I want heel Cena to be like Dick Superman, where his version of evil is just causing general mischief and pranks.
I want heel Cena to be like Dick Superman, where his version of evil is just causing general mischief and pranks.
Well the stories bit is kinda part of what I'm talking about. Outside of Austin/Mcmahon/Rock there really wasn't much there. The DX stuff alone makes me cringe everytime it comes up. The Corporate Ministry is one of the dumbest angles in the history of Wrestling (reveal aside). A lot of the angles involved so much bad toilet humor it's really hard to look back at it now and think "this was great". I think South Park had more influence on the WWF at the time than they are probably willing to admit (despite the oddities...ugh).
When you start breaking down the WWF roster, what their gimmicks and storylines were, it looks even worse. Ho' Train? We Want Head? Val Venis? Triple H doing all kinds of things that would land any regular person in jail and on some kind of watchlist upon release?...so many of their storylines relied solely on shock value.
WWF built Stone Cold by having him beat Vince with a bedpan, drive ridiculous vehicles into the arena to do stuff, and have him talk all kinds of obscenities in the ring. Not to shortchange SC tho, he's one of the best, ever. WCW built Goldberg by having him be a bad motherfucker who handled his shit in the ring and that's pretty much it. He was insanely over because of it. They went with the "sport" aspect of wrestling and let this guy do all of his talking in the ring. That was the difference between the 2 companies at the time, imo.
And then you had guys like Jericho and Malenko. Legends. Malenko couldn't cut a promo for his life, but he was so damn awesome in the ring that him and Jericho were able to have an awesome feud, based around....wrestling! Where the hell is that with Brock Lesnar and CM P- oh, wait...
Where'd they go?
I have a better candidate fellaI want heel Cena to be like Dick Superman, where his version of evil is just causing general mischief and pranks.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCLIztOXf4Q - CM Punk vs WWE (Cena/Vince). The biggest promos ever devised based on facts.
And it's not like Hogan turned heel, freshening up his act and drawing lots of money or anything.Guys, Cena is never turning heel. At least not anytime in the near future. He is this generations Hulk Hogan and in ten years, jaded 20 year olds will talk about how the current day WWE sucks and it was so much better in the days of John Cena, Randy Orton, and CM Punk!
No one argues that WWF was better in the ring than WCW during that period. No one ever. At best, you'll get "WCW had excellent mid cards, but shitty main events, while WWF had shitty mid cards, and excellent main events". Everyone everywhere acknowledges that WCW had a much better in ring product and roster during 1996-1999. WWF didn't blow up because of great wrestling, but because of good characters and stories. And then WCW let their mid card go to shit, kept the shitty main events, and went on a steady decline from Summer of 1999 on. Once they lost Eddie/Dean/Saturn/Jericho/Benoit, there was really no reason to watch WCW except for the train wreck aspect. You can't have shitty characters and shitty wrestlers and expect to compete no matter how much money is behind you.
WCW had almost no compelling stories after Starrcade 1997. In 1998, they had Dean vs Jericho, a few weeks of Flair vs Bischoff, and Raven vs DDP vs Benoit. Goldberg had his big rise, won the title, and then had no angle until October. The NWO shit continued, the split was terrible. 1999 had Horsemen vs Rey/Kidman vs Raven/Saturn and the first few months of the hardcore division. Anything after that was enjoyable only on the basis of how stupid it was. Trust me on this, I know. There were some stand outs like Ric Flair being bonkers all during 1999, Kanyon in 2000, but WCW really had no company carrying stories after Starrcade 1997.
I am just wondering, is there any wrestling organization that actually has a chance at competing with WWE right now or in the near future? That's been the biggest problem with wrestling over the last decade.
Nope. Someone will come in here and start listing off Japan feds or something, but as far as domestic market, no way. Those days are long gone.
The only way another fed has a chance is if they have the unwavering support of a billion dollar company behind it and that just isnt going to happen.
That's awful.
So it would basically take another Ted Turner to give a fed a chance. It is too bad that Ted didn't buy out another fed after being disappointed at what happened with WCW.
And it's not like Hogan turned heel, freshening up his act and drawing lots of money or anything.
Guys, Cena is never turning heel. At least not anytime in the near future. He is this generations Hulk Hogan and in ten years, jaded 20 year olds will talk about how the current day WWE sucks and it was so much better in the days of John Cena, Randy Orton, and CM Punk!
I'm just hoping beyond hopes that Punk shows up at March ROH show in Chicago! How awesome would that be?! If anyone wants to go as a Gaf group let me know before March.
I disagree. A heel Cena acting like a complete asshole, burying our favourite wrestlers as he dominates the title scene is how it should be. If he's gonna be an unstoppable superpower, he should be a heel. No-one couldn't respond favourably to that.Except Cena is already the biggest Heel in the world with the character he currently has to adults. If they actually turned him Heel, they would probably change his character, and it would result in adults still not caring, and kids hating him. Is that really worth destroying all the merchandise sales and good company PR he provides?
The man doesn't sleep god damn itYou guys are too hard on Vince. This job isn't easy.
If Vince isn't able to work something out with Punk, which I think will actually happen and much sooner rather than later, my money is on Jarrett going after him STRONG to be their top star if he does in fact have plans to start up a new company later this year.
If Vince isn't able to work something out with Punk, which I think will actually happen and much sooner rather than later, my money is on Jarrett going after him STRONG to be their top star if he does in fact have plans to start up a new company later this year.
I wonder if WWE would reshoot any of the WWE Network stuff if he doesn't go back to them soon. I hear he was one of the most prominent speakers that they had talking about various things on their various new shows that they are going to air.
