It's just baffling how so many people can be on the opposite side of the consumers.
I see it every day though in my community work. Even though I know it's normal for people to be ok with being "pooped" on from on high when it comes to money it's still sad for me to see it whenever it happens.
I was talking to a city council member the other day and he was telling me how he quit as soon as he figured out that the system was corrupt because it's set up totally in favor of the rich vs the poor and they get away with it because people are just so conditioned to lay back and take it because they legitimately can't imagine being able to change things and make them better. There just isn't a way provided to them to do so.
I mean, they tried so hard to get people to come to the city council meetings but no one would ever show. At one point they even raised local taxes by an absurd amount and no one even called in. The only thing that worked was coincidentally the day he got up and quit out of disgust. They made it a city ordinance that if you walked your dog it had to have a leash... The entire courthouse was packed all the way outside down the sidewalk and to the corner of the block with people complaining...
It's very sad that people can't see how it would be a good thing for not only the industry but also Hello Games if they where to set a precedent for being open and honest with their consumers. The sad part is that yeah, even if they did come out now people would still be upset and rightfully so because Hello Games just sat back and racked in the dough in a lot of peoples eyes when they could have cleared up the issue for the most part with a simple statement. The gaming media are giving the gamers a chance here to make a positive impact with our voices but our voices need to be loud in order to be heard. The media had given HG a chance to get out of jail free so to speak by reaching out to them about the issue in the hopes that they would give a statement that would clear this all up for the consumers before launch.
This is something that in my world at least, is very rare. It saddens me that people would come in and try to stamp out the efforts of those who are trying to lobby for change.
HG may be an indie team yes, they may be small, but what they aren't is dumb. I can't believe they didn't see this coming. No matter how charming people in business and office ever seem there is absolutely no reason to just give them your trust, especially after they are profiting off of you. I see it all the time, people taking advantage of others whom you wouldn't believe where capable of doing so.
If you don't think this is a big deal, great. Just please, respect that we do and let us keep trying.