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Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

Would you stop buying PS consoles if Sony released their games on PC day 1?

  • Yes

    Votes: 265 50.1%
  • No

    Votes: 264 49.9%

  • Total voters


Junior Member
What is better, pay 2k PC or pay 500$ to play same game & use other 1.5k$ on something else ?
If PlayStation keeps heading in Xbox’s direction there won’t be a 500 or 600 console option left.

There won’t be any console game developers outside of Nintendo’s left.
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It's not about where the games are, or if they look shinier on PC (They do), to me. I go for consoles, because they are convenient.

And I fully admit that I don't have the attention span, know-how or patience to set up games on PC, or having to worry about specs, if the game will run on my PC or not. This shit is mind-numbingly boring to me.

I want to turn on the Console, press X on the game, and play it.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Currently sticking to console gaming due to convenience and because I love physical games. First party games coming day and date to PC is of zero consequence for me in my decision to continue or not with console gaming.

That said, what will probably make me 'switch from console gaming to PC' is when those console ecosystems become digital only.


What is better, pay 2k PC or pay 500$ to play same game & use other 1.5k$ on something else ?

Depends if you play alot, if you do consoles tend to be more expensive overall. You will have more options and most consoles gamers are gonna wait more in the future when pc is getting more of a priority.
The backlash is just noise among the core fanboys, we had the exact same discussions in 2016 when PC ports of Xbox games were unveiled, in the end most accepted it and even thought it was a good thing.
In the end the PC market is a different market. Mainstream gamers complaining about 599 US Dollars ain’t going to buy a gaming PC anytime soon.

I don't think this is true anymore. Mainstream gamers don't need an uber-powerful PC for gaming, for starters. They could get by with something much cheaper, and even less performant than a console for gaming purposes. So they may easily be in the market for a $500 or $400 PC if it's "good enough" and can play the latest games.

Another thing too: when PC and consoles share almost every 3P release these days, and PC actually has quite a lot of (indie) exclusives and some GAAS titles completely missing from console (Valve's own modern games, VALORANT, World of Warcraft, League of Legends, Phasmagoria, etc.), or gets first access to a lot of anticipated games (No Rest For The Wicked, Hades II, Baldur's Gate 3 etc.), how is that a different market from consoles? The content is basically 90% the same if just looking at PlayStation & Xbox games that are also on PC (namely Steam).

That percentage only changes when looking at the PC exclusives missing on console, meaning if anything PC has the advantage there.

Yes, it already seems like PlayStation’s lost interest in their own console.

Quickly eroding PlayStation’s strongest USP since PS3 — its exclusive first party games
Porting more PS4/PS5 games to PC than PS1-PS4 games to PS5
Minimal new game announcements and releases
Many of the first party games announced are GaaS which are cancer
PS+ required for online play on PS4 and PS5, not PC, PS Vita and PS3
You can’t even quick-copy PS5 saves to USB like PS4 saves, forcing PS+ for the basic convenience
Until Dawn remake (who even asked for an engine swap remake?) primarily single-player game already announced for PC
PSVR 2 launched with one game, no more in sight (couldn’t even be bothered to port Astro Bot Rescue Mission)
Shutting down proven, much-needed first party game studios (Team Gravity, London Studio – who could’ve been making a PSVR 2 game)
Purchasing/cancelling multiplatform GaaS developers, some unproven, some on shaky ground, in favour of the shut down developers

What’s the betting that PS5 Pro doesn’t even get updates to some PS5 games that have been ported to PC like Sackboy. No fucks are given.

No lies detected. And at one point I was defending the cloud save and save-copy stuff, but in reality it probably wouldn't cost Sony much at all to offer that type of thing as a free part of the console experience.

About the Until Dawn remake tho...personally I don't have that much a problem with it being on PC or even Day 1 there. Yes it's a single-player game, but the original version also came out almost 10 years ago. It's been a LONG time, plus I don't think it would qualify as a AAA type game. Really, the problem now is how that impacts the situation they already have going with ports to PC. It's just yet another 1P game that's on a platform not PlayStation, making it easier to not buy a PlayStation to play that game (and many others).

I also kinda don't have an issue with London Studio getting closed because they haven't done much of note game-wise since The Getaway. That's like 3 generations ago.

Everything else tho? Yeah, chunky Ls on SIE's part. PSVR2 is probably the biggest of them all; just one year after release and it's effectively stillborn in the market. And instead of trying to bring more value to it for console owners, SIE are prioritizing PC compatibility for the thing instead. I wouldn't be surprised if that's because of an eventual GT7 port to PC/Steam.

Ease of use is a wash between both nowadays, imo. You can take like, 2 minutes, and turn your PC into a glorified giant console, and have a proper bedroom or couch experience. I have mine set up in my bedroom, and it’s honestly not too much different from if I had a console in there. The only thing I don’t have is a disk drive.

