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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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I really don't understand the Cena/Wyatt match not ending with a Cena DQ. Everything was building quite well towards that, and it would have been intriguing to see what "Cena snapping" would have meant for him moving forward. It wouldn't have weakened him, and would have Wyatt a real psychological threat.

The rest of the PPV was pretty on point -- the Taker/Lesnar ending obviously blew my mind, but given how spent Undertaker looked throughout, it also made sense. Who knows what sort of shape he would have been in a year or two from now? Better to go out at the crest, than hold out for the potential of a dream match moment that may never come.


Wasnt completely burying the nexus single handedly Cena's idea which everyone tried to talk him out of?

He was booked to win the match and he was "agenting" it for the lack of a better term. He called a comeback, Jericho and Edge were like "don't do that", he did it anyway, it made Nexus look awful, and he told them they were right after the show.

The "Cena is on a power trip" stuff is obnoxious internet smark conjecture. Nobody has ever accused him of it who has any inside knowledge. He's their big merch seller, he's their big kiddy ticket. That's why he wins, that's why they can't turn him heel. He'll turn when they pass the ball completely and he'll lose a lot more.

He's lost, clean, to Brock, Punk, Bryan and Rock in the last two years. He'll probably lose to Bray next month.


more money than God
I'm sorry for lowering Punk down to Kane's levels. I'm just still salty about some of the shit that happened tonight but I'll cool down now.
Stop being such a mark. Even I don't take Kane as seriously as you seem to take Punk.

You honestly asked who was more over? Are you joking? Their primes were in totally different era's. The NAO were more over during the AE than Punk is now. Hell, Matt Hardy fans were able to put together a better takeover of RAW when he was gone than Punk fans could now.





I watched on maybe a couple of minutes delay because I paused it a couple of times and it was perfect. An excellent showing for the network.


I gotta ask using logic how in the hell did HHH beat Lesnar last year at WM but couldn't defeat taker 2 years in a row?

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
well brock and taker had practiced there match before hand, i wonder if during there practice taker realized he couldnt go anymore


Easily better than Wrestlemania 29.

Things that will stick with me from this for good reasons:
-HHH's entrance
-Stephanie's yelling and taunting
-Cesaro picking up show
-Bray's entrance
-Bray's and Cena's psychology during their match
-Taker losing
-Bryan winning...WHAT A MATCH. 5 stars. Meltzer approved. They HAD ME during the last two false finishes. I was going to shit myself in the theatre. And I'll remember the confetti and the random blonde woman with the girl. (Bryan's sister?...Mom?...)

Things that will leave a bad taste in my mouth
-Cena kicking out of Sister Abigail and going over Bray for NO GODDAMN REASON
-Taker and Brock having a slow and plodding match that could be called legit boring
-the commentary...the commentary on this Mania was absolutely atrocious at times. Not the right passion. Not the right stories being told. Not the right amount of engagement or investment in the product. Just sleepy and boring.

Things I will forget from this Mania:
-The Shield match minus their bandanas during their entrance
-Divas match
-Battle Royal minus Cesaro picking up Show

Overall, a 7/10 Mania for me. Maybe a 7.5. Summerslam was better.


I just want to say the WWE Network was immaculate tonight. I know some people had intermittent issues but for me, it was damn near flawless. I think we can safely say the network is now a success.


Most definitely the best Mania in years. Probably since 17 or 19. Even with the straight up bad Taker/Bork match that at least had the memorable ending, and the terrible ending to Cena/Bray.

Bryan/HHH was the best WM since 25. That was a great, old school and brutal match. Something straight out of 80s NWA and/or Watts era WCW. And Bryan winning 100% clean with no shenanigans.

The battle royal was pretty fun once it got down the final 5-8 and Cesaro winning was DOPE.

Cena/Wyatt was really enjoyable until probably the worst finish possible for the match. Bray looked great, he was super over, but if they really HAD to have Cena go over, it should have at least been to Bray passing out/laughing while passing out to the STF. Not an FU OUTTA NOWHERE.

Taker/Bork sucked. It was a bummer to see Taker just not be able to go anymore. I feel bad for him that the streak and most likely his career had to end with such a poor performance. I know he can't be happy with that match and it is sad to see him go out as such a broken shell of what he was. And it sucked for Brock because he can't do what he does because Taker was in such bad shape, so it made him look bad at the same time. But him breaking the streak must mean that he's going to sticking around for a while longer, which makes me happy. I wish he'd come back to a semi-full time role.

I didn't really watch the Divas match, but what I did see wasn't bad.

Main event was a lot better than I ever expected. Bryan winning was the right choice and it is really amazing that Bryan Danielson, a guy who I've followed since the beginning of ROH, closed out the 30th Wrestlemania as champion.


Yeah, can't believe I was getting up to make food when Brock had him up for that last F5 thinking "Fuck these false finshes"... Then just kinda sat there in disbelief until the Divas match.
Fuck the haters, the general atmosphere of Undertaker losing was worth it alone.



The best part of the Lesnar win was probably that even the referee, time keeper, and announcers were shocked that the match was over. They didn't even ring the bell for a good while.
He was booked to win the match and he was "agenting" it for the lack of a better term. He called a comeback, Jericho and Edge were like "don't do that", he did it anyway, it made Nexus look awful, and he told them they were right after the show.

The "Cena is on a power trip" stuff is obnoxious internet smark conjecture. Nobody has ever accused him of it who has any inside knowledge. He's their big merch seller, he's their big kiddy ticket. That's why he wins, that's why they can't turn him heel. He'll turn when they pass the ball completely and he'll lose a lot more.

He's lost, clean, to Brock, Punk, Bryan and Rock in the last two years. He'll probably lose to Bray next month.

He beat Brock. And I guess the first match vs Punk was "clean" but there were other things going on and he never lost to Punk clean after that.
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