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Worst thing ever said to you?

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When I was taking my driver's test I cut someone off accidently and got an automatic fail. I was just nervous as hell.

Then the dude doing the test on me starts bitching at me "What the hell is this? I thought you took drivers ed?!" Me, "I did." Him, "Yea right."

I wanted to punch that fucker in the face after that.


Random H2 player: Shut the fuck up Mexican!

Isn't that I have something against mexicans but why everyone that hear you speak spanish assumes inmediatly that you're mexican when there's like more than 40 countries that use the spanish as the official language, even the accents differs a lot more than the UK and US english speakers.
Fuck man, it would be hard to pick one thing in particular. It wasn't all smiles and puppies where I grew up, and early childhood trauma and shit parenting resulted in me being "the fat kid" through most of school - so I got to be the butt end of the true nature of humanity's jokes for the formative years of my life.

Life sucks. You learn to deal with it, or you fucking suck on the business end of a shotgun; or otherwise punk out.

If I took to heart everything those motherfuckers said to me, I wouldn't be here today.

So yeah, I can't think of one truly horrible thing that's been said to me. My heart got ripped out, shit on, stomped into nothing, and left me with a black hole back when I was ten years old. >:|

Disclaimer: I wasn't actually raised in Calcutta. :p


This is honestly one of the funniest threads I've ever read. Your pain brings me joy. :) Not everything is funny. You get what I'm saying. Don't mean to offend anyone.

I wish I had something to contribute, but I've never had anything terrible said to me that I can remember. My mom punched me in the nose once, though! Pretty crazy. It didn't even hurt. I just walked away, completely stunned that she had done that.


quadriplegicjon said:
there was a kid treated exactly like that in my elementary school.

i also had a teacher tell my parents that they needed to put me on medication. :/

My kindergarten teacher told my mother I had problems with "manual dexterity." Now I'm a year away from a degree in piano performance... I have to laugh.
My homosexual great uncle was quite loaded, and when he passed at the age of 95 I read the words that will scar me for life..

"If any of these benefactors listed shall be deceased, their share is to be split amongst the living benefactors."

Of course, my dad died of cancer (stop smoking now kids) two years earlier than the old fuck.. and so GOODBYE GAGILLION DOLLAR INHERITANCE.

And if that wasn't enough, 5 years later when his long time lover passed on, I got to read the same fucking sentence AGAIN!


i was once asked by one of my friends, if when i shower the brown comes off. stupid white girl. she was completely serious. she was my friend for like 4 years before that, after that i never talked to her again. i was like are you serious? shes like yeah one of my friends said that so i had to ask a black guy. i was like why the fuck would you believe something that dumb? *click*


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
i was once asked by one of my friends, if when i shower the brown comes off. stupid white girl. she was completely serious. she was my friend for like 4 years before that, after that i never talked to her again. i was like are you serious? shes like yeah one of my friends said that so i had to ask a black guy. i was like why the fuck would you believe something that dumb? *click*

Well, does it?


goddamit, Griese!
hrmm....off the top of my head, i can think of two things, but can't pick one for sure.

my dad: "maybe if i never had any kids i could still have some enjoyment in my life."

but that was a long time ago....recently, i got something awful from an ex, whom i was with for 8 months and who i liked a ton. she broke it off, but we still talked occasionally. we were always on good terms after the breakup....but then one day i guess she had a rough day at work, and when i tried to talk to her she said something like "why the fuck do you still talk to me? i have a real man now. i don't think i was ever happy with you, ever. just leave me alone."


thanks for opening up old scars, GAF.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
sonarrat said:
My kindergarten teacher told my mother I had problems with "manual dexterity." Now I'm a year away from a degree in piano performance... I have to laugh.

i had an english teacher in 5th grade that would constantly complain about my english. she said i had problems with the english language and she wanted to hold me back a year. the truth was, i was just shy and hated reading out-loud. i switched schools the next year.. and ended up winning a national playwright award, two years in a row.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
My kindergarten teacher told my mother I had problems with "manual dexterity." Now I'm a year away from a degree in piano performance... I have to laugh.

