Sato Koiji
Where is Kurt Angle?
You mean to tell me they havent included Kurt fucking Angle?
You mean to tell me they havent included Kurt fucking Angle?
Sato Koiji said:Where is Kurt Angle?
You mean to tell me they havent included Kurt fucking Angle?
bjork said:Under contract to TNA. Hogan's a special case or something.
Kingpen said:My ultimate favorite wrestling games are the AKI ones, and I especially adore Def Jam FFNY (even if it is streetfighting focused). I'm really hoping this new all-stars can combine a great roster, with some of the fun of those old AKI games. The best parts of the AKI games were the momentum shifts in them, causing frantic, fun gameplay.
Afrikan said:I had all types of wrestling games...back in the days it was worth it to get a Japanese psx..with all the games they had.
I had New Japan Pro Wrestling 3 (GOD I LOVED THIS!....the Japan's NWO intro was fucking sick!)
Zep said:Looks better than SvR11.
Nocturnowl said:The opening scene can be your character as a child meeting his favourite wrestler only to be told to shove off and said wrestler then goes off to drink a beer with a heel thus shattering the illusion of wrestling.
As far as backstage drama goes, you have a match against Orton, a botch will lead to a huge depush or even release! (and maybe even a turd in your gym bag)
LOL. My beef with the game is there are legends that are not in smackdown and are in this POS game. THQ used to put a decent amount of legends in the smackdown roster until they started making stupid ass sidegames like this. No Hulk Hogan moveset (running leg drop impossible to recreate as well) in SvR11 but he's in this crap? Fuck THQ.vixlar said:Do you know what I hate? NBA Jam!!!
Why LeBron James jumps 4 meters?
Why the basket turn on fire?
Why the ball doesn't go out of the court?
Buckethead said:How much is online Access?
DoctorWho said:Any impressions from people who picked it up?
Can you turn off KOs!?
Probably a good thing, I can see the announcer reaction for him:TheApatheticOne said:Yeah, there is a nice thread at the Operation Sports forums for this game with some impressions, and as one person who really wanted (and still does) the KO's to be an option, it does sound like they arent THAT bad and it does lead to some cool moments.
Still think its a crime that there is no Christian and that he hasnt been announced as DLC either.
vixlar said:My main concern is about when the opponent falls. There's little window to do an attack when he is on the ground because he stands up quickly even when he is with low energy. You must cath him when he turns red.
And a question to people who already have it. Are there team graples in this game?
El_TigroX said:There are two states of people on the ground. The regular state, where they pop up quickly and the injured state where they fade to a muted color that allows you to strike and grapple on the ground.
It takes a bit getting used to, but you'll be able to do moves on the ground.
There are no team grapples in the game.
DoctorWho said:LOL. An official thread from January?
I cant believe thats a PS1 game...wowAfrikan said:I had New Japan Pro Wrestling 3 (GOD I LOVED THIS!....the Japan's NWO intro was fucking sick!)
and also had All Japan Pro Wrestling: King's Soul.....didn't understand the story mode too much, but damn if Human didn't make it come off as EPIC...especially the ending.......also it really had PS2 type graphics for its time....controlled horribly..but hey, I had had Vader for god's sakes.
but yeah, the AKI games were the best playing wrestling games....WCW World Tour was a start of something special.....I can't tell you how much time me and my friends played that game.
I know I'm not well known, a staff writer, or anything like that. But i just want to say that I've seen a few "professional" reviews that are docking this game some serious points just for the depth and complexity that they're apparently too time crunched or lazy to learn.
I can't speak for everyone, but the SvR series is so painfully easy that it literally takes any and all fun out of the game since after you learn the CPU's timing it's impossible to lose a 1 on 1 match after an hour, no matter the difficulty.
On the flip side, Super Street Fighter IV is the most complex game I've ever played. Just doing a FADC (Forward Attack Dash Cancel) takes most people weeks, if not months to learn. You can mash buttons and jump around at the lower levels of play, but if you ever want to be proficient online, you need to learn the ins and outs of the game. Because at high levels of play, those aforementioned FADCs are one of the most widely used moves in the tournaments.
This game is absolutely more difficult than SvR and much less complex than SSFIV. You can play this game however you want to. But if there's ever high level tournaments, you're going to need to learn all the reversal timings and combos. But if you want to play it as a wrestling game, you can do that too.
The fact that it's difficult should absolutely not take anything away from this game, be it review points or potential buyers. It's fun for ALL levels. It's just that if you want to be "great" at the game, you're going to need to learn the ins and outs, much like a high level fighting game, which is, let's not forget please, what this game is. It's SvR and Street Fighter having a baby, and fortunately, the baby was born in perfect health. I just can't imagine disparaging or knocking a game because it's too challenging for me. If anything, complexity adds to the games longevity. Who wants to be able to completely master a game in 10 minutes? How is that fun? Isn't that why most people don't really like SvR all that much? The CPU never adjusts their timing and you can reverse Every. Single. Move.
