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World of Warcraft

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After about three months of inactivity I'm trying to get back into the game. I fell out during the SCII beta, which took up all my gaming time and made me realize how little fun I was having with WoW. Now SCII is coming out on tuesday, but I still feel like I want to give WoW another shot.

My guild is dead, with the guild leader planning on reviving it for Cata. So right now I'm looking for a raid guild with a decent spot for my main (lv80 prot warrior). I don't want to get back to the "raiding as a job" level I once was at; I actually have a real job now, and don't have time to raid nearly every day of the week.


Angry Grimace said:
For reference, Blood Elf is a far more embarassing class to admit yiou roll than any alliance class :lol
:lol :lol
Angry Grimace said:
In reality, virtually all Horde/Alliance players are the same shit. Horde players believe Alliance players are all kids who wanted to be hero/good guys, and Alliance players all believe Horde players are emo-dorks that wanted to be badasses and/or play as blonde girls.

The majority of the problems you encounter with other players are going to crop up on both factions. Anyone who thinks so otherwise hasn't played both factions or multiple servers.


I'll be glad when Worgen are out and people stop harping on Belfs.

I started WoW as a human Paladin, but when my friends and family rolled Horde I switched over to a Troll Warrior. I always missed Paladins though, so when TBC was announced, I knew I was gonna be rolling a Belf. I actually had names reserved for both male and female, but eventually decided I liked the female name and their looks more.

That said, now that I have a choice on which Horde race to play... I think I'll keep the Belf, though I know I'll be rolling a cow on a different server. I'm used to their animations and it's really hard to go back to a classic race after playing something with more than 20 polys... :lol


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Deputy Moonman said:
Every class has its own mechanics and rotations that end up getting spammed. You pick one and get used to it. For me, spamming judgement, consecrate, and exorcism over and over again as a paladin is not that much different than my warlocks combination of spell casting and my warriors whack a mole rotation.
The problem with the paladin cooldowns is that all those abilities you mentioned have really long cooldowns, so a lot of the time you can literally run out of things to do, something I never encounter on other classes.


Anyone knows why horde seems to be much better at pvp than alliance?

On the spanish servers the alliance just seem to not give a fuck about pvp. I did wintergrasp this morning and there was 0 alliance while we were like 25 and growing.

Everytime I enter a battleground we end up winning for a huge margin, even on my old server it was the same. No idea if it's on other servers as well.


BloodElfHunter said:
Actually female Blood Elves aren't nearly as bad as being ally.. however the males. :lol :lol :lol (btw I'm undead on all my toons)
True dat. I'd never roll a male Belf. And I'm changing race of my alt as soon as they allow it for race combination (Holy Cows ftw!).
I still love my female belf rogue main :<


itxaka said:
Everytime I enter a battleground we end up winning for a huge margin, even on my old server it was the same. No idea if it's on other servers as well.

It depends on the server and battlegroup. I was alliance on Dunemaul for 2 years and alliance got crushed in everything, except AV after all the changed.

Then I was horde on Gorgonnash. There, the alliance didn't crush us, but we lost more than half the time.

Now I'm alliance again on Drenden and have no idea. I haven't been in a BG since 2008.


Vigilant Walrus said:
Ok guys, I got my password reset to a new one, but how can I know that a keylogger is still not using me?

is my only bet to format?
Your only bet is to get an authenticator because that way the hackers can't use your password even if they know it.


Rapstah said:
Your only bet is to get an authenticator because that way the hackers can't use your password even if they know it.
There is a way to get around the Authenticator.

They will put a program on your computer that will intercept the Authenticator's code send it to the hacker and then give you a false code message, the hacker will then use the code to access your account.
Its not used often because it involves active and quick participation from the hacker.

But not even Blizzard's Authenticator is 100% safe.


Adent said:
I never said I didn't watch the tank spot videos. I even did the ten man version the up to putricide the night before. The thing is that it's a lot of videos to take in all in at once. Right after the raid broke up I was going to go read everything I could for Rottface and the upcoming fights after that. Plus you are discounting that I did all the previous bosses up to that without any problems. I just thought it would be reasonable to get a general overview and that when we stopped on a certain boss I would go back and read up on it. Isn't that how progression works?

