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Worst PA Ever, with the best MGS 3 review ever

Lakitu said:
Keyword: limitedp

I'll consider your opinion on MGS 3 worthless until you complete it.

you completed it? if not than how is your opinion more valid than mine? besides in MGS games its ALWAYS limited playtime.

well did you finish it?


Marconelly said:
Holy crap, there's so much bitterness in this thread. :lol

It's as if some of you armchair game designers were praying for some negativity for this game to finally come out from somewhere, just to give you an excuse to rag on it some more.

I agree... one negative take on MGS3 and all the haters come out of the wood work. You've struck gold boys, the unfunny nerds at Penny Arcade hate MGS3! WOO COMMENCE HATING!
I think when you've read a little real literature and have your time become a proper commodity, you honestly REALLY start to mind game directors usurping your time for shitty expositional exercises.

If your time has really become so precious then maybe it's time for you to quit gaming as a hobby (or moderating a freaking gaming forum for that matter).

I hardly seem to have any time for gaming anymore and I'm certainly at a point in my life where I don't need Kojima's philosophizing to guide me but I still enjoy the Metal Gear games. If I don't want to concern myself with "preachy melodrama" I'll boot up Madden and play a few games in franchise.

Unlike most people in this thread, I guess I can enjoy my gaming both ways and come out no worse for wear.
There's nothing wrong with negativity, or with sharing that negativity. What, did all you tools expect an orthodoxy of opinion?


Drinky Crow said:
There's nothing wrong with negativity, or with sharing that negativity. What, did all you tools expect an orthodoxy of opinion?

Nah this was more than expected. It's just too bad you had to cling to Penny Arcade for vindication. :lol

Shouldn't you be reading or something? Your time is precious and all. :lol
There's nothing wrong with negativity, or with sharing that negativity. What, did all you tools expect an orthodoxy of opinion?

Certainly not, especially when clowns like you are out there to make sure we all know what to do and what not to do with our precious time, Drinky.
I care about what *you* do with your time?

Razoric: Because I have a similar opinion to PA, I'm looking to them for vindication? I only jumped into this thread because WarPig posted in it, and he's usually funny.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There's nothing wrong with negativity, or with sharing that negativity. What, did all you tools expect an orthodoxy of opinion?
Nothing wrong. It's just funny to see so much concentrated negativity in a thread after the forum's authority on the unfunny an irrelevant has spoken :p (talking about PA, of course)


Kabuki Waq said:
you completed it? if not than how is your opinion more valid than mine? besides in MGS games its ALWAYS limited playtime.

well did you finish it?

You're basically saying it's more of the same as MGS 2, when you've only played it briefly, which is just wrong. I'm stating the facts really.
I am just saying the cutscenese are still tooo long and story is still takes priority over gameplay so far. thats all. Now have you finished it?
What does Penny Arcade's comedic talent (or lack thereof depending on who you are) have to do with their video game criticism? That is a weak ad hominem that does nothing to strengthen your argument.


Drinky Crow said:
Razoric: Because I have a similar opinion to PA, I'm looking to them for vindication? I only jumped into this thread because WarPig posted in it, and he's usually funny.

If I'm so funny, why ain't I rich?

I started discussing the subject today, incidentally, because I only just got to start playing the finished MGS3 last night.



Kabuki Waq said:
I am just saying the cutscenese are still tooo long and story is still takes priority over gameplay so far. thats all. Now have you finished it?

When did I ever state my opinion? No, I haven't FYI. I've talked to loads that have though, thoroughly.
Lakitu said:
When did I ever state my opinion? No, I haven't FYI. I've talked to loads that have though, thoroughly.

Do you finish all the crappy games you play before you realize they are crap?

and why bother arguing with my opinion if you have not formed one yourself?
oh gee, warpig with his superior knowledge over all of us troglodytes has decreeded that MGS3 is a bad game. and he cursed a lot. it must be really bad....... if a game isnt like all the other games on th emarket, it must be bad right? thank god he pointed that out......
probably wouldnt have been able to go on living if i didnt know that.....


Kabuki Waq said:
and why bother arguing with my opinion if you have not formed one yourself?

