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WoW Open Beta


nataku said:
Hmm. I like Arcane shot, honestly. Eats up a lot of mana compared to the damage it does, but it's an instant attack. You're pretty much doing your normal damage + 33 damage since it doesn't interrupt your normal attacks. I often fire a second arrow immediately after I use arcane shot. 100+ damage in a second is pretty good. The mana point is moot, too, IMO. I'm only Lv25 and have nearly 1k mana, and even it tough fights I don't find myself using up half of it. The only time I find myself low on mana is when I have to raise my pet. Could change when I get higher level, but we'll see.

The only change I would like to see is arcane and aimed shot taken off the same timer. And maybe remove the global timer caused by using Hunter's Mark.

I pretty much agree with what you said. I used Arcane shot a lot because it didn't interfere with my auto, AND at my level I didn't have many other skills that really sapped my MP. I had seen reference to Hunters having to rest for MP at higher levels.. altho I don't know why.

I still contend, that Arcane could be a bit better. If it interrupted my normal attack I would never fire it, and that's a pretty sad special ability to have :\ On my Rogue, there is a similar ability Sinister Strike. You can pretty much spam it every few seconds (altho you build points for better specials), but still. SS does MORE damage by a bit than my normal hits.. I don't see why Arcane shot couldn't do a bit more damage then your auto-shot.

edit: oh yeah, the bows. There aren't many.. and unlike my other classes I had to buy them from the vendors which is expensive. It seems the devs haven't put a lot of bows in the game yet.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Bahahaha, apparently some guy at gamefaqs hacked into the official WoW forum moderator's accounts and was changing all their posts.

He changed the mage feedback post to be something along the lines of "Stop whining, we don't care". Druid post got changed to "We have realized there is no point in this class and are actually going to take it out of the game. From now on the game will also be called World of ShamanCraft". He even changed some sticky thread titles to things such as "World of Warcraft is cancelled, buy EQ2 instead", etc.

And the best... right when it started someone created a thread saying the forum was being hacked, and Tyren said the team was looking into it. Five minutes later his post was edited to say "Yeah we know there's a hacker but the good news is I just saved a ton of money by switching to Geico."

And now they just brought the forums down. :lol I feel a little bad for the mods (especially since tons of gullible people didn't realize their edited posts were hacked, but you have to admit it's funny. O_O


People bitching about Shamans and Reincarnation are lame. For one, it's absolutely useless in PvP. You rez with 30% health and mana and a 10 minute rez sickness which gives 75% reduction penalty to your stats. Also, the regeants are 20 silver a piece.

It's helpful in instances just like Warlocks soulstones are. That's about it.
Reincarnation is badass. 16s reagent after two faction bumps from doing quests to have the ability to prevent a full wipe in an instance is a good skill. The comparable Paladin skill is a bit borked because of the way rezzers, especially preists, tend to die first, and isn't as straightforward an easy to use as Divine Intervention.

Shaman and Paladins are both way better than any of the other classes on their sides, and both are brutal in 1v1 PvP, which is where a lot of the focus of the players is because of the lack of structured PvP in the game currently. Most classes have another set of classes which will tear them up something fierce, but the shaman and to a lesser extent the Paladin have maybe one or two classes at most that really have the leg up on them, all things being equal.


Blizzard has announced on worldofwarcraft.com that the Open Beta is ending tomorrow and all characters will be wiped for retail. Might as well login and join in the massive raids that are taking place. :D


force push the doodoo rock

all that hard work :(

bye bye bubbles, bye bye tanakakun...our times together were nice although short.


Bristow said:
Blizzard has announced on worldofwarcraft.com that the Open Beta is ending tomorrow and all characters will be wiped for retail. Might as well login and join in the massive raids that are taking place. :D

Yes, the question is will we get a day or two early to level so that we are out of the beginning levels :)






Couple of pics from a battle on the beach of Auberdine. Alliance outnumber Horde by about 3:1 I'd guess and they are generally alot higher in level. Needless to say, the battle didn't go too well for us.
So, who is interested in playing on a Central PvP server? I'd really like to start a GAF Horde guild. Anyone interested in running a GAF Alliance guild on the same server? Hope Blizzard releases a server name list before launch. Only 6 days until retail!