Yeah sorry I was under the assumption that you went in there completely blind, and that Rotface was what broke the camels back.

I'm just super meticulous with how I handle my raiding, and like to know almost everything about a fight before attempting it.
Xiaoki said:
There is a way to get around the Authenticator.

They will put a program on your computer that will intercept the Authenticator's code send it to the hacker and then give you a false code message, the hacker will then use the code to access your account.
Its not used often because it involves active and quick participation from the hacker.

But not even Blizzard's Authenticator is 100% safe.

god dammit. but now I have at least changed the password to something I have never used before. (i had around 4-5 passwords for all my sites), and i enabled my firewall in OSX and I have downloaded and run a iAntivirus scan(didnt find anything). I also deleted all my cookies.

I hope I will be okay for the time being *crosses fingers*

I dont know if its unrelated to blizzard resetting my password but I just got a cataclysm beta invite! my first invite since the original wow!
For ***** sake, don't click anything in that email! Go to your battle.net account and log in normally by entering the address manually or going through worldofwarcraft.com. If you have the beta there, congrats. If not, another scam.

I've been in the beta for a month and I never got an email. Might be different with specific invites compared to a random draw, but I'd be wary.
SiegfriedFM said:
For ***** sake, don't click anything in that email! Go to your battle.net account and log in normally by entering the address manually or going through worldofwarcraft.com. If you have the beta there, congrats. If not, another scam.

Ye. noreply@battle.net seems to be the right one... but some people say that even if it's legit it's not safe to use?


Vigilant Walrus said:
god dammit. but now I have at least changed the password to something I have never used before. (i had around 4-5 passwords for all my sites), and i enabled my firewall in OSX and I have downloaded and run a iAntivirus scan(didnt find anything). I also deleted all my cookies.

I hope I will be okay for the time being *crosses fingers*

I dont know if its unrelated to blizzard resetting my password but I just got a cataclysm beta invite! my first invite since the original wow!

Just don't download shit from obvious sites. It's really pretty hard to get that trojan I tried to find what it was called but can't atm. Run a scanner every day(no duh, even if you're careful it's good practice anyways) and run spybot S & D 2 or 3 times a week too. download your addons from curse or wowinterface(wowui i don't remember i just use curse). but remember, wow addons themselves can't do shit. it's just simple XML. which is why i recommend the curse program to download with. then you won't be messing zips and lower your chances even more. use a browser with anti phishing built in, just in case you do accidently click a scam site you'll see a big ass warning and hopefully have enough sense to stop and delete that email asap.

common sense is king. no need to lock down your system. just don't be stupid about what you're downloading and putting on your system. use a strong alpha numeric password with special characters like $ for 5. make it at least 10 characters and unique. i'm willingly to bet the most popular people get hacked is with their wow account sharing some email account password and people will usually fall for those fairly easy.

edit:found it emcor.dll delete that if it's on your system.


If you got caught through OS X, I'm betting it's Flash related. Go to http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ and update to the new version ASAP. That's the most common way that Mac people have been getting caught. Also run Software Update. There was a new security update put up by Apple recently so make sure you've got that downloaded. QuickTime and Safari are other programs that hackers use so make sure those are updated through Software Update as well.



I'm level 79, 800k xp left to 80 but I have run out of missions everywhere :(

Can't find but 2 or 3 missions scattered around every region. Is supposed to be like that? Where I can go that is a good mission "hub" to kill those 800k as fast as possible?


Vigilant Walrus said:
god dammit. but now I have at least changed the password to something I have never used before. (i had around 4-5 passwords for all my sites), and i enabled my firewall in OSX and I have downloaded and run a iAntivirus scan(didnt find anything). I also deleted all my cookies.

