoW = Game of the Forever, confirmed.

Your game of forever just had weekly maintenance extended by another 3 hours minimum again. Is other news, anyone in a guild on Tichondrius alliance looking for a priest, prefer disc...will go holy just won't dps... Or blackrock horde in need of a lock, affliction only.


notworksafe said:
Yeah my guild is pretty much 10M strict. Some people go into PUG 25s but we don't have any sort of organized run...and that's the way I like it. To me, the hassle of organizing 25 people just isn't worth the reward. Not everyone thinks that way though.

Mostly we're working on doing things that may not be available in Cataclysm. Old raids, Loremaster, Explorer title, etc. It's cool to go through this content (some people for the first time) and realize it may all be gone in a few months.

I'll be happy when Cataclysm hits and 10M raiding is just as viable as 25. I just prefer the feel of a 10 man more, especially if they're all people you're friends with.
Fularu said:
The day you'll realise that you're just playing the game in "Tourist" mode you'll realise that the content is here for you to beat.

But you can't be bothered to go beyond the "easy" setting, the only one you have to blame for your dissatisfaction is yourself (or your guild, who cares).

Unless you're a light of dawn or you killed Hallion 25 HM, you haven't beaten the content and thus, haven't even scratched what Blizzard is offering in the game.

I realise some people love to play on easy (not everyone has the willpower to beat hard fights), but those people should never complain that a game is too short when they play it the easiest possible way.

I'm a Light of Dawn, so can I complain about it now? =P

The ICC heroic modes aren't really different enough to warrant an argument that it's something exciting and new that you haven't done if you've only done normal. Fact of the matter is you're farming ICC one way or another for almost a year straight before Cataclysm comes out.

Sure, Naxx and Sunwell were out for a while too, but those (despite Sunwell's gating) were actually legitimately difficult, and a lot of people weren't farming KT and KJ for nearly as long.

Thousands and thousands of guilds have killed LK25, and all that awaits a lot of them is getting shotted ad infinitum by LK heroic for almost as many months as was the total lifespan of Naxx or Sunwell.

(As an aside, I think Ulduar hard modes were perfectly done.)


Rapstah said:
Would you "I've beaten everything" guys raid Naxxramas and/or Ulduar again if there was a third difficulty setting to change it to a difficulty that's hard enough for top-geared players? With appropriate awards of course.

No. I do not want to see this same content ever again. I want new stuff, not recycled assets. While Ulduar was easily the best raid in this xpac, I never want to see it again. That was the only place that we WANTED to, thus did the HM's in there. We did some of the ICC HM's (we lasted to 8/12 HM, but got bored, people stopped showing up because of it), but it was, well, to put it frankly, boring and bullshit gear checks.

Nostalgia only goes so far here. Maybe, one instance or raid, every greatly so often, fine, for those that love that. But it sounds like they're recycling all these old instances to artificially pad their content in Cata even. I like their ideas of multiple, small boss count raids though, and if they can keep up the raid content like such, it's a step in the right direction. Just so said content releases far more frequently than it does now.

I am seriously enraged when I see so many "Same model as...", same enchant effects, etc, let alone recycled Mobs and Instances/Raids.


Sax Russel said:
I'm a Light of Dawn, so can I complain about it now? =P

Sure, and I would agree that the content (which took us weeks to beat, mind you) is plentyfull. It's a fallacy to assume that the game is baren or empty of content. It has, for the price of entry, more content than anything out there.

Mind you, it's perfectable, that'S why expansions come out :p

The ICC heroic modes aren't really different enough to warrant an argument that it's something exciting and new that you haven't done if you've only done normal. Fact of the matter is you're farming ICC one way or another for almost a year straight before Cataclysm comes out.

The fights are in essence the same, but in execution (and sometimes events) vastly different. Killing Deathwisper when we had no ICC buff was epic. Granted nowadays it's extremely easy, but the fight is still different enough that it can be labelled as a new fight, with a new strategy to defeat. It's the same for almost every single fight, the most obvious one beeing Arthas (the less obvious ones beeing Gunship and Sindragosa imho :p). Also fighting Arthas on hardmode has nothing to do with fighting him on regular, the fight is definitely not the same, and even with the 25% buff (we killed it at 15 if I remember right) it's still extremely challenging.

