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World of Warcraft

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rhfb said:
Sword rogue still viable? I'd think that would be something to look into if you are just doing instances.

Yeah I tried combat swords before, it just isn't as fun as playing mutilate. Would be even better if mobs didn't go down as fast. Most of the time i don't even get to envenom :/. Bosses on the other hand are perfect, I start from stealth -> garrote -> hunger for blood -> slice and dice -> mutiliate -> envenom. Then just mutilate to 4 or 5 combo points activate cold blood and envenom. With most bosses I only get to do 2 finishers, the damage is just crazy and I almost always top the meters^^


Alex said:
...Weren't you the one in here spamming websites to get people to quit MMOs because you ruined your life or something?
He's back on the crackpipe, it seems.

And I don't think anyone is seeing FFXIV as some grand amazing WoW killer...other than Wada. It'll be fun to play for a few months until Cataclysm, and perhaps again in a year or two when it's working properly. That's my plan anyway.


anyone who bought the SC2 CE know if you get a separate code for the pet ? Or does it only give you the pet if CE SC2 is attached to your account?


Calantus said:
anyone who bought the SC2 CE know if you get a separate code for the pet ? Or does it only give you the pet if CE SC2 is attached to your account?
Once you put the CE code into Bnet, the pet activates on your WoW account and appears in your mailbox. CE has to be attached to the same Bnet account as your WoW though.


notworksafe said:
Once you put the CE code into Bnet, the pet activates on your WoW account and appears in your mailbox. CE has to be attached to the same Bnet account as your WoW though.

This was really disappointing, I have friends that will never touch WoW but now have a useless code that they could've sold
Given to me

Oh well guess I'll just have to pimp around some other pet until Cata comes out and I get a sweet mini-iconic mob.


Hero said:
If you get hacked it's pretty much your own fault. Blizzard puts a great deal of time, effort and money into trying to prevent account hacking and theft.
If Blizzard puts sooooooo much effort into preventing hacking then why is it possible to change your account password and add a phone authenticator in seconds?
Blizzard should know by now that the only people doing that are the hackers.

The only prevention measures Blizzard has taken is the authenticator. It seems they would rather that remain the sole prevention tool and spend all their time and money on recovery.


Xiaoki said:
If Blizzard puts sooooooo much effort into preventing hacking then why is it possible to change your account password and add a phone authenticator in seconds?
Blizzard should know by now that the only people doing that are the hackers.

The only prevention measures Blizzard has taken is the authenticator. It seems they would rather that remain the sole prevention tool and spend all their time and money on recovery.
Pretend your email account has been hacked. Worried about security, you decide to download the Android authenticator and change your password. Why would Blizzard prevent you from doing this? And what would be the response from customers if they prevented it?


Worships the porcelain goddess
Vigilant Walrus said:
Man I regret so much rolling male Draenei that I can not comprehend ot think about it.And worst of all I spent 15 bucks race changing to one...

thats like paying for surgery to become handicapped on PURPOSE!

I stupid idiot. I wanted some untraditional characters and I already had a female Dwarf I loved. I couldn't find anything else untraditional than Male Draenei. Little did I know that there was actually a good reason for them not being wanted/played much. What a sad excuse of a race.

And I am not talking about the lore. My character actually looks like it wants to die, with those tentacles and Son-Gohan hair sticking out. It walks like it shat itself in the mail armor, and broke it's ankles but trying to keep a straight face to go to a dinner party. ugh...

Female draenei is really nice thou, but so over used!

What's wrong with male Draenei? =(


Worships the porcelain goddess
Sebulon3k said:
The fact that the females look awesome, and the males look like Davey Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Thanks. Now I'll never look at my warrior the same way again.
Sebulon3k said:
The fact that the females look awesome, and the males look like Davey Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Davey Jones looks awesome! He is a freakin pirate!

Male Draenei are like... They are like a ManGoatSquid!

speedpop said:
Teldrassil is a source of ancient power simply because out where it is situated now was nothing but ocean. However it never reached the same status that Nordrassil reached because it was not blessed by Ysera.

They do on RP servers :p

Nordrassil.. thats the starting area lvl 1-5!?

Btw i made a Night Elf Mage.. no changes to this level range, and I couldnt see any changes in Dolanaar either.

Alex said:
That's a lot of fuss over a free to six dollar maximum little piece of kit that is going to be required for any future MMO with any decently sized userbase.

