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WTF is happening to this world? --- killed again for an Xbox


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
That is beyond messed up. I mean especially the 70 stabs thing, even split between two people your arm would be getting tired or something, how messed up to you have to be to go that crazy on someone? Especially over something so dumb? It seems like there has to be some sort of drug involved to blitz out like that.

Ranger X

It's not the fact that it's a murder in itself that i'm impressed. It's about the fucking sadistic way they did it!!! How can goals like stealing a videogame can make you THAT sadistic? Being a murderer is one thing, being utterly sadistic is another one completely. It's because they're FREAKIN sick mens.

WTF 70 and more stabs and cuts?????????????? Open you eyes people. This is bad.

"Xbox, it's good to kill together"
Also, there reportedly is evidence of them trying to sever a finger and arm before they plunged a knife twice into his brain

What the fuck!? How crazy do you have to be to stab someone in the brain?

Ranger X

Can't we kill for stupid reasons that LOOKS better like in the rest of the world? (like kill for our religion and/or because my grand father killed yours) lol
lol @ cvxfreak

this is what happen when rednecks from redmond design a console that advocates demonism, devil worship, pillage and blood letting.

Xbox = tool of the devil

we need to get reverend lovejoy on the case.



This pic scares me :(
This world is just getting more and more stupid.
I can't beleive people are making jokes about this. It's disgusting and joking about it is just wrong.

My condolences to the victim's families. It's shit like this that makes people think games cause people to go crazy.

Ranger X

Let me tell you that if you're wise enough to really understand this murder, it's power and it's range. If you really can remember all that too. You then better laugh along your afterthoughts of it instead of keeping pain or hate for this society in your mind.
If people could actually do what i just said, there would be ALOT less murderers around...
I'm sure the gold chain was just gravy after they got the Xbox. Not that either item was heading to the pawn shop to buy drugs. That couldn't be.


Answer me this, has there been any reports of deaths resulting from the Xbox console itself falling on an infant or small child?

I remember that's why MS put that little safety-release on the Xbox controller. So has it happened yet?
"I can't beleive people are making jokes about this. It's disgusting and joking about it is just wrong."

I disagree. Sure, joking to the victim's families would be wrong, but a lot of people deal with uncomfortable, disgusting news like this by making jokes. It doesn't mean they are insensitive, but for most people, someone getting stabbed 70 times is so far out of the realm of their experience that its hard not to try to make light of it. God, so many bad things happen on the news that it is too emotionally draining to have a heartfelt reaction to each one. Humour is a way to deal with life.

Lecture over!:)

And to all the people who said this was the year of the XBOX: Yes. it certainly seems to be making a killing.
Really is a sad thing. But it wasn't the Xbox, it might as well have the change jar in the bedroom.
Here's a novel idea, get a friggin job and you can afford your own crap.


Dice said:
That is beyond messed up. I mean especially the 70 stabs thing, even split between two people your arm would be getting tired or something.

They must've played alot of button bashing games, it really increases stamina.

Oh and mega man's electric sheep, good post! I totally agree with you.
DaCocoBrova said:
And they're not even modded.

lol...only thing in the thread that actually made me laugh, mostly cause this isnt a laughing matter.

that is fucked up.

i dont know whats wrong with these sick bastards.....civilized people just shoot and keep it moving....

70 stab wounds?!?! wtf....


LOL I love how a gold chain and an Xbox are taken, but only the Xbox gets mentioned in the headline. Gotta love the media. The media will never pass up an opportunity to tie video games to violence.

If not for the Hurricanes, the Olympics, and the Election coverage this could have been this summers equivalent of shark attacks, killer bees, and child abductions.


Jeez, this is like the third or fourth Xbox related murder we've heard about in the last few days.

Maybe this is the "uprising" that beonedge was warning us about. It has begun!


---- said:
LOL I love how a gold chain and an Xbox are taken, but only the Xbox gets mentioned in the headline. Gotta love the media. The media will never pass up an opportunity to tie video games to violence.

If not for the Hurricanes, the Olympics, and the Election coverage this could have been this summers equivalent of shark attacks, killer bees, and child abductions.

so far, the only good post in this thread....damn...looks like it still is


If someone kills me to steal one of my Xboxes, you can be sure I'm gonna go "rise-like-the-phoenix-and-backstab-that-bitch" on him.

You kill me. Fine.

You steal my Xbox. Unacceptable.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Nobody has just been killing for an Xbox. They've been killing people and then stealing things, like an Xbox. Nobody got killed just for their Xbox, these news stories are just out of control. Thats like saying a person robbed a bank for an Xbox just because they spent some of the money on getting one, its not the whole story.


I wonder if Xbox fans are just inherently more murderous. Perhaps it is the disturbed individuals that make Xbox consumers, rather than Xbox consumers that make disturbed individuals.

Something to think about for sure.


This story, like the last X-box killer story, has less to do with the X-Box and video games and more with the personal issues of these people.

news people need to stop putting sensationalism ahead of factuality.

Dave Long

The least they could do is have it out with someone that has a Neo Geo or something. At least those are worth something and harder to get.


---- said:
The media will never pass up an opportunity to tie video games to violence.

The xbox was probably not even remotely related to the murder itself; there must have been other reasons for such violence. 70 stabs leave you all the time to think about what you're doing, even when you're completely out of your head, which should suggest they may have been considering killing the guy for some time, for whatever reasons.
You must have been accumulating quiite some hatred for someone, to be able to go that far, imho, even if you're totally nuts like these 2 new strong candidates for the big chair.

Then, once they killed him, why not take his xbox and gold chain, since they are sitting there...And this gave the media the opportunity to blame consoles and videogames, which never fails to grab more attention while possibly scaring some people away from the consoles responsible of stealing the public from the media.
Anyway, even if they ever get to know the real reasons behind this, we'll never know, and it doesn't make things any different in the end.


Nintendo: "Buy an Xbox and you just may die."


Socreges said:
I wonder if Xbox fans are just inherently more murderous. Perhaps it is the disturbed individuals that make Xbox consumers, rather than Xbox consumers that make disturbed individuals.

Something to think about for sure.

They are TEH M4TUR3!!!


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
I warned you people!

The xbox is corrosive to the soul. Best to just stay away.
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