Probably so. They haven't gone down without a patch popping up.
Maybe some extra Beta invites for the weekend too, eh Blizz?
Maybe some extra Beta invites for the weekend too, eh Blizz?
All you really have to do is look at screenshots and see entire areas that are redesigned.Angry Grimace said:No, I don't obsessively study the changes to each and every zone. My guess is the overall structure of most of the zones is still pretty similar, however.
In any case, I wouldn't expect or hold your breath on new Dwarf/Human/etc. models.
Angry Grimace said:No, I don't obsessively study the changes to each and every zone. My guess is the overall structure of most of the zones is still pretty similar, however.
In any case, I wouldn't expect or hold your breath on new Dwarf/Human/etc. models. a good way?Weenerz said:Every zone I have quested in thus far has been almost completely changed, from quest hubs to quests themselves. Even the rewards for quests that may have been in the old game are different.
Weenerz said:Every zone I have quested in thus far has been almost completely changed, from quest hubs to quests themselves. Even the rewards for quests that may have been in the old game are different.
Beta servers are down currently, but there is no prompt for a patch download, so maybe they are just having maintenance. The beta forums are being cunty too.
SiegfriedFM said:I did a quest in Ashenvale where you're trying to defend a previously peaceful area against a Horde attack. Instead of just going in there and fighting it alone, you are given three sentinels that follow you along. A minor change but it does make it more awesome.
Of course, before that area had a couple of quests to go off and collect 10 pieces of stuff in an area filled with ghosts. An improvement, I'd say.
Did you read his post?funkmastergeneral said:In the Alliance version you have to fight alone? That's kinda lame. In the Horde version of that quest you have NPCs to help you along. Nice of Blizz to finally even the tables on that one.
Hey that's awesome! So, it being your first raid, what did you think of ToC? It's a pretty unique raid, everything else (except a few notable examples) is much different.Adent said:All you guys are talking about is Cataclysm. Me I'm barely getting into the meat of Lich King. Yesterday I did my very first raid with my very first guild. We cleared TOC 10 and 25. I should've pushed myself to join a guild earlier. On top of that the day before I went into Forge of Souls and the Battered Hilt dropped. That's the first time I've seen it and I won the roll. Hopefully today I can finish the quest to get Quel'Delar.
Worgens and Goblin races combined into Gorgens.Weenerz said:Seems to be a new patch for the beta realms, wonder what treasures this will bring.
Weenerz said:Seems to be a new patch for the beta realms, wonder what treasures this will bring.
Nethaera said:In the next beta build the minimum level for entering and questing in Mount Hyjal and Vashjir will change from level 78 to level 80. All associated creatures will have their levels increased to match the new flow.
Additionally, after careful review and consideration we've decided to increase the hit point values of level 80+ Cataclysm creatures. The new hit point values are roughly double their previous values.
Level 80 (OLD)
Level 80 (NEW)
Players will also now need to be level 80 in order to use the Dungeon Finder System for Throne of Tides and Blackrock Caverns.
Well, to be fair, Wrath content isn't bad at all, and b) that doesn't mean quests aren't available at 78. Just that you can't queue in the Cross Server Dungeon queue.HarryDemeanor said:This is a really stupid change. People leveling from 1-85 in the expansion would like to get into the new content sooner at 78 than toughing it out 2 more levels in Wrath content.
Sounds like the mobs would give them a severe beatdown. Also, they will probably nerf the 70-80 xp requirements like they did with 60-70 when Wrath launched.HarryDemeanor said:This is a really stupid change. People leveling from 1-85 in the expansion would like to get into the new content sooner at 78 than toughing it out 2 more levels in Wrath content.
The Lamonster said:Did you read his post?
Death Knight
Festering Strike *New* - An instant attack that deals 150% weapon damage plus 840.54 and increases the duration of your Blood Plague, Frost Fever, and Chains of Ice effects on the target by up to 6 sec. / 5 yd range, Instant
Runic Empowerment *New* is now baseline - When you use your Death Coil, Frost Strike, or Rune Strike ability, you have a 45% chance to activate a random fully depleted rune. /
Chains of Ice now reduces movement speed by 60% for 8 sec. (Down from 95% + 10% movement each sec over 10 seconds)
Chill of the Grave now has a chance to generate 5/10 Runic Power. (Up from 2.5/5)
Nerves of Cold Steel is now a Tier 1 talent, down from Tier 2.
