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Worst PA Ever, with the best MGS 3 review ever


Marc, I'm mostly kidding. It was just weird that this was the first thread I read and it was brimming with negativity. I'm not really discouraged or anything.

Lakitu said:
Play the game with no preconceptions ;) then tell us what you think
Oh, ok. I had been planning on forming my opinion based on what PA and Drinky Crow think.


Socreges said:
Oh, ok. I had been planning on forming my opinion based on what PA and Drinky Crow think.

No, I didn't say that. GOD. I just said go into the game with no preconceptions, so you could provide us with a fresh take on the game.


Lakitu said:
No, I didn't say that. GOD. I just said go into the game with no preconceptions, so you could provide us with a fresh take on the game.
And my point was that of course I would play without any preconceptions. Get that? I wasn't trying to slam you. It was meant to be light-hearted.


Socreges said:
And my point was that of course I would play without any preconceptions. Get that? I wasn't trying to slam you. It was meant to be light-hearted.

Sorry, it's just your post came across as sarcastic to me but I know I shouldn't have been stating the obvious :p (about preconceptions)

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I do believe it all comes down to motivation. It took me the better part of a year to play through 40 hours of KOTOR because I did find the uneven "talking heads" exposition entirely detracting from my enjoyment. (Though I really ended up digging it, Baldur's Gate 2 took even longer for me to 'get into' until about 2 summers back when I had the time and propensity to really give it a serious shot)

Soul Reaver rarely gets demonized for keeping any sort of controller inputs out of the gamer hands on equal terms as MGS. (Because Amy Hennig writes such portentously agreeable prose? Maybe...)

I'm only a few hours into the game myself, and have had it on lockdown since Wed. night due to my staggeringly busy holiday schedule myself. I'm only barely past the Bond-esque dance number (In fact my savefile is kept right before that sequence, because time and patience got the better of me and I had to bypass all those cutscenes that set up the next part of the game...to which there is at least 10-15 minutes worth it seems, but I was too damned curious to get back to the jungle that night) and I can't blame people for pulling out their hair in desiring the sneak and kill stuff.

There is a time and place, and the responsibility is put almost purely on the gamer to satisfy those requirements to stay on the level of the game. It's a hefty commitment, particularly in this hobby of instant gratification and entertainment. The blowback is expected.

I remain vigilant though(or just crazy?) because some of those cutscenes are too bloody exciting . Dude, did you see the Ocelot bruhaha?


Lakitu, why the hell are you wasting your time on the thread?! PA is like the king MGS troll. You're not supposed to take them seriously because well, that's what people read PA for, troll comments! :)

Trying to defend MGS3 against PA is like trying to argue with someone who claims HL2 sucks because Gordon Freeman doesn't do any science stuff and as a scientist he should (he's a MIT graduate!!). :lol


Brandon F said:
Soul Reaver rarely gets demonized for keeping any sort of controller inputs out of the gamer hands on equal terms as MGS. (Because Amy Hennig writes such portentously agreeable prose? Maybe...)

No sorry, it's because everyone is too busy demonizing Soul Reaver for actually sucking. Bitching about story in such a crappy series is pretty irrelevent when there's so many OTHER points to bitch on. :lol
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