I'm loving the beta, but I think I'll wait a few months before picking up the retail version. I have a huge backlog of games and if I'm going to spend $15 a month I better be able to put in my time.


Shouta said:
What's the point of having weapons drawn and weapons at your side then? That's what I'm sort of pointing out. If you have your weapon drawn then sure, I can understand blocking but if you don't, then why should a shield give you benefits. On a side note, it might be that the shield wasn't animated with the punching (which is probably the case) but was drawn. I've never actually fought unarmed with a shield equipped so I don't remember. I'll have to see that when I get home. You can only heal yourself once a minute with First Aid and unless the later bandages heal for extreme amounts, then it really isn't comparable. The rank 4 Holy Light heals for like 400 HP. You're also not limited to timers other, as long as you have the MP, you can repeatedly cast it over and over again, as long as you have MP. I've always been a proponent of making the class stronger rather than nerfing classes. It's much easier to level the playing field by adjusting abilities of the weaker class than it is to nerf the strong class. I don't mean massive boosts but rather ones that even the playing field for fighting instead of escalating the affair. Nerfing classes work sure, but the problem is that it's hard to do overall as opposed to boosting IMO. You run a higher risk of nerfing a class too hard in some cases. Personally, I've always seen Warrior has an offensive meleeing class most of the time. I think making Warrior a stronger melee character would be keen and giving them abilities like armor reduction or a variety of interesting strikes (ones that you can't get with other classes) might be very interesting. Unique strikes like the ones found in Dragon Quest or the Break style of skills in Final Fantasy XI might be interesting (I'm only using them as an example ;p). Correct me if Warriors already have this sort stuff. About that whole Seal of Righteousness thing, are sure its a bug? The way ability is described (gives melee attacks the chance to proc holy damage) makes sense to me. Now, if it was "gives weapon attacks the chance to proc holy damage", then I can obviously see the bug. I don't think the Paladin would've gone down in a minute myself. They have all kinds of survival abilities like you mention ;).
Weapons and shields are automatically drawn when you start a fight... or should be. I forget about that warrior video since I haven't seen it in a few days, but the shield SHOULD be drawn while that paladin's dueling.

First aid is only done once a minute, yeah, but the higher level bandages heal for a TON. Like the same as the highest ranks of holy light or healing wave (~1500) if not more (I can't remember what runecloth bandages heal, but mageweave bandages heal that much). It's enough for the most part to be significant healing during a duel or whatever.

And the bug with seal of righteousness is that it would hit EVERY time unarmed, not just on a % chance. so every hit the paladin made unarmed was adding 66 holy damage.

As far as warrior abilities... well, they don't have (and will never get, I'd say) any elemental strikes, but they get a lot of different melee abilities no other melee class gets. They do have an armor reducing strike (it costs very little rage and can stack up to 5 times, so it's potentially the best armor debuff), skills like cleave (it isn't really great damage but it's multiple targets, and that can let a warrior basically do AOE damage, which is useful in higher level instances) and a lot of situational types of strikes like execute (tries to kill a target with 20% or less HP), overpower (it's basically a free hit if the opponent dodges, good for fighting rogues), revenge (an immediate counterattack after a block) and some talent skills (sweeping strikes - makes your next few melee attacks hit like 2-3 extra targets, and mortal strike - huge damage based upon your weapon's damage, and cuts healing effectiveness in half).

