
oh shit!! :lol
oh shit!! :lol
Where perchance, are you finding this media?speedpop said:Looks like the new sandbox is up.
No more Defias.
*blows trumpet*
(huge image again)
speedpop said:Looks like the new sandbox is up.
No more Defias.
*blows trumpet*
(huge image again)
Are you sure you're not thinking of Southshore?HarryDemeanor said:Orcs have replaced the defias in Northshire just to note.
Yeah that's funny, right now Humans are kind of the only race who kills their own kind as some of their starting zone quests.HarryDemeanor said:Orcs have replaced the defias in Northshire just to note.
Angry Grimace said:No.
You're thinking of Southshore.
Northshire is the starting zone for Humans just outside of Goldshire and Stormwind.
:lol Same way I felt when people went apeshit over the Orgrimmar changes. I have no frame of reference for that horde stuff.borghe said:uggghh.. I hate that you guys always make a big deal out of lowbie alliance zone changes, only because I've ever really put in effort to leveling one alliance character and I have no clue what you are talking about with your references.
let's get some lowbie horde changes in here!!! something I can actually relate to!!!
borghe said:uggghh.. I hate that you guys always make a big deal out of lowbie alliance zone changes, only because I've ever really put in effort to leveling one alliance character and I have no clue what you are talking about with your references.
let's get some lowbie horde changes in here!!! something I can actually relate to!!!
Congrats you've upgraded your Townhall into a Keep!sykoex said:looks like the Sentinel Hill inn's roof does in fact get finished.
HarryDemeanor said:For all of you rolling Worgen you might be very happy with this latest patch (assuming it will still be there for release):[/MG][/QUOTE]
Nice, imagine if it was BoE :O
Xabora said:Congrats you've upgraded your Townhall into a Keep!
HarryDemeanor said:Looks like Blizzard is improving the questing experience in Cataclysm.
Angry Grimace said::lol@ Ruby Sanctum items being higher ilvl than Icecrown Citadel.
They are 271 in 25m. I would rather presume 25m is completely puggable just like every other 1 shot boss in Wrath.
Sharpened Twilight Scale
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Item Level 271
Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 163.
Equip: When you deal damage you have a chance to gain 1304 attack power for 15 sec.
Disenchanting requires Enchanting (375)
It's like Whispering Fanged Skull mated with Deathbringer's Will but the result was way better.
Angry Grimace said::lol@ Ruby Sanctum items being higher ilvl than Icecrown Citadel.
They are 271 in 25m. I would rather presume 25m is completely puggable just like every other 1 shot boss in Wrath.
Sharpened Twilight Scale
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 80
Item Level 271
Equip: Increases your armor penetration rating by 163.
Equip: When you deal damage you have a chance to gain 1304 attack power for 15 sec.
Disenchanting requires Enchanting (375)
It's like Whispering Fanged Skull mated with Deathbringer's Will but the result was way better.
I guess I kind of figured they meant ICC loot rather than LK himself.Fularu said:This had been known since they introduced it. They drop LK level loot.
Charred Twilight ScaleAkim said:and my warrior just got an erection
There's a little "hole" for you to sit :lolHarryDemeanor said:Please let them be attainable mounts! :lol
Angry Grimace said:There's a little "hole" for you to sit :lol
Trolls get a new level 1-5 leveling experience, and a new starting area independent from Valley of Trials. They start out on Echo Isles and have beginner quests involving taking care of troll raptors, and killing some invading Naga.borghe said:uggghh.. I hate that you guys always make a big deal out of lowbie alliance zone changes, only because I've ever really put in effort to leveling one alliance character and I have no clue what you are talking about with your references.
let's get some lowbie horde changes in here!!! something I can actually relate to!!!
:lolspeedpop said:
Well, after 3 years passed in-game it's high time they've completed it, right?Bisnic said:Oh shit, the Lakeshire's bridge is completed?
They could, but really, it wouldn't make that big of a difference. With an epic flying mount getting from A->B in BC/WOTLK takes basically no time, and the quests were already a huge step up in flowing properly from Zone 1 to 2 to 3/4 to 5/6/7 ect. Old world quests for players in the 10-50 range were pure shit though.Interfectum said:Oh man that sounds awesome. I wonder if they will retro fit this for BC and WotLK.
No idea, but I do know that in the original PTR version of Patch 2.4, you could Enslave Brutallus :lolVieo said:I have some questions about Warlocks; namely Enslave Demon...
- Do demons shrink (like Hunter's pets after taming) after you enslave them?
- Can you take an enslaved demon into an instance, or will it disappear?
- After you've enslaved a demon, can you enslave that same demon again (assuming it hasn't died) once the spell wears off?
- If you log out with an enslaved demon, will it be there if you log back in an hour later or so?
- Also, can you use that ability that let's you heal your lock pet to heal enslaved demons as well?
Edit: Forgot one, if you take an enslaved demon onto a boat and travel to another area, will it disappear?
Interfectum said:So what are you saying? They shouldn't put on a conference? Should they lose money on a conference?
Also any piece of information that comes out of Blizzcon is on the internet within seconds so no one is forced to go.
It probably costs over a million just to get a site that large with all that crap there; but I will maintain until I die that Blizzard would not run BlizzCon if BlizzCon lost them money.J-Rzez said:Does it cost them 3million dollars to put on that event? They also get a cut of the Direct TV and Internet shows? Other companies lose money on their conference shows. I highly doubt with all of that, plus merch sales at the shows, that they're just breaking even, they're probably laughing all the way to the bank at their fanbase expense yet again.
Don't get me wrong, I love their games, but I hate some of their practices and philosophies. I've never had such a love/hate relationship with a developer before.
HarryDemeanor said:Finally was able to get a picture.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Probably because no new races could be Warlocks?