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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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So... now that Lesnar broke the streak, has his stock risen since losing to John Cener (and HHH)? I just felt like he's been booked so weak during this run, and the only real good match he's had was with Punk.

Lmao at the Lesnar plant


Someone just needs to try and rationally explain this to me.

The only thing I can think of is Taker just respects him that much. But even then, someone (Triple H) should have vetoed the hell out of that.

Lesnar is the biggest name wrestling and the only legit threat due to his being a champion in a real fighting promotion.
Most definitely the best Mania in years. Probably since 17 or 19. Even with the straight up bad Taker/Bork match that at least had the memorable ending, and the terrible ending to Cena/Bray.

Bryan/HHH was the best WM since 25. That was a great, old school and brutal match. Something straight out of 80s NWA and/or Watts era WCW. And Bryan winning 100% clean with no shenanigans.

The battle royal was pretty fun once it got down the final 5-8 and Cesaro winning was DOPE.

Cena/Wyatt was really enjoyable until probably the worst finish possible for the match. Bray looked great, he was super over, but if they really HAD to have Cena go over, it should have at least been to Bray passing out/laughing while passing out to the STF. Not an FU OUTTA NOWHERE.

Taker/Bork sucked. It was a bummer to see Taker just not be able to go anymore. I feel bad for him that the streak and most likely his career had to end with such a poor performance. I know he can't be happy with that match and it is sad to see him go out as such a broken shell of what he was. And it sucked for Brock because he can't do what he does because Taker was in such bad shape, so it made him look bad at the same time. But him breaking the streak must mean that he's going to sticking around for a while longer, which makes me happy. I wish he'd come back to a semi-full time role.

I didn't really watch the Divas match, but what I did see wasn't bad.

Main event was a lot better than I ever expected. Bryan winning was the right choice and it is really amazing that Bryan Danielson, a guy who I've followed since the beginning of ROH, closed out the 30th Wrestlemania as champion.
I was just typing out my thoughts, but you've beaten me with pretty much exactly what I was going to write, right down to saying this was the best Wrestlemania since 19. Bryan actually tapping out Batista was the perfect ending to the show.

Lesnar breaking the streak and (presumably) being pushed as the monster of all monster heels makes those losses to Triple H and Cena in the last two years even more bizarre. Brock winning is such a big blemish on this PPV. Plenty of many have had crappy matches like that, but it feels so much worse than that. I don't see any outcome where the consensus isn't "Taker should have just retired last year and been in the HOF this year"

Bryan winning though and that celebration was exactly what I wanted though, so that certainly helps me get over it.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
He was booked to win the match and he was "agenting" it for the lack of a better term. He called a comeback, Jericho and Edge were like "don't do that", he did it anyway, it made Nexus look awful, and he told them they were right after the show.

The "Cena is on a power trip" stuff is obnoxious internet smark conjecture. Nobody has ever accused him of it who has any inside knowledge. He's their big merch seller, he's their big kiddy ticket. That's why he wins, that's why they can't turn him heel. He'll turn when they pass the ball completely and he'll lose a lot more.

He's lost, clean, to Brock, Punk, Bryan and Rock in the last two years. He'll probably lose to Bray next month.
You do uh... You do remember what he did after losing clean to Brock, right?
Was I the only one who thought the taker match finish was a botch with how it ended with silence and everything? I said no fucking way out loud.
It sure didn't feel like an actual ending to the match. I think everyone (including me) thought it'd be another false finish. It came out of nowhere and it did feel like somebody botched. Then once they showed the crowd reactions and put up the 21-1 graphic everything seemed much more real.
So... now that Lesnar broke the streak, has his stock risen since losing to John Cener (and HHH)? I just felt like he's been booked so weak during this run, and the only real good match he's had was with Punk.

I just hope this means Lesnar signs for more dates. He's the heel of all heels now. Shit better motivates his Jimmy Johns eating ass.
Nice to see Bryan win the title. =)

I fully expect Brock to rip it off him in May though. =x

Brock vs Bryan sounds like a good bet. But I think Bryan keeps it until MITB before losing to Lesnar who then loses to Big Dave at Summerslam, after they use the next few months to turn Big Dave face again so he can be a face champ for Guardians.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
So... now that Lesnar broke the streak, has his stock risen since losing to John Cener (and HHH)? I just felt like he's been booked so weak during this run, and the only real good match he's had was with Punk.

