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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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love on your sleeve
Cena vs. Reigns.



Holy shit I'm impressed. What a fantastic Wrestlemania... aside from out of nowhere Cena. Everything was flawless. Orton took that monitor like a champ.
Ok now that I've enjoyed Daniel Bryan's win enough I can mention Undertaker.

Legit shook.

I couldn't believe it, simply, no words.


I don't understand, why Bork? Why? What purpose does it serve? That was Undertakers legacy, he should have left with it. :(

Obviously it was his decision, I just don't get why Bork. Why not someone who could have used it their entire career? It would have cemented a star forever, no matter what ups and downs he had he could always say yea well guess who after all the f**king HoF guys UT has beat at WM it was ME who beat him.

Not a part-timer who abandoned them years ago then returned with the promise of much moneys. Someone who's future with them is beyond unknown.

Maybe CM Punk left because he's a huge UT mark and couldn't stand it happening this way. :p

I just don't understand. I need info, I want a book or DVD story, I need to know the reasoning as to why it happened at all let-a-lone why it happened like that. Just seemed like a huge waste of 21 year build.

Farewell Undertaker. :( You shouldn't have been so 'good wrestler guy' and determined to put someone over. You deserved to go out with that legacy.



Triple H vs Daniel Bryan: Match of the night for me. Crowd was super into this match. Triple H coming out almost literally as a video game final boss was amazing. Good ring work from both wrestlers, Bryan came out looking crazy good. Surprised they let Bryan go over clean on HHH, HHH's attack on Bryan at the end made sense from that perspective.

Kane/NAO vs The Shield: Was actually kind of happy this was a squash match. The Outlaws have overstayed their welcome and I honestly don't think Kane really has it anymore, despite looking in good shape physically. Corporate Kane has completely killed his character too. Good way to get momentum for The Shield.

Andre Jobber Royal: Okay, I legit marked out for Kofi's spot. I don't know how they can fucking plan that to go so perfectly with something so precise like that. I thought Big Show was totally going to win this, but Cesaro getting the rub was amazing. I was legit impressed with how easily he picked up Big Show.

Cena vs Wyatt: Oh god, who could have imagined that Cena would have overcame the odds and defeated fear itself?! The match was actually pretty good but the ending was crazy lame. They need to stop teasing evil Cena an just fucking go with it one of these days, because every time they tease Cena 'snapping' and yank back it means less and less.

Taker vs Brock: The match was bad. If it was intentionally bad for story reasons, that makes the match worse. There's no reason to book a match that makes both wrestlers look bad, especially at Wrestlemania. I have no issue with The Streak being destroyed, but the build up to this match gave absolutely no inclination that Brock had a legitimate chance to defeat Undertaker. If you're going to have Brock go over, actually make it look like he has a chance. Bryan, Orton, and Batista should have all been legitimately pissed at Brock and Taker for how that match went down because it killed the crowd.

Diva Match: It sucked. Can we just switch the NXT Divas with the WWE Divas and call it a day? AJ was winning this from the outset simply because there was no other feature diva in this match.

Bryan vs Orton vs Batista: This was actually a very entertaining match for the most part. HHH coming out and then the crooked ref showing up were a bit of over-booking I thought especially considering how quickly they both vanished. The RKO/table spot was pretty neat but I hope Orton didn't fuck up his back because of that monitor. Batista standing there like a doofus when he could have pinned either wrestler three times each took me out of the match. Legit marked out when Batista tapped out to Bryan and I'm really glad Bryan finally has the belt. I felt sorry for all three of them though, because the crowd would have been a lot hotter for that match and Bryan's celebration had Taker/Brock not sucked the life out of the Silver--Superdome.

This was, fittingly enough, a B+ Wrestlemania


I think HHH might have been at his peak form tonight. The UNBELIEVABLE WHATTAMANEUVER entrance alone was hilariously indulgent and perfect for this angle. But then the match itself was him in the best shape he's been in in years, vicious in the ring, doing moves he's never done before, with Steph at her best, and losing clean. He was GREAT tonight. Best he's been since 2000. Dude was awesome. I can't praise him enough for his performance tonight.


Jesus christ, even on here we have to make everything about Punk.

