G giancarlo123x Banned Apr 7, 2014 #9,501 Holy fuck! It was worth sitting through the match for the crowd reactions!
C charsace Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,503 Holy shit! Taker did the right thing. Someone did the right thing. FUCK CENA YOU AIN'T GETTING THAT ONE BITCH!
Holy shit! Taker did the right thing. Someone did the right thing. FUCK CENA YOU AIN'T GETTING THAT ONE BITCH!
C cr_blah_blah Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,506 OH SHIT. BROCK IS A BEAST. WHAT A TERRIBLE MATCH. BROCK IS A BEAST.
A Alucard Banned Apr 7, 2014 #9,510 WHAT. WHAT. WHAT. Shock and awe. Bad match, shocking finish, wrong guy to go over Taker.
N Nocturnowl Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,525 Mother of fuck, swerve of swerves, I can't deal with this! I'm LEGIT SHOOK!
Y Y2Kev TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009 Apr 7, 2014 #9,527 I can't believe they let lesnar break the streak, omg. lololol this roster is so bad
H Hasney Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,533 I was just typing out "3 F5's, what's the fucking point?" and then BAM, the 3 count hit. Unreal. Just screamed out what.
I was just typing out "3 F5's, what's the fucking point?" and then BAM, the 3 count hit. Unreal. Just screamed out what.
M MrPing1000 Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,534 Geez, now I wish Shawn has beaten him. At least those matches were fantastic. That was a giant turd.
styl3s Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,536 This is what happens you smarks. You either get the streak or Bryan as champion. YOU DON'T GET BOTH.
S SmackCrackleNPop Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,538 Wat. Undertaker lost the match. This shitty match. Not like this. NOT LIKE THIS. Should have been HBK
Wat. Undertaker lost the match. This shitty match. Not like this. NOT LIKE THIS. Should have been HBK
H HOMEBOY OVER HERE Banned Apr 7, 2014 #9,539 That was amazing. Hilarious. I don't even care honestly. Who honestly does? Greatest WM of all time.
Z Zertez Member Apr 7, 2014 #9,541 Holy shit, I cant believe the Undertaker agreed to lose at WM. He is either broke or got millions to lose.
Holy shit, I cant believe the Undertaker agreed to lose at WM. He is either broke or got millions to lose.
Parallax best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast" Apr 7, 2014 #9,545 I. i dont know what to think
D darkside31337 Tomodachi wa Mahou Apr 7, 2014 #9,546 holy fucking shit this is AWESOME sets up lesnar vs bryan for the summer. fuck yes. thank you