I didn't argue about your opinion. I'm just not taking your opinion to heart once you've finished the whole game. Now I respect your opinion on MGS 2, but saying MGS 3 is more of the same crap when you've only briefly played MGS 3, is ridiculous.

Gotta go.
He decreed it was a bad game by HIS STANDARDS, you pud. How hard is it to accept that some people have more stringent and specific standards for what constitutes a "good game, and why should those standards prevent them from having a public forum for their opinions?


not an idiot
Razoric said:
Nah this was more than expected. It's just too bad you had to cling to Penny Arcade for vindication. :lol

Shouldn't you be reading or something? Your time is precious and all. :lol
what did you think he was doing in here? listening? :lol

and i love how you took everyone's negative take all personally and appear to be lashing out now :lol


You know, if some of you guys would have just let Warpigs rant slide this wouldn't be as big of an issue....

Regarding MGS3, I just picked it up and haven't played it yet. If there are codec conversations on the level of the last hour of MGS2 I'm gonna be pissed and that disc is getting chucked out the window.
I care about what *you* do with your time?

Hopefully not but when I read something like....

I think when you've read a little real literature and have your time become a proper commodity, you honestly REALLY start to mind game directors usurping your time for shitty expositional exercises.

It sure sounds like you're pushing more than your simple, well-known position on the Metal Gear franchise. I really know nothing about you and I doubt you know anything about me. But I've read plenty of philosophy, and I'm keenly aware of how valuable time is. Of course I haven't become so jaded that I can't spare a little of my precious time to play a video game. I know the Metal Gear games can be preachy and long winded but believe it or not it doesn't insult me or cause me to turn off the console in frustration.

Your constant put downs of Metal Gear Solid just rub me the wrong way I guess. You act is if you know something we all don't, and compare my opinion to that of a "tool" or a "whiner." I never saw the appeal of wasting my time to constantly rag on a game no matter how much I disliked it or how "controversial" my opinion was. So I'm left wondering how someone who gets so caught up in his over the top rambling about a fucking video game thinks he can safely imply that other people playing said game are the ones wasting their time.


Mrbob said:
You know, if some of you guys would have just let Warpigs rant slide this wouldn't be as big of an issue....

You'd think all the profanity would give people an easier time as far as not taking me seriously.

Edit: You'd also think it would eventually get harder for Drinky to honk these kids off, but I guess you'd be wrong.

Double Edit: You know what else bugs me about MGS3's cutscenes? Can't FUCKING PAUSE THEM. I mean, shit, that's the one thing fucking Xenosaga got right. I had to take a piss last night, and so I gotta sit there holding it for ten fucking minutes while LBJ and Khrushchev talk shit on the red phone.

If there actually is a cutscene pause button, somebody tell me what it is, and I will officially like the game at least 25% more.



Don't forget about Half Life 2:

"This is the ending?! Also why does the game load so much?!?"

Word to the wise. Lower your expectations on sequels from now on.
Bill, in the time it took me to make all the posts in this thread, I wouldn't have been through 1/16th of that first codec sequence in the MGS3 demo.

I've also offered exactly *2* opinions on the series in this thread, neither of which were more than a pair of sentences -- if that constitutes a volume of negativity, then we're operating from two different perspectives, sport, and I don't think mine's the one with the bug up its ass.
Bill, in the time it took my to make all these posts, I wouldn't have been through 1/8th of that first Codec sequence in the MGS3 demo.

I've also offered exactly *2* opinions on the series in this thread, neither of which were more than a pair of sentences -- if that constitutes a volume of negativity, then we're operating from two different perspectives, sport, and I don't think mine's the one with the bug up its ass.

Drinky, I'm not talking about just this thread, I didn't think I needed to spell that out. I've just noticed a trend and that seems to involve you and these kinds of Metal Gear threads. But who am I to call you out....
all i know is that the people at various forums seem to be enjoying this game very much so far. so if two dudes who are as "preachy" about their hate of metal gear as the metal gear games are as preachy about nukes, then the series is doing quite all right. :lol

MC Safety

In the end many feelings were hurt.