I hope I will be okay for the time being *crosses fingers*

I dont know if its unrelated to blizzard resetting my password but I just got a cataclysm beta invite! my first invite since the original wow!
I lol'd at this post


itxaka said:

I'm level 79, 800k xp left to 80 but I have run out of missions everywhere :(

Can't find but 2 or 3 missions scattered around every region. Is supposed to be like that? Where I can go that is a good mission "hub" to kill those 800k as fast as possible?
do you have quest achievements for each zone? If not I would search the achievements on wowhead, because the comments will tell you about quests people overlook.

And you can always do random dungeons. I have the exact opposite thing going on. I'm about to hit 80 on my warrior and I have most of dragonblight left, plus all the other zones.


itxaka said:

I'm level 79, 800k xp left to 80 but I have run out of missions everywhere :(

Can't find but 2 or 3 missions scattered around every region. Is supposed to be like that? Where I can go that is a good mission "hub" to kill those 800k as fast as possible?

Check the quests achievements in your achievement pane. If there's one with a large amount of quests left to be done in an appropriate zone, chances are there's a missed hub.


itxaka said:
Anyone knows why horde seems to be much better at pvp than alliance?

On the spanish servers the alliance just seem to not give a fuck about pvp. I did wintergrasp this morning and there was 0 alliance while we were like 25 and growing.

Everytime I enter a battleground we end up winning for a huge margin, even on my old server it was the same. No idea if it's on other servers as well.
On my Battlegroup I'm pretty sure Alliance is the dominant PVP faction.
itxaka said:

I'm level 79, 800k xp left to 80 but I have run out of missions everywhere :(

Can't find but 2 or 3 missions scattered around every region. Is supposed to be like that? Where I can go that is a good mission "hub" to kill those 800k as fast as possible?



Narag said:
Check the quests achievements in your achievement pane. If there's one with a large amount of quests left to be done in an appropriate zone, chances are there's a missed hub.

do you have quest achievements for each zone? If not I would search the achievements on wowhead, because the comments will tell you about quests people overlook.

And you can always do random dungeons. I have the exact opposite thing going on. I'm about to hit 80 on my warrior and I have most of dragonblight left, plus all the other zones.

Ohhh clever! Thanks dudes!


Lost all credibility.
itxaka said:
Ohhh clever! Thanks dudes!
Also you may have a random drop in your bags that leads to a whole big line of quests. This happened to me a few times while leveling through Northrend.
So you've done all available quests from Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, Zul'Drak, Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks and Icecrown? Even the readily apparant ones plus regular xp from the kills to complete the quest should have put you well past 80, mate. Even without the "unlocked" questlines. Are you missing a couple of those zones?


People called Romanes they go the house?
keeblerdrow said:
So you've done all available quests from Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, Grizzly Hills, Zul'Drak, Sholazar Basin, Storm Peaks and Icecrown? Even the readily apparant ones plus regular xp from the kills to complete the quest should have put you well past 80, mate. Even without the "unlocked" questlines. Are you missing a couple of those zones?

Yeah, Icecrown basic quests alone, not to mention the unlockable ebon blade/argent crusade quests (not the daily ones), should get you past 80 no problem. (depending on what you've done)

Storm peaks can be a bit annoying to find quests, but in Icecrown, the Gunship or Light's hope (or whatever it's called) are full of quests.


Some of our guild had an issue in Storm Peaks; there's a point where you're standing on the temple atop the tallest mountain (I forget the exact name - throne of storms?) and have to talk to the guy there and go through his story before he'll give you a followup quest.
Dance In My Blood said:
The problem with the paladin cooldowns is that all those abilities you mentioned have really long cooldowns, so a lot of the time you can literally run out of things to do, something I never encounter on other classes.
Yeah this is true, and I can see why people would consider it boring. Though, for some reason it doesn't really bother me.

I was looking over everything a paladin gets for a dps rotation while leveling and you're right, it's practically nothing. You get your first judgment at level 4, then consecration at level 20. Other than new judgements, those 2 abilities are your only offensive abilities, excluding hammer of wrath and hand of reckoning (not really dps abilities) until level 50 and 60 when you pick up crusader strike/divine storm, or avengers shield/hammer of righteousness, depending on whether you go ret or prot. Well I guess holy wrath at 50 also. Still it's not very much. Auto-attack ftw!!

