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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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So can anyone explain to me why the fuck Batista wasn't trying to get Bryan or Orton back into the ring and pin one of them? He could have pinned both of them for a combined 30-count after the RKO spot. That took me right out of that match.

Batista looked like he was checking on Orton for most of that. They should have put Orton on that stretcher


Who needed it? No one needs it, did Bryan need it? Cena? The list doesn't end

Brock was hand picked by Taker and it made sense, he's a monster

I'd be okay with this if he actually came off like a monster in this. He didn't. He was scared most of the build up and during the match he didn't seem like the monster he is. I mean he pulled a reversal at the end to pull it out.

The whole thing just didn't work and it's a shame that's how UT is going out.


its aslo telling that taker never did old school, he attempted it but brock counters, but its always something taker has done recently and is mostly countered once then hit the second time

Yeah they said Taker got injured again during the match.

WWE basically dragged out a broken man because he wanted to lose the streak


We obviously weren't watching the same match. How is the cable reception over there in bizarro-world?

Go read the actual post again.

I'm talking about the build up to the actual match. They built up Taker as typical unstoppable super dead man, and not a frail older man who's on the brink of finally losing.


Taker has looked terrible the last two years. In retrospect he should have lost to Punk but no one wanted to accept how busted up he is.

He shouldn't have lost to Punk. He shouldn't have even had the match with Punk. The curtain call with HBK and HHH should have been his last non HOF moment.

HHH was so good tonight. For real one of his best matches ever and it wasn't all because of Bryan. He was excellent.


Before the Taker feud he Heyman was crawing about how Lesnar deserves a title shot. In work logic, beating the Undertaker at fugging Wrestlemania pretty much qualifies Brock for a shot. Plus it would make sense for HHH, now with his worst fears realized (Bryan as champ) would go with the best choice possible to end his reign as quickly as possible, hence why we're likely getting Bryan vs. Lesnar at Extreme Rules.
Probably gonna save Bryan/Brock for Summerslam.


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Jesus christ, even on here we have to make everything about Punk.

I wonder if the internet would edit every great wrestling moment and photoshopped Punk's face on it. Punk's face at Wrestlemania 3 in both Hogan/Andre and Savage/Steamboat. Punk stunning Mr. McMahon. Punk marrying Stephanie McMahon. Punk celebrating with Eddie Guerrero
It's totally pointless now for taker to wrestle again. there just isn't any point. I don't mind one bit. I would have just preferred the match being built up differently and more of an emphasis on it possibly being Undertakers last. I guess they were going for total shock value. The match itself wasn't very good. Maybe not the best way to end the streak but it was one way to make it memorable. Don't mind though. Haven't liked undertaker for years.
Go read the actual post again.

I'm talking about the build up to the actual match. They built up Taker as typical unstoppable super dead man, and not a frail older man who's on the brink of finally losing.

XD My bad.

Yeah, I don't know why they didn't just end it at 20-0 and let the guy retire in peace. He had a great run, and some stellar WM matches. But the past few years, he just hasn't looked good at all. I think the HBK matches were his best.


That was a fantastic Mania. Holy shit. Bryan is champion!!! Cesaro is going to go on to bigger and better things. I thought Cena-Bray was great and told a great story. And the streak is over. I didn't think the match was good at all, but who cares, it's the moment that will live on now. My friends and I went nuts when Bryan won though. I am so happy.
Jesus christ, even on here we have to make everything about Punk.

I wonder if the internet would edit every great wrestling moment and photoshopped Punk's face on it. Punk's face at Wrestlemania 3 in both Hogan/Andre and Savage/Steamboat. Punk stunning Mr. McMahon. Punk marrying Stephanie McMahon. Punk celebrating with Eddie Guerrero

Constantly bringing up Punk is tiresome and just plain sad now.
The Cena-Bray match wasn't bad. Cena winning wont really affect the wyatt family momentum. I kinda liek the story it told and the psychology behind it. Cena staying true to who he is. Honestly one of the better Cena matches in a very long time.


He shouldn't have lost to Punk. He shouldn't have even had the match with Punk. The curtain call with HBK and HHH should have been his last non HOF moment.

HHH was so good tonight. For real one of his best matches ever and it wasn't all because of Bryan. He was excellent.

HHH was phenomenal. I have to imagine he realized tonight was one of the very special WrestleMania moments and not one of those that have to be artificially hyped up. When you know its going to be a special event you put your all into it.
Jesus christ, even on here we have to make everything about Punk.

I wonder if the internet would edit every great wrestling moment and photoshopped Punk's face on it. Punk's face at Wrestlemania 3 in both Hogan/Andre and Savage/Steamboat. Punk stunning Mr. McMahon. Punk marrying Stephanie McMahon. Punk celebrating with Eddie Guerrero

You jest, but this would actually make me roar with laughter if someone did this.


HHH was phenomenal. I have to imagine he realized tonight was one of the very special WrestleMania moments and not one of those that have to be artificially hyped up. When you know its going to be a special event you put your all into it.

Dude was fucking legit. He was like Arn and Flair in one muscly body.
The reason why Brock is simple. 'Taker is from the good ole' days of wrestling, when men were men, marks were ignored, your legs got broken if you tried to be a smart mark around the boys before getting in the business, and women stayed where they belong - waiting to be picked up at the hotel bar. He came into this business around men like Stan Hansen, Bruiser Brody, and the like.

So knowing that, why would he drop the title to a skinny fat comic book geek, a guy whose only pushed as much because he's banging the bosses daughter, and a guy who's ass he almost had to kick back at Wrestlemania XIV because he still didn't want to job despite his back being in pieces.

He wanted to drop the streak to the last real man in wrestling - Brock Lesnar.
Those weren't plants for Brock/Taker. And honestly, they didn't need plants. Those reactions would have been similar practically everywhere.


The Cena-Bray match wasn't bad. Cena winning wont really affect the wyatt family momentum. I kinda liek the story it told and the psychology behind it. Cena staying true to who he is. Honestly one of the better Cena matches in a very long time.

A good match with a good story, but the build was really bad and all over the place from Cena's side, and it didn't hint at Cena having this kind of internal battle...and the ending was bad. Cena didn't need the win, and now the feud is done. What was accomplished?

-Sister Abigail was kicked out of. Was this the first time ever? Don't remember, but if it was, the commentators did nothing to sell it.
-Wyatt looks weakened now because he couldn't get Cena to come over to the dark side, or at least get a W against him. From a storyline perspective, the finish was dumb.

I often wonder how much reading and literary theory or narrative theory the wrestlers and creative actually know or study.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Roman Reigns proved tonight he's nowhere near ready. We'll see what happens in TWO years.


The Cena-Bray match wasn't bad. Cena winning wont really affect the wyatt family momentum. I kinda liek the story it told and the psychology behind it. Cena staying true to who he is. Honestly one of the better Cena matches in a very long time.

Bray's done for, a gimmick and mic skills won't change the fact he just another monster heel fed to Cena.
Not sure if it's been mentioned or not, but holy shit, the stream was completely flawless other than a little bit of nasty audio at the beginning. Seriously impressive stuff.

Hope Randy's OK. Had that monitor been 8 inches up and 3 to the left he probably would have killed himself.
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