Stephanie can win the Diva's Title instead.Don't you mean Orton IC champ and Flair and Batista tag team champs?
Booed by association.I love raw after mania crowds. Though I don't agree with the booing of big e. And WTF at that commercial break.
I love raw after mania crowds. Though I don't agree with the booing of big e. And WTF at that commercial break.
can't hate those cakes though.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Brad Maddox's cakes are better.
Brat as IC Champ is probably the best course for him rn.
They ended up cheering Big E.I love raw after mania crowds. Though I don't agree with the booing of big e. And WTF at that commercial break.
Beat Bryan clean. Beat Shield clean. Wrestle the face of the company at Wrestlemania. Win a title that doesn't matter.... wait, what?
They're going to keep the Cena thing going.
He did get a cheer for that move on rowan though. But yeah great crowd tonight.I love raw after mania crowds. Though I don't agree with the booing of big e. And WTF at that commercial break.
damn the camera work is sucking so bad
Booed by association.
B-B-B-But plants?WWE should hire this crowd to follow them around. An excited crowd makes Raw 100x more enjoyable.
That Cena toxicity.Exactly. Big E is generally well recieved but being with Cena tonight means he is the enemy.
So many commercials
The audience was amazing on second screen