OT: If Sony were to release their new games Day 1 to PC, then I personally wouldn’t have a need nor desire for their console anymore. Why would I when I can just play their games on a more capable machine, and have much more in the way of choice and options for how I want to play them?

Yeah PC gaming isn't that difficult. Though it does come with some added security risks not present on console; the Vanguard anti-cheat stuff with Riot Games being a prime example. A company would NEVER be allowed to release an anti-cheat on PlayStation that could potentially brick the console. They know they'd basically get sued out of existence and it'd be both a legal & PR nightmare.

PC though? Well they can claim no problems on their configs, or blame it on the affected user having other apps installed and running that create a conflict, etc. They have so many excuses to use as an "out" on PC that just don't exist on console. That's the downside of all that "freedom".

Like the next Xbox….?

Sony needs to be careful, MS could be playing 4D chess

Makes the people saying Xbox is dead look dumb. You should never count a console/platform holder out until they give an official statement to the press & business outlets (and their shareholders).

Microsoft have yet to do any of that when it comes to Xbox as hardware.

Based on?

Gut feeling and current trends.
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Yup, it's the reason I don't own an Xbox. No reason to.

I actually just got rid of my PS5 as well. First time ever without a current gen Sony console. PS5 exclusives have been almost non-existent and the console's performance is really disappointing.


No. In my country pc gaming it's more expensive. A 4090 for example cost 2300 or 2400usd here. Everything here is around the same % plus the price tag compared to the US. Here console it's the cheapest way to play. If i lived in the US then my vote would be yes.
No, I find having a dedicated gaming console and a PC to work more in my favor. For instance, my current rig is not in great shape, I cannot reliably run any games that are more current (like games in the past 5 years that require more muscle to run), I am long overdue for a full rebuild, my ram, cpu and mobo are very dated, my 2080 does still serve my needs just fine. For now my PS5 is my primary gaming machine until I have the time and money to focus on rebuilding my PC.
Thanks for the really detailed post! I really appreciate how deep into it you ent and how many angles you approach it from.

As a matter of interest, is there any particular reason you feel this way? I had not realized this was a rumour or something that was leaked, so I'd be interested in knowing more

It's...not a rumor or leak :/. I was just going off gut instinct, mainly seeing how much PC-based stuff has already been going on with SIE the past few months. Their eagerness for PSN account linking being the latest one.

There's also the phrasing of that upcoming meeting; again not 100% indicative of a shift in software strategy to go Day 1 everything on PC, but I'm not ruling out the possibility. Even though I think that would be very detrimental long-term to the console (less so if 'Day 1' is WRT their own storefront/launcher), I won't close ears off completely.

This way if/when they make that type of announcement, I can't be taken by surprise or disappointed.
The cloud and mp need to be free asap. If that happens I would actually see me buying consoles even if there is not a single exclusive.

I'm interested if more of the people who chose "Yes" would pick "No" if Day 1 PC were a thing, IF features and pricing were fairer/better on the console than currently.

Like, if the refund policy weren't so bad, if you didn't have to pay for online play...stuff like that.

I feel those making the argument of convenience for why they'd still pick a console,...there would probably be way more with that same choice if the experience was better in parity between console and PC. But I know personally it's hard to argue getting a console over capable enough PC if 1P games were all Day 1 on both, considering the other drawbacks in the console experience that could be improved (and, over time, the cost savings I'd have going with PC).

What third party games gonna be exclusives. Even sqaure will drop ps exclusives.

Yeah if SIE stopped having exclusives for their console you can kiss 3P exclusives goodbye altogether. No 3P is going to hamstring their sales & revenue to give an exclusive to PlayStation when even SIE themselves aren't doing so.

And if they tried the backlash would be absolutely insane, way worst than the (IMO BS) backlash they already get for timed 3P exclusives (mainly Square-Enix ones).

Based on "trust me bro, I got an uncle..."... pulled out of his ass basically :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Vote yes of course, if there are no more exclusives I'd never buy an exclusive console. Same way I don't get why xbox people still bother with that console in the last 5 or so years.

What's this idea that I was spreading a rumor? Lol.
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Gold Member
I wouldn't stop buying them but I would probably not be a day 1 buyer of the latest generation. I don't know why they would do this.
I love to check my old library from time to time. Or purchase an old game without having to fight horde of collectors.

I am still mad that I can't buy the glorious Deadpool game without having to put my eye patch. Shame that such a great game is not sold anymore.

Yea I was on PC around the time the game was getting pulled. I thought about getting it but realized I'd just buy it and never play it. There's only like 3 games I ever want to replay consistently and they've all been ported and upgraded. Tales of Vesperia, TLOU(1&2), Mass Effect. That's it.

It is nice to have PC gaming there though to provide the game preservation that console just can't be relied on to do.


