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WoW Open Beta


Got my Gnome Mage up to 13th. Damn those Troggs in Theselam(sp?) are a huge pain.

Especially as a mage. The hatchet throwers eat me alive, and you can't run from them. If you run your dead. Which is a problem, because they have a HUGE linking aggro area it seems like :\

I hate them!


SyNapSe said:
Got my Gnome Mage up to 13th. Damn those Troggs in Theselam(sp?) are a huge pain.

Especially as a mage. The hatchet throwers eat me alive, and you can't run from them. If you run your dead. Which is a problem, because they have a HUGE linking aggro area it seems like :\

I hate them!

I've noticed that in this game. Trying to get a single pull of a Humanoid type mob is impossible. Every time I try I'll end up getting the whole camp (2-4 at least).


It is possible to pull single mobs at camps. Especially with a Mage. Just wait until one mob comes just into reach of your fireball and launch it. You may need to wait a while when the mob you're trying to kill is in your reach while the other mobs just walked away. Do that around the camp till 2/3 are left. You should be able to take those if you're prepared properly. (full mana/health, all spells recharged and ready for use. Frost Nova is your best friend here)

The last "In defense of the Kings" is a real bitch. You need to kill 3 unique troggs which are parties with another 3 normal troggs. (of the 3 uniques, there is one leader and 2 guards)

Thing is, you never know when they show up. You need to be in the area kiling the troggs that habitant the cave and then all of a sudden you're battling 6/7 enemies at once. All hard hitting as well :/ Needless to say, Troggs 11 - Hooker 0 :(


Shouta said:
It's just your bad luck. I can get one at a time myself
Same here. It's even easier than in FFXI. Then again, I'm just an awesome puller ;b

The only problems I encounter are rapid spawns. I'm sitting there and there will be 5 or 6 spawns in a row and they don't wait to attack, they attack before they even appear. You'll see a shadow swooping towards you and then you're fucked. They should let spawns sit for 2 secs.


Actually, I find it harder than FFXI to pull just because linking and detection schemes for WoW are universal. There doesn't seem to be varying methods of detection or detection ranges that I've discerned so far. Still though, it's not hard to pull. I can see how it can be though if you're a bit unlucky.
About the pet xp thing. The game is treating it as a seperate player. If you don't enter combat you won't get xp, if pet gets kill entirely by itself, you won't be able to loot.

And one thing I did notice is that I'm now gaining 2 agi per level, where I could have sworn every class simply got +1 all each lvl. If you auto for 400, there's no way you can crit for 1500... Maybe you mean aimed crit, which does reach that much. I think this has as much to do with increase in hunter capability as it does with the nerf to armor and defense. I also think the increase in base range is too much. It needs to be put back to 30, with the talent extending it to 35.


needs to show more effort.
I've gotten up to being a 23 warlock with a group of friends.
(warlock, mage, shaman, druid)

a couple days ago we finished wailing caverns. Damn that was a lot of fun. Normal quests just can't compare to instances.

That huge eternal golem guy is a freaking beast. Took us 3 tries

for the quest that starts with the guy at the very beginning of the instance that requires you to have first cleared the dungeon, does he give you anythign if he lives to the end of his quest? We got to the end and fought the boss, lost, he died, came back and killed the boss who gave some very nice (quest worthy) drops. And the sleeping dude woke up and (I guess) finished the quest. We weren't sure if the rewards were suppsoed to be the drops from the boss or if there is something further if he lives.

also, has anyone done shadowfang castle? I've been eyeing that wanting to do it as it is prolly a lot of fun but its still orange in my quest book. Was wandering if anyone had been able to beat it with a decent party and what level they had to be at before they were able to kill Arugal.
Here is a screen I just took



slayn said:
also, has anyone done shadowfang castle? I've been eyeing that wanting to do it as it is prolly a lot of fun but its still orange in my quest book. Was wandering if anyone had been able to beat it with a decent party and what level they had to be at before they were able to kill Arugal.

SFK is pretty easy really. Arugal can be quite tough, but a full group of mid 20's should have no problem. He drops a great robe for casters.