I wonder if the internet would edit every great wrestling moment and photoshopped Punk's face on it. Punk's face at Wrestlemania 3 in both Hogan/Andre and Savage/Steamboat. Punk stunning Mr. McMahon. Punk marrying Stephanie McMahon. Punk celebrating with Eddie Guerrero

Someone of skill please do this.


Bray's done for, a gimmick and mic skills won't change the fact he just another monster heel fed to Cena.

I've always been one for giving Cena a chance, but seriously...fuck creative or whoever was responsible for booking the finish to this match.

We need a table of Cena matches, feuds, and wins and losses. This Bray thing just makes NO fucking sense to me.
As far as matches go, I think Triple H v Bryan had the match of the night. Trips doing moves that I can't recall him ever doing...and I'm also a fan of suplexes. Best moment was mah boy D. Brine becoming champ.

I think HHH might have been at his peak form tonight. The UNBELIEVABLE WHATTAMANEUVER entrance alone was hilariously indulgent and perfect for this angle. But then the match itself was him in the best shape he's been in in years, vicious in the ring, doing moves he's never done before, with Steph at her best, and losing clean. He was GREAT tonight. Best he's been since 2000. Dude was awesome.

Didn't see this before I posted, but I completely agree. That entrance was great too.


Laserfrog what a rough bet you made!

I'd be crying in my cocoa if I'd made that bet. All that on the line for a measily £500 odd, doesn't seem worth the risk. Bet it all on Brock and I wonder how much he woulda made.

I'll tell you one thing, tonight the world was legit shook dot com.
So, I'm thinking:

Extreme Rules - Bryan vs. Orton
Payback - Bryan vs. Batista
MITB - Bryan vs. ???
Battleground - Bryan vs. ???
Summerfest - Bryan vs. Bork
Someone on Reddit is claiming that their Dad works as a cameraman for WWE and that Undertaker was taken in an ambulance to the hospital after the match. This person is also claiming that Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Jim Duggan seemed to confirm something happened to Taker on Twitter. Duggan posted a few minutes after the PPV went off the air.



Probably old but Wrestlemania XXX is up on demand on the network.

Someone on Reddit is claiming that their Dad works as a cameraman for WWE and that Undertaker was taken in an ambulance to the hospital after the match. This person is also claiming that Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Jim Duggan seemed to confirm something happened to Taker on Twitter. Duggan posted a few minutes after the PPV went off the air.

Meltzer confirmed Undertaker got hurt.
Holy shit I'm impressed. What a fantastic Wrestlemania... aside from out of nowhere Cena. Everything was flawless. Orton took that monitor like a champ.

Agreed. This made up for the shit-fests from the past two years. I knew Cena was going to win, but holy shit, Bray put on an amazing performance. And that entrance was fantastic.


I think HHH might have been at his peak form tonight. The UNBELIEVABLE WHATTAMANEUVER entrance alone was hilariously indulgent and perfect for this angle. But then the match itself was him in the best shape he's been in in years, vicious in the ring, doing moves he's never done before, with Steph at her best, and losing clean. He was GREAT tonight. Best he's been since 2000. Dude was awesome. I can't praise him enough for his performance tonight.

I absolutely love THIS heel Triple H. He's almost comical, but still has a vicious side. And puts people over. Sorry Booker and Jericho, should have come to the E in 2014.
Someone on Reddit is claiming that their Dad works as a cameraman for WWE and that Undertaker was taken in an ambulance to the hospital after the match. This person is also claiming that Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Jim Duggan seemed to confirm something happened to Taker on Twitter. Duggan posted a few minutes after the PPV went off the air.

Damn! Hope it isn't too serious.
I've always been one for giving Cena a chance, but seriously...fuck creative or whoever was responsible for booking the finish to this match.

We need a table of Cena matches, feuds, and wins and losses. This Bray thing just makes NO fucking sense to me.

Spoiler alert. Cena wins almost all of his feuds. Like Bruno, Hogan, Morales, and Austin did.


Yeah HHH was on song tonight, looked amazing and made all the right calls.

Taker was an awful wreck but made the right decision in the end.

Cena looked worked fine but put a dent in the passing to the next generation with his usual selfish shit.


I think HHH might have been at his peak form tonight. The UNBELIEVABLE WHATTAMANEUVER entrance alone was hilariously indulgent and perfect for this angle. But then the match itself was him in the best shape he's been in in years, vicious in the ring, doing moves he's never done before, with Steph at her best, and losing clean. He was GREAT tonight. Best he's been since 2000. Dude was awesome. I can't praise him enough for his performance tonight.