Ending the streak is like a giant fucking reset on everything they've done to make Brock look like a wuss.

If Raw doesn't end tomorrow with the start of Lesnar vs Bryan then they fucked up.
Stop being such a mark. Even I don't take Kane as seriously as you seem to take Punk.

You honestly asked who was more over? Are you joking? Their primes were in totally different era's. The NAO were more over during the AE than Punk is now. Hell, Matt Hardy fans were able to put together a better takeover of RAW when he was gone than Punk fans could now.

You are seriously overestimating how much I care about Punk. I simply responded to your post putting down punk despite him achieving more in his 1 and a half year career in the WWE than Kane did in his 75 year career. I harbour no ill will but I just don't care about the objective fact that Punk's more important to the WWE than Kane; if you want to call me out do it over me thinking Bray/Cena killed the show tonight.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just hope this means Lesnar signs for more dates. He's the heel of all heels now. Shit better motivates his Jimmy Johns eating ass.

The allure of Lesnar is that he only works a few matches. It makes all his matches feel special. Even Heyman said it, he's a 'big money match' guy, even in a worked sport like pro wrestling.
I can understand thinking that it was botch. I didn't think it was real for about 30 seconds.

But let's get real. They would have done all in their power to fix the 3 count if it was a botch. Bret would have gotten up from his seat and said the ref was Nick Patrick in a flesh mask.
If Taker knew it was his last go I wish he would have done it against someone who could use the rub. I mean, I don't get losing to Brock, I just don't.
You are seriously overestimating how much I care about Punk. I simply responded to your post putting down punk despite him achieving more in his 1 and a half year career in the WWE than Kane did in his 75 year career. I harbour no ill will but I just don't care about the objective fact that Punk's more important to the WWE than Kane; if you want to call me out do it over me thinking Bray/Cena killed the show tonight.

this entire post, lmao


You aren't the only one. People are thinking Taker called an audible and just let Brock beat him.

Yeah it looked like he said something to Lesnar right before the winning F5. Not sure what it was, but he could very well have been telling him to win it. The crowd reaction was indeed not what was expected, I'm sure.


The show was pretty much perfect besides Wyatt/Cena and Taker/Lesnar. Cesaro winning the Battle Royale was a great surprise.

I feel the end of the streak REALLY ruined the show, though. Not even Bryan's big moment could save it at that point. For fucks sake, if you're going to end the streak, why is that match not the main event? THE STREAK is the biggest wrasslin angle EVER. Bryan doesn't even come close, honestly.

Christ. While I don't think they should have EVER ended the streak, there is a right way to do it. Tonight was wrong on EVERY level. Bad build, bad match, unworthy opponent, not the main event...FUCK.
The allure of Lesnar is that he only works a few matches. It makes all his matches feel special. Even Heyman said it, he's a 'big money match' guy, even in a worked sport like pro wrestling.

Not matches, dates. Just the very appearance of him. He is history's legit greatest monster in my opinion. I don't care, I'm fucking excited. This better build to Lesnar/Bryan.


Ending the streak is like a giant fucking reset on everything they've done to make Brock look like a wuss.

If Raw doesn't end tomorrow with the start of Lesnar vs Bryan then they fucked up.

I hope it does, and I also hope that Orton and Batista interrupt saying they want 1 on 1 shots and they build that until Summerslam. Would be an awesome build just to have part-time Brock just always in the background, waiting.


Yeah it looked like he said something to Lesnar right before the winning F5. Not sure what it was, but he could very well have been telling him to win it. The crowd reaction was indeed not what was expected, I'm sure.

He told him to give him another F5. That's why it sounds like it wasn't entirely planned. Or at the least, only Undertaker and Vince knew about it. I don't even think Brock knew with the look on his face.


The show was pretty much perfect besides Wyatt/Cena and Taker/Lesnar. Cesaro winning the Battle Royale was a great surprise.

I feel the end of the streak REALLY ruined the show, though. Not even Bryan's big moment could save it at that point. For fucks sake, if you're going to end the streak, why is that match not the main event? THE STREAK is the biggest wrasslin angle EVER. Bryan doesn't even come close, honestly.


