I know it’s obvious right but I was replying to a guy that said it doesn’t. There’s even another one a few posts up…Of course real footage looks real at 240p
I'd accept PS2 looking games if it meant we got better variety of games and genres and games released in 1-2 years instead of 5-7.
It's like hurt your eyes after 30 seconds low. I can't even look at Uncharted 4 in 8-bit mode in 1080p for more than like 15 seconds.People who are voting 240p probably do not realise how low it actually is.
This is a false choice, look at this:
Like this then?What point are you making here? This is clearly a game that's decades away from photoreal.
Like this then?
This is "in game" for an FMV game released in 2017.... very photo realistic, I don't care for this type of game, but they have the best "graphics".
this is actually kind of OK
There’s no upscaling that can go from 240p to anything useful.Uh...did the people who voted for PS3-looking games at 8K forget that upscaling exists and will only get better with time?
Why waste power on native 8K when you can potentially upscale from lower resolutions and get a similar result but with much better asset quality, animations, textures etc.?
But we're getting that already and dev tools are making game dev way more accessible than it was during PS2 gen. Only difference is that variety is now in the indie and burgeoning AA space rather than AAA space, but at some point indie/AA space will reach AAA levels of production quality and be doable with much smaller teams to boot, and faster dev cycles.
So you can literally get the best of both worlds in the near future.
Let's say you have the power to choose what games would look like (no matter what platform) for the next 10 years. What would you prefer: Super realistic games (indistinguishable from real life, like a movie) at 240p or PS3-looking games at a crisp 8K (or more)?
Comments and rules:
- Yes, you could use a nice CRT TV for 240p if you wanted.
- Yes, I'm going for extremes here and setting a time-frame you'd have to live with your choice to force you to really think about it.
- You have to choose one of the pre-determined options. You can't comment something like "games from the next generation at 1080p" or "Atari games at 200K". Comment about your reasoning for choosing the option you chose.
- If you don't care about game graphics, please don't derail the thread with your comments. Go away. Shush!
- DLSS or other upscaling techniques are not allowed in this hypothetical scenario.
8k PS3:
There’s no upscaling that can go from 240p to anything useful.
omfg driveclub still best looking racer