Improved Icy Touch now increases the damage of Icy Touch by 10/20/30%. (Up from 5/10/15%)
On a Pale Horse is back as a Tier 2 talent.
Anti-Magic Shell no longer costs Runic Power.
Ebon Plaguebringer is now a 2 ranks talent (Down from 3) and now increases damage taken from Disease by 15/30%. (Old - 10/20/30%)
Dirge now has a chance to generate 5/10 Runic Power. (Up from 2.5/5)
Virulence now increases your chance to hit with spells by 2/4/6%. (Up from 1/2/3%)
Crimson Scourge is now a 2 rank talent. Increases damage dealt by Blood Boil by 20/40% (Down from 15/30/45%) and 50%/100% chance to proc. (Up from 33/67/100%)
Improved Blood Presence is now a Tier 4 talent, down from Tier 5.
Blood Parasite is now a 2 rank talent with a 5/10% chance to proc. (Up from 3/6/9%)
Toughness is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 4.
Sanguine Fortitude is now a Tier 4 talent, down from Tier 3. 2 ranks instead of 3.
Hand of Doom *New* - Reduces the cooldown of your Strangulate ability by 60 sec.
Starsurge is now a baseline spell.
Owlkin Frenzy is now a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 5.
Lunar Guidance is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 4.
Planetary Alignment is gone.
Balance of Power is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3.
Lunar Justice is gone.
Moonkin Form is now a Tier 3 talent.
Typhoon is now a Tier 3 talent.
Earth and Moon - Your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 100% chance to apply the Earth and Moon effect, which increases spell damage taken by 2/5% for 12 sec. Also increases your spell damage by 2/4%.
Nature's Majesty - Increases the critical strike chance of your Wrath, Starfire, Starfall, Nourish and Healing Touch spells by 2/4%.
Primal Fury has an additional effect - your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a 50/100% chance to add an additional combo point.
Ferocity is gone.
Heart of the Wild is back as a Tier 1 talent.
Wild Growth is now a Tier 5 talent. Down from Tier 6.
Swiftmend is now a primary skill.
Empowered Touch is now a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 5.
Natural Perfection is now a Tier 6 talent. Up from Tier 5.
Fury of Stormrage is now a Tier 5 talent. Up from Tier 4.
Master Shapeshifter - Grants an effect which lasts while the Druid is within the respective shapeshift form. Bear Form - Increases physical damage by 2%. Cat Form - Increases critical strike chance by 2%. Moonkin Form - Increases spell damage by 2%. Tree of Life/Caster Form - Increases healing by 2%. /
Beast Mastery
Cobra Shot now increases the duration of Serpent Sting on the target by 6 sec. (Up from 3 sec)
Bestial Wrath no longer costs focus.
Spellsteal now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Arcane Barrage now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Polymorph now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Mana Shield now has a 10 sec cooldown.
Arcane Blast now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Slow Fall now has a 40 yards range. Up from 30 yards.
Counterspell now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Arcane Missiles now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Focus Magic now is a Tier 4 talent. Down from Tier 6.
Incanter's Absorption now is a Tier 4 Talent. Down from Tier 5. Additional effect - In addition, when your Mana Shield is destroyed, all enemies within 6 yards are knocked back 12 yards.
Slow now has a 35 yards range. Up from 30 yards.
Arcane Flows now is a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 5.
Invocation now is a Tier 2 Talent. Down from Tier 4.
Improved Counterspell now is a Tier 1 talent. Down from Tier 3.
Arcane Repulsion is gone.
Arcane Concentration is now a 3-rank talents (Up from 2) and now has a 3/6/10% chance to proc.
Torment the Weak is now a Tier 5 talent. Up from Tier 1. Now only boosts the damage of Arcane damage spells.
