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WrestleMania 33 Week |OT| The Ride Never Ends.

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Numbers, dude. Show your work. It's not that I don't believe you, but let's all get smarter at this together.

I also want to remind all of you that Roman isn't fighting for the title, because he lost that feud, so he's not the top guy. The Undertaker retiring was going to go last.

WWE's house show numbers have been dropping for the last 2 years. Coincidentally this coincides with Roman Reigns becoming a main eventer



All WWE Events in US & Canada (including TV & PPVs tapings - excludes WrestleMania)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2014 6400 6000 5100 5700
2015 6700 5400 5100 6300
2016 6100 5400

All WWE Events in US & Canada (house shows only)
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2014 5200 4500 4300 5600
2015 5500 4300 4300 5700
2016 4400 4000 4000

Both links reference the Harrington Analysis of Wrestling Observer Newsletter Results numbers as well as WWE's on released data. Couple this with the declining television ratings and the lack of growth in younger demographics and there's literally zero evidence to support the notion that Roman Reigns in his current state is helping the product.
WWE's house show numbers have been dropping for the last 2 years. Coincidentally this coincides with Roman Reigns becoming a main eventer



Both links reference the Harrington Analysis of Wrestling Observer Newsletter Results numbers as well as WWE's on released data. Couple this with the declining television ratings and the lack of growth in younger demographics and there's literally zero evidence to support the notion that Roman Reigns in his current state is helping the product.
I like this post. More like this.

I don't know how we analyze that with this news:

It was noted in the latest edition of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter that with John Cena now being a part-time wrestler, Reigns has been the top merchandise seller of all the full time talent and "there's nobody ready to take his place." Cena will be taking time off after WrestleMania for outside projects, and he has four movies that he are nearing release or will start production (The Wall, Daddy's Home 2, Ferdinand and The Pact).
I'd say it's everyone else dropping the ball. Or just Vince.

But with this merch news, we have to recognize the GAF consensus on Roman isn't the standard opinion, and we shouldn't act like it is.
I'm not saying it's smart to do. Wrestling fans are stupid. Vince knows this.

If wrestling fans were really smart, any time Roman Reigns is in the ring, they'd get out of their seats and come back when he's gone.

You shouldn't have to punish yourself (e.g., sit out the main event of wrestlemania, a ticket that probably cost $200) because you dislike Reigns in that main event. If Reigns were in any other matches other than the main event over the last 2 years, people would get out of their seats and go elsewhere. If it were Reigns v. Orton last night before the Undertaker's last match, I would have used it to go to the bathroom, or earlier, to get a beer.

But when it's Reigns v. Undertaker, in what will likely be Taker's last match, and the final match of Wrestlemania... Fans shouldn't have to sacrifice $200 to show their displeasure.


un-subbed from the network this morning after subscribing for two years. I'm increasingly bummed out by the main event scene, NXT is no longer appointment TV

I enjoyed the first half of Wrestlemania, but I'm voting with my wallet and no longer financially supporting something I'm increasingly finding myself annoyed with


You shouldn't have to punish yourself (e.g., sit out the main event of wrestlemania, a ticket that probably cost $200) because you dislike Reigns in that main event. If Reigns were in any other matches other than the main event over the last 2 years, people would get out of their seats and go elsewhere. If it were Reigns v. Orton last night before the Undertaker's last match, I would have used it to go to the bathroom, or earlier, to get a beer.

But when it's Reigns v. Undertaker, in what will likely be Taker's last match, and the final match of Wrestlemania... Fans shouldn't have to sacrifice $200 to show their displeasure.

Honestly if I was at Mania last year and this year, I probably could've left during the main event and felt like I didn't miss anything of importance.

Not counting the Undertaker's post-match stuff, obviously.
un-subbed from the network this morning after subscribing for two years. I'm increasingly bummed out by the main event scene, NXT is no longer appointment TV

I enjoyed the first half of Wrestlemania, but I'm voting with my wallet and no longer financially supporting something I'm increasingly finding myself annoyed with

NJPW is expanding to America this summer, if anyone's looking for an alternative.


un-subbed from the network this morning after subscribing for two years. I'm increasingly bummed out by the main event scene, NXT is no longer appointment TV

I enjoyed the first half of Wrestlemania, but I'm voting with my wallet and no longer financially supporting something I'm increasingly finding myself annoyed with

I'm probably going to unsub from the network as well. Even when the product isn't good I've still gotten excited for Mania in past years. This year I didn't feel any buzz from Mania what so ever. I think it's time to take a break from WWE.


He's not a solo act, though.

I wasn't talking about just his matches.

Like tonight when he eventually comes out to do a promo (before obviously getting interrupted by Steph or Kurt Angle or someone else).

Fans would rather boo to fuel WWE's narrative of "they're just having fun" than walk out of their seats in mass to send a message WWE can't spin on the spot.


And isn't it weird that this majority routinely shows up to the PPVs to loudly cheer the guy opposite Reigns and boo Reigns? Really weird, right?
Most people buy tickets to events long before it is known who is going to be on the card. I bought my ticket to Mania back in October, the day they went on sale, and I wasn't going to sell it just because I didn't like one person that was competing in a single match that night. The same goes for pretty much any PPV I decide to attend when they come to town. I'm sure now I'll approach that differently now because of the brand split, because I have absolutely zero interest in Raw because of the booking (Reigns included). The people up in the cheap seats at PPVs are the ones that are swayed by who is on the card for the event, while all the higher priced floor and 100 level tickets go to the hardcore fans the second they go on sale, and stay with them even if the main event ends up being something ridiculous like Ellsworth vs a broom.


