Let's get the contrived Sami criticisms out of the way.Why is Sami Zayn the guy who always catches a stray when people start shitting on Roman? lol
Because, everyone has a hate boner for Roman. If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
Undertaker was a dog who needed to be put down, years ago. It's ridiculous that they continued to bring him back to the point where that pile of shit of a match happened.
Because, everyone has a hate boner for Roman. If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
Get back on your main account Jesse/dream/whichever one this is.
He's the face that runs the place, Friend Data.
Let's get the contrived Sami criticisms out of the way.
'lol ska music'
'lol can't talk'
'lol bad gear'
'lol indie darling'
What pic?No love for the NSFW's picture of Bailey?
She have to wins some gaffer's with that, amirete?
He's the face that runs the place, Friend Data.
Only the talking part is valid tbh
Regarding the Roman photo, I didn't watch the show, but you'd think someone who won the main event of Wrestlemania would show some excitement. Or was that supposed to be him super tired? I don't get what I'm supposed to be getting out of that photo.
picture of reigns backstage after winning
doesn't look to happy
I agree they should have turned him heel and going with the tombstone finish would have made it better but the reason Reigns deserves all the hate he gets is because he hasn't improved and has gotten worst which you said yourself in the second paragraph. So he doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt. Cena always put the work in and like you said has improved and added moves but even at his worst. Cena deserved to be the top guy.Roman is hated too much and a lot of people don't give him the benefit of the doubt, ever. They assume every bad move in every match is his fault (it usually isn't), and they'll regularly give their favorite wrestler the benefit of the doubt, but never Reigns.
But that said, Roman is a boring character. His outfit sucks (why is he still wearing Shield gear and the other guys aren't... even though he's the enforcer of that stable?) He has no good moves. He never pulls moves in matches. All of his big moves are strikes or brawling His special move is a strike (superman punch), his second move is a brawl (spear). Further, past guys have been booked to hatred, like John Cena, but Cena has earned a lot more respect over the last few years by adding a lot of moves to his repertoire and also generally always having great matches (save for tonight, a gimmick mixed-gender match). Roman hasn't done this; he's gotten more boring since his singles push.
I really, legitimately, wish WWE made Roman 100% heel tonight, and made him steel the Tombstone to beat Taker. It looked like they wanted to entertain this, and it was botched, but if it was an important spot they would have done it later in the match. I just wish they made him full heel. He's going to get so much heat for retiring Taker at WM, something that no wrestler wants, and so WWE has a real opportunity to turn him fully heel, have him steal the Tombstone, use it on Taker, and then at least he'd have a big match finisher other than a goddam strike.
Remember how Tajiri got booked on the main roster? That's what Nakamura's main roster booking will resemble.Save us Shinsuke. Who am I kidding though? Vince will turn him into the Tokyo Brawler, the new Brooklyn Jobber.
Remember how Tajiri got booked on the main roster? That's what Nakamura's main roster booking will resemble.
No one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.
A nipslip that only the virgins of Wreddit noticed/care about.What pic?
More like C--Sami Zayn is superior likeable, Roman is not. The problem with Roman is that he a b- player in a A+ role
No one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.
Because, everyone has a hate boner for Roman. If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
So a popular mid carder who won a lot of titles?
Because, everyone has a hate boner for Roman. If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
And Undy tried and failed to help that second time. I'm sure both being gassed didn't help, but it's not the same as that Cesaro gif with both men being in sync.You say that like Reigns didn't try brute forcing the second time.
With a hot valet as well
Correction... nobody hates WWE's brand of popularized sports entertainment more than wrestling fans.No one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.
So a popular mid carder who won a lot of titles?
No one hates wrestling more than wrestling fans.
If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
garbage post
I just feel bad for the guy. None of this is his fault
So was taker vs Roman the antithesis of okada vs. Omega?
Correction... nobody hates WWE's brand of popularized sports entertainment more than wrestling fans.
Wrestling fans love wrestling just fine.
That's just not what comprises most of the WWE's product in 2017... and what is presented is terribly booked (thanks to Vince) and terribly shot (thanks to Dunn).
So was taker vs Roman the antithesis of okada vs. Omega?
So was Punk. So was Bryan. So was Ambrose. So were the darn New Day.
Second place means nothing in WWE. When someone hits first place will actually be something.
Think about it. They've megapushed this guy for three years while depushing everyone else and the best he can do is second place?
When CM Punk was red hot and started to outsell the John Cena merchandise, I know people that work in the company in the merchandise department, I know people that work the arenas and sell the merchandise, and I can tell you exactly what WWE did: as soon as John Cena started getting outsold by CM Punk, they made 3 additional John Cena designs, they refused to make a second CM Punk design and they started under shipping the CM Punk design on purpose. For every CM Punk shirt they would ship to the arena, they would triple John Cena shirts and they would do 3 John Cena designs. So every 10 shirts in the arena, if 9 are Cena, only one is Punk. Punk is going to sell out right away cause they didn't send enough and at the end of the night they're going "Oh John Cena quadrupled Punk's merchandise." Of course he did! Because you've puprosely created a situation where it would be impossible for CM Punk to outsell John Cena.
We've told the story on the show before, years ago at Wrestlemania when WWE was struggling. It's Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart in the main event going 60 minutes, people are leaving during the main event, you can check the video tape. People are leaving during the main event of Wrestlemania, and Hall and Nash have both told me that Vince said that night that he would rather have a half full arena cheering for the guy that he says to cheer for than a full arena cheering for whoever they want.
Smarks don't drive ratings. Apparently Roman Reigns is the highest merch guy not named Cena.
Then why do people still watch it? It's like people are trapped in some sort of abusive relationship with the WWE.
picture of reigns backstage after winning
doesn't look to happy
Let's get the contrived Sami criticisms out of the way.
'lol ska music'
'lol can't talk'
'lol bad gear'
'lol indie darling'
Hogan/Yokozuna was worse than this but thinking of all the others compared to this, yeah this is very very low