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WrestleMania 33 Week |OT| The Ride Never Ends.

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I think the difference in skill is not the fact that Roman couldn't deadlift taker in that botch, it was that he didn't improvise something like a better guy would. Shit a reverse ddt, a dragon sleeper, anything would of been better.
He not that strong so probably.


We're only hours away from building up hope that things will get good again on the Raw after Mania!
It's always a nice feeling when the part-timer season horseshit is done away with for another 10 months and the actual workers can get their time in the spotlight once again.

That said, don't expect more than a half-dozen decent RAWs all year and there's no guarantee tomorrow will be one of them.


It's always a nice feeling when the part-timer season horseshit is done away with for another 10 months and the midcard fake champion workers can get their time in the spotlight once again.

That said, don't expect more than a half-dozen decent RAWs all year and there's no guarantee tomorrow will be one of them.

And that's why ratings are tanking. Punk talks about this in that old podcast too.
Is there a gif of that awkward part where Roman was just randomly running for some reason. It was right before the actual finish.

To give Roman the benefit of the doubt, I think the intent there was to build more momentum into his next spear as the first two couldn't get the job done. It was akward from a TV standpoint though.


So I was 9/10 on main card predictions (apart from the Tag Team match).

Also, didn't think Cena would actually propose.


Really annoyed with them chopping the women's matches. Jesus Christ dude that Rollins vs. HHH match wouldn't end. It wasn't even that good either. The Raw women's was much more entertaining to watch and deserved more time.


To give Roman the benefit of the doubt, I think the intent there was to build more momentum into his next spear as the first two couldn't get the job done. It was akward from a TV standpoint though.

Yeah. It looked like he was waiting for Undertaker to stand up but when Undertaker did, he ran right past him so Undertaker had to turn around.


All in All the best parts to me of Wrestlemania was the AJ vs Shane match, The ladder tag team match the raw womans match and the Triple H / Seth Rollins Match.

I was surprised that I didn't mind the brock goldberg match, it was pretty decent for what it was and I liked the aftermatch part of undertakers leaving his outfit in the ring.

It was a pretty poor wrestlemania all in all especially for how long they are.
To give Roman the benefit of the doubt, I think the intent there was to build more momentum into his next spear as the first two couldn't get the job done. It was akward from a TV standpoint though.

Yeah but he did it twice like he or Taker fucked up again and resulted in some awkward lost running.


They beat the undertaker like a dog. Who wanted to see that, and which seemed like for an hour. That's part of the problem... No shame.

As far as seeing AJ and Punk, naw, if they're smart we'll get AJ and Shinsuke. Watch that Tokyo dome match. Thats quality.

Guess we'll see Balor again soon at least. And Naka will be where he belongs, finally. And hopefully the Hardys will make tag great again.
That was a LONG 7 hours. So i'm only going to comment on what i remember.

- Cruiserweight match was the MOTN. The only match booked with good talent that delivered.
- Battle royal sucked. As much as i don't really care for Show that's how you book his last WM?
- IC match sucked. I legit forgot who won.
- AJ/Shane was decent for what it was. AJ shows why he's the best and Shane shows why he should stick to Manager.
Owens/Jericho was very disappointing, had such a good build but they had no chemistry, Jericho while entertaining needs to stop playing with the news guys. He's not horrible but his style is just so slow.
- Womans match was a dud. First one in a long time so they get a pass. Cool moments but nothing memorable.
- Tag match was fun, Love the Broken Hardys but this should have been Enzo and Cass's big title win. Either way i'm interested to see where this is going.
- Mixed tag match was horrible. Cena going for the tag was the most ridiculous thing i'v seen in years. Granted Cena probably wanted nothing to do with this, even the engagement announcement.
- Seth/H was decent. Not sure if Seth is fully healed but AGAIN HHH has NO reason to be in there. HHH peaked with Bryan and should have retired. Now he's slowly burning out till he just can't get up anymore.
-Orton/Wyatt was awful. 3 title changes in 3 months. Awesome carny BS aside i was let down despite Orton being awful for years. Why Vince has a hard on for him is just mind blowing.
-Goldberg/Lesnar was great. Longer then expected. No fuck ups. The no sells were great. Dadberg taking 10 suplexes like a champ was great. Mad props, it was a fun little run. Good for him. Wish Sting had the same.. :(
-SD woman's title. Garbage, i honestly had no clue why anyone thought this might be good. Half of them suck and a 6 way is just way to much to pull off a decent wrestling match no matter how good the talent is.
- Taker/Reigns. I'm legit depressed. That was very hard to watch but this match proved 2 things. 1. Taker is DONE so good thing he's retiring and 2. Reigns again proves he is not good and can't carry a good match. He is boring to watch and can't pull off a good match unless he's with talent that can carry him. It doesn't bug me Reigns got the big win. He still won't get over. Ever.

All in all, it was ok show. First half was solid till the mixed tag match. This Mania proves you need to end part timers Mania, Now.


Really annoyed with them chopping the women's matches. Jesus Christ dude that Rollins vs. HHH match wouldn't end. It wasn't even that good either. The Raw women's was much more entertaining to watch and deserved more time.
Every single Triple H match these days is an exhibit of quantity vs. quality and Triple H thinking that longer equals better. Hell, WrestleMania itself is a perfect exhibit of that.
They beat the undertaker like a dog. Who wanted to see that, and which seemed like for an hour. That's part of the problem... No shame.