Nether Vortex *New* - Gives your Arcane Blast spell a 50/100% chance to apply the Slow spell to any target it damages if no target is currently affected by Slow.
Flamestrike now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Scorch now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Pyroblast now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Fire Blast now has a 30 yards range. Up from 20 yards.
Fireball now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Living Bomb now has a 40 yards range. Up from 35 yards.
Blazing Speed now is a Tier 2 Talent. Down from Tier 3.
Burning Soul now is a Tier 1 talent. Down from Tier 2.
Impact now is a Tier 3 Talent. Up from Tier 2.
Improved Fire Blast now is a Tier 2 Talent. Up from Tier 1.
Incineration now increases damage instead of critical strike chance.
Ice Lance now has a 35 yards range. Up from 30 yards.
Blizzard now has a 35 yards range. up from 30 yards.
Frostbolt now has a 35 yards range. Up from 30 yards.
Frostfire Orb has an additional effect - Targets damaged by the Frostfire Orb are slowed by 40% for 2 sec.
Cold as Ice is gone.
Ice Floes now also affects Cold Snap and Ice Barrier.
Piercing Chill is now a Tier 2 Talent. Down from Tier 4.
Brain Freeze is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 4.
Fingers of Frost is now a Tier 4 talent. Up from Tier 3.
Piercing Ice is now a Tier 1 Talent. Down from Tier 2.
Frostbite is gone.
Improved Freeze *New* - Gives your Water Elemental's Freeze spell a 50/100% chance to cause Fingers of Frost to activate.
Improved Cone of Cold *New* - Your Cone of Cold also freezes targets for 2/4 secs.
Divine Plea is now trained at level 44, down from 58. Now reduces the amount healed by all your healing spells.
Concentration Aura is now trained at level 42, down from 54.
Holy Wrath is now trained at level 28, down from 50.
Lay on Hands is now trained at level 16, down from 38.
Seal of the Pure is now named Seal of Insight.
Tower of Radiance - Directly healing the target of your Beacon of Light has a 33/66/100% chance to generate Holy Power.
Healing Light - Increases the amount healed by your Word of Glory and the damage and healing of your Holy Shock by 10/20/30%.
Hand of Protection is now trained at level 18. Down from 42.
Divine Protection now reduces all damage taken by 20% for 10 sec. (Down from 50% for 12 sec) Cooldown lowered from 5 min to 1 min. Spells restrictions (Divine Shield/Divine Protection/Hand of Protection/Avenging Wrath) removed.
Devotion Aura is now trained at level 18, down from level 22.
Blessing of Kings is now trained at level 22, up from 18.
Hammer of the Righteous now causes 160% weapon damage as holy damage. (Old - 3 times your main hand damage per second as Holy damage.)
Shield of the Templar has been revamped - Reduces the cooldown of Avenger's Shield by 2/4 sec, Guardian of Ancient Kings by 10/20 min, and increases the amount absorbed by your Sacred Shield by 10/20%.
Holy Shield now Holy Shield - Consumes Holy Power to grant 5% block per stack of Holy Power and deals 97.8 Holy damage for every attack blocked. Lasts 15 sec. / 10% of base mana, Instant cast
Sacred Duty has been revamped - Increases the critical strike chance of your Hammer of the Righteous by 5/10%. In addition, your Hammer of the Righteous critical strikes have a 50/100% chance of making your next Judgement a critical strike. /
Grand Crusader - When your Crusader Strike deals damage, it has a 10/20% chance of refreshing the cooldown on your next Holy Wrath.
Ardent Defender is now a Tier 7 talent (Up from Tier 4). Cooldown increased from 2 to 3 min.
Judgements of the Wise is now a primary skill.
Inquisition is now Exclusive with Holy Shield.
Seal of Vengeance is now named Seal of Truth and its Holy Vengeance renamed to Censure.
Zealotry now has a 2 min cooldown, down from 30 min. Now lasts 15 sec. (Down from 30 sec)
Wrath of the Lightbringer gone.
