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WWDC14 Thread of iOS 8 and Mac OSX 10.10






  • Web Site: http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/
  • Where: Moscone West - San Franciso California
  • Dates: June 2nd thru June 6th, 2014
  • Events: Keynote, Apple Design Awards, Workshops, Stump the Experts, WWDC Bash, Lunchtime Speakers
  • Purpose: Apple held conference to provide developers and IT professionals with in-depth technical information and hands-on learning about the powerful technologies in iOS and Mac OS X.




(If you find other live blogs, please feel free to post the urls)

It'll be live streamed: https://www.apple.com/apple-events/june-2014/

Streaming video requires Safari 4 or later on Mac OS X v10.6 or later; Safari on iOS 4.2 or later; or QuickTime 7 on Windows. Streaming via Apple TV requires second- or third-generation Apple TV with software 5.0.2 or later.






  • Will be updated after the keynote has finished

Special thanks to Andrex for the header images!



Can't wait! Looking forward to seeing what they have in store this WWDC. I really want to see a new product category.

Any chance of a new iphone or iPod?

September should be when you expect to find out about the new iPhone and a possible iPod refresh.

The Real Abed

Any chance of a new iphone or iPod? WWDC has always been about new hardware.
Not a chance. At all. Well, not iPod. iPhone probably no way, but who knows how they'll want to handle it if they'll be unveiling the rumored UI scaling features of iOS. Though I guess that's what the simulator is for. They could easily mention that there will be bigger screen sizes coming, and have the simulator allow testing them. But no hardware. I don't see it at all.


Junior Member
Not getting my hopes up for significant new hardware. iOS 8, OS X 10.10 and updated Macs are all I'm expecting out of this.

Samsung will weep for showing their whole hand to try steal the show from what will likely be a boring event by Apple standards.

It's really all I want, too, since I'll likely be shopping for a new Mac this summer.


I could see an Apple TV update - if it includes a new input method - getting announced early if it means an ATV App Store and Apple TV iOS development getting opened up to developers at large like the iPhone/iPad. Devs will need a several-month head start to have their apps ready for release, after all.

And seriously, the Apple TV needs that Kinect-esque gesture/voice control stuff soon. I'm ready to get rid of my remote.
Ahh good point. The thing is Apple wants to 'properly' enter the TV business with content deals in place. That hasn't been forthcoming so far (Apple Bought Beats For Its Future Apple TV, Says Steve Jobs' Biographer| Minyanville). Apple could also 'properly' launch AppleTV as a games and appstore thing but then what's the killer app?

p.s. the kinect thing: Apple reportedly buying Israel's PrimeSense for $345 million | The Times of Israel (Nov '13)

New hardware? Gimme that super light 12" retina display MacBook air. I hope that thing exists.
I'm sure it does, but it might end up waiting for Broadwell, no?

Very likely needs Broadwell as the rumor was the a new design with a fanless chassis :0
Apple's first official laptop lol

The Real Abed

I might be the only one but I am so sick of hearing about the iWatch.

I haven't wanted to wear a watch on my wrist since I got a cell phone in 2006. Not even a smart watch would make me want to wear one.

But that's apparently just me.


Trusty launch day 4S is getting a little tired… battery weakening… weird full screen black outs periodically… would love to see an iPhone 6, but that's wishful thinking

The Real Abed

I hope there is. If there is, I'll request that day off. But they never say whether or not one will happen until shortly before the event.

Eh, I'll just request it off anyway.

The Real Abed

Hope 10.10 continues the Mavericks free trend.
It will. Apple's OS' are free now. Forever. The OS is seen as part of the hardware and Apple wants as many people to have the latest version as fast as possible so they removed the major limitation that kept that from happening.. cost.

Can't wait to see if they put 10.10 on the AppleSeed program. I am looking forward to trying it out like I always do months before release. (Though I rarely jump right in. I wait a few developer previews since there are allllllways big problems.)

What I think might be the funniest point is I'm pretty sure The Real Abed fell for the same joke last year, as well.
What joke?
My next round of tech-buying is all Apple stuff, so I'm really excited. Ditching my windows laptop for a Macbook for the first time.

Impress me, Apple!


I don't think the iwatch will be there, that will get it's own dedicated event. They have enough to cover with ios 8 and os x 10.10 already.


Junior Member
Please not an iWatch.

It's just such a boring device category.

Personally, I couldn't care less about the functionality that's more or less a remote control for your phone, but I do like what the rumors are saying about it featuring a fuckton of sensors and the possibility of using it for payments on the go without having to take out either a card, money or your phone.

I personally don't want a computer on my wrist; I don't care about answering calls or texts, I don't want to control my music with it (bluetooth headphones already feature that functionality). My ideal smartwatch wouldn't even feature a screen but discrete functionality would help improve my daily life (and either be more of a band than a watch or have an actual watch, but that would make for a clunky device with current tech).

That kind of device I would buy day one.
I'd like a watch that's connected to my phone, and when I get outside of a range from the phone, it puts it on silent so it's not just vibrating at others or no one.

I'd like it to unlock and lock my computer by proximity too.

The Real Abed

I'd love to see new mac hardware of any kind :(
All I want is a new mini, or an update to the mini at least. I want to know if they're going to keep them the same with new processors or actually redesign them with Air-esque design cues. If not, then I'll just buy an SSD and the Torq wrenches I need and upgrade my 2010 model myself.

I'd like a watch that's connected to my phone, and when I get outside of a range from the phone, it puts it on silent so it's not just vibrating at others or no one.

I'd like it to unlock and lock my computer by proximity too.
That would be enough to get me to consider one. But I probably still wouldn't. The proxy thing however would be nice in the iPhone. I swear there was an app for older non-smart phones back in the day to do this via BlueTooth.

Can BlueTooth tell distance between devices? Is that one of the things it does? Like it could be set to 1-2 feet or 20 feet if needed? Actually, what's the range? The only BlueTooth I've ever used is my keyboard and trackpad for my mini. I can never get it to work with my iOS devices and Mac and when I do there's nothing to do with it that I can't do with WiFi. (I don't use AirDrop at all. Not even on OS X.)
Because I'm a nerd, I've been watching some old WWDCs videos. It's funny to see all the stuff we take for granted today being introduced (Phantom Menace trailer being the biggest internet event ever at the time with 10 million downloads, wireless networking etc.). They did some crazy stuff too, like Schiller jumping off a high platform above the stage to prove that the iBooks + Airport base stations actually worked.

Deku Tree

Because I'm a nerd, I've been watching some old WWDCs videos. It's funny to see all the stuff we take for granted today being introduced (Phantom Menace trailer being the biggest internet event ever at the time with 10 million downloads, wireless networking etc.). They did some crazy stuff too, like Schiller jumping off a high platform above the stage to prove that the iBooks + Airport base stations actually worked.

Do you have the time stamp on that 1hr+ video as to when that happens?
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