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WoW or EQ2

I really want to get into either WoW or EQ2, but I really don't know which I'd rather play. I've played a few MMO's (a few months each) in my lifetime; I hated Everquest, but I liked Star Wars Galaxies and LOVED Final Fantasy XI.

I've seen alot of videos of EQ2 and read a decent amount of information, but while I liked what I heard, I also hated EQ1 with a passion.

I love the art style and use of color in WoW, but other than the fact that it has a beautiful opening movie, I know absolutely nothing about the game.

Any suggestions?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

World of Warcraft is the most fun I've ever had with an MMORPG. It's immersive, has fast and fun gameplay, and you constantly feel like you are moving ahead and accomplishing something. Plus, WoW will have a variety of player versus player options (and even if you're not a PvP person, this is something everyone should try out. After all, nothing like testing your skill against a fellow human mind sometimes).

A lot of people are hating on EQ2, but I thought it wasn't TOO bad. But I wouldn't call it anything more than decent, and I definitely will not be buying it. Technology-wise it's impressive (though a bad art direction hampers this), but it just really wasn't very fun to me. Plus, everything about the game screams SLOW (from what I experienced of the early game anyway). Loading screens everywhere. Slow leveling and grinding.... although you did say you like FFXI ( o_O ) and that game felt slow as hell to me.

Honestly, WoW might end up being my favorite game EVER. I would highly recommend it even to people who don't like the MMO genre.


I'm thinking of getting in WoW but I'm seriously fearing the addiction. I don't want to lose my social and academic life. Any genuine opinion/advice on this?


ElyrionX said:
I'm thinking of getting in WoW but I'm seriously fearing the addiction. I don't want to lose my social and academic life. Any genuine opinion/advice on this?
Uhm...moderate yourself?


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
ElyrionX said:
I'm thinking of getting in WoW but I'm seriously fearing the addiction. I don't want to lose my social and academic life. Any genuine opinion/advice on this?

Well... it's addicting as hell, so I don't know what to tell you. :( It's been hurting my homework.

But it's probably one of the fastest-moving MMOs out there. A game like FFXI you need a good 5+ hours to feel like you've accomplished something. WoW you can easily get a ton done in an hour.


EQ2 is gorgeous looking, has a ton of content for all levels. Leveling doesn't feel like a chore, you progress as you discover the new content in dungeons and areas, a truly amazing experience unrivaled on the MMO market. The voice acting also adds a new dimension and makes to world come alive.

WoW is kiddy


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Randam_Hajile said:
Thanks MrCheez.

Np, good luck on the decision. :)

Btw, like Solrak said, open beta starts tomorrow and you can try the game out for free then. :)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
nubbe said:
EQ2 is gorgeous looking, has a ton of content for all levels. Leveling doesn't feel like a chore, you progress as you discover the new content in dungeons and areas, a truly amazing experience unrivaled on the MOO market. The voice acting also adds a new dimension and makes to world come alive.

WoW is kiddy

I will agree that the voice acting does make it pretty immersive. One of the only things about the game that impressed me.

How is WoW kiddy? If you're referring to it's art... my response is similar to what I'd tell someone bashing Nintendo games. You'd be the immature one for a statement like this, not the people who enjoy the game.

And if you're referring to simplicity, I'd need you to elaborate on your argument. The game has plenty of depth.

And even if WoW is kiddy, you are aware that sometimes kiddy can = fun as hell?
DAoC! And WoW is very over-produced which is cool n all, but I prefer DAoC not appealing to all the parts of my gaming habits that make me feel dumb.


Yeah, I fell for Diablo II, a lot, but the Warcraft Universe thankfully never had that pull on me.
nubbe said:
EQ2 is gorgeous looking, has a ton of content for all levels. Leveling doesn't feel like a chore, you progress as you discover the new content in dungeons and areas, a truly amazing experience unrivaled on the MMO market. The voice acting also adds a new dimension and makes to world come alive.

WoW is kiddy



Gold Member
nubbe said:
EQ2 is gorgeous looking, has a ton of content for all levels. Leveling doesn't feel like a chore, you progress as you discover the new content in dungeons and areas, a truly amazing experience unrivaled on the MMO market. The voice acting also adds a new dimension and makes to world come alive.

So is AEG giving you a free copy or free account to post that marketing spew?