As for FFXIV, I'm not maintaining that same level of hope considering it's iffy beta. I've been looking forward to that for years so I'd rather not see it flubbed, but it needs a strong delay more than anything else in recent memory. September is just foolish considering the state of what they've shown and the rate of live development. First impressions are a much bigger deal than they used to be, in MMOs.

Also no, it's not going to be some beacon of modern design, it's going to be archaic and cult, but in a fun, endearing way with some brilliant design concessions buried under some silly Japanese design logic and an unpolished shell. It is going to be FFXI-2. But I don't care, I just have a soft spot for that teams world building and group based combat, so I somewhat prefer that.

I think WoW aged pretty well though, mostly because they update it so absurdly much. Still, at the same time I can only handle so much of a general game no matter how much it's updated and maintained.

Of course, that's taking in mind modern WoW and the end game and Cataclysm and not blubbering about old world content a few months before it's purged and completely rebuilt with nothing but brand new game systems. Derp.

...Weren't you the one in here spamming websites to get people to quit MMOs because you ruined your life or something?

That's too bad to hear about FFXIV but not unexpected. Historically the Japanese developers have not been good with online gaming, from what I have seen. I heard SF4 is really nice though.

Yeah, I think WoW has aged really well. It was a good idea to wait with TBC to after two years of retail. It gave them so much more time to fix and fine tune WoW. The substantial updates have been incredible.

And what is really funny is that WoW has something now that almost none of the new games have... the seamless world. LOTRO, Conan, Warhammer, Aion... They were all split up into zones with loading screens. For all the flak WoWs tech got, it's really turned into something that WoW has that smooth transistion.

In retrospect I wish the initial implantation of BGs and Honor had not been so flanky. I think that was the darkest period in WoW history, as that was really 1 step forward, 2 steps back.


Amir0x said:
computer is secure, but was hacked anyway
To be honest, your computer could still be 100% secure and you could get an MMO account/other secure account hacked.

Do you have a facebook/myspace/twitter?
Do you have personal information available on this social networking site?

It doesn't take much for someone who knows what they're doing to find all the information they need to hack you.

Sebulon3k said:
The fact that the females look awesome, and the males look like Davey Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean.
I've been strongly considering the race change to dwarf for my shaman ever since it was announced :lol
Only thing holding me back is... I'm a bit worried it will screw up my titles/achievements.
It says it these will be unaffected on the Race Change FAQ but I dunno, anyone have experience with it?
I did a server transfer awhile back and that undid some of my completed quests, granted a server transfer is more likely to incur data loss than a race change but still I fret :x


ciaossu said:
I've been strongly considering the race change to dwarf for my shaman ever since it was announced :lol
Only thing holding me back is... I'm a bit worried it will screw up my titles/achievements.
It says it these will be unaffected on the Race Change FAQ but I dunno, anyone have experience with it?
I did a server transfer awhile back and that undid some of my completed quests, granted a server transfer is more likely to incur data loss than a race change but still I fret :x

With all my race changes ( I race change about once a month ) I have never encountered any problems with titles, only thing that changes iirc is the mount, but other people's experiences may be different.

One thing I know is going to suck once Cata releases is the ridiculous influx of Goblin / Worgen ( Especially Worgen ). The uniqueness will be gone quicker then it was with the Celestial Steed.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Sebulon3k said:
With all my race changes ( I race change about once a month ) I have never encountered any problems with titles, only thing that changes iirc is the mount, but other people's experiences may be different.

One thing I know is going to suck once Cata releases is the ridiculous influx of Goblin / Worgen ( Especially Worgen ). The uniqueness will be gone quicker then it was with the Celestial Steed.

Didn't Blizzard once said they wouldn't allow race changes to Worgen & Goblin at launch but later on?
Bisnic said:
Didn't Blizzard once said they wouldn't allow race changes to Worgen & Goblin at launch but later on?

That's most likely. Server first achievements to worgen and goblins right?

that would be a lot of world first achievements.

and just server first achievements -

first goblin rogue/paladin/warrior on server

and with each individual class. wow. there is a lot of room for many people to get a uniqe achievement. if each class will have first to 85 on their class too?


Bisnic said:
Didn't Blizzard once said they wouldn't allow race changes to Worgen & Goblin at launch but later on?

Yes your correct, but I meant for people that are going to level up from 1-85, going to be quite a lot, although I doubt most won't stick it out for the long haul.

I know I'm going to drop my warrior main for a while, and level up a goblin shaman female and main that throughout cataclysm. Sucks that I'll miss the initial rush of raids for a while.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Vigilant Walrus said:
Davey Jones looks awesome! He is a freakin pirate!