I had some 7th grade math teacher that wouldn't recommend me for the honors class in the next year. Said I was a B student or something. I went on to make 97+ average in every math class after that. I finished my math for computer engineering my 3rd semester at college. That bitch...


my brother and i pissed off my grandma once and she called us little cock suckers. we started cracking up and ran away. :lol


Unconfirmed Member
This girl I was very seriously intrerested in my senior year of high school and I were pretty close friends, and we both kinda had a "thing" for one another. Anyway, her friends were tired of her being single so they set her up with this douchebag. We had planned on going to prom, and I said if he was going to have an issue, I was out. She said it wasn't a big deal. Prom came, it was a big deal. That summer she broke up with that dude, and my best friend and her started dating for a really short period. I basically told them both to fuck off. After they broke up or whatever, she e-mailed me, and accused me of being the downfall of her relatinship with douchebag, "because I kept you happy by going to prom, and it ruined our relationship." I was pretty devastated, but told her to piss off. Five years later, I'm in a very happy long term relationship, and all I've heard about her is she's a drunk, fucks around a lot, and caught a VD. I guess I win this round.

Last night my father told me my life was slipping away and I'd better catch it, that I'd never accomplished a thing in my life, and that I was pretty much a worthless failure. Thanks, pop!


teh_pwn said:
I had some 7th grade math teacher that wouldn't recommend me for the honors class in the next year. Said I was a B student or something. I went on to make 97+ average in every math class after that. I finished my math for computer engineering my 3rd semester at college. That bitch...

Were you doing just as well previously? The comment may have made you try harder to prove yourself :)


Not anything said about me, but my kindergarden teacher actually moved me to the "slower" kids kindergarden for a few months. I guess you really don't know how someone's going to do in life until highschool.


Worst thing I ever said was in grade 6, I was going out with this girl, and she broke up with me because I was very 'unromantic'...whatever that means.

Anyways, a few months earlier, her dad had died, and when she broke up with me I said "Yeah? Well you should go suck your dads dick...Oh wait, HE'S DEAD!"

Yeah, we didn't get along that well for the rest of the year...but the year after we became really good friends and still have that friendship to this day (almost 10 years later).


::: Koopa's wife holding 2 kids :::

"Justin, hon. Umm theres something I need to talk to you about."

Koopa rubbing her feet "Yah what is it, you temptress"

"Im pregnant..."

"..." I respond

"With twins..."

Now im an intelligent person with a college degree... but its beyone me. Can you blame me for applying the scorpion deathlock?
ocelittle said:
Anyways, a few months earlier, her dad had died, and when she broke up with me I said "Yeah? Well you should go suck your dads dick...Oh wait, HE'S DEAD!"

That's just packed with badass :lol


Koopa said:
::: Koopa's wife holding 2 kids :::

"Justin, hon. Umm theres something I need to talk to you about."

Koopa rubbing her feet "Yah what is it, you temptress"

"Im pregnant..."

"..." I respond

"With twins..."

Now im an intelligent person with a college degree... but its beyone me. Can you blame me for applying the scorpion deathlock?

Now that you are wiser, you should travel back to the past and respond in the only way that matters. Vader, give him a hint...


Dsal said:
When I was a teenager, I was really really skinny with a lot of bad acne. I was about to turn the corner into the kitchen when I heard my mom talking to my sister and she was saying something about how she felt sorry for me because I "was so ugly right now." It felt like such a betrayal coming from the one person who I had always thought I could count on loving me as I was. I just turned around and ran back to my room before they could see me listening in.

Looking back, she was right :lol, and the acne cleared up after a couple of years or so and I gained weight. But still, not something you want to hear back then.

Ouch, that's super rough, especially at that age.



Eminem said:
hrmm....off the top of my head, i can think of two things, but can't pick one for sure.

my dad: "maybe if i never had any kids i could still have some enjoyment in my life."

but that was a long time ago....recently, i got something awful from an ex, whom i was with for 8 months and who i liked a ton. she broke it off, but we still talked occasionally. we were always on good terms after the breakup....but then one day i guess she had a rough day at work, and when i tried to talk to her she said something like "why the fuck do you still talk to me? i have a real man now. i don't think i was ever happy with you, ever. just leave me alone."


thanks for opening up old scars, GAF.

:lol :lol Damn.......
This thread is so classic and needs to be archived.

