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Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 265 50.1%
  • No

    Votes: 264 49.9%

  • Total voters
Honestly, Sony's output has become so poor at catering to my gaming preferences in the last four years that I have no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on their exclusive new hardware. Only things I buy from them now are PC ports of what they used to produce.
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Gold Member
The only reason I buy a Sony console in the first place is a couple 2nd/3rd party exclusives. I'll certainly check out their 1st party stuff but it ain't what I'm after.


Gold Member
No. Playstation would have to go fully digital for me to go to PC.




What the purple place is saying (similar topic). I'd be surprise if the results here are any different.

There's a 50/50 chance Sony actually announce this as their strategy later in the week. If so I wouldn't be surprised if they skip a Showcase and just let Summer Game Fest host all their stuff; they know the backlash from their core fanbase would overwhelm any strong reveals from a Showcase online.

Although, it partly also would depend on how Sony handled Day 1. If it were tied to their own storefront/launcher, a quality one with a lot of features and 3P games also available...while there would still be backlash, it wouldn't be nearly as much. Because whether it's the console or a storefront, SIE would still have full control and priority of the platform within their own ecosystem. It'd be up to them to make a launcher work out financially to offset any transfers from console to PC, but at least they'd have the full means of implementing it in a way that's best for them.

All of that goes out the window if 'Day 1' basically means Steam. There would be significantly more backlash among many core fans & owners of the console, for starters. There would be a heavier drop in all sales metrics console-side going forward too (hardware, software, MTX, subscriptions, peripherals). Sony would have significantly less authority in arranging the PC environment to best serve their revenue & profit needs, meaning less cash flow, ultimately meaning lower quality on the console side AND a drop in game quality (most likely), frequency, and scope. It'd also mean no more exclusives, both WRT 1P and 3P (why would a 3P make a timed PS5 exclusive if SIE's own 1P games were Day 1 on Steam?).

Again, either scenario isn't optimal, but tying Day 1 exclusivity to their own storefront/launcher and basically pretending stuff like Steam doesn't exist outside of the odd GAAS, would facilitate longer-term better integration and amplification of content and hardware across the board, than going 'Day 1' as a 3P on PC.

My main qualm with the PC storefront/launcher idea is that, it's simply too soon. I don't think Sony "need" PC that way for at least several more years. If anything they should be looking to bring features present on platforms like Steam, to PlayStation. The talk about a handheld is something they're going to need eventually as well, to keep PlayStation hardware competitive in the market, although for right now I think the PS Portal and any revisions tied to it are a good enough approach for the next 2-3 years. A native handheld to complement PS6 would be ideal to help start the 10th-gen.
The backlash is just noise among the core fanboys, we had the exact same discussions in 2016 when PC ports of Xbox games were unveiled, in the end most accepted it and even thought it was a good thing.
In the end the PC market is a different market. Mainstream gamers complaining about 599 US Dollars ain’t going to buy a gaming PC anytime soon.


im really lazy about gaming, I love it as a hobby, but i cant be bothered about compatibility, drivers, parts, etc, to build a pc. Also, I live in south america so here parts are expensive. To get a ps5 level performance pc I would have to spend maybe more than the price of a ps5.
So no, almost no way that I would give up console gaming.

Lokaum D+

Yes, tired to have to pay for cloud saving and online gameplay, it Sony joins the "day one" PC trend i ll sell my PS5 and buy a more powerfull GPU same day.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Yes I will buy an Xbox if this happens if it’s a significant leap with higher cost as HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 suggests

Imagine that?

I buy an Xbox, get access to the best version of GamePass, a console form factor and ease of use, better versions of Sony exclusives on Day 1, and I get to load Steam in the background?

What a time to be alive if that clown show ever happened!

I doubt Sony is dumb enough to devalue their platform though
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I voted yes, even if I would continue to buy Playstation consoles by force of habit. The thing is that putting games on PC day 1 means cross gen is likely to follow. If there is no PS6 exclusive, and I have a PS5 Pro, why would I get one? And by the time the PS5 is abandonned I will hopefully have a way better PC than the PS6. I would still be interested by a Sony handheld, a Pro console, whatever gimmick they try to do if they feel the need to make one, but it would be the side piece to my PC, instead of PS first and PC second as it is now for me.
PS5 is my last PlayStation console, and I don't even game on PC. I just don't like much of what Sony is offering in first party.


Yes. The moment i dont have a reason to own a Playstation console, i rather just play everething on PC free of Sony censorchip. Im even considering doing it anyway for next gen. Will see.


Junior Member
Yes, it already seems like PlayStation’s lost interest in their own console.

Quickly eroding PlayStation’s strongest USP since PS3 — its exclusive first party games
Porting more PS4/PS5 games to PC than PS1-PS4 games to PS5
Minimal new game announcements and releases
Many of the first party games announced are GaaS which are cancer
PS+ required for online play on PS4 and PS5, not PC, PS Vita and PS3
You can’t even quick-copy PS5 saves to USB like PS4 saves, forcing PS+ for the basic convenience
Until Dawn remake (who even asked for an engine swap remake?) primarily single-player game already announced for PC
PSVR 2 launched with one game, no more in sight (couldn’t even be bothered to port Astro Bot Rescue Mission)
Shutting down proven, much-needed first party game studios (Team Gravity, London Studio – who could’ve been making a PSVR 2 game)
Purchasing/cancelling multiplatform GaaS developers, some unproven, some on shaky ground, in favour of the shut down developers

What’s the betting that PS5 Pro doesn’t even get updates to some PS5 games that have been ported to PC like Sackboy. No fucks are given.
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Not while they keep innovating and pushing the envelope.

