I don't think Taker's streak is gonna end. It's gonna be one of those things that he's gonna take with him until he retires.
If they wanted me to be bored for 20 minutes and then pissed at how dumb this was then yeah. Perfect booking.
Not sure I understand why they wasted this on Brock Lesnar. Should have been someone new.
This match was awful, but no.
Shawn hasn't.
This just baffles me...Broken by a part timer...With Sting next year...And Mania 32 in Texas...I just...What???
For those wanting the Gif.
I will give him his due, but the crowd was not giving him what he obviously was waiting for and wanting.
Dragging it out was only making it worse.
Agreed, this was a master stroke.The shock you all feel means that they've pulled the match PERFECTLY!
This is for a reason. Palette cleanse. WWE back loaded the card before and it never turns out right, the crowd is died by the end. They need something to cheer for and not gas out.Everyone pumped up now for the divas match?