Male Draenei are like... They are like a ManGoatSquid!


Well, not like I can think of any other Alliance race that looks good as a warrior. =/


Kintaro said:

Well, not like I can think of any other Alliance race that looks good as a warrior. =/

Female Night Elf, or Female Gnome.

If you go NE you get the coolest jump animation in the game, if you go gnome you get the coolest scaling in the game. It's a win win either way.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Kintaro said:

Well, not like I can think of any other Alliance race that looks good as a warrior. =/

I like my female draenei warrior. Much better than a male one and sexier too. <3


Worships the porcelain goddess
Sebulon3k said:
Female Night Elf, or Female Gnome.

If you go NE you get the coolest jump animation in the game, if you go gnome you get the coolest scaling in the game. It's a win win either way.

Not sure what you mean here. Any examples?
Kintaro said:

Well, not like I can think of any other Alliance race that looks good as a warrior. =/

Look, their lore is retarded - we're useless and we follow whoever is around because we are soulless fucks with no personality and our tentacles will please a very small japanese fanbase.

and yes male Dwarf and male Worgen warriors look fantastic.

im going to try a BE warrior now and see if anything has changed and how warrior is.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Vigilant Walrus said:
Look, their lore is retarded - we're useless and we follow whoever is around because we are soulless fucks with no personality and our tentacles will please a very small japanese fanbase.

Sebulon3k said:
The fact that the females look awesome, and the males look like Davey Jones in Pirates of the Caribbean.

Only female I've ever played since launch. Can't stand the male draenei (or the other male Alliance races in general).


KernelPanic said:
Only female I've ever played since launch. Can't stand the male draenei (or the other male Alliance races in general).

I think Female Draenei, Female Gnome and Female NE are the only Alliance classes that I could play. But I couldn't really play Alliance, just doesn't seem cool enough for me.
Sebulon3k said:
I think Female Draenei, Female Gnome and Female NE are the only Alliance classes that I could play. But I couldn't really play Alliance, just doesn't seem cool enough for me.

Don't like any of the short races, prefer to play something taller :lol

NE are all right, but I'm hooked on playing a frost mage atm and NE can't be mages.

As a long time Horde player, I'm playing Alliance atm for a change.


Evlar said:
Pretend your email account has been hacked. Worried about security, you decide to download the Android authenticator and change your password. Why would Blizzard prevent you from doing this? And what would be the response from customers if they prevented it?
How many normal paying customers change their password and add an Android phone authenticator in the span of 10 seconds?

Also, to change your accounts email log in you need to answer the security question you set up. If they attached that to your password there would less problems. So why dont they do that?
Servers down. FFFFUUUU.

Warrior lvl 1 impressions:

BE looks good as warrior. Heroric strike has a decent animation, and it gives lots of dmg. It's instant cast now which makes it a lot more fun.
I think rage req. should be lower. just swinging your sword, regardless of hit or miss, should be enough to initiate and use heroric strike... but in turn lower the damage output. heroric takes 85% of the mobs health in one strike so its quite powerful.


Xiaoki said:
How many normal paying customers change their password and add an Android phone authenticator in the span of 10 seconds?

Also, to change your accounts email log in you need to answer the security question you set up. If they attached that to your password there would less problems. So why dont they do that?
Because hackers would just attach the authenticator and not bother with the password right away?
Macattk15 said:
I'll be leveling a male Worgen warrior soon as I can!

Do you know when they will reopen them? I cant wait much longer. Gilneas is amazing. that city has incredible design, but for some reason flight was disabled over Greymane manor or whatever it was called.

I really really love their look. It's not really emo as it has been accused of. yes its very dark and almost vamp-ish. But I got a more sleepy hollow feel out of it... maybe even a slight feeling of Berserk, in that grim medieval way.

the lvl 11 quest reward top hat, is one of the best items I have seen in the game. I remember walking around in the diver helmet from STV, but this is amazing.. and you get it at lvl 11? everyone are going to make worgen just for the top hat.

They need to make some sort of no bonus hat for all the races. TF2 dictates it.

I suggest:

Gnomes: engineer cap

Dwarf: bowling hat(like the one from clockwork orange). "when equipped: dwarfs hum and whistle the theme from the film... a tribute to the late Stanley Kubrick"

Night elfs: not a hat.. but a butterfly that swarms around the NEs body, but sometimes sits on the head, shoulder and hair. its a very.. active visually head item. could also be a small bird or a firefly, but the idea about a living creature as a piece of gear is genius. I have done it again!