It's just that while warriors have arguably the most melee moves, a lot of them need buffing. Mortal strike continually gets nerfed, even though a patch or two ago it was fine (did good damage, which requires total dedication to arms talents, but wasn't any kind of instant win ability), cleave is still not that good, and for some reason blizzard seems to nerf the situational stuff like overpower and revenge. Paladins do need to be nerfed slightly, but more just in overall damage (SOMETHING about them makes them melee for a lot more damage than almost anybody else, and I don't know what it is - before they would do damage similar to warriors' regular attacks, now they do damage a lot bigger than warriors do) and IMO in making blessing of protection only castable on other players. It basically allows for only 3 classes to actually get rid of that form of invincibility - shamans, priests and warlocks (they can each dispel it, but in the warlock's case it requires a specific pet) while the only other class that isn't bothered by it is the mage since that blessing only blocks physical damage (but really, paladins beat the hell out of mages easily). It's annoying because when both that spell and divine shield are able to be used in the same fight, it just basically allows the paladin to majorly outlast their opponent AND beat them really easily (that's a major reason why paladins beat mages so easily - just wait for them to use up most of their mana, divine shield yourself, heal, then let them waste the rest of their mana trying to kill you again and kill them as soon as they go out of mana, which doesn't take long).

I was exaggerating a little on how fast that fight would have taken pre-patch, but not much... if the paladin was fighting him unarmed he would have been doing like 1 damage each hit (with no bonus holy damage) and the warrior would have been doing a lot more damage, so the paladin would've been out of mana after a minute or so and lost.


Damnit, I hadn't had time to play this week, so I thought I might be able to cram a few hours during the weekend. ><

Didn't get to try out more classes T_T

Oh well, guess this leaves more time for the huge backlog pile.
Anyone know what time the servers are coming down? For the first stress test, I believe it was 8 p.m. CST.

Well, i've got my retail character planned out.

Blimey - Gnome - Mage (Frost line)- Server TBD

I hope Blizzard does the decent thing of releasing the server names before retail. Much easier to coordinate with friends that way.

I think im going to be joining a roleplay server. I played enough of Open Beta to know that Bnet kiddies are going to ruin my experience if I join a regular one. Granted, they'll make their way onto RP servers as well, but at least they'll be policed and ignored for the most part.
About Hunters:

Arcane Shot is fine now. Those who don't use it lose an additional +5dps at lvl 20, whatever later on.

Guns and Bows do have different proffeciancies.

I'm strongly considering going Druid. The sadist in me just loves it. Of course, I also wanna go Warlock and Hunter. Whateva. I'm probably going to be heading a Horde PvP guild, either on East or Central. We aren't decided where to put it. On one had less populated is good for lag, but bad if there ain't enough people on it. I have other issues with lag not related to server, so it matters little to me.


Their website says its the end of open beta. :p


World of Warcraft Beta Update - Tyren on 11/17/04
In preparation for the upcoming retail launch of World of Warcraft, we will be taking the North American open beta servers offline on Thursday, November 18. While this will mark the end of the open beta test, there will still be some work left for us to do. To provide the best experience possible at launch, we will be making numerous final optimizations to our hardware based on the data we've acquired during the open beta test.

During our closed and open beta test phases, thousands of improvements were made to World of Warcraft. Those changes were made through game-client patches and updates to the game's server and database infrastructure.

As we moved closer to retail, we continued to make changes and optimize all of the code that makes up World of Warcraft until we reached the point where we felt we could create a gold master -- the version of the game that's currently being pressed onto the discs which will be available for purchase at retail.

Likewise, these processes must also take place on the server side to ensure that no out-of-date code, which could corrupt the retail version of the game, still exists. Before the retail version of the code can be installed, the current hardware must be wiped clean. This also includes the information on current accounts and characters that are being played on our test servers. So that all World of Warcraft players will be able to make a fresh start on our community site at launch, the same procedure will be taking place for the North American beta forums when the open beta test ends.

We realize that you've grown attached to your characters, and we're sorry that the end of the open beta test will require you to part ways with them. However, with the retail launch of World of Warcraft on November 23 comes the opportunity to begin a new adventure in Azeroth on fresh, untouched servers. Along with that, you'll have the knowledge that you played an instrumental role in the creation of a game of epic proportions that players will enjoy for many years to come.

