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Wrestlemania XXX Week |OT| We are all legit shook

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Wonder if he got that interview.


Food for tonight guys?

I know I'll be having wings and beer

Ordering 2 pizzas (yet only having 1 friend over), 30 wings, and got some Tostitos, pretzels, and salsa. He doesn't drink, but I'll probably buy a six pack of Guinness for myself.



No One Remembers
Food for tonight guys?

I know I'll be having wings and beer

Ordering 2 pizzas (yet only having 1 friend over), 30 wings, and got some Tostitos, pretzels, and salsa. He doesn't drink, but I'll probably buy a six pack of Guinness for myself.


Having a couple buddies over.
I'll be picking up some chips n dip, some Tostitos and salsa, and pop. I think we'll also be ordering in pizza and wings.
Sting was in town for Wrestlecon though I'm sure/hope that was just a front for what he's really there for. Though I don't know how I feel about a Sting/Undertaker match in 2015, I still think it's over a decade too late but I want to see how Taker does tonight in what should be a much more physical match.

I'm going to guess Lita had 30 minutes which is around what she took up when she came out while Mr. T like had 20 which is why Kane came out almost exactly 20 minutes after Mr.T started and didn't look like he was at all close to wrapping up.

I'm going to sleep through WM and gonna try really hard to avoid and wrestling related sites before spoilers really start rolling in until I watch it late/early tomorrow. But I'm ordering two pizzas today and that and, chips and salsa will be my primary WM junk well, WM and TV shows that I'll probably watch first, especially GoT.

That and the old "No, Hall can't just quit cold turkey, his body can't take it" bullshit. He's a goddamn enabler. Just making shit up to try to keep Hall from fixing himself.

It's not bullshit, especially in extreme cases like Hall's where the dude was on a vodka diet. Nash thought he was going to go straight to DDP's without detoxing, which he didn't and spend time in a facility before going to Page's.


I will giggle if they screw this up, which wouldn't surprise me if they did.

If DB gets his moment in the sun, i think it would be comical if he didn't end up getting the reception he could have gotten 3 - 5 months ago.

I think tonight is going to be very loud with it considering it's a WM crowd and it was a WrestleMania crowd and the night after that's largely responsible for how this got jump started.
FYI heres what nash said about DDP

"I love everyone telling me about what Scott needs, been dealing with this for 20 years. Scott will get healthy when Scott wants 2 period.

Yeah, over a million dollars at the world's best rehab facilities, I've always said what about yoga.

This has nothing to do with me. This is on Scott and him alone. He knows he's loved. I've been there since day one. Nothing I can do. Only Scott.

If you have not lived with addiction, then you should shut the fuck up. Pray... really my prayers go unheard? Love 2 one that loves not himself.

I have seen the damage done, family, children, how dare you sit at your keyboard and judge me or those that have suffered along with this man.

Scott told everyone 2 months ago he was going to DDP's, going to be there that weekend. Show me the tape when he walks in the door.

Got to love Twitter, one of my best friends is "going" to Atlanta and some mark asks me what do I think of The Shield. Why, they going to rehab?

Jake was clean when he went to Dallas, Scott will die during the detox stage. That's real world not bullshit.

Does anyone realise Scott will die if not taken to a hospital and clinically detoxed? You fucking idiots...... Yoga great. 20 years of abuse?

Did Scott know he was on that call live, that's fucked up. I would never have my friend saying over and over he lives on vodka, don't work 4 me.

Q: I really hope Scott gets the help he needs but do u believe he will actually go to Atlanta to stay with DDP? - A: NO.

This is my friend's life, not a PSA. You want the truth? It's not for you to know."
Sounds like he genuinely feared he would die. I'm pretty sure Nash is delighted to have been wrong, and Hall is obviously cool with him.

Agreed, although I thought the comments were bad at the time. Seems like Nash was basically saying what is he going to do that the doctors and $1M couldn't do. I'm sure Nash was just tired of yet another attempt to get Scott clean. Someone saying they're gonna do something and then constantly relapsing can be very stressful on a person.
Sounds like he genuinely feared he would die. I'm pretty sure Nash is delighted to have been wrong, and Hall is obviously cool with him.

It sounds like he opened his mouth before he fully understood what was going on, which is totally understandable considering what he's been through with Hall. Still, he could have called DDP and talked BEFORE he started talking shit.


It sounds like he opened his mouth before he fully understood what was going on, which is totally understandable considering what he's been through with Hall. Still, he could have called DDP and talked BEFORE he started talking shit.

It doesn't sound to me like he was talking shit. It sounds to me like he was saying that no one can help Scott but Scott, so getting he wasn't getting his hopes up for DDP being the magic cure.
You guys think Jake is one of the 3 secret entrants in the royale tonight? He said last year his ultimate goal was the 14 rumble. Obviously that didn't happen.

I'm going with Roberts, Rusev, and Nash.
Hitting up the gym, then watching NJPW.

Inviting people over for WrestleFest 2K14. Pizza, wings, and Taco Bell.



