I knew someone who I liked all around. He did some sports, kept healthy, great attitude and also did martial arts. I got along with him really great and once asked him to lunch. Using my stealth skills I treated to lunch (had to, he wouldn't even let me split the bill.) During that lunch I asked about spending a night out having dinner at this place on the beach. After that, we just started talking more and being more flirty around each other and hanging out. He started getting closer to me as in especially with his hand motions, you know; hand on the waste, walking with his hand over me etc... Thought everything was great and I knew that he wanted a relationship so everything seemed just peachy.
One day he was having lunch with his friends and some guys from his league at this place on campus where they had a special (25 cent wings).
Anyway I happened to be on campus and stopped by; he was being his guy self in front of his friends, other guys, teammates, etc... I came up behind him and I did it quick so he wouldn't see me. I put my hands on his eyes and just as I was going to say "guess who he immediately took hold of my hands hard, begins to firmly crush my hands HARD and gets me in some arm lock, while saying "stupid bitch stop being a fagggggooootttttttooooh my god I'm sooo". I right then and there stomp my heel with all my might right on his foot during the "I'm soooo" part. Before leaving he said he said "it felt like a guy, I thought it was one of you guys fucking with me."
My shoulder hurt for the next few weeks my hand was fine after a while, Doctor said slight hyper extension or what not. Him, I ended up braking two bones in his foot or something.
Anyways move along nothing to see.
One day he was having lunch with his friends and some guys from his league at this place on campus where they had a special (25 cent wings).
Anyway I happened to be on campus and stopped by; he was being his guy self in front of his friends, other guys, teammates, etc... I came up behind him and I did it quick so he wouldn't see me. I put my hands on his eyes and just as I was going to say "guess who he immediately took hold of my hands hard, begins to firmly crush my hands HARD and gets me in some arm lock, while saying "stupid bitch stop being a fagggggooootttttttooooh my god I'm sooo". I right then and there stomp my heel with all my might right on his foot during the "I'm soooo" part. Before leaving he said he said "it felt like a guy, I thought it was one of you guys fucking with me."
My shoulder hurt for the next few weeks my hand was fine after a while, Doctor said slight hyper extension or what not. Him, I ended up braking two bones in his foot or something.
Anyways move along nothing to see.