There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
Lowlight for me was the quality of Taker's match. It was really dreadful, swerve aside.
Soooooo happy!Legit tears of joy, all the shit we've been through.... its all ok now.
Heel Cena vs DBry
There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
I said it in the chat, Lesnar was gonna get the W and signage from Dana.GOAT
The swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?
There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
Randy Orton after the Batista Bomb-RKO:
Cena is the ultimate company man. If they asked him to curtain jerk he would do it in-between his cheesy PR interviews with Michael and Kelly or The View.
SES Punk was the best Punk.
A truly great show needs low points and none will every be lower than the streak ending. The show set the viewer up with crazy highs, only to send them plunging with the biggest low in Wrestling history. Then they somehow managed to bring everyone up for the ultimate high to end the show. It was a fantastically booked show.
Nobody got perfect results in the WrassleGAF poll, huh
Why does it have to be a wrestling match?There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
Someone just needs to try and rationally explain this to me.
The only thing I can think of is Taker just respects him that much. But even then, someone (Triple H) should have vetoed the hell out of that.
I'm pretty sure Punk doesn't need a mark to fight his battles for him.
I think since taker didn't talk after the match tonight that he will tomorrow saying he's retiring and sting will interrupt him and challenge him to a final match at Wrestlemania 31. I think it's great that he lost tonight because sting going against the streak would mean a lose from the very beginning.There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
The swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?
There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
Cena is the ultimate company man. If they asked him to curtain jerk he would do it in-between his cheesy PR interviews with Michael and Kelly or The View.
They knew what the crowd reaction was going to be and wanted to sell it, which was smart imo.
To take in the best crowd reaction everThe swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?
Now that the streak is out of the way, it really should be Kane vs. Taker in a double retirement match. I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise.Wich wrestler would be better to "retire" Taker? I can imagine Stone Cold or maybe The Rock
Of course they don't get itlol these clowns shitting over Lesnar winning.
they dont get it.
The person that beat the streak is the ONLY NCAA wrestling champ, UFC heavyweight champ AND WWE champ. The chances of having a person with those accomplishment like that will never ever happen.Of course they don't get it
I don't get it
Please help me get it
Man, Agnew is legit shocked over the undertaker loss. I doubt he loss because someone told him too. Its his decision and it could because he felt like he couldn't do it anymore.
Man, Agnew is legit shocked over the undertaker loss. I doubt he loss because someone told him too. Its his decision and it could because he felt like he couldn't do it anymore.
The swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?
No one else on the roster, or hell, anyone else in the last decade, could have made that ending work afterr the Streak ending broke the crowd's heart.