Gold Member
Based on?
Donald Trump GIF by CBS News


Gold Member
This is the first generation that SNY has a video game console that I skip. I'm able to play the few PS games I care about on PC. I own a Series S for the multi-play crap and a Switch. However, I don't have a lot of time, nor the desire, to play as much as I used to when I was a kid.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
No, I would rather just have the console in my living room where I just need to connect a power and HDMI cable and be done with it. Also their controllers and headsets are really dope.
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No, the primary reason I even switched primarily to consoles is due to hardware prices now. And then I have kids so yeah, no thanks. PC isn't anything like it used to be where you got a huge advantage graphically on PC vs console.


I already have. The moment I could play Spider-Man on a handheld was when I no longer played my PS5. I sold it shortly after I grabbed the controller realizing it was dead and had no desire to charge it.


Funny how for Xbox it's "why buy an Xbox, everything is on PC, there's no point to get a Xbox" and a poll like this would have got "99% don't need a Xbox" and 1% or "I'll still get a Xbox".

But when it's PlayStation, it becomes "console is the heart of gaming", "PC is for word and excel", etc etc... 2 kinds of PS fanboys in here, the "it won't happen, never... right?" and the "even if it happens consoles is the only way to play"...

Entertaining, please keep going.
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Gold Member
Funny how for Xbox it's "why buy an Xbox, everything is on PC, there's no point to get a Xbox" and a poll like this would have got "99% don't need a Xbox" and 1% or "I'll still get a Xbox".

Not true. When asked if Xbox owners would sell their Xbox if MS went full third party, most of GAF said no.


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Gold Member
I already have. The moment I could play Spider-Man on a handheld was when I no longer played my PS5. I sold it shortly after I grabbed the controller realizing it was dead and had no desire to charge it.

It's a good thing you don't have to charge handheld PCs.
Ease of use is a wash between both nowadays, imo. You can take like, 2 minutes, and turn your PC into a glorified giant console, and have a proper bedroom or couch experience. I have mine set up in my bedroom, and it’s honestly not too much different from if I had a console in there. The only thing I don’t have is a disk drive.

OT: If Sony were to release their new games Day 1 to PC, then I personally wouldn’t have a need nor desire for their console anymore. Why would I when I can just play their games on a more capable machine, and have much more in the way of choice and options for how I want to play them?
Ease of use is 100% not a wash. Last time I used my gaming PC I couldn't get the Xbox controller to stay connected. Looked online and tons of people were having this issue. Trying to get into a party chat with my friends using a controller? It can't be done. I need another controller that can minimize the game so I can get into a discord chat. Then I have to pray the game wont freeze when I alt+tab.

Then we have the issue of exiting the game on PC. Like WTH are devs doing? I should be able to push start and then exit game. So many games require me to click , start, exit to title screen, and then exit game. If a game requires me to login? Well now I need to pull out my keyboard\mouse hybrid again. Ease of using being a wash is just nonsense and I have no idea why you PC gamers want to keep pushing that.

My buddy is playing Overwatch 2 and I want to hop in with him? Can easily do it on PS. Not always so easy on PC.


I really don’t like the PC platform and buy most of my games physical. Unless PC became the only realistic option, I’ll stick to consoles. I really prefer the experience with consoles.
Not true. When asked if Xbox owners would sell their Xbox if MS went full third party, most of GAF said no.


Don't you know you should never let facts get in the way of a good "story" :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Funny how for Xbox it's "why buy an Xbox, everything is on PC, there's no point to get a Xbox" and a poll like this would have got "99% don't need a Xbox" and 1% or "I'll still get a Xbox".

But when it's PlayStation, it becomes "console is the heart of gaming", "PC is for word and excel", etc etc... 2 kinds of PS fanboys in here, the "it won't happen, never... right?" and the "even if it happens consoles is the only way to play"...

Entertaining, please keep going.
This "fanboy" just voted yes in the poll and is pretty sure that will never happen either :messenger_winking:
Also absolutely not surprising why a lot of people would vote no, it is the more affordable option, so in the hypothetical where no exclusives remain, I'm sure millions of people would still prefer to play there. Not everyone has the disposable income or know how to go PC only.
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Gold Member
Normal situation- yes. But I can’t build a high end PC small enough to be mounted to the wall mount bracket of my TV above the fireplace. So i’ll still always have a console.


I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
no, i have a old gmaing PC but i still game on my console 99% of the time.

PC is still way too inconvenience to play games imo, tired of troubleshooting and such. I remember my PC was crashing for 2 weeeks under i discovered it was caused by one of the RGB software which eventually patched after.

And building a gaming PC is getting more expensive than buying a console, and imo PC is more prone to break due to several individual parts.

But yea i gonna agree that PC has alot of cool games nowadays, i hope more will come to PS
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Good thing for whom? Xbox is dead as a result of that decision.
The current state of Xbox is not a result of PC ports.

And really don’t see console-only gamers rushing out to buy a €2k+ PC. But PC ports are no doubt a good thing for those who already have a PC and don’t want to buy a console just to play a few exclusives. And PC versions can now sell more than console versions so ports bring in a big chunk of extra money for Sony/Microsoft.
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