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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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NeoGAF's smiling token!
This was the guy, killed me. lol


He lost in the same finish from their excellent HIAC match all those years ago. Bookends, but sadly this was a completely average match.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
if this means D-Bry gets the title so the crowd is happy, I dont care :p
The ending is actually a perfect cap off for such a tepid Taker outing, boredom turning into disbelief, witnessing Taker's match quality and streak crumble together.

I'm kinda sad now.

Hey, when you put it like this I'm starting to appreciate it. Fuck Taker for taking so much time in the biggest show of the year when he doesn't work outside of it! This is what he deserves!


Are you joking? Brock is 100x more legit and popular than CM Punk because of winning a major fighting title outside of the WWE. Outside of the holy trinity Brock is the only guy that could break the streak and have it make sense.

Brock Lesnar sucks ass. The only good thing about him is that Heyman came back with him.


I think Taker is done. I think this was his goodbye. I don't think we'll see Taker/Sting. The guy was always willing to lose. He always said he would do what they asked him to do. He proved it tonight.


Well, that is the most legit shocked I've ever been in my entire life watching wrestling. My wife asked me who would win and earlier I was like, oh I'd bet my life, our cat's life, on Taker. No chance in hell Brock wins, blah, no chance at all. Holy crap.
Hey guys remember when undertaker beat Triple H three times at WM? The guy that beat Brock Lesnar last year at WM?

I mean, this is literally a moment I will never forget. But holy christ, WHY? Just to have a moment that will never be forgotten at the 30th wrestlemania?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The day Lesnar went over Taker as 'Mania.

Re-read this statement.

Let it sink in.


Went over Taker.

At WresleMania.

That's all fine.

Here's the killer. You have to add one more line:

In 2014.


Haven't watched WWE in several years now but just heard Taker lost. I wanted to express my disbelief. Wanted Kane to end his streak though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
People who think they should have given it to a young guy. It's been said before, but it would have made that young guy reviled by the fans. Not legit heat, like 'fuck you I hate you' heat.

Brock lives off that shit. Brock is a legitimate threat due to his history. Who the fuck else would he give it to? The guy who stormed out butthurt he had to wrestle Triple H? Daniel Bryan, so people can fucking hate him to death? Sting, a guy who would work less matches than Brock, if any?


Seriously, is there any chance that Taker just decided to say fuck it, and chose to chuck the script and just not kick out? The commentary team seemed totally unprepared for this, and Brock's music took quite a while to actually play.
Nah, the graphic on the Titan tron says it all. Taker is done, he needs to retire. This was a great way to leave and give some major major heat to his friend Brock.


love on your sleeve
I always figured that rub would go to a young guy, not a part timer.

Just give me a Bryan/Lesnar feud now.


I for real feel bad for Taker that his streak and no doubt career ended with such a whimper. I know he can't be pleased with that match. It sucks that a dude who has meant so much to WWE had to go out because he COULDN'T go anymore.

Vince should come out right now and they should hug and cry.
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