BAE cky

The thing I can totally say about Reigns is that I love seeing the guy lose or get fucked over at this point. The underdog and constant wins are frustrating as hell sure but it means I'll always root hard for the other guy. Which will hopefully pay off sometime.


You also have to remember that Wrestlemania crowds are smark-heavy.

I don't know how over Sami is with the casual crowds.

Sami has been crushed on TV for close to a year, that hurts anyone with casual crowds. Give him a good story and a push and he'd be over.
I know, right? That shot is a really good shot plus Roman looks like such a solid villain there.

Yep. I think Reigns could be a great villain.

All I'm hoping for is that this odysee with Reigns in 2016/2017 is like WCW kinda-sorta trying out Hogan as a heel when he "went to the darkside" before his NWO turn. Not that Reigns is in the same galaxy as Hogan, either heel, face, or anything in between, but just that maybe they're seeing how it goes before willing to part with all of their merch sales.


The MONEY was all of them paying to be at Wrestlemania. If it was "go away" heat, that place wouldn't have sold out.

X-Pac heat happened because X-Pac was in X-Factor and no one gave a fuck.

Remember that HBK and Diesel played to the Hartford Civic Center at Wrestlemania because no one wanted to see them. Roman isn't getting this reaction. When he does, I'll believe all the dudes saying they don't actually want to see him. As it is, all I see is every dude on the Internet who loves wrestling constantly talking about what they want from Roman.

Eh, most of those tickets were sold even before the card was known. X-Pac of 2017 could have main evented on Sunday and it would have sold out.
Sami's stuck with the unfortunate booking of WWE trying to book a Daniel Bryan-like underdog.

Yeah, DB getting over was simultaneously amazing at the time and one of the worst things to ever happen for people like Sami and Bayley. Now WWE thinks DB got over because of their booking rather than in spite of it, so they are going to book every underdog babyface like him.
I feel like the crowds response to the main event was kinda weird. I dont know if it was muted mics or whatever but I really expected a lot of anger. It was almost like a nothing response to any other match.
Vince would just shift his narrative to "people aren't booing Roman Reigns when he comes out. That means he isn't hated". This is basically what justified Randy Orton's existence before he became a Wyatt.

The smart thing to do would be to stop buying tickets to shows. Vince would get the picture of Roman was wrestling in near empty stadiums


un-subbed from the network this morning after subscribing for two years. I'm increasingly bummed out by the main event scene, NXT is no longer appointment TV

I enjoyed the first half of Wrestlemania, but I'm voting with my wallet and no longer financially supporting something I'm increasingly finding myself annoyed with

I totally understand being kind of down on some of the main stuff. I'm not thrilled with either Orton or Brock having the main titles, and the Reigns stuff continues to suck. However, for me personally, this is probably the most excited I've been about WWE in the past several years. There was a lot of really good stuff this past year. A good amount of it was from the Smackdown side of things, but everything has been improving for the most part.

I feel like they have a lot of momentum coming into the post-mania year, and things are only going to get better with a lot of additions. Finn should be back tonight, Seth is back, the Hardy bros are fucking back!, and we're probably going to see Nakamura debut tonight or tomorrow on Smackdown as well. All of that, or most depending on what happens with Nakamura, should help out Raw quite a bit. Who knows what else happens, more surprise additions, Angle coming back in some role? These two post-mania shows could, and should be incredible.

Again though, I totally get where you're coming from, a lot of WWE still sucks. Vince continues to frustrate me with a lot of his decisions. Despite that though, I am still pumped for this year, and I hope things continue to improve.


Vince has my money if wrestlemania goes back to California
Maybe at the new LA Rams place when they open?

I at least want to go to one Mania

There was a period when Summerslam was in Los Angeles every year. Got to see DX come out in a gold tank one year. Then they stopped because Mania was also on the west coast so they shifted Summerslam east.

Eta- I'm still exhausted from all day wrestling coverage. And I think I burned myself when the Hardy came out. After that, no way did I have any energy left.

You also have to remember that Wrestlemania crowds are smark-heavy.

I would guess WM is the most casual of ppvs. It's like the All Star Game.


Overall, I'd rank this as one of the better WM in recent memory. The carny as fuck Wyatt match was terrible though.


FGC Waterboy
The thing I can totally say about Reigns is that I love seeing the guy lose or get fucked over at this point. The underdog and constant wins are frustrating as hell sure but it means I'll always root hard for the other guy. Which will hopefully pay off sometime.

That's like the textbook definition of a heel, lol. If I had more faith in WWE I'd claim it's been intended to be this way.

I feel like the crowds response to the main event was kinda weird. I dont know if it was muted mics or whatever but I really expected a lot of anger. It was almost like a nothing response to any other match.

Stadiums always have mic issues due to the open air aspect. It was loud there.

but then how would they get on TV with their smarky Roman Reigns signs?

Shhhhh, don't speak the truth. It can burn.

I would guess WM is the most casual of ppvs. It's like the All Star Game.

Due to the costs and time commitment, it's the smarkiest / most hardcore of PPVs. That's why all the indies show up in the area and run shows during WM weekend, etc. They have a captive audience of the most hardcore wrestling fans in the world - might as well use it.
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