For example the ps5s controller has really improved the gaming experience this time round, so much so I've ditch my series x controller that I brought for my ps gaming and replaced it with a dual sense even through the button prompts rarely match


no, console gaming is still preferred for me. too old to be sitting in a computer chair all day.
And besides, then id have to be outraged every new release when they do something you dont like
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I use to be a heavy PC gamer back in the day, but as I get older I just like the ease of having just a console for gaming. I know it isn't the fastest system out there and I never expect a console to be that, but looking back on the amount of money I have thrown into PC gaming trying to keep up with the latest and greatest tech it is just a money pit in my eyes at this point, consoles are way more bang for your buck. I still play some games on PC, which I purchased a newer laptop (ASUS Zenbook Pro 14 OLED UX6404VV-DS94T) last year to phase out my desktop, I upgraded the SSD to 2TB and upgraded the RAM to 32GB and for the gaming I do on PC still it is more than powerful enough for what I need it for, but 95% of my gaming is done on console now.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I think I’m done buying PlayStation consoles even if they don’t release their games day 1 on PC. I’d rather just wait for the PC version. I got more than enough to play already and not enough time to play it. And I’m bored with Sony’s AAA single player stuff anyway.

Last game I got on PS5 was Final Fantasy XVI, which wasn’t very good and made me wish I’d just waited for the PC version. The only reason I’ve kept my PS5 is for 4K Blu Ray and so my kids can play Hogwarts and Astro’s Play Room.


The only reason I have to own any console in addition to a PC that plays all of the games released on that console day and date is physical releases.
Shrugs GIF
No. Tried to get back into PC gaming a couple of years ago. Didn't like it and sold the GPU just a few months after i bought it.

Same. Can't stand PC gaming.

Consoles are babies man. Can't even hold a 20 year old library.
Rowan Atkinson GIF
lol I can't even keep up with the games coming out today. You think I got time for games that came out 20 years ago? That's why PC players are always talking about their massive backlog. It's to much I don't need all that crap. This a fun hobby, not my life.


Who knows, in the future. Lol

Still think consoles > PC though.
Ease of use and polish of games easily outweighs the more powerful hardware of PC.
Ease of use is a wash between both nowadays, imo. You can take like, 2 minutes, and turn your PC into a glorified giant console, and have a proper bedroom or couch experience. I have mine set up in my bedroom, and it’s honestly not too much different from if I had a console in there. The only thing I don’t have is a disk drive.

OT: If Sony were to release their new games Day 1 to PC, then I personally wouldn’t have a need nor desire for their console anymore. Why would I when I can just play their games on a more capable machine, and have much more in the way of choice and options for how I want to play them?
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lol I can't even keep up with the games coming out today. You think I got time for games that came out 20 years ago? That's why PC players are always talking about their massive backlog. It's to much I don't need all that crap. This a fun hobby, not my life.
I love to check my old library from time to time. Or purchase an old game without having to fight horde of collectors.

I am still mad that I can't buy the glorious Deadpool game without having to put my eye patch. Shame that such a great game is not sold anymore.


I bought a gaming laptop and was enjoying the freedom and all that, then blizzard updated overwatch 2 and it is now unplayable on my laptop that was working fine, getting over 90 fps before. Game works fine u til I see someone on the read team, then I get hit with heavy lag.

I don't know if it's blizzards update or Nvidia, but I don't even care to troubleshoot the shit. I'll take my low end ass back to console where I belong. PC gaming is for the rich and privileged.


Gold Member
Well buying supports the industry so a rental service likely wouldn’t be tenable, at least for day 1 releases

Pretty sure rental companies like Gamefly pay a lot more to the publishers in order to be able to rent out the games. I don't think they can just rent out retail copies of games.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Pretty sure rental companies like Gamefly pay a lot more to the publishers in order to be able to rent out the games. I don't think they can just rent out retail copies of games.

I think they just pay for the discs they buy

Someone renting a single player game in a month is making the publisher a lot less money than someone who buys
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If Sony go down the Microsoft path of killing the reason to own their console, I’ll do what I did with Xbox. I’ll cancel my pals plus and sell the console. It’s less restrictive to play on pc.


Yes. My PC is better than my PS5 so I would want the best experience unless games are still primarily optimized for the console due to the marketshare. However, I am impatient so I always have a Sony console to play exclusives early.
If you asked me several years ago, I would have said yes - in a positive way. But PC gaming has really gone down the tube since the mining craze. Prices for components are sky high and the experience has suffered. Peripheral compatibility and stability has gone downhill, it seems like PC ports are all afterthoughts. The amount of microstuttering in major engines for big PC games is disgusting. I'm not saying consoles are problem-free, but I have found the experience to be comparatively better since 2018 or 2019.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
No + I use a Mac.
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