You guys think Jake is one of the 3 secret entrants in the royale tonight? He said last year his ultimate goal was the 14 rumble. Obviously that didn't happen.

I'm going with Roberts, Rusev, and Nash.

Nah, he's knees in much worse shape now. I doubt he could bump over the top.
See nothing wrong with what Nash said. After all the shit Scott went through DDP yoga would be the last on my list as well. Not anymore though. lol IIRC Scott went to THE rehab clinic and still couldn't do it. So i can understand where Nash is coming from. Plus DDP and Nash are close friends so this is foolish. At the end of the day everyone is good and happy which is all that matters.

HOF was cool. Lita was cool but boring for the most part. Jake was AMAZING! Probably my favorite HOF speech after Bret. Those tears man. So happy to see him in a good place. Mr. T was uh...interesting. Why didn't Vince shut him down sooner? The What/Yes chants would have been a great closer. Then he went on for what felt like another 20 min talking about his mom. Crazy. Kane was cool. Undertaker in gear was silly put on a suit on you old fuck. He really couldn't say a few words? Carlito was funny. and Warrior was surprisingly good. His theme still makes me want to run laps. Cool show.

A month ago i had 0 hype for Mania. I know Brock/Taker and H/Bryan would good but just didn't feel the hype. Now i'm more hyped than ever. The video packages are ace. The set looks dope. Austin and Rock are in the building. Hogan's going to leg drop some jobbers. And Daniel fucking Bryan is winning the title
in a double header. HYPE!!!


I hope that after Bryan wins, HHH just goes berserk and destroys him so that when the main event happens and Bryans music hits Triple H just comes running out going YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!.

It would be CM Punk dressed as Jeff Hardy level of hilarious.
Hall should follow in the ways of Nash, Haitch and Taker and get his hair cut. Other than that, he was looking great, a far cry from the last decade or so.


Many of the dresses worn by WWE Divas at the Hall of Fame last night were made by WWE seamstress Sandra, known from her appearances on Total Divas.

Another of WWE's backstage MVPs.
And one of the best parts of Total Divas!


Prediction time!

Fatal Four-Way Tag-Team Match: The Usos' win most likely, though I would like to see the Real Americans take it. (Not likely to happen because ALL HAIL CESARO.)

Andre the Giant Battle Royale: aka Midcard Clusterfuck
My money's on Big Show, though with how they've been pushing Rusev, I wouldn't be surprised if he comes out and wins it all.

The Shield vs. Corporate Kane/Outlaws: The Shield wins. I have my doubts on the actual match quality though it should be entertaining.

Divas Clusterfuck Deluxe: GAH THIS IS SUCH A TERRIBLE IDEA!
Let's face it, this is very likely to just be awful. I'd say AJ wins just because nothing else sounds good.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt: If there's any justice in the world, the Wyatts would win and get a nice rub.
But this is reality, so LOL CENA WINS. (I REALLY want Bray to win though.)

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H: Tough to say, but I'll say DB wins.

The Undertaker vs. BORK LASER: Hmm...obviously Taker wins, but I'm more interested in how the match will go.
It has the potential to be pretty entertaining, but can Taker handle it?

Triple H vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. Daniel Bryan: DB wins and ends our long national nightmare.
Or HHH gets involved, wins, and loses the title the next night to DB.
Very tough to predict just what exactly will happen.
Just subscribed to the network..why the heck not! I'll be working tonight but I'll bring my Kindle Fire and attempt to watch Wrestlemania there. In the meantime I'm watching DDP induct Jake. He's a great storyteller. I'll try to prepare for what Jake has to say considering what I've read here at GAF. Prepare for some serious feels eh?


So not worth it
I cried more than enough during Jake's speech to be honest. I'm way too weak to handle these emotional moments.


I don't know why Razor's entrance was so cool. It's such a simple entrance, but the combination of the lighting, Scott Hall's natural swag, and music just makes it feel like something special.


Fatal Four-Way Tag-Team Match: USO YAWN

Andre the Giant Battle Royale: Rusev or Shemoose.

The Shield vs. Korporate Kane/Outlaws: Kane and Old Age Outlaws because someone from SHIELD will turn
and join HYDRA!

Divas Royale With Cheese: Naomi or Bryan's Bella.

John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt: CENA WINS, we complain online.

Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H: YES! YES! YES!

The Undertaker vs. Bork: Taker because DUH!

Triple H/Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista: Bryan is one step away from his happy ending...only for BOOTISTA to ruin everything and win.
This is gonna be a great night. Either somebody who isn't Daniel Bryan leaves with the belt and everybody gets pissed, or Bryan wins and everybody swears up and down forever that this was the plan all along and long-term storylines never doubt the E. I'm not sure which option I want to happen, because both are hilarious.


This is gonna be a great night. Either somebody who isn't Daniel Bryan leaves with the belt and everybody gets pissed, or Bryan wins and everybody swears up and down forever that this was the plan all along and long-term storylines never doubt the E. I'm not sure which option I want to happen, because both are hilarious.

They can't seriously think this right? First they were gonna have that Wyatt story last until Mania, then they were gonna put him with fucking Sheamus of all people
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