EQII needs another solid six months of development time. It's nowhere near ready for release, but SOE is scared to death of WOW so they are rushing it out the door.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Cerebral Palsy said:
It's cool at first... Then quickly becomes annoying. Especially when running through town.

The one thing I really disliked about it was how cheezy a lot of it was. Seemed like all the kerra (cat people) stressed their R's like retards. "How arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you?" Same with the Iksar (lizard people) and their "s"s. But other than that they sounded like normal dudes. Dumb. =/


nubbe said:
EQ2 is gorgeous looking, has a ton of content for all levels. Leveling doesn't feel like a chore, you progress as you discover the new content in dungeons and areas, a truly amazing experience unrivaled on the MMO market. The voice acting also adds a new dimension and makes to world come alive.

WoW is kiddy

I personally am going for EQ2...but you have to remember that the games have to different basic functions...there is PvP in WoW - so you will have griefing and the not so fun stuff (personally that drives me nuts) and EQ2 is totally PvE. Which I personally enjoy a lot more cause its all about the environment instead of killing one another. I was in the EQ2 beta for a short while and really enjoyed my time. I will be picking this up tomorrow to play versus trying the WoW Open Beta (though I might do that as well...just to see what its like and since its totally free)

Doth Togo


WOW ownage.


krypt0nian said:
World of Warcraft is amazingly solid.

And teh elves do da dance de sexay!

Oh and btw the PvP in WoW is concentual.

OH really..didn't know that. Thanks. I still am not a huge fan of PvP though - guess thats why there are different games for different folks with different tastes.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
lexbubble said:
OH really..didn't know that. Thanks. I still am not a huge fan of PvP though - guess thats why there are different games for different folks with different tastes.

WoW has just as much PvE content as any other MMO. Not only that, any class can solo all the way up to 1-60. (Though this is not to say that you never group, everyone groups all the time. It's just possible to accomplish things in more than one way.)


Playing WoW beta now, its ok so far. Going to pick up EQ2 today. I'm a fan of EQ1 so hopefully EQ2 won't let me down. If it does WoW will be purchased.

WoW by a mile. It may be very different 6-12 months from now, but we're talking about right now.

People throwing the 40% complete numbers for EQ2 around aren't far off. They didn't even have an open beta people, sheesh. It's like when a movie is getting released, and it doesn't get screened for critics, that should be your first hint something's wrong.

I understand how people can be misinformed about WoW just being a PvP game. But it's actually the PvE content that is strongest right now.


Agree, neither. Unless have no problem paying $50 and then $15 month till march until bored out of your mind. I realize some consider that exceptable.
madara said:
Agree, neither. Unless have no problem paying $50 and then $15 month till march until bored out of your mind. I realize some consider that exceptable.

Silly me, I thought I was having fun all this time.



Picked up my EQ2 today. Hooray!

Unfortunately the DVD version won't be in till tomorrow or Wednesday so I went with NINE FUCKING CDS


Gold Member
shoplifter said:
Picked up my EQ2 today. Hooray!

Unfortunately the DVD version won't be in till tomorrow or Wednesday so I went with NINE FUCKING CDS

That's what you get :) :lol


Off topic, wasn't the sign up for Open Beta for WoW going to begin today? I don't see anything on the official site yet.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Neither for me as well.

The only MMORPG type game I'll be buying is Guild Wars, and since it's free to play online, I won't have to worry about feeling like I need to spend time mindlessly leveling up or paying to keep my character account if I'm not playing for a period of time.


Lyte Edge said:
Neither for me as well.

The only MMORPG type game I'll be buying is Guild Wars, and since it's free to play online, I won't have to worry about feeling like I need to spend time mindlessly leveling up or paying to keep my character account if I'm not playing for a period of time.

Too bad you have to pay for the new content they will periodically release. Oh, that and the game sucks.
Thanks for the opinions. I've decided to play WoW open beta (if it ever opens) and if I like it (which, from all these impressions, I'm sure I will), I'll probably stick with it. I also now have a nice, Korean WoW wallpaper on my desktop which is keeping me hyped. ^_^

To those who suggested neither, I obviously want to play ONE of them or else I wouldn't have asked. =P

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Bristow said:
Too bad you have to pay for the new content they will periodically release. Oh, that and the game sucks.

Oh, really? Guess I won't be playing ANY OF THEM. :D


Played eq for around 2 hrs.


I like it a lot more than what I played of WoW during stress. I've been hacked to bits about 5 times, and I'm loving every second.
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