So I've been doing random instances like crazy and right now I'm stuck in the maraudon instance atm with an occasional trip to ZF. This wouldn't be so bad, but for some reason people always want to go farther than the first 1 or 2 bosses, depending on whether you start on purple or orange side. They don't understand that the mob levels go up to 47-48 as you get further into the instance and we're sitting there in a group with mostly 41-42 levels. I just want to rinse and repeat for the satchel of helpful goods.
Deputy Moonman said:
Yeah this is true, and I can see why people would consider it boring. Though, for some reason it doesn't really bother me.

I was looking over everything a paladin gets for a dps rotation while leveling and you're right, it's practically nothing. You get your first judgment at level 4, then consecration at level 20. Other than new judgements, those 2 abilities are your only offensive abilities, excluding hammer of wrath and hand of reckoning (not really dps abilities) until level 50 and 60 when you pick up crusader strike/divine storm, or avengers shield/hammer of righteousness, depending on whether you go ret or prot. Well I guess holy wrath at 50 also. Still it's not very much. Auto-attack ftw!!

So I've been doing random instances like crazy and right now I'm stuck in the maraudon instance atm with an occasional trip to ZF. This wouldn't be so bad, but for some reason people always want to go farther than the first 1 or 2 bosses, depending on whether you start on purple or orange side. They don't understand that the mob levels go up to 47-48 as you get further into the instance and we're sitting there in a group with mostly 41-42 levels. I just want to rinse and repeat for the satchel of helpful goods.

Ok, perfect topic - I made a Paladin, played him to lvl 5.

Crusader Strike is sex. really, it is. It changes everything from lvl 1 on. The holy power is great, because you gain 1,2,3 for each strike, and then it lasts 30 seconds, sort of like the old seals, remember?

So you got the bread and butter, and then the first healing spell you get(glory) is awesom. basically it heals based on your holy power, which means to do the best healing you have to be fighting, which means that paladin will finally be the frontline fighters AND healers. Very nice.

Crusader Strikes reminds me of a Heroric strike that doesnt suck. It does have a 4 sec CD, but you could almost spam it instantly. it feels like it hits hard, and then you get automatic holy power just by using it, and then you feel motivated. its like a psychological self buff that just awards you for pressing 2.
It's such a basic thing, but it made it so much more fun. Then you get Judgement at four, which unleashes the holy power - So its like, you use crusader strike 3 times, then the judgement. It's like 40% more fun has been added. And thats at lvl 5. I liked it.

I then made a premade lvl 80 Paladin(BE) - My take on it was that the Retribution tree was great. It was really good, but I had a few issues.

Basically I was like a kid in a candy store - I got the instant attack just for taking the tree, < templars verdict, and that in combo with crusader strike, HoJ, concencrate, devine storm.. wow. It felt like you had much more fun and faster tools like a Warrior. Instant stuff.

I disagree with the comments on the forum about it being complicated. The holy power thing is easy to get, and it feels like a combo of vanilla paladin design and the rogues combo stacking, in a more simple form - but still remains elegant. I really like this new Paladin, so far.

Man, everything is bugged. NPCs dont work, but I got a tell that someone could train their skills when dropping one of their tradeskills:D
I had lots of graphics bugs - water dont really work, textures randomly dissapear, npcs dont respond to lots of stuff. you non-select anything.

I did a quick tour around -

It is really cool to see it from the air(the whole old world...) but it also reveals to things:

1)from what I have seen so far, the changes to the world itself are not that different. The quests might be(wouldnt know) but in quite a few aspects it overall looks like itself, but on the other hand, seeing it all from the air - it sorta makes you realise what a crazy amount of stuff there is.

I ended up in some place between two zones, and there was this big room between mountain groups.. and it was just this bare land. It really made me feel like the world is bigger than ever before. Orgrimmar and Stormwind are really cool. No hatin on these.