Humans: medival milk carton shaped hat. just the average sort of hat poor peasents had back then.. it looks more like a piece of cloth used for ass wiping than actual hat, but it will fit the poor humans. flies should swarm around it.
other ideas: karate headband, robin hood style hat, cowboyish hat(westfall item)

Tauren: cowbells attatched to their ears... could also be cloth on their horns.

Blood Elf: scarf covering their lower face like a mysterious masked ninja.. or someone with a cold. very fashionable;O

Orc: eyepatch.. rarrrghhh:D

Troll: ribbons on their husks

undead: extra attatched limbs on top of their heads for lulz.. would be funny with a extra leg coming out of your left eyesocket!!!

draenei: get nothing because they are horrible. maybe a goat mask.

goblin: medieval wooden helmet

walrus for president!!! genius walrus!


May be a while. Every time they go down a new patch gets put up. Plus they aren't as quick to get the Beta servers up as the live ones.
Vigilant Walrus said:
Do you know when they will reopen them? I cant wait much longer. Gilneas is amazing. that city has incredible design, but for some reason flight was disabled over Greymane manor or whatever it was called.

I really really love their look. It's not really emo as it has been accused of. yes its very dark and almost vamp-ish. But I got a more sleepy hollow feel out of it... maybe even a slight feeling of Berserk, in that grim medieval way.

the lvl 11 quest reward top hat, is one of the best items I have seen in the game. I remember walking around in the diver helmet from STV, but this is amazing.. and you get it at lvl 11? everyone are going to make worgen just for the top hat.

They need to make some sort of no bonus hat for all the races. TF2 dictates it.

I suggest:

Gnomes: engineer cap

Dwarf: bowling hat(like the one from clockwork orange). "when equipped: dwarfs hum and whistle the theme from the film... a tribute to the late Stanley Kubrick"

Night elfs: not a hat.. but a butterfly that swarms around the NEs body, but sometimes sits on the head, shoulder and hair. its a very.. active visually head item. could also be a small bird or a firefly, but the idea about a living creature as a piece of gear is genius. I have done it again!

Humans: medival milk carton shaped hat. just the average sort of hat poor peasents had back then.. it looks more like a piece of cloth used for ass wiping than actual hat, but it will fit the poor humans. flies should swarm around it.
other ideas: karate headband, robin hood style hat, cowboyish hat(westfall item)

Tauren: cowbells attatched to their ears... could also be cloth on their horns.

Blood Elf: scarf covering their lower face like a mysterious masked ninja.. or someone with a cold. very fashionable;O

Orc: eyepatch.. rarrrghhh:D

Troll: ribbons on their husks

undead: extra attatched limbs on top of their heads for lulz.. would be funny with a extra leg coming out of your left eyesocket!!!

draenei: get nothing because they are horrible. maybe a goat mask.

goblin: medieval wooden helmet

walrus for president!!! genius walrus!

Please stop and think before you post.
I really hate the Lich King encounter now.

After 2 nights of wiping on 10m HM, I just want to throw my PC out the window and never attempt him again. Seriously, its so frustrating that one mistake blows up the raid. I pray I get ported into the frostmourne, because as a Holy pally its easy and it gives me a break from the chaos up top. :p

That is all.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I don't think I can play female characters. =/ Human animations are pretty archaic now and I don't jive with the NEs. That leaves only Gnomes and Dwarves. I like Dwarves but not sure if I could dig playing as one without seeing how they look in cool warrior gear.

On Horde side, I love Tauren. Orcs are cool, but their animations need work now too. So, I felt like if I was playing Ally, I was kind of stuck with a male Draenei.


ciaossu said:
To be honest, your computer could still be 100% secure and you could get an MMO account/other secure account hacked.

Do you have a facebook/myspace/twitter?
Do you have personal information available on this social networking site?

It doesn't take much for someone who knows what they're doing to find all the information they need to hack you.

Do not have a facebook. Do not have a twitter. Do not use social networking sites at all. I have a myspace but have not checked it in over a year, and it has no information about my WoW account.

Seriously, there really is no possible way I could have been any more secure save an authenticator. And it's infuriating I should have to buy something yet more for these overpriced MMORPGs as it is (and no, I don't have an iPhone. Nor do i want a shitty iPhone! Fuck Apple.)
The only 2 characters that I've been able to play through past level 25 have been my human female warlock and my BE female hunter. All other alts have failed to keep my interest around the late teens / early 20s.