If you're the type of person that plays NBA 2k11 and makes trades so that your Miami Heat team adds Steve Nash at the point and Dwight Howard at center, then you probably will hate how complex this game is on the higher levels of difficulty and online against a good opponent. But don't knock the games challenge because it's lost on you for whatever reason. If the reversal system wasn't as it is, this game wouldn't be nearly as fun. The fact that you have the tools at your disposal to make a comeback, reverse a finisher as you're about to be KO'd, and have an advantage playing against others who don't want to put the time in to learn the full game, should be looked at as a wonderful creative decision.
I'm about 60 matches in and I've gotten the hell beat out of me at least 2 dozen times. That's why I'm at my 60th match, had I won the first 30 with full health remaining, I'd probably go trade it back in at Gamestop. Just don't knock the game because of it's technical aspects. It's like saying Bret Hart is a crappy wrestler because his moves are too complex to understand. Difficulty in sports and/or fighting games is always a good thing. Depending on your age, you know for a fact that having an undefeated season and winning whatever championship gets old real quick. This is a fighting game in a wrestlers body, all the classic stars you know and love mixed with the guys that are currently out there. You get all the signature and finishing moves that you used to cheer for with all of the high octane matches of Street Fighter IV.
Complexity is a good thing, but I understand it isn't for everyone. This game enables you to play however you want, though. If it's too hard to follow, bump the difficulty down. If you're getting smoked online, only play friends. Or you can do what a lot of us do, practice, get better, and allow yourself to become immersed in what should be widely considered by far the best, most fun wrestling game since No Mercy.
DoctorWho said:Saw this post by tcrews at OperationSports and had to share:
This got me really excited.
Deadlock said:Just ordered this on and it comes with a free Smackdown vs Raw 2011 for free.
It's used to taunt.gutter_trash said:is there are control scheme for the d-pad?
El_TigroX said:It's used to taunt.
And you could use the box to hold your spit in.DoctorWho said:This will make a great coaster for your beer while you play All Stars.
I think any reviewer that rates SvR11 higher than All Stars is going to have their gamer card revoked.I know I'm not well known, a staff writer, or anything like that. But i just want to say that I've seen a few "professional" reviews that are docking this game some serious points just for the depth and complexity that they're apparently too time crunched or lazy to learn.
and there was an arcade stick at EB Games for this..DoctorWho said:He's talking about the specialty controlers that were released today without analoge sticks. It's a good question. I'm not sure how the controls are mapped for it.
DoctorWho said:He's talking about the specialty controlers that were released today without analoge sticks. It's a good question. I'm not sure how the controls are mapped for it.
I don't see how you would be able to use more than one at a time, unless I'm missing something.DrDogg said:Both the BrawlPad and BrawlStick have a toggle that allows you to change the dpad (BrawlPad) and stick (BrawlStick) to function as a Left Analog, Right Analog or dpad. There's also an option to hold the Back/Select button for 2 seconds to change the function to the Right Analog stick so you don't have to mess with the toggle.
- The Left Analog is used for general movement and attack directions.
- The Right Analog is used to change your grapple or to select a different opponent in matches with 3 or 4 wrestlers.
- The dpad is strictly limited to taunts, but 5 taunts fills your finisher meter so it has some importance.
SapientWolf said:I don't see how you would be able to use more than one at a time, unless I'm missing something.
canadian crowe said:Has anybody figured out how to chain wrestle yet?
This game needs an in game move list to be perfect.
You really do need a guide for this game. I know there is a way to do a grapple and then a top rope finisher, but I can't figure it out. I also don't know how to springboard off the ropes.Chrange said:No, but I had that bastard Hart do a five move chain on me. That was the first I knew that there even was chain wrestling in it lol
There is a guide. Dr Dogg actually wrote it and based on the free preview THQ posted, it's really handy.eggybob said:Is there a strategy guide for this? If there is, does anyone have it and is it any good?
Toys R Us has the $10 credit for the Wrestlemania 27 PPV.lessthananth725 said:Is it Toys r Us or K-Mart giving away a $10 or $15 Wrestlemania credit with the purchase of All Stars?
SapientWolf said:I don't see how you would be able to use more than one at a time, unless I'm missing something.
canadian crowe said:Has anybody figured out how to chain wrestle yet?
This game needs an in game move list to be perfect.
canadian crowe said:You really do need a guide for this game. I know there is a way to do a grapple and then a top rope finisher, but I can't figure it out. I also don't know how to springboard off the ropes.
eggybob said:Is there a strategy guide for this? If there is, does anyone have it and is it any good?