I did an instance last night (Deadmines, Kill VanCleef). Decent fun although there weren't any real tricks to it. It was a nice challenge though considering we got to him with only 4 members (one person got kicked for being an asshat). We almost beet Vancleef but we didn't have enough strength to beat him and his second wave of Black Guards (got him down to 15% life before we all died) I got the awesome "Cookie's Tenderizer" which is a mace type weapon but basically looks like a dough roller :lol.
cvkpaladin said:
This must be one of the coolest pictures ever. (Taken from the WoW Discussion Boards)


My god it's been a week and the best any guild has been able to manage is getting her down to 65%. Reading the thread on the WoW boards, it seems they got her to 65% and she begins flying. A dev hinted them that they haven't even seen all of her lair! So it looks like getting Onyxia down to around half-health forces her to fly to another part of her lair, which means that's not even the end of the fight.

I cannot wait for retail, the endgame is starting to look sweet.


Grandma's Chippy
Does anyone have a picture of all the races standing side by side? Curious of the height/size differences.

I know Taurens are huge, but they don't feel big in their area...

Also, to a Tauren, a wolf looks like a wolf, how does a Tauren wolf look to a Human?
I'm definately really liking the undead now, the whole vibe is just cool. I noticed I was making money much faster as a lowbie in undead lands as well. Still haven't touched the alliance. I went in thinking Tauren wud b the coolest but I'm swaying between trolls and undead atm. Now to figure out what class. Enjoyed warlocks, rogues and warriors. hmmrm

But I must say this is the most polished mmo I've ever played. Everything has been thought out so well. The fact you can level on your only a pretty steady rate rocks, the fact theres virtually no down time rocks. Little things like for example: after finishing off in the newbie town u get a mission to go to the next town, on route you meet someone that wants you to do something and then bring whatever item you need to the town you were heading to. Its the little things like that that keeps players interested and assured that they aren't going the completely wrong way


Malakhov said:
Hunters aren't godlike, they are now a good class, they used to be total shite. I'd say they're up to par with Shamans now but not in PvP, Shamans are freaking good in PvP.

Though I'll say that often times the win will come to whoever gets the first shot in, Warriors charge, Hunters snare, Rogues stealth attacks, Druids rooting, Priests with mind flay/fear etc..
Trust me, hunters are probably going to get their regular damage toned back a little bit in the next patch. The talents are really good (across all three trees - each one offers really good stuff) but their snare shot was already great in pvp since it screws up movement too, and now with just 5 points it has a 20% chance to stun for 3 seconds. They just do so much damage you can snare shot, sting, and it's hard not to kill almost anything... It just seems like hunters do so much damage they're way too strong in pvp now.

oh, and Sal, it was probably an aimed shot crit that my guildie got for ~1500 damage, so that's ok. but 400 damage regular shots isn't... then again he has an epic bow I think, so maybe the bow's DPS got tuned way up (I noticed on my hunter his old gun got moved up to level 26 and has about 2x the DPS it had before), but he was also almost purely agi focused like any hunter should be, so I'd imagine his crit rate and damage are huge. I mean that damage is bigger than almost any other class can get, especially since it's just default attack. When regular damage gets toned down a little bit they'll be a more balanced class. But they aren't as ungodly overpowered as paladins are now anyway (plate, 2 separate invulnerabilities, crazy strong seals, arguably the best melee damage in the game).


firex said:
Trust me, hunters are probably going to get their regular damage toned back a little bit in the next patch. The talents are really good (across all three trees - each one offers really good stuff) but their snare shot was already great in pvp since it screws up movement too, and now with just 5 points it has a 20% chance to stun for 3 seconds. They just do so much damage you can snare shot, sting, and it's hard not to kill almost anything... It just seems like hunters do so much damage they're way too strong in pvp now.
Nah, same can be said for shamans.


Paladins rock. The Seal of Crusader + Seal of Righteousness (with that one unlocks the seal's abilities, I can't remember the name) combo at level 20 is damn nasty with a 1H weapon. I almost beat a warrior 5 levels higher than me. I lost because he stunned me at the last seconed before my LoH got off so I could finish him.



The following is a partial list of changes planned for the upcoming patch. Thanks to all our players who gave us constructive feedback on these issues.


-Spirit Healer

Using the Spirit Healer now results in a 25% loss in durability for a player's equipped gear and items in inventory, instead of the previous 100% loss. The length of resurrection sickness suffered from using the Spirit Healer has also been decreased to a maximum of 10 minutes.


Item durability costs have been greatly decreased for Superior (blue) and Epic (purple) items.

