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WoW or EQ2


Honestly... those screenshots of EQ2 don't look too bad. Most of the ones are see are junk.

OTOH, I think WOW extends too far in the other direction... maybe it's just that I'm too used to FFXI, but I think a good mix of realism and cartoony makes for great art. Cartoony where it's appropriate and realistic but somewhat exaggerated for other stuff (mainly player characters).

FFXI would be king if it had higher res textures, additional animations (it does a pretty great job with the animations... but there's not enough of them) more customisability/variety, longer draw distances (or better/more consistent fogging to stop popups). It's ground textures are a whole lot better than the ones in WoW IMO... the perception of repeating patterns just isn't nearly as obvious as it is in WoW.


Gold Member
shoplifter said:
So far, I'm am totally loving this. Combat is fast & furious, and it's just BIG.


I agree. The world is extremely impressive and immersive.

I've spent about a year total with EQ2 (from internal Alpha to release) and about 9 months or so with WoW. I'm really enjoying the final retail EQ2 surprisingly.

The first time a Froglock talks to you, it's a bit freaky.
I've been playing WoW open beta now since 6:00 and I'm so loving it. Got a level 7 warrior right now and I can't get myself to go to bed. I think I'm definately buying WoW now. I'll probably try out EQ2 someday down the road (maybe when they start releasing expansions) but right now I'm totally hooked on WoW.


Maybe later when I am not busy playing the game I'll try to take some beauty shots like those posted of WoW. Here are a few snips from my travels this morning:





I really like the new combo system, EQ2 is the most fun I have ever had with a MMORPG at launch. No problems what so ever.
Thanks guys I'll see ya on WoW when it comes out...for now I'm gonna tyr to be a jedi....maybe by the time I'm 40 ('im 28 now) I'll start the padawan trials.

If I can afford it at the time i'll get the CE just for the pet.
No PvP is a gamebreaker for me, the other half is dealing with the terrorists known as SOE
in-game support, who I've heard horrors about.

WoW took a direction for the worse in the last patch, but having been privy in the past to the kind of things that go on in development of these kind of games, I don't think the reagent thing will stand without heavy modification, and I'm betting that durability repair costs will get ratcheted down a bit as well.

Still planning on playing a priest and a mage at release. Priest for solo, mage for grouping w/ my GF (who is playing a Paladin at release, they REALLY rock now).


Gold Member
No PvP is a gamebreaker for me, the other half is dealing with the terrorists known as SOE

Every horror story you've ever heard about a "Rogue GM" was actually a guide, which is why there is no more guide program (they just run events in EQ1 now they aren't in SWG or EQ2).


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Great Wasabi Man said:
I just read some of the FAQ on worldofwarcraft.com. Are hunters as cool as they read?

Now that they are finally a completed class with this patch, yes. :)

From what I have seen, there is NO gimp class in WoW. Some classes still seem to be slightly more uber than others, but every class can solo and do very well. My healer (priest) can solo just fine and even pvp and duel pretty well. O_O (C'mon, isn't that crazy? I love it).

And all the classes are fun. :)
MrCheez said:
Now that they are finally a completed class with this patch, yes. :)

From what I have seen, there is NO gimp class in WoW. Some classes still seem to be slightly more uber than others, but every class can solo and do very well. My healer (priest) can solo just fine and even pvp and duel pretty well. O_O (C'mon, isn't that crazy? I love it).

And all the classes are fun. :)

MrCheez said:
Now that they are finally a completed class with this patch, yes. :)

From what I have seen, there is NO gimp class in WoW. Some classes still seem to be slightly more uber than others, but every class can solo and do very well. My healer (priest) can solo just fine and even pvp and duel pretty well. O_O (C'mon, isn't that crazy? I love it).

And all the classes are fun. :)

And as a bonus, none of your $ will go to SOE! Everyone wins!


I like the scenery pics in EQ2, but when i see the character models, kinda puts me off the game, they look pretty ugly.

That and I don't fancy another timesink after FFXI


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Son of Godzilla said:
Cept mages.

What's wrong with mages? I've seen plenty of them own first-hand. Admittedly I've never been past level 20, but looking at some of the things they can do (polymorph is great for crowd control, blink breaking out of stuns and such, highest AOE damaged in the game, etc) they don't seem like they would be a 'gimped' class.
MrCheez said:
What's wrong with mages? I've seen plenty of them own first-hand. Admittedly I've never been past level 20, but looking at some of the things they can do (polymorph is great for crowd control, blink breaking out of stuns and such, highest AOE damaged in the game, etc) they don't seem like they would be a 'gimped' class.

I think he may be referring to the new Reagents requirement.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
krypt0nian said:
I think he may be referring to the new Reagents requirement.

Ah. Well if so, that is something that's still being tweaked, and I am pretty sure ALL casters have reagents? Rogues even have some (Vanish, for example).
Highest aoe damage on a class that isn't a warlock.

Highest aoe damage by click the damn spell over and over and over again untill you are out of mana or dead.

Not that either are especially bad, you wouldn't be doing much anyways.

Slow Fall costs regeants. What the fuck, backwards x10.

Edi: More complaintzors as they cross my mind----

Warlocks get, at the very least (never played one significantly) new summon every ten levels. Mages toss the same damn three spells they got before level 10.

And actually, if anything Druids are the class gimpzor supreme. I'm just overly bitter about mages because I sunk my time into one for little more than another cape with 3 more int than the last.
And no, I have no problem at all with new reagents. It was going to happen, reagent vendors were in since before the first bloody stress test. At least this way mages won't be hounded for teleports every ten seconds, or requested to join instances on the other side of the damn planet.