We greatly appreciate all the time you've spent with us testing World of Warcraft, and we look forward to seeing you in-game!

Please note that this does not affect the ongoing European closed beta test. Further details regarding our plans for the closed and final beta tests in Europe will be announced on the European community sites next week.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
those screens of those raids look cool! do you have to be on a PVP server to play in one, or do they have special zones?


Well I was in a PvP server, and all Horde characters were automatically treated as enemies, so you could just run into their town and start fighting them. ;p


orc warlock, and on whatever GAF alliance server we pick, human paladin (I would be a dwarf but the racial traits are so horrible while paladins benefit from EVERY human trait).


Well, I'll be in a central PVP server so I'll be up for the GAF Horde guild. Last night was chaotic. After the announcement of the beta ending everyone pretty much went all around doing pvp. Hillsbrad was a huge region of death.


And here is my character with his new pet.


To bad they announced the beta closing right after I got it. Was fun seeing alliance members run from him during that pvp battle though.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So... anyone planning to play on a MST server? :)

Haven't decided on PvP or PvE yet... I wish Blizzard would stop being so secretive about Battlegrounds. Knowing more about them would make the decision easier.


Free for all PvP was hella fun last night. I took 3 guys (all mages) down at once but then 5 more guys gangbanged me =x.

Did some duels last night too heh. Battled a different number of people including similar level Rogues, Warriors, Hunters and one Warrior who was 9 levels higher than me. Beat the 25 Warrior twice in a row, lost to the Hunter Once and beat him once, beat the Rogue Once and lost once, and beat the 34 Warrior once and lost once. The Rogue was the toughest fight though, absolute madness. =x


Gawd if one of you guys is named Arrum (Tauren Warrior to be specific) I'm going to come over to your house and beat you down :lol People just don't know the concept that if you're a warrior, you don't roll on cloth gloves..In fact, they need to rework that "need before greed", so that warriors are only allowed to roll on Mail armor

I'm most likely going to be Undead Warlock on Central (first stress test I was a priest, heard about the reagent thing so I stopped.. but looks like they took the reagent req for fortitude so I might rethink)

I also got my first blue drop during the last day,, (darkweave breeches)..I'm going to miss it :(


Seems like they're not planning to release server names prior to release.


As it stands, we are not going to release the server list prior to release. I'd like to explain the reasoning behind this decision, as I know many of you have been curious about this for some time.

We have numerous realms ready to go when we launch. Not all of them will be available when the game first launches, however. If we gave the full list, many guilds would pick servers that may well be unavailable when they go to play the game. If we released the servers that we know will be available when the game launches, servers that come up days or mere hours later would be largely ignored, as most large groups would zero in on the servers they know will be there. Add this to the fact that most people, when presented with a list ahead of time, will focus on the "cool" names (which would you rather play on: Rabbit, or Doomguard?) and we would have many realms be neglected.

I apologize, as I know this makes it difficult for some guilds to meet up right off. As resourceful as you all are, however, I have no doubt you'll land on your feet. This is the best way to ensure comparable numbers across the available realms.

- Caydiem -
Assistant Community Manager, WoW


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So was anyone on for the insanity? (I think it's still going on).

The Burning Legion took over the major cities. :O It's carnage!

I'll try to post my screenshots later :)


MrCheez said:
So was anyone on for the insanity? (I think it's still going on).

I just logged off from trying to defend the tower near XR from the Alliance on Pac-31. It seems like the Alliance has a ton more characters at this point, and I think like 50% of the people playing the game are Hunters (j/k but there are a ton of them)

I can't believe how high some people played one class in the OB. I mean there are level 30 and 40's running around out there.

I tried Rogue, Mage, and Hunter pretty extensively (kinda). Hunter's rock. They are just really solid (and work pretty DAMN good in group based PvP).

Rogue. I didn't enjoy these guys as much but I'm thinking about going Rogue. They are SO powerful, and there talent tree's seem a lot better than some of the other classes ( in fact CRAZY better.. take a look at the 3 first tier talents in the Assassination trunk for instance).