Damn..."executive of shit" :lol

I was laughing about that ALL fucking day, in the library, while having a smoke, during class, even now. Too fucking funny.


Wacky guy from college whom I hadn't met for a couple of years since graduating:

"You're still alive??!! There's no justice in this world!"

The guy in question has had a bit of a drug problem and that may explain some of his aggression...


My father didn't say it to me, but I overheard a conversation between my mother and him (they hate each other). They were exchanging words and he said "If I wouldn't have been stuck with those kids I would have never canceled the contract."

My mother told me "Your father was right, you're just a bad seed."

And people wonder why I was so quick to move in with my fiancee and why, when I was at home, I would spend my off days at work or my college. Fucking adopted kids have it easy.
I once beat up my younger sister's boyfriend after he disrespected my parents for the umpteenth time. My mother said "I'm ashamed to have you as a son" as my father looked on in silence. I moved out the next week.

They've been married for a year now.
ScientificNinja said:
I once beat up my younger sister's boyfriend after he disrespected my parents for the umpteenth time. My mother said "I'm ashamed to have you as a son" as my father looked on in silence. I moved out the next week.

They've been married for a year now.

If you were my son I'd be proud :)


When I was growing up, there was this girl in the neighborhood my sister and I were friends with (actually, both our families got along great). She was attractive, but I wasn't attracted to her. We were friends, but she thought I had some sort of crush on her, and over the course of middle school, I grew to hate her. One day in particular is pretty memorable. I noticed that she wasn't in one of the classes I took. She was gone for about a week. I was wondering where she went and asked her after school if she was in the class. She told me she dropped it and I just said, "oh, okay."

Then the next day, one of her friends (who was a bitch by nature) came up to me during Math and asked something like, "Nicole wants to know if you asked her why she isn't in [whatever class it was] here anymore because you like her, and you're an asshole if you are."


hyperbolically metafictive
must have been something my college advisor told me. smart guy, but unbelievably pompous, and totally incapable of praise. once he told me i shouldn't drink so much...i don't even know how he knew i was drinking a lot, but this wasn't so bad in itself. he went on to tell me that some people could drink a lot, and that he could hold his alcohol, but that i wasn't cut out. he'd often preface lectures with "i'm not a mental health professional, but..."

once i was hanging out with some friends in the common, and he came up and asked why he always saw me sitting around and talking instead of doing homework. i think i just said "that's a good question." he then quoted a chinese proverb that roughly went "if you play with ink, your hands will get stained." which wasn't really insulting to me so much as to my friends. but it was still pretty amazing.

one of my fellow advisees said he'd have a hard time finding anyone to put up with him once he got old, and that he'd probably die alone. and i can't tell you how happy the thought made me.

i've said some pretty awful things to people. usually without meaning to. but i guess that's a different topic.


Long story short, my first girlfriend told me once, at the tail end of the relationship, that I reminded her of a table at work. She refused to elaborate.

Later, after the breakup, she explained that that table looked okay, but it was broken to the point where you couldn't put any weight on it. So it looked okay, but was really "pretty worthless and just taking up space. Just like you."

Fucking bitch.


Manics said:
I remember a buddy of mine told me his ex-gf once said to him "I can't believe I ever slept with you".
I've had that, but in the elaborated form of "I can't belive I've had your disgusting dick inside of me."

Like six months later she hit me up online out of the blue and asked me to fuck her again. :lol


A few things stand out, but most are from my father. There's the usual stuff like "loser, failure, I'd have a much better life if you never existed, etc.." and then there's when he called me a 'fa%$#t' in front of at least 40 people in some social gathering on the phone. Everybody heard him because he was yelling pretty loud, he always does that. He spent like 3 minutes calling me that and other stuff. He was pissed I wanted to stay home instead of go there and spend an hour saying hi. He always humiliated me because I like to keep to myself and stay at home and don't really know many people. God I hate him.
Well, it isn’t just one thing she said, but during the course of our last night together (I broke up with her after that day), she kept bringing up the name of this guy she works with. We were eating at my place and watching the Sex and the City DVDs (shut up) together. During the course of one dvd (I think it was like 5-7 episodes or something), she mentioned this co-worker’s name over a dozen times, in relation to what was happening on the show. And when I looked at her expression as she was saying it, she didn’t have a look of disgust/annoyance/hate on her face but this grudging smirk mixed with awe.