As far as seeing AJ and Punk, naw, if they're smart we'll get AJ and Shinsuke. Watch that Tokyo dome match. Thats quality.

Guess we'll see Balor again soon at least. And Naka will be where he belongs, finally. And hopefully the Hardys will make tag great again.

Undertaker was a dog who needed to be put down, years ago. It's ridiculous that they continued to bring him back to the point where that pile of shit of a match happened.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
And Sami Zayn isn't? The IWC worships him.

I'm not a Zayn fan at all, but I can easily see that he works his ass off in the ring. Reigns is a shit promo, he's lazy in the ring, and the only good matches he's had are ones where a far superior opponent carried him (AJ, Owens, etc).


Fucking buzzkill thread or what.

Not everything went the way I would have liked...
My sweet Alexa lost her belt, Miz and Maryse didn't beat Cena and Nikki, Charlotte didn't get her title back, Jericho lost to KO, Ziggler didn't win the a.t.g.m.b.r...

Myself and gf still had a great night though.
I'm happy AJ and Brock won their matches.

Many of you are acting like the wwe sent you ebola.



This is probably the best thing come out of the show, lmao
I did really enjoy the event overall, but beers and buddies and free reign to tell shit was probably part of it. Have to say the Roman win sucked the life out of everything. Though Taker's retirement itself was decently done. Guess I just wish it was someone else who saw him out.

Enjoyed most of the matches, Hardy's were fun, Shane and AJ actually did quite well for what they were given, Seth Vs Haitch was good. Even in the preshow we got a sick end of days reversal by Ambrose. Enjoyed Nia Vs all as well.


I don't get the Roman hate.
You have a bunch of great wrestlers and all of them could be the main guy of the company at some time

But they decided to make the guy that almost everyone hates (because he's bland, has three moves and can't cut a good promo) the main event of Wrestlemania for 3 years on a row, be the winner or main event of Royal Rumble for also 3 years on a row, and make everything about him for freaking 3 years on a row

And it's gonna be 4, because the rumors are that we gonna have Roman vs Brock at 2018 Mania
Regarding the Roman photo, I didn't watch the show, but you'd think someone who won the main event of Wrestlemania would show some excitement. Or was that supposed to be him super tired? I don't get what I'm supposed to be getting out of that photo.
Because, everyone has a hate boner for Roman. If he would have killed himself in bingo halls in front of 40 people for 5 years, would everyone like him?
Thought it was a really good show that ended poorly. Started inexplicably high, because who would've expected AJ/Shane to be as good as it was.

Every match up to, and including Brock/Goldberg was fun to watch. Felt bad for the Smackdown women, and it was just uncomfortable to watch Taker struggle so much.

The slow realization of what was about to happen when the New Day came out before the tag match is probably the best wrestling moment I've experienced since I was a kid. It was really fun, and it feels good to watch both of them to have succeeded on their own terms and found their way back to the big stage.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
The only thing that will make me turn on any WWE programming at this point is AJ Styles is in the ring saying he's the best in the world, and CM Punks music hits.


Regarding the Roman photo, I didn't watch the show, but you'd think someone who won the main event of Wrestlemania would show some excitement. Or was that supposed to be him super tired? I don't get what I'm supposed to be getting out of that photo.
Shawn was crying when he retired Rick Flair and Taker looked sad when he retired Shawn

That's the idea


You have a bunch of great wrestlers and all of them could be the main guy of the company at some time

But they decided to make the guy that almost everyone hates (because he's bland, has three moves and can cut a good promo) the main event of Wrestlemania for 3 years on a row, be the winner or main event of Royal Rumble for also 3 years on a row, and make everything about him for freaking 3 years on a row

And it's gonna be 4, because the rumors are that we gonna have Roman vs Brock at 2018 Mania
Roman is going to be the focus of the company and every WrestleMania until the day Vince dies or the day Roman retires... whichever comes first. There shall be no end to Roman being made to look strong and he will retire EVERY legend from the ring in shit matches until we revere him.

The only thing that will make me turn on any WWE programming at this point is AJ Styles is in the ring saying he's the best in the world, and CM Punks music hits.
Now THAT is a program that would get me to mark out and watch WWE regularly again.
That shit is never happening, though... not in a world where we're trapped in the darkest timeline of a Trump presidency.
I don't get the Roman hate.

Roman is hated too much and a lot of people don't give him the benefit of the doubt, ever. They assume every bad move in every match is his fault (it usually isn't), and they'll regularly give their favorite wrestler the benefit of the doubt, but never Reigns.

But that said, Roman is a boring character. His outfit sucks (why is he still wearing Shield gear and the other guys aren't... even though he's the enforcer of that stable?) He has no good moves. He never pulls moves in matches. All of his big moves are strikes or brawling His special move is a strike (superman punch), his second move is a brawl (spear). Further, past guys have been booked to hatred, like John Cena, but Cena has earned a lot more respect over the last few years by adding a lot of moves to his repertoire and also generally always having great matches (save for tonight, a gimmick mixed-gender match). Roman hasn't done this; he's gotten more boring since his singles push.

I really, legitimately, wish WWE made Roman 100% heel tonight, and made him steel the Tombstone to beat Taker. It looked like they wanted to entertain this, and it was botched, but if it was an important spot they would have done it later in the match. I just wish they made him full heel. He's going to get so much heat for retiring Taker at WM, something that no wrestler wants, and so WWE has a real opportunity to turn him fully heel, have him steal the Tombstone, use it on Taker, and then at least he'd have a big match finisher other than a goddam strike.
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