All I have to say is that 1997 was the GOAT year for all 3. WWF/WCW/ECW.
Many people love 1998 with the rise of Austin and the NWO split, but that was all watered down from 97.
WWF in 97 felt very dark and gritty at the time.
-Vader in Kuwait
-Signing Shamrock
-Hart turning heel
-Austin being a complete bad ass mofo
-Pillman with the gun
-Nation vs Ahmed Johnson
-Goldust's "coming out"
-Mankind's entire angle
-Kanes build up and reveal
-Degeneration X (Not the watered down goofballs)
-Gang warfare with NoD, DoA & Bariquas
-ECW Invasion
-HBK obviously ducking Bret Hart with the knee injury
-Jim Ross bringing in Fake Diesel & Razor
-Jim Cornett shooting on WWF about how they were fucking up about Nash and Hall leaving.
Man I loved 1997 WWF
All this while the nWo angle was the hottest thing in WCW at the time.
I'll never understand why WWE doesn't capitalize and sometimes sabotages wrestlers who start to get hot with the fans. They're always looking for the next big thing, but when it happens they don't know what to do with it.
It's like Jericho in WCW, he was getting the biggest pop of the night while being a heel in a pointless middle-of-Nitro match with no bearing on the main storyline. Their response was to do nothing with it, and letting him out of his contract.
Bolds happened in 1996.
Vince has a very clear idea of what the ideal WWE star should look like in his mind. If a wrestler does not fit that mold, he has very little confidence that the person will be bankable over the long term and thus never pulls the trigger to put them in the main event scene until he has no choice but to do so.
Had no idea that the Pillman gun thing was 96. The end of 96 blended so well with 97 it seems. From what I remember WWF was in New Generation era at the start of 96. I really can't wait for a refresher when the network launches to get an exact pin point on when WWF started getting gritty. If I had to guess it would be about KotR 96 with Austin.
^ this, and the weird fascination with repackaging guys with a WWE moveset and a WWE persona. I know a lot of it is tied to merchandising and trademarks or whatever, but sometimes it doesn't make sense. Like if they hired Bish to be there, let him be Bish. Don't repackage him into a guy called Gulliver McJones and take away his banstick, that's just stupid.
I want to see El Generico. What is a Sami Zayn? Who even comes up with a name like that? Just so they can go "we got you over as Sami Zayn", when he could get over on his own? So weird.
All I have to say is that 1997 was the GOAT year for all 3. WWF/WCW/ECW.
Many people love 1998 with the rise of Austin and the NWO split, but that was all watered down from 97.
WWF in 97 felt very dark and gritty at the time.
-Vader in Kuwait
-Signing Shamrock
-Hart turning heel
-Austin being a complete bad ass mofo
-Pillman with the gun
-Nation vs Ahmed Johnson
-Goldust's "coming out"
-Mankind's entire angle
-Kanes build up and reveal
-Degeneration X (Not the watered down goofballs)
-Gang warfare with NoD, DoA & Bariquas
-ECW Invasion
-HBK obviously ducking Bret Hart with the knee injury
-Jim Ross bringing in Fake Diesel & Razor
-Jim Cornett shooting on WWF about how they were fucking up about Nash and Hall leaving.
Man I loved 1997 WWF
All this while the nWo angle was the hottest thing in WCW at the time.
The repackaging is so they don't have to pay licensing rights, and possibly have to deal with a wrestler leaving and taking a gimmick that in the E's mind was established in the WWE to another federation.
Dont Forget the Rise of MAX MINI
God how i loved masked midget matches right then.
Sorry for my hand writing, I am a journalist so I write really fast basically to get main points down.
Sorry for my hand writing, I am a journalist so I write really fast basically to get main points down.
I got as far as Taker wrestling on a Raw before WM and stopped. Come on son.
Also, write slower. Are you trying to throw a handwriting analyst off your trail?
That's for work, this is for fun!
WCW was dead when they totally fucked up Starrcade '97, they just didn't realize it at the time.
As you well know, it wasn't just the main event ending that was botched, it was practically every match on the card. In what should have been the end of the nWo angle in which it was finally vanquished, the nWo came out looking stronger than it looked going in.
I see you've already covered this.
LOL! Noooooo, I have to write fast or else I will lose all thought and interest to be honest.
You remember the guy from "Heroes" who went into a blind rage when painting? Well that's pretty much how I am. You don't have to finish reading it.
Ric Flair put Randy Savage over. Hogan put Goldberg over. Andre put Hogan over. Rock put Austin over. Hell, Rock put HOGAN over. If he's not going to take a clean L to Bryan or Punk at WM, what was the point of the past year?
I did finish, because I'm a nice guy. I never watched Heroes, though.
Right, Trips has never put anyone over.I think the takeaway from the nWo/Corporate Ministry eras is that you can tease your fans for months on end, but you eventually have to deal with the blue balls and put the good guys over and dissolve the mega-factions. The Rock turned face just in time before the corporation angle got soggy.
HHH and Steph screwing people over is nice for heat, but eventually, he's got to get that ass whupping he deserves. They blew a chance with Jericho at the peak of his popularity when he first joined the company, also going against HHH.
Ric Flair put Randy Savage over. Hogan put Goldberg over. Andre put Hogan over. Rock put Austin over. Hell, Rock put HOGAN over. If he's not going to take a clean L to Bryan or Punk at WM, what was the point of the past year?
Sorry for my hand writing, I am a journalist so I write really fast basically to get main points down.
I'm confused or I do not have the whole picture. Are these notes your thoughts on what you think the WWE storyline should be from now till SummerSlam, or these are your real notes from the WWE meeting? I have no idea, so I'd like to get more info before I provide you with my opinion.