Mages - What can I say? I loved playing one. If you can stay outdoors and only fight random/non-humanoid mobs you can clear up some pretty decent exp. I don't think I will be a Mage in retail though. You get NO new spells after 30ish it seems.. just Fireball 6, 7, 8, etc. Items don't help you as much as other jobs, and after all that's half the fun of MMO's :)


Here Are a Few Screens.


Was A Massive Infernal, then got turned into a Chicken(don't know how). Killing everyone as a Chicken then died.


Then Got Replaced by One Then Two Dreadlords.


And in Orgrimmar...
Well...it's over....for now!!! :D

As the server shutdown countdown was commencing, I was at Crossroads when I yelled for everyone to start dancing at the center of the town. It was like a new year's eve party!! :lol
I've taken a ton of pictures from Beta server. Most of the time I'm dead in the pics. We got Onyxia down to her "I'm gonna fly around and murder you all" phase twice, but both times she bugged out and went on Evade glitch.

Then I logged out because so many damn lvl 1s were lagging the thing to hell. Came back later and there was so much shit just roaming the land. I think the entire Burning Core or whatever that is called roaming around Durotar. It was so funny, because you'd see the Magma Boulder things running across the entire field like lightning. Eventually we lured an Onx to XR, where we got damn close to killin it, then the GM spawned three of those damn dog things on us and we got raped. Over and over again.


Well..the main forum accounts are tied in with the games server login (ie if its down the best everyone can do is log in as anonymous). So unless they are keeping it up and wiping characters the day before release, the official forums will be down until then.

I think there is a battlenet alternate forum that nonbeta people can talk to though.

Can't seem to find the links to it now. Guess it got taken down during open beta.


That kinda sucks. There were still some questions that needed clarification. They should update their FAQ a bit.

Really want to know if I can play the game on Tuesday, or if I need to wait to buy it. Planning on using a game card to play and they never said when they'll be available. Hate to spend $80 on the collector's edition (if I find it) and not be able to play for a week or more...


Yeah, you get a free month... but the two MMORPGs I've played (EQ and FFXI) require a credit card to get that free month. Really wish they would clarify it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
They're coming...

(browsing forums, came across one of the big gilselling companies in FFXI...)

"World of Warcraft - Coming Soon"


Hopefully Blizzard nips them in the bud toot sweet.


mint said:
Gawd if one of you guys is named Arrum (Tauren Warrior to be specific) I'm going to come over to your house and beat you down :lol People just don't know the concept that if you're a warrior, you don't roll on cloth gloves..In fact, they need to rework that "need before greed", so that warriors are only allowed to roll on Mail armor

I'm most likely going to be Undead Warlock on Central (first stress test I was a priest, heard about the reagent thing so I stopped.. but looks like they took the reagent req for fortitude so I might rethink)

I also got my first blue drop during the last day,, (darkweave breeches)..I'm going to miss it :(
heh, I actually think they need to rework NGB so it lets people roll on an item with stats that are good for their character... limiting them to the best type of armor they can use isn't really good for druids/shamans since there's some cloth that druids may want to use and cloth/leather shamans may want to use, same with leather for hunters after level 40. at least if you play a priest in retail you can basically get them to agree on looting rules that are fair for you or just leave the group. I'm thinking about making a priest in retail, but I'm really not sure. The class isn't that appealing to me (although it's playable, the early levels are just hell but once you're ~20 you can solo easier) but there's almost no way to do some of the higher level instances without one (at least for the scholomance and stratholme instances, because of all the undead that only priests can really CC). plus they duo really well with hunters, warlocks, warriors, mages, shamans and paladins (in about that order, I'd say).

edit: this is more in general than anything else: from what I remember some of the WOW community reps saying, you WILL have to give billing info to blizzard to start your account and start the free month, you just don't have to actually pay for it. I wonder how that's going to work with the time cards.
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