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WTF @ Fable commercial


What the hell were they thinking? How long is that going to last. Just wait untill some concerned parent see's that. Im actually a bit shocked. Wasnt expecting something like that. It just seemed a bit violent or intense.

Anyone else see it?


Doh, sorry i forgot.

Anyways its 2 part commercial for light/dark. On the first part this plain looking kid, maybe 16 years old is on a subway and this voice over about choosing between light and dark or whatever and this shady looking guy comes up and pulls out a gun. The kid sees it and stands up as if he is going ot confron the guy and take him on and the kid kinda fades into some heroic looking type kid...cut to some ingame footage of a heroic character doing some heroic pose. End commercial

Second part starts, some setup except this time the kid has a grim look on him. Same shady character steps up but hte kid rips the gun out of the guys hand. You see polic officer coming into the subway car from one of the other cars. The 16 year old kids turns all punkish and evil looking and grabs some old guy from his seat and holds the gun up to his head, then cut to some ingame shot of an evil looking character doing some evil pose. End commercial

It was kinda wierd for me. Seemed a bit violent considering it was using 16 year old kid in real time and not just ingame sceens. I dunno.

I saw it on G4, FYI


Its actually a lot more flashy then I made it sound. Lots of crazy effects. It was actually pretty cool but still WTF for me. I dunno, I think its pretty good at trying to sell the game off to mainstream market.


Steroid Distributor
Yeah that sounds cool. I haven't seen any commercials for the game yet. I hope it actually makes it onto shelves tomorrow here in Canada.


it has been on regular rotation on MTV2.
it's a really well done commercial. one of the better videogame commercials i've seen.

the guy isn't a kid btw.


Insertia said:
it has been on regular rotation on MTV2.
it's a really well done commercial. one of the better videogame commercials i've seen.

the guy isn't a kid btw.

Looked like a kid to me. Even still, pretty wild stuff.


Ive been searching, no such luck. They have it on G4 though, ive seen it 3 times in the past 4 hours. If not, Id imagine gametrailers.com will have it up in a few days.


Just watched the Fable commercial on MTV. SWEET! The two part thing is awesome and this will definitely work on the MTV crowd.
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