Going from easy to hard in your random game doesn't change the content, it's still the same, but the difficulty level gets cranked up. As such, defeating say, Ninja Gaiden Black on easy is absolutely not the same as defeating it on hard. That'S the essence of my post. If you don't want to beat it on hard and go the path of least resistance (read, easy), then you only have yourself to blame if you feel the game is too short, barren or hell, even shallow in content.

I play one night a week (three last week to kill Hallion HM 25) and I'm perfectly happy with my current raiding schedule :)

Also while farming heroic mode Arthas for 6 months may sound like a long time, it's actually quite quick compared to what it used to be in vanilla or worse, in Burning Crusade.

Sure, Naxx and Sunwell were out for a while too, but those (despite Sunwell's gating) were actually legitimately difficult, and a lot of people weren't farming KT and KJ for nearly as long.

Few people were farming KT (I think less than 150 guilds killed him pre BC) but a lot of people killed and farmed KJ before 3.0 launched (more than 400 guilds easy). While sunweill was painfully hard, it wasn't that harder than, say, Arthas. I would even rank Arthas as a harder fight than KJ or even M'uru.

Thousands and thousands of guilds have killed LK25, and all that awaits a lot of them is getting shotted ad infinitum by LK heroic for almost as many months as was the total lifespan of Naxx or Sunwell.

ICC 25 was made easy on purpose. During BC, many people were advocating for a "tour mode" that allowed you to see the content but get slightly worse loot. ICC follows that path of allowing people to see the content Blizzard devellops. This is a wonderfull idea and it has my full aproval, but while thousand of guilds have killed Arthas, less than 200 have killed him hard mode. The difficulty curve is here. Some guilds on our server have been stuck on HM Arthas for over 2 months now, with no end in sight. Hard content is hard, that's why you either want to beat it or don't. But if you opt out of killing him, then you also opt out of complaining that you don't have content to do. Simple logic

(As an aside, I think Ulduar hard modes were perfectly done.)

I would agree, but I still prefer the general feel of ICC more :)


DarkJC said:
I'll be happy when Cataclysm hits and 10M raiding is just as viable as 25. I just prefer the feel of a 10 man more, especially if they're all people you're friends with.

Nailed it. This is my feelings as well. This was probably one of the smartest things Blizzard has ever done.


What's everyone's take on the blizzard official forums requiring a RealID to post in the future? People are absolutely up and arms about the concept of it. I don't care personally -- I think those people freaking out about privacy and identity theft are being overly dramatic.


Meier said:
What's everyone's take on the blizzard official forums requiring a RealID to post in the future? People are absolutely up and arms about the concept of it. I don't care personally although I hope it doesn't broadcast our email and simply does your name at worst.
I'm not against the concept of having to use the same identity to post all your posts on those forums at all. Having that identity be your official B.net e-mail is the worst idea ever on all counts.

EDIT: Before anyone quotes me, I'm not saying this is the real ID solution at all. I have no idea what that is.


I doubt it will really take off, and the end result is probably going to be the opposite. I think they will make it so you can link battle.net accounts instead of real names or whatever, but I don't really know for sure.

I doubt it's as big of a deal in Korea, either.
Meier said:
What's everyone's take on the blizzard official forums requiring a RealID to post in the future? People are absolutely up and arms about the concept of it. I don't care personally -- I think those people freaking out about privacy and identity theft are being overly dramatic.
I could care less honestly.

Its just your name. People are playing the OMGAWD PRIVACY card.

Hi my name is Doug Tyler. good luck finding me in RL.


Hey, wait just a second. This thread is right now doing exactly what got the Rock Band ultra thread locked by discussing thread-worthy stuff inside a huge, 457 000 896 548 756 333 776 865 258 post thread. Or is this case different because this thread is inside the Online forums? The only other difference I can see is that we're not currently personally attacking EviLore and/or using banned memes
and not being fucking ass holes for three years


Meier said:
What's everyone's take on the blizzard official forums requiring a RealID to post in the future? People are absolutely up and arms about the concept of it. I don't care personally -- I think those people freaking out about privacy and identity theft are being overly dramatic.

It's against even their number one ToS topic. I agree that trolling is incredibly rampant over there, and it would cut it down. But, considering how many people get hacked on an hourly basis, this will make things even easier now. I don't like my private information shown at all. I think a better change would be that you maybe pick one main character (your highest level character) to post on, and it would on request link to all your alts. That would curb the trolling.