Darnassus and Ironforge.. couldnt see anything new. Im not fan of either and wouldnt mind seeing both go.

I couldnt make a Worgen. when you make one, and press ok it just pops up with a msgs saying "FAILURE":lol

I actually think the character panel is overkill. from pressing C, you get insane amount of info, including scrolling. i would change the order at least. you have to scroll down to see your armor. as a melee man i dont like this, but its just a petty UI thing. Prob will change.

human starting zone was fun. Seeing Varian from lvl 1. clicking on him, he goes "stormwind is rebuild" and stuff like that. it gets the point across that he really is the next power man of the human faction. nice.
The Orcs you fight at lvl 3 are pretty nice, almost to bad ass for lvl 3. I left a feedback saying they should put in peons or something and save does black orc raiders for something later as they were to awesome! You gotta scale the heroric feeling:D

A graphics thing that sorta made me sad that they havent implanted(but still time) is new skyboxes. I didnt see any of the awesome Outland/Northrend skyboxes... its still the old palettes with the square clouds:D

Water is also in disarray.. in a sense it looks better, but actually almost more dead. it looks more like muckery(spelling?) than water... it needs some friction, motion or movement. like dripple or traction effects at the shore. its completely still which makes it look like rubber ice.

the system requirements took quite a hit, and this was with shadows off. i normally run the game 1920x1200(i think it is) with 4 multisampling and shadows on full, and i get 30-40 fps in SW/Dalaran. No problems.

But here I had to lower it to 1366x800(or something like that.. the wide rez with the 1366) and lower all my settings. might be my imac driver that screws up.

The Sunshift effects was cool, but I could only really feel the effect when flying into the sun and seeing my mounts wings moving across the light beams.

the draw distance took a notch up. a good notch. that was awesome. when flying over orgrimmar, i could actually see a lot of mount hyjal, which was cool. seeing the tree itself. yeah I really like the added draw distance. if they could push it even more it would be incredible. it defintely already has a performance hit, but in a cool way.

Goblins look great. great animations. its so much better than the old ones. they need upgrades when you flat out compare them!

I think thats it for now. Nice with the old loading screen:D no music to speak off... I just listened to california gurls hundreds time on repeat, so it wouldn't have made much of a difference!

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I kinda enjoyed leveling a pally as prot. Once I started getting stuff like consecrate doing random dungeons made leveling quick and easy. Especially with a competent healer. Just run into huge packs, burn 'em down, lather, rinse repeat. The only downside was before BoS and having to quaff drinks all the time to get back mana. XD And I stayed at the top of the dps charts for a surprisingly long time despite being tank. =/


Metroidvania said:
Yeah, Icecrown basic quests alone, not to mention the unlockable ebon blade/argent crusade quests (not the daily ones), should get you past 80 no problem. (depending on what you've done)

Storm peaks can be a bit annoying to find quests, but in Icecrown, the Gunship or Light's hope (or whatever it's called) are full of quests.

That was the ones I ended doing, opened like 30 quest in the same zone! I'm now a level 80 undead warrior, fuck yeah!

Also, got my first 2 emblems for a random dungeon :D

So now, dailies and dungeons? I am not actually in a guild as I was looking for a friend in order to join but he had to get a break from the game so now I'm alone :_(


The fact that Goblins can be Shamenses and Gnomes cant is an outrage >.<

Also the human shoot animations are terrible, and how can wildhammer be there if he is in IF?!


Ok I am gonna need some help from some more hardcore players than myself to understand a few things. I been reading a bit over the internets about what to do now and I'm not sure I got it.

I have read that the first thing to do is improve my hit rating. Thant means stacking agility?
Also, what is the "soft" cap and "hard" cap? What is the difference between them?

Having to choose between more strength and agility, should I choose agility?

Also, I got doble specialization in order to tank as there are no tanks on our server :/

Is it too late to get gear now that Im at 80? What should I look for in stats, just stamina to get a lot of life?

Thanks guys :)


I see you said you're a warrior so I'll help with what I can. That class is certainly not my forte.

itxaka said:
I have read that the first thing to do is improve my hit rating. Thant means stacking agility? Hit rating is affected by talents and hit rating; not agility.