I feel making it the main event would be a giveaway that it's gonna be ending (especially if it's not a title match). I don't mind it being a shock, but there should have been some kind of build up, or at least not have been broken by a part timer.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Not matches, dates. Just the very appearance of him. He is history's legit greatest monster in my opinion. I don't care, I'm fucking excited. This better build to Lesnar/Bryan.

He's the closest thing to Andre booking in years. He's the guy in the shadows that could just come snatch the title whenever he feels like it. As long as they don't book him against Triple H.
Bryan chasing the title was getting stupid though. I'm glad it is over because it dragged on for at least a couple of months too long.

Box ticked, time to move on now, most likely with him taking on Cena again. Remember, you can only fight Cena when you have beaten Cena and since Bryan won last time he has earned the right to get buried.


Bryan vs. Lesnar would be awesome and make total sense but I just don't see Batista not being the champion come Guardians of the Galaxy season.


more money than God
You are seriously overestimating how much I care about Punk. I simply responded to your post putting down punk despite him achieving more in his 1 and a half year career in the WWE than Kane did in his 75 year career. I harbour no ill will but I just don't care about the objective fact that Punk's more important to the WWE than Kane; if you want to call me out do it over me thinking Bray/Cena killed the show tonight.
What does Kane have anything to do with it? You just brought him up randomly. And how did Punk achieve more? Are you talking about championships? Wins? Who gives a shit about that? It's a fake sport. In terms of real matters (dollars), Kane likely drew more, like I said, that has more to do with him being in the AE than him being Kane.

The hell does Kane have to do with it?


Was I the only one who thought the taker match finish was a botch with how it ended with silence and everything? I said no fucking way out loud.

I kind of thought maybe they called an audible in the ring (which I was thinking and posted that they might as well because of how bad Taker looked), but the 21-1 graphic should dispel any thoughts of that. Since it ended, Taker should never have a match again. Especially since I think tonight proved that his body is completely done, which is why the streak ended.

My thoughts are that this means Brock is going to stay around for a while and hopefully someone (like Bryan) beats him. Otherwise it is kind of a waste for everyone.


The show was pretty much perfect besides Wyatt/Cena and Taker/Lesnar. Cesaro winning the Battle Royale was a great surprise.

I feel the end of the streak REALLY ruined the show, though. Not even Bryan's big moment could save it at that point. For fucks sake, if you're going to end the streak, why is that match not the main event? THE STREAK is the biggest wrasslin angle EVER. Bryan doesn't even come close, honestly.

Christ. While I don't think they should have EVER ended the streak, there is a right way to do it. Tonight was wrong on EVERY level. Bad build, bad match, unworthy opponent, not the main event...FUCK.

Bryan's win at the end mitigated the downer of the Streak ending, somewhat. If you'd ended the show with the Streak ending, you'd have just caused a wave of suicides outside the Superdome.


The question now is, which came first?

Vince: Taker has had enough, Lesnar is ending the streak this year.
Punk: ? Fuck that I'm done.

I doubt anyone other than the McMahons and the agent for the match knew the finish. You don't want that one getting out anywhere.
Looking at the odds and how they shifted before the event is pretty crazy.
Bray went from -300 to +250
Taker went from like -20000 to -3000
HHH was favorite for "initial ruling" and underdog for "end of match" ruling for a while
Rusev was the favorite at -167 (who wasn't even in it after all) but that shifted to "mystery wrestler/Field" being -120 right before the rumble.
The show was pretty much perfect besides Wyatt/Cena and Taker/Lesnar. Cesaro winning the Battle Royale was a great surprise.

I feel the end of the streak REALLY ruined the show, though. Not even Bryan's big moment could save it at that point. For fucks sake, if you're going to end the streak, why is that match not the main event? THE STREAK is the biggest wrasslin angle EVER. Bryan doesn't even come close, honestly.


Make that match the main event and you don't get as big a reaction. It was setup to deliver the biggest shock possible and it did. There'll never be another moment quite like that.


Neo Member
If Taker knew it was his last go I wish he would have done it against someone who could use the rub. I mean, I don't get losing to Brock, I just don't.

If you have to end the streak it sort of makes sense giving it to someone who it's not going to damage. If you give it to say, Reigns next year, there's a strong chance the fan just turns on him. Ofc, you don't have to end the streak though.
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