The top tier buffs taking reagents surprised me, but I thought they were just gonna get nerfed. I like this better.

Edi: Okay, what the hell... Didn't think I made two replies. I EDIT THSI ONE TOO
WoW will start balanced, and then whichever classes are the most popular will get insane boosts while others get trounced. Did ANYONE play Diablo II? A game where the Necromancer was shat on from day 2 until damn near the apocolypse. Hey sorcs and barbs are cool! koreans love them! booost em up! Awesom3z! balance.
MrAngryFace said:
WoW will start balanced, and then whichever classes are the most popular will get insane boosts while others get trounced. Did ANYONE play Diablo II? A game where the Necromancer was shat on from day 2 until damn near the apocolypse. Hey sorcs and barbs are cool! koreans love them! booost em up! Awesom3z! balance.

Hey wait... Maybe they think this is balanced, then go the usual stupid stupid with the post retail balancing making everything work out in the end? I hereby demand that the whole of Korea play only Druids.
Mages are not a bad class in World of Warcraft, and they are far from gimped. They have one problem that is basically shared with every other cloth class and, to a slightly lesser extent, the druid, and that is the effect of end-game itemisation on their performance. They are limited in a very rigid manner by the list values of their spells.

Other games have done things to allow for better effect of gear on mages-Camelot improves damage and casting speeds, for example. Blizzard will have to come up with something down the road to address this issue, but in their defense both EQ and DAoC didn't handle this until after release as well.

I like both Mages and Warlocks in instance groups-the difference is that I think the mage delievers quickly and sustains the AE damage with less risk than the warlock does. The warlock brings other great things though-soulstones and flee-free pulls, for example, while the mage brings polymorph and free water for the healers, and a free portal back to IF or Ogrimmar when the instance is done.

The mage has had PvP issues but Blink changes have given them some room to work there. Warlocks are brutal in PvP and better than mages, IMO.

Reagent changes are insane, but there's room to work with them. They won't stay as they are, because if they do people will just stop using the spells that Blizzard has in the game.

Edit: I don't have much faith in Blizzard to bring a completely balanced endgame to the table, but they can't screw it up more than Mythic has in their game, that's for sure.
MrAngryFace said:
Thats big of you, but a lot of people base fun off of success. Poor balance hinders that.

Not sure I see what other classes have to do with my personal success. Sounds like jealousy to me.


One of those screen shots looks almost exactly ripped out of LoTR's Hobbiton. Straight out of the movie. Thats real original.
Mala: Just because its MMORPG doesnt mean classes will be balanced. As frag so jadedly pointed out.



MrAngryFace said:
Mala: Just because its MMORPG doesnt mean classes will be balanced. As frag so jadedly pointed out.
Yes it does, it's the whole point of an MMORPG. It took EQ years to do it but they finally succeeded. Blizzard are committed to this and they've showed it with the paladin and hunter changes lately.

Anyways, as long as every classes are a viable option for grouping and soloing, it's fine by me. I don't really care if the grass is greener on the other side, as long as I can play and have some fun. There will ALWAYS be more powerful classes than others (Druids and Wizzies would quad kite in EQ while warriors couldnt even solo 1 mob) so I've learned to accept that.


That was SOE ;)

And reading some rangers EQ boards today I think they've again messed up heh, they'll never change. I welcome Blizzard with open arms with WoW!


Some pictures of my Iksar Crusader
Shame the compresed and resized images dose not do it justice... :(



I like this picture since you can see my guild mate being killed by a hyena in the background :)



Nice screens nubbe. 1st one looks like you have a pet bat on your shoulder :lol

Saw my 1st big named guy, it was a giant naked mole rat in the "caves" zone. It was huge and conned yellow/aggressive with 2 bars for me (lvl 11 crusader). Kinda reminds me of LockJaw from EQ one, its name was SlaverJaw.


MrAngryFace said:
WoW will start balanced, and then whichever classes are the most popular will get insane boosts while others get trounced. Did ANYONE play Diablo II? A game where the Necromancer was shat on from day 2 until damn near the apocolypse. Hey sorcs and barbs are cool! koreans love them! booost em up! Awesom3z! balance.
I really wish you would STFU with these moronic posts when you haven't even played the game. We get it, you were mad because necromancers sucked for awhile in D2 (and then in 1.10 they became godlike). Why don't you talk about DAOC and what makes it good instead of bitching about a game you haven't played that isn't being made by the same people at Blizzard just because you were pissed off about one class in D2.


firex said:
I really wish you would STFU with these moronic posts when you haven't even played the game. We get it, you were mad because necromancers sucked for awhile in D2 (and then in 1.10 they became godlike). Why don't you talk about DAOC and what makes it good instead of bitching about a game you haven't played that isn't being made by the same people at Blizzard just because you were pissed off about one class in D2.

Hope you enjoyed your time here at GAF :)


Gold Member
Here are some pics from the good side:

The steps leading up to Stormwind Castle.


Casting the return to Qeynos spell.


A waterfall in Oakmyst Forest. It looks INCREDIBLE in motion.


MrAngryFace said:
Yes, because Blizzard took till 1.10 to fix the necromancer. Yes, because this is Blizzards first MMORPG. Blind faith rocks.
The necro was fine, it was nerfed because it was too godlike. It was far from being broken until 1.10
Malakhov said:
The necro was fine, it was nerfed because it was too godlike. It was far from being broken until 1.10

I loved the Necro - who else was going to bring the undead to the party.

Too damn fun!
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