Also, what is the "soft" cap and "hard" cap? What is the difference between them?
Soft is so your yellow attacks never miss; hard is for the white attacks assuming you're dual wielding as fury. Pretty sure you just need to worry until you hit the soft cap then go to other stat stacking but if I'm off, I'll be corrected.

Having to choose between more strength and agility, should I choose agility?

Also, I got doble specialization in order to tank as there are no tanks on our server :/

Is it too late to get gear now that Im at 80? What should I look for in stats, just stamina to get a lot of life? You want to get defense capped if you're going to tank anything meaningful. This means a defense raiting of 535 for heroics and 540 for raid situations. If you're tanking, you'll have instant queues and can gear up extremely quickly. No doubt a warrior tank here will give you an answer in more detail.

Thanks guys :)


Narag coveredpretty much everything you asked, but if you want some tips about tanking, feel free to ask. I'll tell you what I know.

Also, RE: Agility - agility is a dps stat for leather and mail users. Warriors can use agility as it grants you increased critical strike chance, but you shouldn't go out of your way to stack it. Of course if an item with agility on it is an upgrade, go for it but be thoughtful for the agi users (rogues, feral druids, hunters and melee shamans) since strenght items are nigh useless for them. Supposedly a few agility pieces are BiS (Best in Slot), but that's high end DPS talk which I'm not familiar with.


Narag said:
I see you said you're a warrior so I'll help with what I can. That class is certainly not my forte.

Yeah basically what Narag said.

I'm just gonna talk from a tank perspective :)

Once your defense is capped (hugely important, most mobs hit hard when you tank, you don't need any critics added in there...), you should pay attention to your hit rating (i know the cap for a 2H is 8%, not sure for one handed... dual it's 27% I think) but the most important is stamina.
If you chain the heroics with the dungeon finder (and you will, tanks get in insta) use the emblems to buy your T9 (the shop is near one of the banks in dalaran, it's where the blacksmith master is) and other pieces such as rings, trinkets, etc. from the vendors in your faction area.
You can also do the 3 ICC 5man instances, they drop good gear. I'm thinking of boots in the Forge of Souls in particular, bitches don't wanna drop for me but you might get lucky. Weapon-wise, there are a couple of good tanking 1-handers in them too, as well as a nice 2H in Saron's pit. Not sure about the shield as I don't use it being a DK.
The coliseum 5man instance on normal also has a nice trinket for tanks.
Good wristbands are hard to come buy (in the ilvl232 bracket) if you don't raid. I went with the pvp one for now, not ideal but they have a lot of stamina and they made my GS go up...

You could also do the weekly given by some archmage near the Scarlet Hold (is that the name in English?). It usually just involve killing an easy boss in raid and gives you 5 frost and 5 heroism emblems.

Once you get to 60 frost, get that nice trinket from the vendor in your faction area.

Whenever you have to gem, gem with +30 stamina minimum. The gemming bonus doesn't matter except to get the requirement for your metagem or if the bonus is +12stam or more, there you can gem with whatever is required.
Don't forget to enchant your pieces too when you get some good ones. Sons of Hodir reputation gives an awesome shoulder's enchant (so go buy that tabard and wear it while chaining dungeons). Argent Crusade has the head one iirc.

I think that's pretty much it. You're probably gonna suck a bit at tanking first but as you get geared up you'll see a dramatic increase in performance.

As for DPSing, I don't know the warrior enough to give you advice, but I think that like Narag said, strength is more important than agility.
Start running lvl 80 dungeons and then the heroic versions as soon as you can, especially the Icecrown ones (Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron and Halls of Reflection). Go as DPS if that's the spec you have, don't try tanking it in crappy gear. Ask nicely if you can have the drops for your offspec, and most likely you will (the tank in PoS for example is most likely just looking for the tank sword from the boss, or the super rare drop). Once you have a mostly complete outfit, go to Dalaran and trade in the different marks you got from doing heroics and killing bosses, for the parts you didn't get.

