Personal factoid about myself:
I hate leveling. My main is a warlock (did not enjoy the leveling at all) and after multiple years of no alts, somehow I managed to get a warrior up to 80 (better than the first toon, but still a lot of frustrating moments and downtime). Since then, there have been other futile attempts. I've got a shaman at level 30 and a DK at 58 (lol how sad is it that I can't even play a DK for more than 3 levels :lol ). Fast forward to last week when I finally decided that i was going to try leveling a paladin. I had been holding out on trying one because I hoped blizz would allow gnomes to be paladins. Since that didn't happen, I figured it was time.
Conclusion? Paladins are hands down the most radical class to play in the whole universe. All problems are solved when playing a paladin. I'm not a clothie so I dont get jumped everywhere I go, and when I do I actually have a shot at surviving. Even though I use mana, there is no down time like other classes, because hey i can regenerate my own mana like it was growing on trees. Low health? No problem. Heal, heal there, heals everywhere, oh let's heal myself again for kicks. WTF? Paladins are so OP (at least during the leveling process) and it's the first time i've ever spent leveling a class and never once thought, "
ugh this sucks." I've been tanking instances as ret and when healers go afk I can continue on and heal myself. And then there is the 15% speed increase with talents and the random bubbles i get to put on myself for jumping off of high buildings and cliffs, for hearthing and for escaping bad situations. Yeah, maybe it's time to make a paladin my main. Already at level 43
and not even close to bored.
I henceforth declare all other classes inferior.:lol