Acts of Sacrifice *New* - Decreases the cooldown by 10/20/% and mana cost by 10/20% of your Hand of Freedom and Hand of Salvation.
Righteous Vengeance is now Inquiry of Faith - Increases the periodic damage done by your Seal of Truth by 20/40/60%.
Swift Retribution now also increases damage by 3%. Moved from Tier 6 to Tier 5.
Sanctified Retribution is gone.
Improved Crusader Strike is gone.
Heart of the Crusader is gone.
Sanctity of Battle no longer reduces the cooldown of Exorcism.
Templar's Verdict is now a primary skill of Retribution.
Communion *New* - Your Judgement grants the Replenishment effect to up to 10 party or raid members mana regeneration equal to 1% of their maximum mana per 5 sec for 15 sec.
Improved Judgement no longer decreases the cooldown of Judgement.
Judgements of the Wise is now a primary skill.
Selfless Healer (Tier 5) - Increases the healing of your Word of Glory by 30/60% when used to heal others.
Divine Purpose is now a Tier 4 talent - Your Templar's Verdict, Divine Storm and Inquisition have a 40% chance to generate Holy Power.
Divine Storm is now a Tier 3 talent.
Power Infusion is now a Tier 3 talent. Down from Tier 4.
Backstab now causes 175% weapon damage. Up from 150%.
Shadowstep now causes 30% additional damage (up from 20%) but no longer reduces threat.
Initiative is now a 2 points talent, down from 3. Now has a 50%/100% chance to proc. (Up from 33/66/100%)
Shamanism is now a primary skill.
Elemental Mastery no longer shares a cooldown with Nature's Swiftness and now also increases your Fire, Frost, and Nature damage by 15% for the duration of the spell.
Shamanistic Rage reduces the mana cost of your skills, totems, and offensive spells by 90 for 15 sec.
Ancestral Swiftness is back as a Tier 2 talent.
Dark Intent *New* - You link yourself with the targeted friendly target, increasing both of your haste by 3%. When you or the linked target gains a critical periodic damage or healing effect, the other gains an increased 3% increased periodic damage and healing lasting for 7 sec. Stacks up to 3 times. Dark Intent lasts for 30 min. / 6% of base mana, 30 yd range, Instant cast
Soul Swap *New* - You instantly deal 167.45 damage, and removing your damage-over-time effects from the target. For 20 sec afterword, the next target you cast Soul Swap on will be afflicted by the damage-over-time effects and suffer 167.45 damage. You cannot Soul Swap to the same target. / 6% of base mana, 30 yd range, Instant cast, 45 sec cooldown
Summon Doomguard and Summon Infernal no longer require reagents.
Fel Flame now increases the duration of Immolate or Unstable by 6 sec instead of refreshing it.
Aftermath now gives your Conflagrate a 50/100% chance to daze the target. (Up from 6/12%)
Wrecking Crew now procs from your Mortal Strike critical hits instead of all melee critical hits. 33/66/100% chance to Enrage you.
Lambs to the Slaughter has been revamped - After dealing a Mortal Strike, your next Execute, Overpower or Mortal Stike will cause 10/20/30% more damage.
Impale now affects Overpower instead of Execute.
Deadly Calm *New* - For the next 10 sec seconds, none of your abilities cost rage, but you continue to generate rage. / Instant, 2 min cooldown
Endless Rage is now a primary skill.
Bloodsurge now affects Raging Blow instead of Whirlwind.
Meat Cleaver got an additional bonus - Increases the damage done by your Cleave and Whirlwind abilities by 20%, and your Cleaves and Whirlwinds have a 60% chance to increase the damage of your next Cleave or Whirlwind by an additional 10/20%.
Intensify Rage is now a 2 ranks talent Reducing the cooldown of your Bloodrage, Berserker Rage, Recklessness and Death Wish abilities by 10/20%. (Down from 3 Ranks, 11/22/33% Reduction)
Unbridled Wrath has been replaced by Battle Trance - Your Bloodthirst, Mortal Strike and Shield Slam hits have a 5/10/15% chance to make your next special attack consume no rage.
