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Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 265 50.1%
  • No

    Votes: 264 49.9%

  • Total voters
The backlash is just noise among the core fanboys, we had the exact same discussions in 2016 when PC ports of Xbox games were unveiled, in the end most accepted it and even thought it was a good thing.
In the end the PC market is a different market. Mainstream gamers complaining about 599 US Dollars ain’t going to buy a gaming PC anytime soon.
Good thing for whom? Xbox is dead as a result of that decision. They couldn’t even ship 1 million consoles last quarter. Once any console loses its hardcore fanbase, it’s dead. That decision by Microsoft hasn’t lead to an increase in the quality or quantity of games. It hasn’t led to an increase in profitability, etc. All that’s happened is that you’ve removed emphasis from your platform and forced your games to compete with 10000+ games on steam.

King Dazzar

I dont play on a PlayStation console because of exclusivity. But I do like that its Sony's primary focus. So if quality started to slide, then maybe. But its a very distant hypothetical maybe.


There's a 50/50 chance Sony actually announce this as their strategy later in the week.
Thanks for the really detailed post! I really appreciate how deep into it you ent and how many angles you approach it from.

As a matter of interest, is there any particular reason you feel this way? I had not realized this was a rumour or something that was leaked, so I'd be interested in knowing more


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I voted no, but that would change if they stopped selling physical games. Gamefly rentals would really be the only thing keeping me in the console space.

Pretty much spot on my response. The only reason I have both modern consoles is because (so far) they both have physical media options and I am an avid gamefly user.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Yeah, I'm just wondering about this 50/50 chance. Is there a rumor going around about this?
But where does the "50/50 chance they announce this as their strategy" come from? Is there a specific rumour or leak that suggests that'll happen?
I don't think there's any rumor. thicc_girls_are_teh_best thicc_girls_are_teh_best likes to try and come up with his own predictions and analysis.


I would only go full PC if there's a complete integration with PSN where I bring across all my saves, trophies, and prior purchases. Also, because I own a couple hundred PS physical games, those would need to be supported on PC as well somehow. Otherwise it's not worth it for me to switch ecosystem if I don't have full access to my library.


aka IMurRIVAL69

What the purple place is saying (similar topic). I'd be surprise if the results here are any different.

There's a 50/50 chance Sony actually announce this as their strategy later in the week. If so I wouldn't be surprised if they skip a Showcase and just let Summer Game Fest host all their stuff; they know the backlash from their core fanbase would overwhelm any strong reveals from a Showcase online.

Although, it partly also would depend on how Sony handled Day 1. If it were tied to their own storefront/launcher, a quality one with a lot of features and 3P games also available...while there would still be backlash, it wouldn't be nearly as much. Because whether it's the console or a storefront, SIE would still have full control and priority of the platform within their own ecosystem. It'd be up to them to make a launcher work out financially to offset any transfers from console to PC, but at least they'd have the full means of implementing it in a way that's best for them.

All of that goes out the window if 'Day 1' basically means Steam. There would be significantly more backlash among many core fans & owners of the console, for starters. There would be a heavier drop in all sales metrics console-side going forward too (hardware, software, MTX, subscriptions, peripherals). Sony would have significantly less authority in arranging the PC environment to best serve their revenue & profit needs, meaning less cash flow, ultimately meaning lower quality on the console side AND a drop in game quality (most likely), frequency, and scope. It'd also mean no more exclusives, both WRT 1P and 3P (why would a 3P make a timed PS5 exclusive if SIE's own 1P games were Day 1 on Steam?).

Again, either scenario isn't optimal, but tying Day 1 exclusivity to their own storefront/launcher and basically pretending stuff like Steam doesn't exist outside of the odd GAAS, would facilitate longer-term better integration and amplification of content and hardware across the board, than going 'Day 1' as a 3P on PC.

My main qualm with the PC storefront/launcher idea is that, it's simply too soon. I don't think Sony "need" PC that way for at least several more years. If anything they should be looking to bring features present on platforms like Steam, to PlayStation. The talk about a handheld is something they're going to need eventually as well, to keep PlayStation hardware competitive in the market, although for right now I think the PS Portal and any revisions tied to it are a good enough approach for the next 2-3 years. A native handheld to complement PS6 would be ideal to help start the 10th-gen.

These are polls of hardcore gaming nerds on discussion forums. HALF of PSN users can’t even be bothered to upgrade to Ps5 because they can still play FIFA and CoD on ps4 just fine. Those users are Sony’s bread and butter and are not gonna run out and spend 2k on a PC.

Sony accurately assessed the PC market and realized the most money to be made was with Steam. If anything I see a rockstar type situation where they have a barebones launcher for day 1 ports then go after double dippers on Steam a few months later. Spending a bunch of money corralling 3P devs to put games on their launcher would be a dumb move and failed spectacularly for Epic who has the most popular game in the world.


I would seriously consider moving to PC yeah. I'm tired to play with sub par visuals and performance.
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Personally no, there's a lot more to it than that
I am a console gamer through and through.
but I wouldn't blame people that did


Weeb Underling
The fact that they're putting anything that isn't multiplayer-only on PC is stupid.