-Improved Unstuck

We’ve added an auto-unstuck feature that you can use prior to petitioning a GM. You can use this feature in situations where you are caught in a part of the terrain and cannot get out. You can find the unstuck option by clicking on the “Help Request” button found on the bottom right hand side of the user interface.

Reagent requirements have been removed from the following spells:
Druid: Mark of the Wild
Mage: Arcane Intellect
Priest: Power Word: Fortitude

Defensive Stance has been improved to hold aggro more effectively.
Taunt: removed rage cost and global cooldown.


Malakhov said:
Nah, same can be said for shamans.
maybe. I know if I hadn't been in the middle of goldshire and low on hp/mana I would have been able to beat this hunter who was attacking me a few days ago (instead, I just managed to get away from him). but I do have to say when hunters are doing more regular damage with their shots (and definitely better DPS) than most mages are with their spells or most rogues are, then it does seem a little overpowered.

then again rogues and mages need better gear and (in the case of mages) some stronger high level spells.


Shouta said:
Paladins rock. The Seal of Crusader + Seal of Righteousness (with that one unlocks the seal's abilities, I can't remember the name) combo at level 20 is damn nasty with a 1H weapon. I almost beat a warrior 5 levels higher than me. I lost because he stunned me at the last seconed before my LoH got off so I could finish him.

Judgement? Anyway, I really don't know how understand the majority of the combos, but from the one you just listed. Casting Seal of Crusader, then Judgement, and then Seal of Righteousness will add a lot of holy damages right?


Was it Judgement? I can't remember the name right now.

Anyway, Crusader's seal ability causes the target to take extra holy damage. Seal of Righteousness gives your weapon the ability to proc holy damage. When it procs it does a set amount so with the Crusader's seal ability, your holy damage overall goes up per hit. After 30 seconds and your judgement is up, you can toss your Unseal the Righteousness ability for more damage.

At my level (22), my 1H sword does something like 35-55 damage on normal hits (90-100+ on critical). With the above combo, my holy damage is 21 per hit every time it procs (14 without or so I think) and the Unsealed Righteousness does 44 damage (I've seen it double up to 88 on rare occasions o_O).

That's with a Rank 3 Seal of Righeousness btw.


I can't get on my characters on pacific. Oh well, i don't want to play too far into the game as I'm sure there is a 95% chance of wiping characters.

I'm playing a level 8 Undead Rogue on a central now. I'm still not really digging Rogue. It's kinda fun gouging then running behind and backstabbing, but overall.. I find Mage and Hunter a lot more fun. Here are my Pacific 31 characters.

Traygore - 15 Troll Hunter
Sylfizius - 13 Gnome Mage

I like them both. I need to decide what I wanna be before retail release. I think I'm leaning towards Mage. Trolls are damn cool, btw. I also like Orgrimmar and it's surrounding area's a lot.


There probably is a high chance of character wipes but it'd also be a bit in their favor to not wipe characters as well. One of the biggest reasons would be because if everyone started from scratch again, the newbie areas would be clogged up just like Open Beta and that would cause an enormous amount of problems with the release. Allowing people to stick to their accounts after buying retail would be a decent way of alleviating that problem and could be a nice incentive for players testing out WoW to get into the game for full retail.


Yeah, I actually don't think non-character wipes would be that big of a deal in this game. There isn't tons of camping NM, etc for special items. Things where high levels could make it hell on low levels (PvP being the only issue).

Still I expect character wipes. I'm sure they can figure out your hard-core types (who were many of the people in closed still at this point) will be bitching about lack of high level content.

If you reset then to level 0. You get a 2 month break, or something close to that.


akascream said:
I just wish they would say one way or the other.

My feeling too. If they'd say no wipe. I would go crazy leveling. Instead I'm holding back, because I was too dumb not to choose a stupid race that I would never choose on release for my characters.

I don't wanna repeat the exact same stuff for a lot of levels. This is why I assume they aren't saying. Who wants all the bitching that is going to come when you announce wipe of all the high levels. They could maybe keep the closed servers as test servers for new patches.


They'll pretty much have to wipe characters with all the closed beta guys, and not just because of dwarven mages. Before the professions stuff came in it was just skill points that limited people from getting artisan specializations, and a good number of people on closed beta have all the artisan specializations available (at least pre-professions for blacksmithing since they added in others after that) and there's no real way to wipe those without wiping characters, apparently, or it would have been done when professions were put in.


firex said:
They'll pretty much have to wipe characters with all the closed beta guys, and not just because of dwarven mages. Before the professions stuff came in it was just skill points that limited people from getting artisan specializations, and a good number of people on closed beta have all the artisan specializations available (at least pre-professions for blacksmithing since they added in others after that) and there's no real way to wipe those without wiping characters, apparently, or it would have been done when professions were put in.