Damage Shield is now a Tier 4 talent, down from Tier 6. Now causes damage equal to 20/40% of your Strength. (Old - 10/20% of your attack power)
Improved Defensive Stance is now named Bastion of Defense.
Safeguard is now a Tier 6 talent. Up from Tier 4.
Blood and Thunder is now a Tier 2 talent. Down from Tier 3.
Gag Order now Also lowers the cooldown on your Heroic Throw by 15/30 sec.
Improved Revenge is now a Tier 3 talent. Up from Tier 2.
Maxrpg said:Goddamn, paladins change like the tides between patches. The class is going to be hard to recognize when players come back :lol
Good thing for me, I got burnt out on my Ret Pally.![]()
Should feel as fresh as BC + Wrath, actually. The holy power mechanic is much welcomed - I like managing a resource instead of mashing buttons. It will save my keyboard and give it longevityJ-Rzez said:The class needed the overhaul. It was boring playing all three roles. I'm looking forward to them, they sound pretty fun. Class should feel fresh like it did in Wrath all over again. Hopefully minus the "OP".
Can't wait to get some PVP feedback on the classes.
notworksafe said:Web cartoonist that has a bunch of podcasts, including a WoW one called The Instance. Also is GL of the largest (5000+ members) guild in WoW.
That's the cap on how many you can see in the Guild menu. There isn't a cap on how many members a guild can have.Calantus said:I thought guild capped at 500 members..?
Maxrpg said:Should feel as fresh as BC + Wrath, actually. The holy power mechanic is much welcomed - I like managing a resource instead of mashing buttons. It will save my keyboard and give it longevity
And I fully expect Paladins to be "OP" because of the interrupt.
TO: Goon Squad,
CC: Michael Morhaime; Jeff "Tigole" Kaplan
My Dear "goons",
I have quite a few grievances I'd like to air to you "goons" of Goon Squad. Just because you're the oldest and largest "goon" guild, with just shy of 2500 members (as of the writing of this letter) doesn't mean you have free reign in relentlessly fucking with the rest of the server as if it were your own virtual playground and as if anyone not in Goon Squad are nothing more than tools for your own amusement.
You see, my friends, my Wåtchmen brothers and I have been working on a vast dossier to submit to Blizzard of all your exploits for some time now. They have chosen to ignore your multiple infractions, I'm sure mostly in part because the Game Master servicing my multiple complaint tickets are not aware of your torrid history of trolling, abuse, and extortion as your pepperoni greased goon tendrils forever tighten around every aspect of our fair server. However, the tables will have officially turned when this letter arrives, notarized, stamped with the official Wåtchmen guild wax seal, and hand-delivered via courier to Blizzard's president, Michael Morhaime.
I present to you the following instances of complete ruination for your consideration and hopeful immediate expulsion from the entirety of World of Warcraft:
-Using trade channel, the general channel, or even talking in a party or battleground is nearly impossible thanks to these jokers. They have some kind of mod which is somehow hacked to be exclusive to their guild- I've managed to infiltrate their forums and secure a copy, however I've been unsuccessful in running it. Whenever anyone says any trigger word, usually a cuss word of some sort, nearly a dozen people come out of the woodwork any time, day or night, to spam nonsensical garbage about John McCain, Snape, Dumbledore, and many other things I've chosen to forget to prevent these memories from pushing more important things out of my brain such as the password to the secret "goon only" Ventrilo server, which brings me to my next point...
-Goon Squad has their own secretive Ventrilo server which apparently can hold hundreds of players and seems to serve as a hive of "goon" activity. I've only been able to infiltrate said server once, but while I was spying on them they were discussing massive PvP raids on alliance capital cities, completely locking down the Isle of Quel'Danas preventing anyone from doing daily quests, arguments over who is the biggest "faggot", screaming in to pillows, and organizing countless other "gimmicks". While I'm guessing having a private Ventrilo server probably isn't against any of Blizzard's terms of service, it should be.
