How's everyone's writing going?
I'm about 108,000 words into my own novel, a conversion of my very first screenplay with tons of fleshing out, rewriting, reimagining etc. I discovered that if you breach 100k words on Microsoft Word for the mac it stops tracking word count in the bottom indicator <.<
Sometimes I think what I'm writing is exactly what I want on the page, and other times I feel like I'm not really saying what I'd like to say. I really hate that about me and writing, the highs and lows and what that does to my ego on a regular basis. I suppose it partly comes from how long I've been a writer without a 'real' win, you know? I've done 'okay' in a few screenwriting contests now and again, but never anything big, never anything that lead to some real recognition or cash flow with my work. Sometimes it makes me feel like a real failure and I wish it didn't.
Sorry if that got a bit dark or whatever, I guess I'm just in one of those moods where it's hard to convince myself that my writing and talent are good, that I'm just lacking the big break and opportunity. But my wife has a lot of faith in me, heck she moved across the globe to be with me, so I sometimes have to remind myself that her taking that huge leap means something.
What do the rest of you do to get yourself out of that negative funk? And my above question about how everyone's writing is going still stands.