Sax Russel said:
I'm a Light of Dawn, so can I complain about it now? =P
Sure, and I would agree that the content (which took us weeks to beat, mind you) is plentyfull. It's a fallacy to assume that the game is baren or empty of content. It has, for the price of entry, more content than anything out there.
Mind you, it's perfectable, that'S why expansions come out
The ICC heroic modes aren't really different enough to warrant an argument that it's something exciting and new that you haven't done if you've only done normal. Fact of the matter is you're farming ICC one way or another for almost a year straight before Cataclysm comes out.
The fights are in essence the same, but in execution (and sometimes events) vastly different. Killing Deathwisper when we had no ICC buff was epic. Granted nowadays it's extremely easy, but the fight is still different enough that it can be labelled as a new fight, with a new strategy to defeat. It's the same for almost every single fight, the most obvious one beeing Arthas (the less obvious ones beeing Gunship and Sindragosa imho

). Also fighting Arthas on hardmode has nothing to do with fighting him on regular, the fight is definitely not the same, and even with the 25% buff (we killed it at 15 if I remember right) it's still extremely challenging.
Going from easy to hard in your random game doesn't change the content, it's still the same, but the difficulty level gets cranked up. As such, defeating say, Ninja Gaiden Black on easy is absolutely not the same as defeating it on hard. That'S the essence of my post. If you don't want to beat it on hard and go the path of least resistance (read, easy), then you only have yourself to blame if you feel the game is too short, barren or hell, even shallow in content.
I play one night a week (three last week to kill Hallion HM 25) and I'm perfectly happy with my current raiding schedule
Also while farming heroic mode Arthas for 6 months may sound like a long time, it's actually quite quick compared to what it used to be in vanilla or worse, in Burning Crusade.
Sure, Naxx and Sunwell were out for a while too, but those (despite Sunwell's gating) were actually legitimately difficult, and a lot of people weren't farming KT and KJ for nearly as long.
Few people were farming KT (I think less than 150 guilds killed him pre BC) but a lot of people killed and farmed KJ before 3.0 launched (more than 400 guilds easy). While sunweill was painfully hard, it wasn't that harder than, say, Arthas. I would even rank Arthas as a harder fight than KJ or even M'uru.
Thousands and thousands of guilds have killed LK25, and all that awaits a lot of them is getting shotted ad infinitum by LK heroic for almost as many months as was the total lifespan of Naxx or Sunwell.
ICC 25 was made easy on purpose. During BC, many people were advocating for a "tour mode" that allowed you to see the content but get slightly worse loot. ICC follows that path of allowing people to see the content Blizzard devellops. This is a wonderfull idea and it has my full aproval, but while thousand of guilds have killed Arthas, less than 200 have killed him hard mode. The difficulty curve is here. Some guilds on our server have been stuck on HM Arthas for over 2 months now, with no end in sight. Hard content is hard, that's why you either want to beat it or don't. But if you opt out of killing him, then you also opt out of complaining that you don't have content to do. Simple logic
(As an aside, I think Ulduar hard modes were perfectly done.)
I would agree, but I still prefer the general feel of ICC more