-Private "goon" only forums, hidden behind a "gimmick" front page of where the "goons" trick people in to thinking they're a pay guild that uses DKP when in reality they have an extremely open raiding system where anyone can lead raids and draw from their pool of thousands of players to kill bosses and farm purples. These forums also apparently serve as a staging ground for "goon" ruination of Mal'Ganis, and supposedly are extremely active with all kinds of different forums. Again, while not strictly against the terms of service, it is not fair to the rest of the players of Mal'Ganis to have thousands of players all organizing to cheat the system with everything from farming massive amounts of purples to coordinated griefing of the Stranglethorn fishing contest.
-Guild chat which is so active it borders on flat out "denial of service" attacks at times with various macros, ToS violating racist jokes, and people chatting about inane subjects at all hours of day and night. In the few times I've managed to trick a particularly delinquent rogue with invite powers in to inviting me to the guild I've reported what must have been thousands of lines of guild chat without any action from Blizzard.
-Goon Squad also exploits the leveling system of World of Wacraft by having an endless supply of people constantly leveling characters they refer to as "alts" and high level characters doing "run throughs" of instances. The "refer-a-friend" promotion has done nothing but increase the amount of this illegal activity. They also don't contribute to the economy of Mal'Ganis at all because they have every trade skill recipe, even the rarest ones, in guild... and they don't even charge "goons" for doing them.
There are other things I'm sure I'm forgetting, but trust me when I say that Mal'Ganis Goon Squad is the absolute worst guild in all of World of Warcraft. Their guild leader, Krahskrej, is nothing more than a puppet for their main raid leader, Mummra. They refuse to invite anyone to their guild who isn't an active member of the Something Awful forums, despite me paying $10 to join. Supposedly "goons" can sponsor "non-goons" in to the guild, but at their own risk. (Whatever that means.)
If you need more proof of how blatantly horrible the entire guild is, there is a YouTube recruitment video and a video of their most recent "raid" where they exploited the zombie invasion world event to completely shut down multiple capital cities. (There are many other videos too.)
I hope you take all of these facts in to consideration and quickly ban every current and former member of Goon Squad before they can recruit even more "goons" to ruin Mal'Ganis in the upcoming Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Failure to do so may result in legal action from my guild, and potentially many other players on Mal'Ganis as we unite under a class-action law suit against Blizzard for failing to uphold its own Terms of Service.
I urge any of you reading this open letter to avoid joining Goon Squad at all costs. Do NOT roll or transfer a character to Mal'Ganis. If you can't resist joining our plight and playing on this ruined wasteland of a server, do NOT under ANY circumstances register here and read the instructions then ask one of these people who are guild rank 1, 2, or 3 for a guild invite. Doing so would accomplish nothing other than sealing your fate as your impending banishment from World of Warcraft draws near.
<Wåtchmen>, currently at war with GOON.
P.S. Get fucked, "goons".
I actually have an alt in that guild. There's usually about 200-500 people on at once, depending on the time. It's always somewhat busy, which is bizarre to me. It's kinda neat because people like Veronica Belmont are on and playing a decent amount. It's fun, but I prefer my smaller guild.keeblerdrow said:5000 members doesn't mean 5000 on at once. They probably have no more than 250 on at any time. I'm in Goon Squad and it has somewhere between 2000 and 2500 members. We probably have around 200 online during average times. The only time it gets crowded is when the burnouts come back for new content. Even then, it's not so bad.
No guild has 5000 active individual members.
Oh yeah, my favorite email every:
J-Rzez said:The class needed the overhaul. It was boring playing all three roles. I'm looking forward to them, they sound pretty fun. Class should feel fresh like it did in Wrath all over again. Hopefully minus the "OP".
Can't wait to get some PVP feedback on the classes.
jersoc said:yup, here's how to play a holy pally atm
cast BoL on a tank
heal other tank
touch yourself.
pretty much it. oh, avoid anything under your feet.
CcrooK said:Don't Goon make you pay a monthly fee? Or was I trolled so long ago? :lol
Azwethinkweiz said:You have to pay to be a member of SA. Only members of SA can be in goon squad. So I guess indirectly there's a monthly fee, although I feel most members of that forum were paying a monthly fee anyway.