But all agreed the Penny-Arcade is not funny.

And they were very, very, very, very, very, very happy to go home. The end.


The codec convos and cut scenes are long (the time from the save point where Ocelot goes down to where Snake is deployed in the same area later on is about a 21 minute gap) but you should be used to this now. The great stroy is what seperates MGS from other actions games. Anyway we all know PA is very SC biased (even made a few SC comics for Ubisoft earlier in the year.) I do love SC's gameplay a lot and I was a bit critical of MGS over the past year but so far I'm loving this game so I'm starting to head back into the MGS camp (the story is wonderful.)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Drinky, an honest question:
If you feel like the time is too precious to you to be wasted on kinds of games with long, preachy storylines, how come you spend so much time, and enjoy playing JRPGs so much? Or do you actually hate JRPGs, and I have mixed you up with MAF or some other forum persona?


Kuroyume said:
The codec convos and cut scenes are long (the time from the save point where Ocelot goes down to where Snake is deployed in the same area later on is about a 21 minute gap) but you should be used to this now. The great stroy is what seperates MGS from other actions games. Anyway we all know PA is very SC biased (even made a few SC comics for Ubisoft earlier in the year.) I do love SC's gameplay a lot and I was a bit critical of MGS over the past year but so far I'm loving this game so I'm starting to head back into the MGS camp (the story is wonderful.)

I like both games but for different reasons...

Splinter Cell:pD for it's multiplayer on XBL and MGS 1,2,3 for it's single player campaign.


Razoric said:
I like both games but for different reasons...

Splinter Cell:pD for it's multiplayer on XBL and MGS 1,2,3 for it's single player campaign.

This is true.

MGS3 with SC camera would have been perfect.

SC has nice graphics, but it's single player gameplay is pure trash.


BuddyChrist83 said:
Wow, it's looking like my decision to skip MGS3 was the right one to make.

You're going to take other people's opinions to heart? Of course you don't have to buy it but at least rent it to judge it for yourself rather than choosing someone to do so for you.


Lakitu said:
You're going to take other people's opinions to heart? Of course you don't have to buy it but at least rent it to judge it for yourself rather than choosing someone to do so for you.
No, I'm going to take my opinion, that being I don't find the MGS series enjoyable, and note that the latest entry apparently does nothing to rectify the reasons behind this.


BuddyChrist83 said:
No, I'm going to take my opinion, that being I've found each subsequent MGS game less enjoyable, and note that the latest entry apparently does nothing to rectify the reasons behind this.

Oh okay.


Drinky Crow said:
There's nothing wrong with negativity, or with sharing that negativity. What, did all you tools expect an orthodoxy of opinion?

I don't get Metal Gear Solid's appeal. I think MGS3 sucks. But hey if folks enjoy it more power to them. Different games for different folks.


I know i am probably opening myself for a whole world of hurt by attempting to discuss mgs2's plot but what the hell.. :lol

I've got to admit I find MGS2's story was on some levels a funny joke by Hideo Kojima. Basically you are playing a game for the first three quarters.. then it says that the whole 'game' is a recreation of the events of the 1st game and is a simulation created to control and direct the emotions of the player, Raiden. Then there is a virus in the game world itself and the whole game breaks down and the characters such as Campbell are shown to be computer simulations.
Then half the ending is devoted to making you lose all faith in any of the characters or plot and descend it into a complete and total farce. (the other half seems to be devoted to trying to resolve the ingame plot satisfactorily and make some actual philosophical points about censorship or something.. both of which kind of fail badly)

I think the whole plot was one giant joke saying the creators of a simulation control the ideas and emotions of the player.. even supposed 'twists' and revelations you make within the game world are artificial because they are provided by the creators.

On the flipside I guess there is the school of thought that even if you look at mgs2 on a 'deeper' level it is still bullshit..


First tragedy, then farce.
Look, the codes are interactive.. you can zoom in our pan around the charachters while you watch..

God I hate Metal Gear.


There a reason you guys do these little "no, fuck YOU, I'm smarter than you and I say this game sucks because x" skits every time a big-name title comes out?
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