However, while there is plenty of good lvl 232 loot in those instances, I wouldn't drive myself crazy farming for it at this point. In a few months you'll be replacing everything but ICC gear (which in itself takes even longer to farm) with your first Cataclysm quest rewards.
With the Precision talent, you want to aim for 164 hit rating to be able to overcome the hit deficit on a level 83 (boss) enemy. Once that is achieved stack strength for now. Once your gear starts looking respectable (232 and above for most ever slot), shift to gemming Armor Penetration. For Fury DPS, this is the main stat to help you do damage. When gemming, do not even try to fill socket requirements for the bonuses unless it is ICC level gear (ilvl 251 and up), just gem straight to your best stat (Strength at first, then Armor Penetration). Do not gem Attack Power. It is fine to use Rare level gems until you get ICC level gear, as that will save you money on gear that is imminently replaceable.

(When you start raiding, it will be nice to be expertise capped - 26 for most melee classes - to overcome dodges and so forth. For heroics, this is not quite as critical but you do not want to step into raids without it. So for raids: hit cap -> expertise cap -> ar pen cap, if you ever hit it -> strength)

Start running heroics over and over and over. Queue as a dps and expect long lines. If you want to switch to tanking as soon as possible, use all the emblems of triumph you get to buy t9 tanking gear and other tanking gear pieces. Hopefully people will be nice to you and be willing you drag your sorry ass (it'll be true, just accept it) through their daily frost emblem run. For best odds on this, run as many heroics as you can between the hours of 3pm and 9pm. That's when most people will be getting their runs out of the way.


For tanking, just gem stamina, unless you need to shore up your defense. Then gem defense til you are capped and gem stamina. Do not even bother gemming parry or dodge until you are in ICC gear. It's nice to think about, but before then, you'll always want more health as opposed to more mitigation.

For successful talent speccing, find good warrior tanks on your server (or even ask for one in a general chat), then look him up on armory. Copy his spec.


You really shouldn't worry about the ICC 5mans at this point, you can't auto queue there for a while. And personally, I wouldn't spend the first 60 badges on the ICC trinkets, you are propably better off getting the set or offset pieces at first. For example, the tank trinket has great stamina but the clicky is horrible and the DPS trinket is far more suitable for long boss fights where it can stack up instead of 5man trash that gets killed in seconds. Just farm the trinkets from normal ToC5 imo.

And I queued just fine as tank to hcs before I hit 25k HP. Hell, I tanked Forge of Souls when I had 25k hp UB.
Tacitus_ said:
And I queued just fine as tank to hcs before I hit 25k HP. Hell, I tanked Forge of Souls when I had 25k hp UB.

But there's a greater chance people who are just there for their frost badges won't stick around if you're below 25k. It's a good (and achievable) starting point to aim for.


itxaka said:
Ok I am gonna need some help from some more hardcore players than myself to understand a few things. I been reading a bit over the internets about what to do now and I'm not sure I got it.

I have read that the first thing to do is improve my hit rating. Thant means stacking agility?
Also, what is the "soft" cap and "hard" cap? What is the difference between them?

Having to choose between more strength and agility, should I choose agility?

Also, I got doble specialization in order to tank as there are no tanks on our server :/

Is it too late to get gear now that Im at 80? What should I look for in stats, just stamina to get a lot of life?

Thanks guys :)

i've been using this http://www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=146693 as a rough guide for gearing up my fury warrior, there's also some protection guides on there http://www.wowhead.com/forums&topic=86992&p=945072


Well I went to play WoW on friday, and all my loot, gear and money was stolen. I've never given my password or account info to anyone so naturally I was furious.

I called Blizzard and got my account back, and of course changed my account info. And I'm gonna get my stuff back in 4-5 days.

But this has really made me think I'd rather not play a game with this sort of serious security issues. I'm not buying one of their bullshit authenticators because Blizzard can't get a handle on the assholes fucking with their product.

I think I'm hanging up my WoW clothes and waiting for FFXIV.
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