This is going to fix one problem there. This won't fix the other problem of people flaming others non-stop, nor the retardation of some of the replies people post detouring the main topic at hand ("i like turtles, ham sandwiches, and pie").

They seem to acknowledge that they have the worst gaming community ever, but they're addressing it the wrong way.

This is from someone who rarely (outside of contests) posts there, so it doesn't bother me directly, but I do see why people are upset.
Meier said:
What's everyone's take on the blizzard official forums requiring a RealID to post in the future? People are absolutely up and arms about the concept of it. I don't care personally -- I think those people freaking out about privacy and identity theft are being overly dramatic.

I'm perfectly fine with it myself. Hopefully it makes the WoW forums less of a cesspit for trolls and failure.


Rapstah said:
Hey, wait just a second. This thread is right now doing exactly what got the Rock Band ultra thread locked by discussing thread-worthy stuff inside a huge, 457 000 896 548 756 333 776 865 258 post thread. Or is this case different because this thread is inside the Online forums? The only other difference I can see is that we're not currently personally attacking EviLore and/or using banned memes
and not being fucking ass holes for three years
Nah, it's because big news things are also being given their own threads. We're not just hiding everything in here.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pookaki said:
I could care less honestly.

Its just your name. People are playing the OMGAWD PRIVACY card.

Hi my name is Doug Tyler. good luck finding me in RL.
Great for you. Not everybody has such a bland name.


notworksafe said:
Nah, it's because big news things are also being given their own threads. We're not just hiding everything in here.
I guess - what made me realize it was actually seeing the thread about the real ID stuff - but I'm sure you could make a point with information posted in here that didn't turn into a thread.

In reality I think the Online forum changes it around a lot though, since the thousands of reading-only people only see the discussion in the special thread. Plus we don't discuss non-WoW things and don't post pictures of Yngwie Malmsteen as random posts.

Dance In My Blood said:
Great for you. Not everybody has such a bland name.
Yeah, hell yes, I have a Swedish first name and a French surname (as registered on my B.net account) and I'm not posting on the Blizzard forums under that name, risking getting interrupted by people yelling "HEY LOL LOOK HIS NAME SOUNDS LIKE 'ASS POOP'*".

my name does not sound like "ass poop" in real life.


A lot of those really big threads gaming side were nigh on unreadable to me. More than just that Rock Band one, because they turn into these creepy little meta communities that pretty much just spout nonsense and make it impossible to find information or meaningful discussion on anything.

On one hand you want to foster a good community like that, on the other it can become very insular and weird to getting new people in and new news across.

This thread is usually really good about all of that, about the perfect balance.

As for the real ID stuff, it is silly. But I don't use those forums anyway. I'm not so much upset as to Blizzard concoctign this as I am confused as to why.

What is the benefit here? Trolls won't care if you can see their real name. The kinds of folks who ravage message boards, especially ones like the WoW boards are probably not exactly the kind of people who rock a great deal of personal respect nor have any mentionable threshold for shame.


Yeah true. We're not douchbags here. I'm sure that helps a lot. Being nice has it's benefits.:lol

As far as real names on forums, I don't think it's a big deal. I may be an exception on this, as I use my real name on many of my online accounts. Not GAF though. I made this account when I still cared about keeping my real name secret.
But just check my profile if you care.


notworksafe said:
Yeah true. We're not douchbags here. I'm sure that helps a lot. Being nice has it's benefits.:lol

As far as real names on forums, I don't think it's a big deal. I may be an exception on this, as I use my real name on many of my online accounts. Not GAF though. I made this account when I still cared about keeping my real name secret.
But just check my profile if you care.

It can be that simple. I'm absolutely against it even if you can disable showing your name since people can attack me, asking why I'm not showing my name.


Yeah, that's true. I don't think the changes will really stop trolling, either. The people that do that kind of thing are the type that don't care if people can find their name. Or I suppose they could just make trial accounts to attack people.

And yes...I get a lot of that Bob Dylan question. I'll never understand why...it doesn't even make sense.:lol

FLEABttn said:
New Mexico? You poor bastard.

You from NM too? 505 represent! haha


FLEABttn said:
Well, from as in I live here. Not born and raised.
In West Philadelhia, born an' raised...

On topic for once, how much HP do both of Halion's forms have combined on HC 25-man? It's one of the ways I can visualize how hard a boss is, even though I know they can be hard for other reasons. Especially a two-split boss like this one.
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