That was a terrible ending. Fuck the authority and fuck rollins
That was $10 well spent. I might start watching wrestling again after a close to decade hiatus. Definitely watching RAW tomorrow night. I had a lot of fun. 8/10
That felt like such a burying of Reigns. Ahahaha. I love Seth.
Man, what a surprisingly solid show.
You have horrible judgement.WM Review
Tag Match = C
Battle Royal = B-
IC Title Match = B = Dolph Ziggler in 2014...
Orton vs Rollins = B
HHH vs Sting = A
Divas Match = F
Cena vs. Rusev = Wasted the greatest wrestling entrance of all time. C-
*Rock Segment = B
Undertaker vs Bray = Bray needs to be released. He is a waste of fucking talent and butchered Undertaker bringing his A game. = B-
Brock vs. Tackle Guy = Much better than ever anticipated. B+
Rollins winning = B.
You have horrible judgement.
Divas match was great, stinger H was the stinker of the night, and Taker Bryan was boring.
I can't believe y'all are so happy when you got fucked out of closure to the top storyline between the two top guys who were fighting for the top belt. It is only now that i finally understand why Vince McMahon has been so successful for so long.
That was a terrible ending. Fuck the authority and fuck rollins
You have horrible judgement.
Divas match was great, stinger H was the stinker of the night, and Taker Bryan was boring.
No. I'm an expert. You sound like a mark, Mark.
Divas match was great? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
At least we all agree Bray Wyatt is a fucking cancer.
That was a terrible ending. Fuck the authority and fuck rollins
HHH said on Austin's podcast that the goal now is to work reality. They swerved everyone with the misdirection using sheets and all the obvious signs. This was brilliant. Brock will want his belt back around summerslam. Reigns gets time to get better. But what about bryan and cena? This move also makes sense because u still have draws on the card with an unproven champ who can main event.
More like Vince fucks up and has to use booking Jesus to get his way out of this.2 years in a row the supposed guy loses with a fan favorite walking out with the belt. Maybe Vince is just playing everyone like a damn fiddle.
I can't believe y'all are so happy when you got fucked out of closure to the top storyline between the two top guys who were fighting for the top belt. It is only now that i finally understand why Vince McMahon has been so successful for so long.
Incredible match and finish. It was similar early to the Cena vs. Lesnar SummerSlam match where there were a ton of suplexes over and over Lesnar hit one F-5 early but didn't try the pin. He hit a second one and Reigns kicked out. He hit a third one and Reigns kicked out again. Reigns threw Lesnar into the post and Lesnar bled like you wouldn't believe. He was bleeding all over the place and Reigns made his comeback. Reigns hit several superman punches and Lesnar didn't even go down. He finally put Lesnar down on the third Superman punch and hit two spears but Lesnar kicked out. He tried a spear but Lesnar picked him up and gave him another F-5. Lesnar collapsed. Both were dead. Seth Rollins came in and handed the ref the brifcase. It became a Triple Threat match. He went for the curb stomp on Lesnar, Lesnar put him on his shoulders for an F-5. Reigns then speared Lesnar and both went down. Reigns and Lesnar were dead and Rollins gave Reigns the curb stomp and pinned him, so Rollins won, Lesnar didn't lose and Reigns was portrayed in a totally positive light in losing. Really brilliant booking her because you can do Reigns vs. Rollins now and Lesnar against both guys, and even Lesnar vs. Reigns because nobody won that match.
Ambrose could, the reason being is that he will do whatever he has to in order to win. If he has to use weapons he will, he will destroy himself to win. His character is perfect to take Brock on, and he is a tweener already so no matter what he does to win people will cheer.
HHH vs Sting was an easy A. The most entertaining match of the night. Just real fun overall.
Great moment, for real brehs I kinda wish I'd paid for this.
This has been a great show to me so far yet i still wouldn't pay 10 bucks for the network. Truly my cheapness knows no bounds.
great mania, i feel bad i didn't pay for it (kinda)
It was an aberration that reigns kicked out of three F5s after don't know how many suplexes, effectively making him look better than Cena's Summerslam match, and then having a come back, even if it was thanks to Lesnar getting hit on his head in the ring post.
Vince: "We'll please the fans by not making Reigns champion, but make him look strong, dammit!"
REIGNS HAS THE WORSE SELLING FACE EVER. What a punchable face. Cena looks like Ziggler in comparison.
What brilliant sentiment. Consider me amazed.What a mark!
I can't believe y'all are so happy when you got fucked out of closure to the top storyline between the two top guys who were fighting for the top belt. It is only now that i finally understand why Vince McMahon has been so successful for so long.
Your tag link doesn't even work since when does your opinion matter.
what's wrong with wyatt?
A triple threat of the shield after this is gonna be amazing. Man I'm excited.
Sometimes you gotta shoot a work to get some DUDE'S worked up into a shoot and that's how you MOVE the JABRONI'S into watching the WRESTLEMANIA brother.2 years in a row the supposed guy loses with a fan favorite walking out with the belt. Maybe Vince is just playing everyone like a damn fiddle.
next year should have shao khan triple HHH return
It was an aberration that reigns kicked out of three F5s after don't know how many suplexes, effectively making him look better than Cena's Summerslam match, and then having a come back, even if it was thanks to Lesnar getting hit on his head in the ring post.
Vince: "We'll please the fans by not making Reigns champion, but make him look strong, dammit!"