I really like the male worgen though so I'm probably going to make one for the new Cata content. Gotta pick a class though.


Amir0x said:
Do not have a facebook. Do not have a twitter. Do not use social networking sites at all. I have a myspace but have not checked it in over a year, and it has no information about my WoW account.

Seriously, there really is no possible way I could have been any more secure save an authenticator. And it's infuriating I should have to buy something yet more for these overpriced MMORPGs as it is (and no, I don't have an iPhone. Nor do i want a shitty iPhone! Fuck Apple.)
Do you visit websites with Flash ads?


Evlar said:
Do you visit websites with Flash ads?

All those sort of things are blocked in browser. I have an extensive ad blocking mechanism in place, which usually stomps out most flash ads.

Can't even really think of a website I've visited in the past two weeks that wasn't my Verizon e-mail (doesn't have flash ads) or neoGAF actually.


Amir0x said:
All those sort of things are blocked in browser. I have an extensive ad blocking mechanism in place, which usually stomps out most flash ads.

Can't even really think of a website I've visited in the past two weeks that wasn't my Verizon e-mail (doesn't have flash ads) or neoGAF actually.
Wait...Amir0x just admitted to blocking ads! And on GAF?!

Kidding! <3
Don't ban me please! :(

Also the free/cheap Authenticator isn't just for iPhone/iPod. It's on Android too (check Android Marketplace)! And a ton of other phones! http://mobile.blizzard.com


On my 25th run of the Forge of Souls I FINALLY dropped those tanking boots I wanted. I was at 4953 of GS, I put them on and... 4993.

I've got a question, the ring you get in ICC and that upgrades with your reputation, do you get it at the beginning of the raid? How does that work?


Amir0x said:
All those sort of things are blocked in browser. I have an extensive ad blocking mechanism in place, which usually stomps out most flash ads.

Can't even really think of a website I've visited in the past two weeks that wasn't my Verizon e-mail (doesn't have flash ads) or neoGAF actually.
Well, can't speak for your browsing habits which sound unusually safe. Flash appears to have been a prime vector for WoW keyloggers over the past few years.

Your information might have been sniped a while ago. A LOT of WoW accounts were compromised recently, probably due to the zero-day Flash vulnerability back in May/June, and account theft is facing a manpower problem. Someone has to attach the authenticator to your account and then move gold and items off your stuff, flip your account to a sucker, (spamming trade chat all the while), and they have to do it as fast as possible to stay ahead of Blizzard's GM staff.
Amir0x said:
Do not have a facebook. Do not have a twitter. Do not use social networking sites at all. I have a myspace but have not checked it in over a year, and it has no information about my WoW account.

Seriously, there really is no possible way I could have been any more secure save an authenticator. And it's infuriating I should have to buy something yet more for these overpriced MMORPGs as it is (and no, I don't have an iPhone. Nor do i want a shitty iPhone! Fuck Apple.)
If you are willing to pay a monthly subscription fee to play WoW, you've already sold your soul to Blizzard. A one-time fee of 6 more dollars for added security will get you front row seats to the underworld :)

Unrelated, for any of you that play a prot pally, what keybinds do you use? I've been trying to come up with something that works for me.

Q: Judegments
E: Consecration
shift+W: Hammer of wrath
R: hand of reckoning
F: righteous defense
C: hammer of justice

Trying to figure where to put avenger's shield and holy wrath into the mix. Is that too convoluted? I've never liked using the number keys 1-4. maybe I could use shift+E and shift+D?


Alcoori said:
On my 25th run of the Forge of Souls I FINALLY dropped those tanking boots I wanted. I was at 4953 of GS, I put them on and... 4993.

I've got a question, the ring you get in ICC and that upgrades with your reputation, do you get it at the beginning of the raid? How does that work?
Friendly with Ashen Verdict, then you just upgrade it every reputation level past that.
Deputy Moonman said:
Unrelated, for any of you that play a prot pally, what keybinds do you use? I've been trying to come up with something that works for me.

Q: Judegments
E: Consecration
shift+W: Hammer of wrath
R: hand of reckoning
F: righteous defense
C: hammer of justice

Trying to figure where to put avenger's shield and holy wrath into the mix. Is that too convoluted? I've never liked using the number keys 1-4. maybe I could use shift+E and shift+D?


It's a good investment.
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