True, but they could leave Closed as a test, and just leave Open beta characters. After all Open is the majority of people at this point. It would be very unfair to the closed people tho :(

Which is why I expect a wipe (unless Blizz really is having network problems they can't figure out). Which it seems like right now, as we can't even access our characters on Pacific/mountain
SyNapSe said:
True, but they could leave Closed as a test, and just leave Open beta characters. After all Open is the majority of people at this point. It would be very unfair to the closed people tho :(

If they do this I will cancel my WoW CE preorder, and wait patiently for Vanguard.


There's also people who got the 1000 gold for epic level 60 mounts and stuff (no, I don't get how they did it, but I'm sure they play 24/7 on their level 60) so they definitely couldn't make closed beta characters go into retail except maybe on a test server.

But I knew (or at least came into the game accepting) that my characters would be wiped eventually anyway, so I don't mind that I'll lose a level 60, 49, 40, 32, 19, two 14s and so on.

I also don't think that there will be as many lag problems at retail. Hopefully blizzard's going to launch with more servers in retail. I'm waiting a few weeks before I buy it anyway, don't want to get in at launch and deal with hundreds of players in starting areas... plus it's coming out just in time to ruin my big history project if I buy it and play it, heh.


firex said:
I also don't think that there will be as many lag problems at retail. Hopefully blizzard's going to launch with more servers in retail. I'm waiting a few weeks before I buy it anyway, don't want to get in at launch and deal with hundreds of players in starting areas... plus it's coming out just in time to ruin my big history project if I buy it and play it, heh.

Well, they seem to hint that they have been causing the lag on purpose. To try to test the upper thresholds of how many people they can handle, but the network problems where you can't even get on the servers or see characters, etc. are not intentional it seems.

Oh well, hopefully they can resolve them.


Owned = me :\

Hey guys! Update for you.

All Pacific and Mountain servers are about to be taken down for maintenance. It should last around an hour or two. Please be patient with us. :)

Oh well. Is there going to be discussion soon about choosing servers for PvP and non-PvP folks for release?


need server names first since that'll be a lot easier to pick. I'm not sure if I'll play on pvp or not. It'll be better at release than it would be joining one now, even if I'm just a few weeks after release, and honestly, even with the ganking, pvp adds more fun (just by a challenge). but... I'll probably wind up playing on a regular server, too.
SyNapSe said:
Oh well. Is there going to be discussion soon about choosing servers for PvP and non-PvP folks for release?

I would think central servers would be the best. I'm going PvP myself. I'd like to get a GAF Horde guild going. I'm sure someone else low enough to actually play Alliance can get the GAF stuff going on that side of the court. GAF Horde vs. GAF Alliance battles could be fun.


<Shouta> [GAF Alliance]: You horde biatches better let us win or I'm laying the banstick down on you all!

[GAF Horde]: =(


I'll probably go wherever the majority of GAF ppl go.. especially maybe the FFXI people if possible. Just jumped on the Rogue again for a bit. My god the Undead city Underworld is pathetic. There is NOONE there. it's sad. I couldn't find trainers or anything.


alliance is lame but once paladins aren't unkillable gods in pvp i will play one as an alliance alt. still planning 3-4 horde chars in contrast, though.


firex said:
alliance is lame but once paladins aren't unkillable gods in pvp i will play one as an alliance alt. still planning 3-4 horde chars in contrast, though.

Yeah, it's pretty amazing just how powerful Paladins really are in PvP. I figured people were exaggerating until I witnessed a level 45 Pally take out 4 mid 30's players.


paladins were overpowered in pvp before simply because they were impossible for anybody but a shaman or mage to kill (and shamans ONLY because they could dispel their bullshit "no physical attacks hurt me" blessing) but they didn't have the insanely overpowered offense they have now. there is literally no reason to play warrior on alliance right now, so it's pretty obvious paladins are going to get nerfed.


Junior Ace
firex said:
But I knew (or at least came into the game accepting) that my characters would be wiped eventually anyway, so I don't mind that I'll lose a level 60, 49, 40, 32, 19, two 14s and so on.

I hope that's an exaggeration.
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