Multiplatformism will not make this industry any better.


Yes absolutely

Just like with Xbox, for me there would no reason for me to own the console. If PS wants to shoot themselves in the foot they would make this move


Currently, no because I still prefer console > PC.

But it wouldn't surprise me if "Arrogant Sony" ®™© fuck up their console position by making shit more limited/expensive. It already bugs me that having not subscribed to PS+ for several months nukes my cloud saves, I wanted to hop on to Far Cry 5 60fps update but my old save was on PS4 and cloud.
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Currently, no because I still prefer console > PC.

But it wouldn't surprise me if "Arrogant Sony" ®™© fuck up their console position by making shit more limited/expensive. It already bugs me that having not subscribed to PS+ for several months nukes my cloud saves, I wanted to hop on to Far Cry 5 60fps update but my old save was on PS4 and cloud.

The cloud and mp need to be free asap. If that happens I would actually see me buying consoles even if there is not a single exclusive.


You lack skill bro. You haven't utilized the holy YouTube guides and forums to find the solution.
Bro, I work and got kids, ain't nobody got time for all that shit. I'll just play on my ps5 where updates won't make games less playable.

The cloud and mp need to be free asap. If that happens I would actually see me buying consoles even if there is not a single exclusive.
So I let my psn sub lapse, but I can still play free to play games online without it.


Because you are a gamer?

Why even buy games then, if you don't want to play it in the future?
Because I want to play them at the time of release.

If I didn't want them then, I wouldn't want them now.
If I did want them then, I've already played them and there is no need for me to replay them.

*GaaS/multiplayer can be exceptions to the rule.
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Bro, I work and got kids, ain't nobody got time for all that shit. I'll just play on my ps5 where updates won't make games less playable.

So I let my psn sub lapse, but I can still play free to play games online without it.

That's not what iam talking about except if sony demands every mp game to be f2p.


No, I prefer to play on my tv sitting in the sofa with a console OS not having to deal with compatibility/issues related to drivers, having to tweak the settings for many games to ensure optimal performance and so on.

And well, I also prefer being sure that I spend a relatively low/reasonable amount of money for the hardware ($400-500) and that all AAA games will run well there for a generation.

And I also prefer to keep my library from previous generations.


Why would I stop buying sony. Releasing on pc doesn't affect me from playing it on playstation. I already have a good pc and prefer to play on consoles for a reason. There will also be 3rd party games that prob wont see pc releases also.


Gold Member
I bought a gaming laptop and was enjoying the freedom and all that, then blizzard updated overwatch 2 and it is now unplayable on my laptop that was working fine, getting over 90 fps before. Game works fine u til I see someone on the read team, then I get hit with heavy lag.

I don't know if it's blizzards update or Nvidia, but I don't even care to troubleshoot the shit. I'll take my low end ass back to console where I belong. PC gaming is for the rich and privileged.
Wasn't it the same patch that did the exact same thing to the console version?


I can't stop buying them because haven’t started buying them, yet. But I certainly wouldn't start buying them.


That's better because of aging, being late will just devalue the experience, it's really bad, seriously.


Even with those few timed exclusives it has left, owning a Playstation just makes no sense anymore in this day and age.

Too bad PC prices are insane right now.
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Why would I stop buying sony. Releasing on pc doesn't affect me from playing it on playstation. I already have a good pc and prefer to play on consoles for a reason. There will also be 3rd party games that prob wont see pc releases also.

What third party games gonna be exclusives. Even sqaure will drop ps exclusives.


Because I want to play them at the time of release.

If I didn't want them then, I wouldn't want them now.
If I did want them then, I've already played them and there is no need for me to replay them.

*GaaS/multiplayer can be exceptions to the rule.
Games get old, hence the 20 years.

In 9 years from now, the first ps4 game would be 20 years old.


Why would I stop buying sony. Releasing on pc doesn't affect me from playing it on playstation. I already have a good pc and prefer to play on consoles for a reason. There will also be 3rd party games that prob wont see pc releases also.
Because the quality of products relative to the hardware is getting worse gen on gen because of the current strategy, which IMO is a poorer value proposition for people outlaying an extra £500 on closed hardware for zero development benefit.

As it is, their policy of 2years later has already dissuaded me from buying lots of PC looking PS5 games at their current price offering this gen.

Going by how PC focused my young teenage nephews are compared to their interest in consoles Sony chasing that younger market thinking they'll convert them and replace us as console consumers is an iceberg in PlayStation Consoles midst IMO.

Nothing feels truly developed, tailored or special on PlayStation anymore, and expecting aging gamers that have seen cycles on cycles to accept an inferior offering at a higher price is really poor strategy IMO. My nephews are faddy with everything, except spending money on PC hardware, so trading aging console gamer's sales for an extra £700m revenue per year from PC ports feels like throwing out the baby with bath water, by devaluing the brand as death by 1000 cuts.
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