I don't actually recall HHH doing his high knee and jawbreaker, things he's done in every match since 1997 or so. I do recall him doing a crossface chickenwing and tiger suplex, however.
Hats off to HHH, he was great all night.


I said well in advance that Cena was very obviously going to go over Bray. The angle between those too became a rehash of the Kane/Cena story from a few years ago, but a lot of people seemed to miss that because Bray is God-tier on a mic
Someone on Reddit is claiming that their Dad works as a cameraman for WWE and that Undertaker was taken in an ambulance to the hospital after the match. This person is also claiming that Vince McMahon and Brock Lesnar followed the ambulance to the hospital.

Jim Duggan seemed to confirm something happened to Taker on Twitter. Duggan posted a few minutes after the PPV went off the air.

I really hope this isn't serious, but regardless, it just makes the decision to have Undertaker compete in this match to begin with even worse. That was softest Brock match I've ever seen, and he STILL got hurt.
Oh man. If losing the streak was a botch because Taker legit couldnt kick out.......

Who knows. Dude has basically falling apart after every match the last 2 years.


Anyone else seem some similarities between the last match and Benoit's win at WM21(?) against Shawn and HHH. The double table move on the small guy put this in my head.


A good match with a good story, but the build was really bad and all over the place from Cena's side, and it didn't hint at Cena having this kind of internal battle...and the ending was bad. Cena didn't need the win, and now the feud is done. What was accomplished?

-Sister Abigail was kicked out of. Was this the first time ever? Don't remember, but if it was, the commentators did nothing to sell it.
-Wyatt looks weakened now because he couldn't get Cena to come over to the dark side, or at least get a W against him. From a storyline perspective, the finish was dumb.

I often wonder how much reading and literary theory or narrative theory the wrestlers and creative actually know or study.

Yeah, all the unleash your hate, come to the darkside stuff is a neat idea for Cena who desperately needs one, but it was rushed and awkward and now went nowhere.

a) have Cena keep his dignity by not smashing Bray with the chair and stuff and lose and eventually get redemption down the road doing it the right way
b) have him give in a bit and win and then have that to struggle with for a while moving forward.

Instead Cena hits the disciple with the chair and wins and it all just seems stupid and pointless. And it did make Bray look weaker. He didn't just sit there and let Cean AA him. He went for a roll up and ate it and lost.

I don't get it.
I think HHH might have been at his peak form tonight. The UNBELIEVABLE WHATTAMANEUVER entrance alone was hilariously indulgent and perfect for this angle. But then the match itself was him in the best shape he's been in in years, vicious in the ring, doing moves he's never done before, with Steph at her best, and losing clean. He was GREAT tonight. Best he's been since 2000. Dude was awesome. I can't praise him enough for his performance tonight.

I agree with all of this. Trips brought the heat.
Especially since he clearly ran the show right after too, holy crap
Anyone else seem some similarities between the last match and Benoit's win at WM21(?) against Shawn and HHH. The double table move on the small guy put this in my head.
Not only that, but Batista tapped out just like Triple H did at Mania 20.

And Triple H was practically channeling Beniot's move set during the opener


I absolutely love THIS heel Triple H. He's almost comical, but still has a vicious side. And puts people over. Sorry Booker and Jericho, should have come to the E in 2014.

He was SO GOOD. It's amazing how shitty his matches with Brock were. Dude should never, ever have been a face. He's the most natural heel there is and playing to the smarks in full force makes him even better. I stick with my comparison to Arn and Flair combined into one muscly body.


I hope Undertaker makes it out without anything too serious.

I also hope Brock Lesnar shows up to Raw having inherited Undertaker's powers. That would be rad.


For people complaining about Cena's finish, you have to realize at the end of the day THAT MAN FEEDS US.

I'm disappointed it was SameOldCrap.jpg but I'm well past the point where I've accepted that SameOldCrap.jpg is what's always going to happen with Cena storylines.
The caller on LAW made me realize something.

There's a parallel universe where Punk doesn't leave, and Mania has the streak ending on a card where Bryan wrestles Sheamus and Batista wins the belt.
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