I broke up with her the next day. The booger ain’t no cuckold.
This might seem a little more trivial in comparison to "Shit executive", "tiny cock haha omg" etc, but for whatever reason it really hurt me.

Back in HS when I finally developed a smidge of autonomy and was able to drive, I had a problem with forgetting to lock the back door on my way out. It wasn't laziness or lack of effort, its just that I'd always get sidetracked running late for work/school, or I'd leave something in the house after locking the door and come back inside and forget to lock it the second time around. My mother had reminded me several times over the course of a year plus and though I worked on my dilligence, I still did it occasionaly.

Well she hadn't mentioned it to me in some time, and gradually it became an afterthought until speaking to my dad one day. He told me "Your mother said you forgot to lock the back door the other day" and then insinuated that apparently they had talked about it more than a few times before. My mom had not told me recently because she didn't want to seem like she was coming down on me all the time.

Well apparently pops felt it was his turn to step in because my mom was ineffective and he didn't want all his beloved electronic gadgetry getting hijacked by the random burglars that terrorize the crime-riddled Texas hill country or something :rolleyes . My dad proceeded to tell me that he thought for a while as to what to do and that he decided that the next time I didn't lock the door, he would take something from out of my room and pawn it. He said he'd tell me what it was so I could go retrieve it, but it would obviously cost me money and I would run the risk of losing my stuff if I didn't have the cash on hand to buy it back.

Now in reality, fathers have said far worse things to their sons, but for me it really hurt that my dad would basically threaten to steal from me (many of my prized possessions were items I bought with my own $$ working part time) in order to remedy the forgetfulness that my mother had chosen not to inform me of, especially when I wasn't even aware that I was doing something wrong. I wasn't being irresponsible, just scatterbrained..I mean its not as though my stuff wouldn't have been taken too in the event a daytime burglar in the hill country decided to check the back door first before attempting a break-in. To punish me like that (as opposed to some kind of grounding or restriction of priveleges etc) just seemed like a shady ass way of conducting oneself as a father..a low blow. It was one of those "oh so its like that" moments where you realize that people are in fact willing to do things to you that you never thought they were capable of.

But like I said, its definitely no "CEO of SHIT Incoprorated" :lol
GhaleonEB said:
Long story short, my first girlfriend told me once, at the tail end of the relationship, that I reminded her of a table at work. She refused to elaborate.

Later, after the breakup, she explained that that table looked okay, but it was broken to the point where you couldn't put any weight on it. So it looked okay, but was really "pretty worthless and just taking up space. Just like you."

Fucking bitch.

Ohhh, that was cruel.

Damn funny, but cruel no less.

I have had many things said to me, but for some reason this particular one stands out in my mind, although I doubt it was the worst. No less, I am white (duh, no shit) but most of the guys I have been with have been black. This one guy I was seeing had a preference for darker skinned girls and I knew this. He told me he wanted me to get a suntan. Big deal right? I never let on, but it crushed me. Dude, I’m white. I’m not Mexican or Spanish or halfie, but white Australian. I can’t help it. It’s not my fault.
I don’t think he meant anything by it and he probably didn’t realise he had even struck a chord. As I am sure he himself would have experienced with many white folk.
Maybe I was just being over-sensitive.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Were you doing just as well previously? The comment may have made you try harder to prove yourself

I was between Bs and As, but only in her class. Before I'd always did well in math. She was kind of a sexist, because it was the only math class that all the girls seemed to do much better than guys. I can't remember how, but she somehow took points off for weird things and only when guys did it.


needs to show more effort.
Alyssa DeJour said:
Ohhh, that was cruel.

Damn funny, but cruel no less.

