The Usos vs Other teams.
Just makes sense to keep the momentum going with the young team.
Big Show in the Andre Memorial Battle Royal
I think this is more for sentiment and getting guys on the card than giving anyone a real push, and Show fits thematically better than anyone.
The Shield over Kane and the New Age Outlaws
To me, this was about giving the Outlaws one last stand and that's the only reason it exists. Reigns pins one of them after superman punches and a spear, it'll be little more than a squash.
Bray Wyatt over John Cena
I'm going against the grain and gonna say it'll be a clean win, too, setting up a longer term storyline where Cena questions his ability. I expect a post-win beatdown by Harper and Rowan.
Undertaker over Brock Lesnar
Like I need to explain this. I think it'd be cool if, during the Undertaker's usual 22-0 celebration, he's interrupted with a Sting promo or a creepy video of a Scorpion killing a mouse or something on the titantron.
Daniel Bryan over HHH
It'll be the best match of the night and probably one of the best of the year. Half way expect the offense to be 70/30 for Trips, but Bryan will win. CM Punk run in? Who knows, he's apparently been spotted in NOLA.
Daniel Bryan over Orton and Batista
They have no choice, and for good reason. Bryan ends the show leading 75k in a giant Yes chant, belt in each hand.
Rock and Austin share stage time in a segment. It only makes sense with this being a round number mania to pay tribute to those three amazing matches they had. 10% of all Wrestlemania's were headlined by Rock and Austin together, so a fun segment plus an obligatory stare down would be cool.
Piper does something to Mr T, gets leg dropped by Hogan.