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WWDC12 Thread of iOS 6, Mac OS X Mountain Lion and iCloud



so can we still hate QR codes?
The movie ticket thing is really cool but how many theaters have QR readers where you normally get your ticket torn? Or do I have them scan it at the desk and then they print my tickets for me?
Of course you can.
Because I require certain things for productivity purposes and don't use super expensive laptops purely to display my social value to others. If they exclude certain things from the MBP line now then they're never going to bring them back which means no new Apple laptop for me... which is sad because I like the reliability and build quality.

Chris R

The movie ticket thing is really cool but how many theaters have QR readers where you normally get your ticket torn? Or do I have them scan it at the desk and then they print my tickets for me?

They should all have scanners that read the code Fandango prints out.
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