I have had many things said to me, but for some reason this particular one stands out in my mind, although I doubt it was the worst. No less, I am white (duh, no shit) but most of the guys I have been with have been black. This one guy I was seeing had a preference for darker skinned girls and I knew this. He told me he wanted me to get a suntan. Big deal right? I never let on, but it crushed me. Dude, I’m white. I’m not Mexican or Spanish or halfie, but white Australian. I can’t help it. It’s not my fault.
I don’t think he meant anything by it and he probably didn’t realise he had even struck a chord. As I am sure he himself would have experienced with many white folk.
Maybe I was just being over-sensitive.

is it really that bad to just ask (not demand, ask) if your partner would maybe try out altering their appearance some? I mean, theres really no good way to ask I suppose, but if there was say - a way to ask your partner to lose some weight (assuming they don't have a fragile emotional structure that will explode in the implied (you're fat) comment, what would be so bad?

Or I guess as a less touchier example, what if you just really hated beards. And your bf had a beard. Would it be so terribly to ask him to try shaving it and see how it turns out?

A lot of these questions I guess can be insulting to a point since at the coldest point of view they are saying, 'you suck, fix yourself' but I think it would be better with both if they could get over that sensitivity and help mould each other to become more attractive.

I mean, how do you know he just didn't think you would look fucking hot with a tan? And if thats the case, I don't understand why its so bad to ask.
I heard this the other day from my little sister (she's in 5th grade). Apparently this boy passed a note to her saying that he'd "make her not a virgin" (hey, 5th grade) and that he did the same thing to one of her friends. The teacher saw the note and asked to read it. After she did, you know what she said? "It's nice to have someone like you." And then my sister got in trouble for passing notes! The boy didn't get in trouble at all.

I can't think of anything specifically told to me, just things that have been told to others on my behalf or done to me. For example, one day my mom picked me up from school and didn't tell me why. I didn't have any doctor's appointments or anything so I was confused. And then we end up at a damn shrink's office! wtf, man. no idea why she sent me there.
This needs a little backstory:

When I was 17 I was in a car accident (my fault, but pretty understandable, it was helaciously slippery driving condictions). I hit head-on with one of my classmate's mom. Going slow, so nobody was hurt, but both cars were totalled.

A year goes by and it's graduation time, and Amy (the classmate) throws a huge graduation party, just about everyone is invited but me. I go anyway.

Late into the evening, her dad, drunk, is giving some other guy a pep talk about not getting into his college of choice (which is where I was going, I was near the top of my class). He was apparently soused enough that he didn't realize I was in the room. he said, "Look at who got in-- Ken, he's basically a screw-up and won't amount to anything. He nearly killed Amy's mom. Look at that whole family." My friends just gave me a knowing and sympathethic look.

At my 15 year HS reunion, I was happy to see that I had outstripped a large number of the fuckers that had more priveledged upbringings than I did, most of whom never movedout the the backwater hole we lived in :)

And, unfortunately to his credit, nobody else in my family has amounted to much. :(
I've got a few lighthearted ones.
Back when I was in elementary school I had a real cock-splice of a gym teacher. Apparently, he'd tried to get my attention but I couldn't hear him over the 20 or so yelling 8 year olds. He decides to raise his voice to the point where all the kids dropped into silence and says, "Hey, (last name), are you deaf......or are you just dumb?!" It sounds like nothing now but it was pretty shocking at that tender age since his tone was so serious. Shit, I didn't know if I was supposed to answer so I just stood there dumbfounded until the yelling resumed and he walked to the other side of the gym.

In retrospect, I guess I was just dumb. :)

Sitting in the kitchen of this girl I was interested in a few years back, I overhear her roommate tell her that it was ok to talk about just about anything in front of me because I was 'safe'. Let's just say I never became 'dangerous' to her. :(

The one that still makes me laugh is courtesy of an old friends certifiably insane mother. She had the tendency to speak quite loudly about any of his friends and her opinions of them changed with the wind. She thought I was a decent kid most of the time but on this day she spouted, "I don't want you hanging out with that hyperkinetic motherfucker!". I tried to avoid her for a while after that one.

That's all I got. Nothing very cutting I can think of.


Well time for my contribution:

My first long-term relationship. We broke up after 11 months. I met her at her Work's parking lot to hand her stuff, which included a picture frame of us. I get there and she already has that angry look, signifying let's get this overwith. She immediately notices the picture hanging out of the box, grabs it, and flings it toward the dumpster adjacent to us. "Go to Hell, Mother-Fucker" Man, it felt like a movie going in slow motion :lol
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