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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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The bookies must be fucked though, all the morons who betted money on Brock winning because they think wrestling real and Brock would win in a real fight...


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16

Soooooo happy! :D Legit tears of joy, all the shit we've been through.... its all ok now.


Lol <3

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?

They knew what the crowd reaction was going to be and wanted to sell it, which was smart imo.


I'm guessing Taker will nearly retire tomorrow night, then Sting will surface to ask for one last match at WM31.
Can't believe the Network actually worked. Thoroughly enjoyed the show. Was thinking "how much longer can they possibly trot Taker out here, this is Not good" right around the time he got pinned... still a shocking moment for sure. Good way to spend a Sunday night!


To those who are saying Dbry still would've found his way into the main event had Punk never left, I kinda agree, but I really doubt they would've put him over Batista.


A truly great show needs low points and none will every be lower than the streak ending. The show set the viewer up with crazy highs, only to send them plunging with the biggest low in Wrestling history. Then they somehow managed to bring everyone up for the ultimate high to end the show. It was a fantastically booked show.

I mean, him losing would always be bad but the fact that the match was boring as hell doesn't help.
Someone just needs to try and rationally explain this to me.

The only thing I can think of is Taker just respects him that much. But even then, someone (Triple H) should have vetoed the hell out of that.

Yeah, I don't know what in the hell Vince was thinking unless tomorrow night they set up some shit that knocks this out of the book. Maybe there's something we didn't realize and the match really wasn't over.
There goes our dreams of Sting vs. Taker.
I think since taker didn't talk after the match tonight that he will tomorrow saying he's retiring and sting will interrupt him and challenge him to a final match at Wrestlemania 31. I think it's great that he lost tonight because sting going against the streak would mean a lose from the very beginning.
Damn all hamsters must have been on that ppv cause nothing will play more than 10 seconds now on the network for me. It's cool though respect to the quality of the ppv


Tomodachi wa Mahou
The swerve was the only thing that saved it, IMO. What was the deal with it taking them five minutes to hit Lesnar's music after the win?

That was actually great story telling. Really built up that moment of complete fucking shock at Taker actually losing. Even Brock himself was legit shook.


If the Shield was in the worst match of the night*, it must have been a pretty good Mania.

*Divas title match excluded, but even that was better than expected.



Cena is the ultimate company man. If they asked him to curtain jerk he would do it in-between his cheesy PR interviews with Michael and Kelly or The View.

How is he the "Company guy" when he intentionally sabotaged Tyler Rekks, Put Alex Riley in the dog house for calling him out, and got Kenny Dykstra released to avoid having to deal with his Edge tier fooling around on the side?


Man, Agnew is legit shocked over the undertaker loss. I doubt he loss because someone told him too. Its his decision and it could because he felt like he couldn't do it anymore.


Man, Agnew is legit shocked over the undertaker loss. I doubt he loss because someone told him too. Its his decision and it could because he felt like he couldn't do it anymore.

Yeah. I don't know if he called an audible during the day or what but it definitely looks like he's ready to retire.


It saddens me to say but Punk leaving was the best thing that could've happened to Mania. There was no place for him in the card and it would've just ruin the Bryan story.


Man, Agnew is legit shocked over the undertaker loss. I doubt he loss because someone told him too. Its his decision and it could because he felt like he couldn't do it anymore.

It is upsetting to see that happen, but he just looks so worn out after 20-30 minutes.


They must be planning to Induct taker into the HoF in Dallas at Mania 32. That seemed like the perfect place for the final streak match though.

Big One

I'll give a rundown of Mania:

Pre-show Tag Team match - It took a little while to gain steam, but the last half was pretty awesome especially the Cesaro babyface turn.
Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H - Easily the match of the night. Great match overall.
Shield vs. Old Guys - It sucked outside of the final Outlaw spot with the Shield. I'm kind of glad it was a squash though cause I hate seeing old guys like this taking up any airtime.
Battle Royale - Had some good spots, but was meh overall and I don't like this as a yearly event. Cesaro getting the win was great, though.
Wyatt vs. Cena - Despite being rather limited I thought this match on a psychology level and storytelling level was fantastic, then Cena won the match...
Undertaker vs. Lesnar - Honestly, this match sucked and is probably the worst of the matches on the entire show outside of the short Shield match. At least the Diva's match had a cool spot. However on a storytelling level, the end was just so shocking and will go down forever in wrestling history as one of the most shocking moments ever. For that I will say it deserves that credit, plus the match being awful was more Undertaker not being able to go than Brock being gassed out, so it's understandable why Undertaker decided to end his career here.
Diva's match - Had some cool spots I guess so it wasn't that bad. I just rather have had this be a real one-on-one match with some type of build. The Andre Battle Royale had more build than this crap.
Orton vs. Batistia vs. Bryan - Kind of started out badly cause of how dead the crowd was about Taker, but picked up steam once Triple H got involved. It actually turned out to be one of the best matches on the show, and you could even argue that on a level of storytelling and having iconic moments, this is just as good if not better than Triple H vs. Daniel Bryan. Overall, great moment for Daniel Bryan.

I kind of feel a lot of stuff here is rubbing salt in CM Punk's wound, but I'm ok with that, because this Mania was overall a great show outside of the lack of a real Shield match and Cenawinslol. Great stuff.


No one else on the roster, or hell, anyone else in the last decade, could have made that ending work afterr the Streak ending broke the crowd's heart.

I think it wouldn't have worked as well if it was booked straight, but with all the shenanigans, it brought them back from the dead. Was a perfect storm in the end.
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